

  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 586 Member
    Hey, guys! I’ve been researching and finally just ordered the BEST natural supplements. I seriously can’t wait to get started! These products have helped my friend Darleen with her tummy/bathroom issues, weight loss, low energy levels, blood sugar levels, cravings and so much more! I know myself all too well… I need some peeps to do this with me to keep me consistent. Who’s in?

    PS. If this shouldn't be here, let me know and I'll remove it. Miss you guys! Beach trip in a few days!
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Daily Check In: Tuesday
    Food: Pre-logged, changed up dinner at the last minute to a steamed artichoke and a leftover grilled chicken thigh as I didn't feel like cooking an entire dinner
    Water: Great
    Exercise & steps: 6 mile hike with the dogs; 21,456 steps

    The scale has been generous this week but tomorrow is weigh in day so I'll see if its going to be fickle. I'm caring for my momentum like a fragile egg afraid to drop it and have it break, actively pushing aside negative thoughts. Its a process, for sure. We are our own worse critics. Its still hot here and not cooling off much at night so I shortened my hike a little bit. I didn't really want to go in the heat but I had written it down in my calendar and told my husband that was my plan... not to mention the dogs knew, of course. I couldn't let them down LOL. It felt great to get out after what seems like such a long period not hiking. Garden is popping with all the hot weather. Just washed a ton of basil and am about to make several batches of pesto for the freezer. Happy Hump Day everyone!

    @carlsoda I was wondering the other day if you are doing Whole30 into August or was it just July? Is it hard to transition out of it? Hope you're not coming down with something.

    @Mrsbell8well I just saw an alfredo recipe that uses white beans...??? Blew my mind! I was thinking about trying it. I love alfredo but not the calories and fat. Do you have a recipe you like?

    @cyndiesstuff I got nothin' as far as advice. I just hope if she truly is a good friend she appreciates your journey to wellness. Its not like you're pushing your ways onto her.

    @Zumba_Luvah Ha... that sounds perfect. I have zero skills in the dancing department although I envision I do!

    @timibotkin What a lot you have had to deal with all at once! Sending healing energy and hugs your way. Hope the worst is past. Stay strong Timi!
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    Happy Wednesday everyone. I just got home from work and I’m driving to Port Huron Michigan for a 2 hour boat cruise with some friends.
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    check in for Tuesday
    Food: not too much, but not the best choices
    Water: plenty
    Exercise: 2 walks
    Steps: 11,349

    We got back from camping on Monday and not only I did not gain, I lost a quarter of a pound.

  • phoebe112476
    phoebe112476 Posts: 269 Member
    Tuesday (sorry I missed the post yesterday!)
    Week 1
    PW: 164.1
    CW: 163.4
  • Julie8468
    Julie8468 Posts: 151 Member
    Anyone else wondering how @cyndiesstuff is doing? Hope the evening out for dinner with a friend went ok.

  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    Daily log in for: Weds Aug 7
    Logged: yes, under!
    Water: ugh not enough
    Exercise: Did Day 7 of my Ab Challenge, walked 30 mins to an off-site meeting rather than taking an Uber
    Steps: 13,315
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Check in for Wednesday
    Logged: yes and under
    Water: 10+cups
    Exercise: 55 min brisk walk, 65 minutes biking, 15 bum exercises, plank challenge

  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    User Name: Cyndiesstuff
    Week Number: Week 1
    Previous weight: 154.5
    Current weight: 154
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Check in for Wednesday
    Food: on plan
    Water: 50 oz
    Exercise: 50 min walk
    Steps: 9535

    well i didn't quite get 10k steps but yesterday was a success!! work was good. and are you ready for this? i stuck to my plan when i went out. i drank water, had a beautiful arugula salad with a lemon dressing for a starter. I had none of the bread. i had a yummy grilled salmon, on a bed of spinach, sweet potato, and tomato with a drizzle of this devine balsamic reduction. mmmmmmm. total calories for the meal 680. my friend has gained even more weight. she brought it up. she had all kinds of excuses for the gain. i just told her none of that matters. quit looking in the past. what can you do today. i told her about the podcasts and i told her when she was serious to let me know and i would help if i could.

    @Mrsbell8well at dinner i kept you in the front of my mind. you said, " you really don't want that, eat that beautiful salad" i needed to show you a loss today! and i was successful. thanks for the continued inspiration. and i think people with addictive personalities are many times loners. i am the same. i don't have a whole lot of trust in people. that is why i wish we were closer. i think we are like minded birds!!!

    @carlsoda i did great, i took your advise and i never shut up!! she is the one that brought up weight loss. she asked if i was having a drink and i told her no. she asked why not? i told her that i didn't want one. it worked just that simple. and i think your brain is rebelling. like, hey..... this is not what we normally do.... whats going on? just eat a carb, thats what we always do. try learning to sit with the feeling instead of giving in. talk to yourself. use your self soothing techniques. i know it's hard, but the more you tell that part of your brain no, the easier it will become.

    @timibotkin wow i am so sorry for your struggles. life can really get difficult. but you Timi can beat this. you get your doctors ok and lets get rolling. maybe a change in perspective is just what you need right now for a distraction. we are here for you. thanks for coming back and sharing.

    @Zumba_Luvah i was going to yesterday and then my day just blew up on me!! i loved it, don't get me wrong. but there was no time for anything extra yesterday. i am going to try to get there today.

    @Barbb1557 ohhhhh yeah!! look at you go! that is fantasitic. your hard work is showing. do you like your new trainer? sounds like he worked you hard. the new you thanks you for showing up for her!!

