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  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @gingerpwr yes you can definitely hit your goal! I’m thinking of doing a week of logging as a reset. Your inspiring me.
    @Cafelelia I’m so impressed with your planning and progress. Great job on girls night out and planning for your next event. Impressive IF. Sounds like your family is feeling better too. I don’t know how parents manage when they have kids in sports and extra curricular activities. You seem very organized.
    @barbb1557 I love natural butters too. Really loving sunflower butter right now. Your doing great figuring things out. It is maddening when we have to depend on others for odds and ends like hoses. Hang in there. I appreciate your posts and having you as part of our team. And glad you slept.
    I woke at 3. My mind is buzzing with so much activity and interesting things in my life.
    Molly and I are gearing up for a 20 mile bike ride this morning. I’m making pumpkin pancakes for breakfast. (Definitely exciting) We decorated the home yesterday with all our fall decor. Very very busy day yesterday. So fulfilling. Tackled our budget for now until end of year. We have big expenses coming up and now we have a plan how to pay cash for everything.
    Very interesting opportunity may be opening up for me at work. A work associate just received a big promotion. We reconnected yesterday at gay pride. There is a possibility I could be considered for an exiting future opportunity that could include a promotion and a job relocation to Winston-Salem. Interesting how the universe works. I’m hanging loose and staying open.
    Took mom out to Thai dinner last night. I’m sure I ate too much. Came home, read Farmer Boy with Skylynn, we’re almost done, starting Anna of green gables next. We have been reading together for pretty much her whole life. Skylynn made the lemon cake for moms birthday. I had all the ingredients out and kept cleaning and organizing the living room and dining room while she baked. She has been cooking with me for 7 years. She will be 10 this December. She never had to ask me any questions. I was very proud of her and the cake was delicious!
    Have a great Sunday everyone! It’s going to be close to 90’s here today. 3 hours of pool time is on my calendar after our ride.
  • Navydaddjtc
    Navydaddjtc Posts: 4,166 Member
    WEEK 3 RESULTS FOR THE ki3owe2recw7.jpg

    TEAM % Weight No More 0.46%
    INDIVIDUAL % @CaydensMommy 2.27%
    TEAM LBS LOST Weight No More 20.1
    INDIVIDUAL LBS LOST @CaydensMommy 6.2

    AS A WHOLE WE LOST 37.9 POUNDS OR 0.15% !!


    1st Weight No More 0.46%
    2nd Trimstones 0.38%
    3rd Workout Warriors 0.34%

    1st Weight No More 20.1
    2nd Trimstones 15.8
    3rd Workout Warriors 15.2

    1st @CaydensMommy 2.27%
    2nd @Mulecanter 2.21%
    3rd @Angmarie28 2.19%


    1st @CaydensMommy 6.2
    2nd @amytriesww 4.7
    3rd. @Mulecanter 4.5


  • amytriesww
    amytriesww Posts: 91 Member
    Weigh in: Sunday
    Week 3
    PW: 234.8
    CW: 231.6

    I miss you guys!! I've been completely MIA this week. The husband is out of town (country, actually lol) so it's just me and my girl. Between that, all the cooking (my husband does a lot of the cooking normally! lol), and my school work, I am swamped. I still have 4 assignments due tonight by midnight. Ugh. I'll try to catch up on reading the thread once I finish my work.

    @Mrsbell8well Love the name for your new blog! You could actually reverse it too- Live Well with Mrs. Bell. I can't wait to read it!
  • Barbb1557
    Barbb1557 Posts: 111 Member
    Checking in

    Feeling a sense of accomplishment as I wait for the first coat of stain to dry on my deck. Lessons learned; take a picture or the old paint can when re-finishing or take the old can to the store even if the color is discontinued, snakes do not respond to screaming at them, and I can do this!!

    Thank God I am able to find humor in these tasks and not default to tears today:-)

    Yesterday was great with food. My friend's daughter made a Vegan soup with jalapenos, onions, garlic, coconut milk, some potatoes and spices and it was fabulous! We also had a salad and munchies with veggies, humus, cheese, and the new cracker/pretzel crackers. I only ate 2 of the pretzel crackers and passed on the cupcake, but stared at it all night long. I should have thanked the person who made them and asked if I could have moved it away from the table. Another lesson learned.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    We are in Week 4 and so much is going on this week!

