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  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    daily check in

    3rd in a row go me!

    food had an extra cheese and crackers. I was hugry and tracked it other wise on target
    water on target possibly over
    exercise tri club swim session
    sleep bed at 11but dad a period of wakeful wakefulness followed by a stress dream.

    Oh I did lick some cake frosting but I stopped there felt very proud of myself control.
  • Barbb1557
    Barbb1557 Posts: 111 Member
    Checking in
    Good morning everyone, this is a big day for me. Early start. I was below calories yedterday, but higher in fat. The high fat foods were olive oil, used it to saute onions and cook egg with shredded cheese and Frank's Hot Sauce for breakfast. I also had a Tbsp of almond butter on half an English muffin and shredded cheese melted in half an English muffin
    I tried to work hard adding a second coat of stain to the deck, but melted in the heat. When I went out for round two I did as much as I could but was bone tired. I had to carry the four swivel iron chairs up to the deck, ouch. My lower back is not happy today.
    I get a monovisc shot in my knee today and then attend my first 'pre diabetes' course at the YMCA. I am very excited to have another point of accountability.
    My last update is the best, I was invited yesterday along with my two friends to spend a vacation with our kids in Watkins Glen NY next July. That is another huge impetus to stay on track and lose weight over the next 9 1/2 months.

    @sleepymom5 I love pretty shoes and cannot wait to lose 80 more pounds and wear heels again. Great call for the sparkly shoes, you can always bring comfier shoes for the dancing.

    @lennoncpa I too eat the same things quite often. My friend jokes that she can always order for me because i am such a creature of habit.
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Happy to see the scale move in the right direction. Been a busy couple of days. Finally got all the firewood stacked in our 2 wood sheds. Made it to yoga yesterday... it was a substitute teacher that I don't particularly care for but I needed to move and stretch my body. A little sore today but in a good way so I'm glad I stayed and stuck it out. Back on track with my eating (more fruit and veggies, less carbs) the past couple of days but not logging consistently. Had the sprinklers winterized yesterday and naturally the guy didn't show up until after 5. It was a long day and I was pretty tired so I wanted something quick for dinner but salad was the plan so that's what I had. I'm happy I stuck with my plan even though my mind was trying to talk me out of it. Rain is in the forecast this afternoon and frankly I'm happy for the break from outside chores. I harvested all that was left in the garden yesterday... peppers, tomatoes & squash. Now I just have to figure out what I'm going to do with all of it!

    As for the self-care challenge, establishing a consistent sleep schedule has been a rocky journey but I'm working on it.

    @carlsoda Good luck with the move. I'll miss you & your humor! Hope you continue to check in. Oh and I wanted to mention... our internet is provided through our land line provider. Its dial-up... not the swiftest but handles routine stuff. Maybe that's an option for you.

    @sleepymom5 thanks for reminding me about my cookbooks LOL. I have a bad habit of reading them when I first get them and then putting them up. I dug a couple out and am going to look for a few new recipes to try. Maybe something in the slow-cooker so I have a hot meal ready after a long day.

    The weekend is almost here. What's everyone planning to make it a successful one? Let's finish September strong!!

  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Tuesday check in

    Food - logged & on track
    Water 2 l
    Exercise - 60 minutes circuit training & 60 minutes walking

    Really busy day yesterday. My extra walking was not planned but I had things to do with and for the kids. My physio appointment went well and she did some pretty intense acupuncture and stretches with me. I am about 90% there and have moved appointments to every 3 weeks. I have to work on strengthening the right leg in particular and take care not to reinjure. The plan is to lose more weight, and build more strength/muscle/flexibility. So no running, but more circuit training, more stationary bike, some yoga and some walking. That is plan until the end of the year and I will then revisit with my doctor is I am not at 100%. My experimenting with IF continues (14:10, the odd 24 hour fast). For me, it seems to have helped me with getting back to what my natural appetite really is, and understanding my real hunger vs other types of eating. I did not know this until yesterday, but MFP has diary entries for IF!

    @nstephenson01 - Nice loss and great day yesterday! Your harvest sounds delicious! Do you do any canning (peppers, tomoatoes)? I used to do a lot with my mom but have tapered off in the past few years. Would like to start up again.

    @carlsoda - Love your story about the fire drill! There are always the stragglers, and love how you handled it! Great day yesterday & you deserved that cookie!

    @sleepymom5 - Oh, I am so sorry about what your friends are going through. You have to just provide the support that you can (and are comfortable with) and that is all you can do. Going to a funeral is also not an easy thing to do, so yes, try to incorporate some self care when you can today. Good day yesterday, btw. And yes, Canadian Thanksgiving is always the second weekend in October and not at all linked to the Christmas season, like in the US (although we partake in Black Friday shopping!). Being a cold country, most Canadian farms are finished harvesting by early October. It is “warmer” here in southern Ontario, so the harvest goes a little longer.