    @amsandos i really was laughing out loud when i was reading your advise. i at first did know where you were going with the tubs. but, lol, that would have been a sight. here i am sneaking food in my purse and the friend comes back and catches me in the act. my eyes round as saucers. my hubby and i went to an all you could eat fish dinner and he wanted me to bring my big hand bag with zip lock bags inside it. then load fish into them. i told him i was not going to participate but if he wanted he could borrow my purse!! and good job not eating the biscuits, but did you journal about why you ate the candy. take some time with that. thats where your answer is.

    @CassieGetsFit2013 i am really happy your excited about your new path. i am not to into weight loss supplements. but if they help you get on track and they don't cause you any harm, i think they are a fine tool in your weight loss journey. but it can't be your only tool. you need to incorporate healthy eating and daily activity. like your beach trip!! good job cassie.

    @nstephenson01 mmmmm pesto! i love the smell of basil. i pick it and bring it in and put it in a vase on my kitchen counter with some water and it keeps fresh for days. good job at getting back your momentum. it is fragile in the beginning. but the more you stick to it the stronger it will get. i love artichokes too!!

    @lennoncpa i have been on that cruise in port huron, it is lots of fun. and yesterday was such a beautiful day for it. hope you outing was lovely.

    @hope002 ooooooh yea! losing weight while camping. now your showing me. good job!! keep that up. the new you thanks you.

    @phoebe112476 lovely half pound loss. you continue to amaze me with your consistency. i am going to channel my inner phoebe today and stick to my plan.

    @Julie8468 it actually went way better than expected. i got myself all worked up for nothing. which is my true fat girl thinking in action. the hardest part was the bread basket. i know i can have bread but it is one of my trigger foods. so i just kept telling myself, "it's ok cyndie, you can have bread another day. tonight the salad is what we have planned for an appetizer. it is beautiful and delicious" and yes i was really saying that to myself. i am retraining my brain, one day, one meal, one moment at a time! yayayayay me. i did it!!

    @twyla77 ooooh girl what a great day for you. good job.

    @amsandos being tired and eating is tough. your brain says food will give you energy. and you have little energy to stay strong. just remember that it won't fix your problem, it will only make you feel worse. just make it thru the day. and early to bed. you got this girl. maybe put some tubs in your purse. ohhhh wait... that probably won't help. lol. just remember "its not for you" and move on!!

  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Yesterday was a good eating day. Light breakfast, no snacks. Yummy pinto beans dad made for dinner. We made a simple salad to go with it. After dinner I was so tired. But I wanted a little something more. As I was thinking about my options, Molly said no. Let’s not. Good call. Went to bed perfectly satisfied. I so appreciate her support.
    @nstephenson01. Yes I have a fabulous garlic Alfredo vegan recipe. I will post later. It uses white onion, cashews and nutritional yeast. Super delicious.
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @Mrsbell8well how was your weigh in yesterday?
  • Moarrein
    Moarrein Posts: 3,128 Member
    Check in for Wednesday
    Food: logged and a lot over
    Water: lots
    Exercise: 60 min walk
    Steps: 8614

    I messed up yesterday. I was having fever and feeling awful before bed. So I had lots of sweet. I still feel sick and feverish but there's almost no sinful food left at home so I hope I'll stay on track today.
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Week 1
    PW: 170
    CW: 165.4
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,418 Member
    Happy Thursday...we are almost done with the week!

    Yesterday was another day not on plan but also interesting. (Today I am still shaky but starting to feel in control again). So what was interesting is my craving which I had ALL freakin' day. Peanut Butter and toast. Why would I be craving something like that - then it hit me it's likely either the fat I needed or some nutrient. I was getting my craving mixed up with reeses peanut butter cups, but that wasn't what I was craving. I really didn't want the sugar. So next step is to make some lower carb bread and I can toast it and have some natural unsweetened peanut butter on it. It's crazy how muddled our brains can get. But once I realized what it was I new it I was on the right path! Yeah yeah yeah, I'm weird :) and nothing to see here...moving right along :)

    @timibotkin – welcome back. Boy you have been through hell and back again and you’re almost done with all these darn treatments. I am a survivor – 3 years ago but luckily I caught it early and didn’t need chemo. Just lumpectomy and radiation. Reminder to everyone…do your monthly self-check and any lump get in and have it checked out. Don’t wait!! The radiation will likely make you very very tired, so be kind to yourself and get lots of rest and sleep at night!

    @amsandos – funny I don’t like the cheese on it. I just feel like its too much! But then again I grew up in Southern Ontario not in Quebec!! Sounds like a good plan for today! Yum, I love egg salad, haven’t had it in a long time! Maybe I’ll have it tomorrow for breakfast!

    @nstephenson01 – nope not doing whole30 right now. I was eating more lower carb (carbs mainly from fruits and veg) and good for you to get out in the heat. I usually chicken out 😊 I love it HOT but as long as I don’t have to exercise!!

    @lennoncpa – hope the boat cruise was great! Port Huron is a great little city! Used to go there shopping all the time!

    @cyndiesstuff – great job last night!!!!

    @sleepymom5 – HI! Hope you are having a fun week!!

  • lenka1
    lenka1 Posts: 295 Member
    edited August 2019
    Thank you!!! <3

    I’ll peek in here more often once the school starts to see how you guys are doing! Good luck :) and I’ll be back next year :)

    And @cyndiesstuff don’t worry I’m not giving up on healthy habits!! If something I’m gonna be getting even more healthy! Now when I’m responsible for 2 ;) Since I have found out I have eaten the healthiest I did in past months :) Very motivating.

    To all new members:

    I learnt a lot here, struggled and seen other people struggle through the year - but that’s life. It’s not easy nor perfect. The key is never give up even if you have to start over 1000x times. I love this group and it’s an amazing help for everyone who needs support on their journeys. You are lucky to be a part of WNM team Bc there’s never any drama or judging - just love and support! You can do it and lose that damn weight. You really can.

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