    First of all, a big congratulations to the team! We came in 1st in the overall challenge for both %lost and lbs lost for week 3!! Hurray!!!!!

    A big congratulations to @amytriesww for coming in 2nd for lbs lost in the overall challenge!! Congrats also to @CassieGetsFit2013, @amytriesww & @jedaschultz for being in the honorable mentions!!

    Whether it was a good week or not so good week for everyone, we are all winners for being on this journey, which is ultimately about taking care of ourselves!

    And that leads into the challenge this week, which was devised by our brilliant @sleepymom5! It is all about self-care, and as Pam says, you can do what you like in the ways that support you! Would love to hear from everyone about how you are practicing self-care this week! I think my focus will be on quality sleep, good diet and carving out some time for me each day, which is probably one of my biggest challenges!

    @Barbb1557 - Sounds like you did great with the food last night! Good luck with the deck and hang in there!

    @amytriesww - Congratulations on another great loss this week, and that is with being super busy! Hope that you get the assignments in on time!

    @MrsBell8well - Very interesting that the job prospect came up at a time when you were thinking about your next move! I really do think the universe is always listening. Have fun on the bike ride today!

    @ihp2015 - You maintained this week and that is good!

    @kirsten11872 - Nice loss in week 3, way to go!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Check in for Saturday

    Calories - logged & over
    Water - 1.8l
    Exercise - 60 minutes of walking

    Well our party last night went well. I stuck to my plan, but went over by 200 calories, mainly because my husband decided to get some pizza and I had some. Other than that the only real challenge was that people stayed late and I did not get to sleep until 1:30 am. Thankfully, my husband handled morning hockey today and I am on clean up duty. Today is his actual birthday and we are taking him to his favorite restaurant tonight. He is not a sweets guy, so we won’t have cake. My plan is easy as the restaurant has some very healthy, veggie based choices. If I have wine, it will be one glass. I will be so happy to return to our routine tomorrow! I have meals loosely planned for the week. I made double batches of healthy baking last weekend and froze half, so I have that all ready this week.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Incredible 20 mile bike ride this morning. Butterflies, changing leaves, baby turtle, countryside, flowers galore and views of the Shenandoah river. Our best ride yet. Ready for pool time.
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    Yesterday was the first time in a long time that I logged all my food. Goodness I can fool myself into eating too much.

    Today is a little better and I think during the week I'll have even more control.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,468 Member

    Sunday Weigh In still due

    Monday Weigh Ins

    Tuesday Weigh Ins

  • McKay85
    McKay85 Posts: 60 Member
    I'm so sorry I've been MIA. Work has started up again and it's really eating up my time. I have been working with a trainer and enjoying it. I also found out my scale has been off. I'm not sure if this is considered a loss but here are my numbers. I'm lighter than I expected.

    Friday (need to change to Saturday)
    PW 311
    CW 306
  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    Week 4
    Weigh in day: Sunday Sept 22
    Previous Weight: 130
    Todays Weight: 131

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,468 Member
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,425 Member
    Happy Monday!!!

    Yesterday check in:

    Food - pretty darn good!
    Water - should have been more
    Exercise - not enough!

    Overall a good day. Slept in until 7:30 (crazy how that is considered sleeping in!!) and just lazed around all morning then headed out for grocery shopping and tackled one area to pack last night. A box a day is my plan!

    Saturday we had the home inspection and my son's bday party (not at our house). So we just got up to our daughters house and get a phone call...our cat guard was not going to let the home inspector in so I had to drive 35 minutes back to our place, get Miss Lucy and bring her to the party. She was not happy, poor baby. She found my daughters yoga mat and crawled inside and hid for the day. She was SO happy to get back home again. She refused water and food but glad to see her take a nice long drink of water back at home. I wonder what she will do when we need to spend a night at someone elses house before we move? She's getting her shots on Thursday night so maybe I'll ask the vet about something to relax her a bit.

    @sleepymom5 - I wonder if your SIL just doesn't want to put you out? If I were to come and stay at your place I would definitely not want to eat you out of house and home - I would bring some food and cook one of the meals. :)

    @mrsbell8well - good job with the possibility at work. Pretty exciting - I bet it will be hard to wait to hear something!