    @barbb_1557 - Looks like those fats were healthy ones yesterday. You are a trooper with that deck and it is fantastic that you are doing that course at the YMCA!

    @amsandos - Another great day yesterday! Having only licked some frosting and stopping there is an accomplishment!!
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    I just sat down to read my new Readers Digest magazine and the cover story is “20 foods that heal “must eats“ from experts”. So I sit down and start to read the magazine opening up to that story and the first food listed is Mixed Nuts!! Now some of you may recall that I have a terrible addiction to mixed nuts and had to give them up because I cannot eat those in moderation. I can’t even buy a small pack of them. It’s an all or nothing thing with me. So when I see that in the article about healthy foods that are “must eats” from the experts my first thought is “oh that’s all I need is an excuse to go buy myself a big can of nuts“. So I had a good laugh about that one. I actually have not given up nuts 100% I should say I have just given up buying nuts. So if I am at someone’s house and they happen to have nuts out, I will help myself. If I am at a salad bar that has nuts that I can sprinkle on my salad, I do that also.

    @Barbb1557 I love that you have a vacation goal in July. I too like things to motivate me to keep on track.

    @amsandos there is no way I could just take one lick of frosting. Good for you!!!

    @sleepymom5 our thought processes are so complicated. Who knows why I make a decision to eat certain foods? you know what I mean!!

    @carlsoda that is so funny that you get a food treat reward for a fire drill!!

  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    Didn't eat much yesterday. Had to take the youngest to a sports medicine specialist for concussion protocol and got my own migraine too.
    But today is a new day.
    Had a cereal bar for breakfast and a salad for lunch. Just had a handful of cashews and a pickle spear as a snack and plan to walk later when I get the kid to practice. (He's just there to watch. Not cleared yet.)

    Hope everyone is going strong into the weekend!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,256 Member
    lennoncpa wrote: »
    I just sat down to read my new Readers Digest magazine and the cover story is “20 foods that heal “must eats“ from experts”. So I sit down and start to read the magazine opening up to that story and the first food listed is Mixed Nuts!! Now some of you may recall that I have a terrible addiction to mixed nuts and had to give them up because I cannot eat those in moderation. I can’t even buy a small pack of them. It’s an all or nothing thing with me. So when I see that in the article about healthy foods that are “must eats” from the experts my first thought is “oh that’s all I need is an excuse to go buy myself a big can of nuts“. So I had a good laugh about that one. I actually have not given up nuts 100% I should say I have just given up buying nuts. So if I am at someone’s house and they happen to have nuts out, I will help myself. If I am at a salad bar that has nuts that I can sprinkle on my salad, I do that also.

    Ah, my nutty friend! I have a tricky relationship with nuts too. The best way I have found to deal with them: for breakfast every day, I have fresh fruit in plain yogurt (home made, non-fat, extra milk solids for extra protein), with exactly 8 almonds or 2 T. walnuts or pecans. NO MORE. NO LESS. And that is it for nuts for the day. My doctor suggested years ago to be sure to have PAWS every day - pecans, almonds, OR walnuts. But not too much...
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,113 Member
    Week 4
    Pw 189
    Cw 190
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Another long fulfilling day. I will catch up soon.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,468 Member
    @carlsoda Lol! You crack me up too! Lucy is not going to be happy tonight, first the inspectors not the vet Lol! Tell her things will settle down soon. Like I said before, I am super impressed how well you are doing with everything going on. Keep it up!
    @nstephenson01 You have such busy and productive days! I can't believe it is already time for the final harvest from your garden. It seems like you just planted everything! Where did the summer (and September go?) Great job sticking to your plan and having your salad. I know after physical work like you have been doing I always want comfort type food. I am not sure if I missed it with being off of but how is your dog doing? I think it was Willow wasn't well last week or the week before? Hope she/he is doing ok now.
    @Cafelelia Sounds like a good plan for your leg. I am glad the appointments have been moved to every 3 weeks. It just takes time I guess, I want to see results so quickly lol! But I guess recovering from an injury and strengthening the muscles take time. You already have a good start with the weight loss, you had an awesome September! Also, now it totally makes sense about Thanksgiving being earlier than ours. What are your plans?
    @lennoncpa I knew nuts are good for you but I am like you, I can't have them in the house. I am ok with the portion control packs.
    @Gingerpwr I hope your son is ok. Those concussions can hang on for a while. My daughter got one cheerleading and missed a week from school. Hope he is feeling better soon. I am glad you are feeling better too. Migraines are awful!
    @ljdanny Don't let that discourage you. I have noticed that you seem to be getting your workouts in. If you have been eating on plan, don't worry about the gain, it could be anything. If you haven't been doing the best with eating, time to reign it in. I know you can do it!
    @Mrsbell8well Those are the best days! Have a good evening!
  • amytriesww
    amytriesww Posts: 91 Member
    Wednesday & Thursday Check in

    Water, Food, and Excercise: all good
    Steps: over 10,000 both days

    Having trouble sleeping because I'm worrying about my daughter. Thought I'd check in since I'm up. Nothing really exciting to share. I did start some weight training today. I'm already sore! I also did my first plank. Held it for 34 seconds which I'm going to call good for my weight! lol Man, planks are serious! In that 34 seconds, my heart rate went up to 130 and I broke out into a sweat- it was crazy. I'm hoping my "fl-abs" don't hurt in the morning!

    @sleepymom5 I'm sorry to hear about your friends. They're very lucky to have you. It's so very serious stuff- though it might not directly affect you, please still take care of yourself because situations like what you're having to deal with can really take a toll on you. I'll be thinking about you and your friends. I hope things work out the best that they can.

    @amsandos I have to commend you for not eating the frosting! That is some serious restraint! I would have been a goner at 1 lick! lol I love frosting- it's the best part of a cake!

    @Barbb1557 That trip sounds fun! How exciting! There no better motivation than having something like that to look forward to. Things like that keep me on track as well! I have a family get together in November with family coming in from multiple states that I haven't seen in 60 lbs! I'm hoping they're all surprised! lol

  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    daily check in for yesterday
    food on plan
    water on plan
    exercise 1 hour body pump
    sleep 7 hours
  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    boss standing over my shoulder. Right yesterday another good day. I got up this morning to run and I am ravenous. I have eaten of plan but a couple of ryvita and an apple. I have journalled looking forward to my hot chocolate and cake later.
  • Barbb1557
    Barbb1557 Posts: 111 Member
    Checking in

    I am so impressed with everyone on the team working through their personal challenges and still keeping food and exercise in check Bravo to all of you!
    You are incredible motivators for me.

    I received some scary news yesterday. While I was getting the shot in my knee, I spoke to my doctor about my hip and expected to hear about exercises. He asked me to return in 2 weeks for new hip xrays and spoke about my L4 disc that is problematic. My automatic response was, 'but I lift weights and I live alone, I will never have spinal fusion again.' He mentioned a shot would help, but I know back shots can be very problematic when you are on blood thinners.

    I am going to follow this groups lead and take time to focus on nutritional food and weight loss which will help my body regardless of what the future brings.
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    Username: lennoncpa
    Weigh in Week: week 4
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous weight: 137.4
    Today's weight: 138.0
    Weekly Steps: 80,950
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Thursday check in

    Food - Logged & part IF
    Water - 2 l
    Exercise - Circuit training

    Good day yesterday and my leg felt great after Wed physio. Another interesting result of the IF is that it cleared the psoriasis that I have on my arms around my elbows. I am going to continue experimenting with this into October

    @lennoncpa - Just a slight gain and it is likely the muscle you built from your weekend! Thanks for sharing the article about nuts. They do have healthy fats, protein etc. I have been chopping them and adding them by the tbsp to yogurt, salads etc.

    @Barbb1557 - So sorry about the news re your L4 disc. You are right and you should not let this hold you back from your goals. A healthy lifestyle and exercise can only help if there is an issue. I know it is hard to wait and have more tests, and sending you a hug and some positive, healing vibes!

    @amsandos - You are doing great! So nice to enjoy the hot chocolate & cake reward today!! Enjoy!

    @amytriesww - You are doing great, and you had a great September! Planks are not easy and way to go! I am really sorry about your daughter and hope that she is ok. My older boy was diagnosed with anxiety (gad) in the spring of this year. It took a while to get to that diagnosis as he had some physical symptoms too. He has responded really well to therapy and is doing better as of now. But I know as a parent, it is really hard and I had a number of sleepless nights about it. Sending you and her a big hug!

    @sleepymom5 - Hope that you are doing ok and that things are slowing down this weekend. Given how warm it has been here in Toronto, we will have a bbq for Cdn Thanksgiving! My husband will do the turkey in a smoker, and we have the same kind of foods that you have for U.S. Thanksgiving. As my family comes from Italy, we usually add in Italian foods as well, and my mother usually brings a ton of that food, including pizza, which she calls a “snack”.

    @Ljdanny - Just a small gain this week. Hope that you are doing well!

    @GingerPwr - Great week!! I hope that your son is ok. What sport does he play?
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