    @Cafelelia - thank you for all the work you have been putting into this little group! I'm sure it's appreciated by everyone of us!

    OK - best get to work have a wonderful Monday everyone!!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,468 Member
    Check in for Sunday
    Calories - logged & on track
    Water - 96 oz
    Exercise - 30 min bike ride

    I had a great day yesterday! I got right back at it after the weekend. Today I have a free day to spend on me! I just have wash to do and maybe clean out a closet. I plan to get out on my bike before it gets too humid. I am thinking about kayaking too but there is a land breeze and the bugs will be bad. Hopefully that changes. No bugs out on my deck this am but the flags are all blowing towards the ocean, not away. So today, I plan to hit all my mini goals-prelog food, at least 6K steps, exercise over 30 min, at least 64 oz water and do my PT exercises! Let's have a great week everyone!

    Self care-Sleep-I actually got 8 hours in last night! I think this should be a daily thing for me 7-9 hours a night. I actually have been trying but usually wake up at 6:30 no matter when I go to bed.
    Today is exercise-I plan to ride my bike

    What is everyone's plan for self care today? Remember it doesn't have to take long or be fancy. Just do something for you!

    @McKay85 We do miss you posting but glad you are still with us! Check in when you can, I know life gets busy. I am happy to hear you are working with a trainer. Do you still do the boxing? I know you love that. You did get a NWI for last week. They stop accepting weights Saturday at 11:59 Eastern time. I asked for you to be moved to a Saturday weigh in but I was thinking, maybe you should move to Sunday or Monday. Then you have a little more wiggle room. We could use that weight above for this week then. Let me know.
    @twyla77 Hows it going? I know you had been busy. Hope you are still taking time for you. xo
    @carlsoda Lol! Lucy guarding the guard cat! I am curious what the vet will suggest. I am sure the move will be an adjustment for her. I like the idea of tackling one area at a time to pack up. Then your days can still be somewhat your normal routine. When would moving day be if all goes as planned. You should be proud of how well you are handling things and still sticking to your plan. I do get that people feel that they want to reciprocate so I let them cook if they offer or take us out. I also have spare sheet is they ask to change the bed. I just wish my SIL and husband would have seemed a little more at home, it gets a little awkward but it did go better than I anticipated so that was good.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    edited September 2019
    Check in for Sunday

    Food - logged & on target
    Water 2l
    Exercise - 30 minute walk
    Self Care - the usual diet & exercise stuff. My goal in the challenge this week is to carve out some time for myself each day, doesn’t matter what it is, but just down time for myself. This has always been my challenge.

    It is the first day of fall! Can’t believe summer is over. Yesterday was a good day and my husband had a nice birthday. He said that his best birthday present was a 3 hour afternoon nap! We had a nice time out for dinner. The restaurant has a number of healthy options, so it was easy to stay on track, inclusive of a small dessert. Hard to believe that September is almost over, and here in Canada, we have Thanksgiving coming up in 2 weeks!

    @carlsoda - Sounds like you had a nice day yesterday! Poor Miss Lucy. I hope that she is able to adjust to the upcoming changes in her life!

    @sleepymom5 - So glad that you survived the visit! I am sure that you did all that you could to make your SIL comfortable, so no need to worry if she had a nice time or not. I have only been to the Denver airport on a stopover, so no recommendations. I hear it is lovely though and have a great time!

    @Twyla77 - You are up just a pound, so that is a maintain in my books!

    @McKay85 - If you scale is right, that is a nice loss! If you are feeling lighter, that’s great!

    @GingerPwr - Great job on the food logging! Yup, the food log is a hugely honest accountability tool! I have played around with not logging vs logging, and my weight loss is so much more consistent when I log.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    Week 3
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous Weight: 141
    Todays Weight: 145

    I actually think this is showing 2 weeks gain. I was astonished I hadn't gone up last week. I did a triathlon yesterday. it was great fun and it set me thinking despite my efforts to self sabotage in August and September it is not to late to meet my fitness goals this year. So have signed up to do a half marathon in 11 weeks and I am committing to a fitness plan for those 11 weeks. I have been eating rubbish and slacking off my workouts for too long and it is making me ill. The plan going forwards is:
    only eat what is on my food plan
    to make a plan and review everyday and week.
    sleep 8 hours a day

    I can do this I must do this
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