TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (October)



  • stubbornloser
    stubbornloser Posts: 83 Member
    pkg1998 wrote: »

    When stress is involved it’s hard to make the right choices.

    Aint that the truth!!!

  • stubbornloser
    stubbornloser Posts: 83 Member
    @cmhubbard92 Happy Birthday to you!
  • pkg1998
    pkg1998 Posts: 511 Member
    Coral333 wrote: »
    Hi everyone! I’ve been a little absent this week as we’ve come away for a last minute family trip but I’m planning to catch up on all the happenings as soon as I’m back!

    @pkg1998 could you roll over my weight from last week please? I don’t have any scales to weigh in with at our holiday cottage.

    Have a brilliant weekend everyone!

    @Coral333 Absolutely! Sometimes the last minute trips are the best - have a great time.
  • petrocoetsee
    petrocoetsee Posts: 829 Member
    10/18 Friday
    Mini challenge
    Under... Yes
    Exercise: Yes. 45 min grid class at gym, 10 min on treadmill

    Other challenges:

    Water: oz.85
  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,037 Member
    edited October 2019
    @petrocoetsee @Coral333 @Calli1616 @stubbornloser thank you all for the birthday wishes! 💜

    10/17/19 & 10/18/19
    Tracked: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes

    Managed to stay under by ~150 calories! It was a delicious birthday dinner, had room for wine, and I ended up having leftovers to bring home for tonight!
  • pkg1998
    pkg1998 Posts: 511 Member
    brandi_84 wrote: »
    Mini Challenge
    I don't remember if I posted for Wednesday.
    Thursday and Wednesday were both a no. This week has been a struggle. I have not been able to accomplish my goals this week. I'm trying to get caught up from last week and trying to keep ahead this week.

    @brandi_84 We’ve all been through struggles. It’s great that you’ve acknowledged it and are focused on this week.
  • pkg1998
    pkg1998 Posts: 511 Member
    brandi_84 wrote: »
    Food Challenge
    I tried Baked Honey Mustard Chicken. It was ok but it seems that when I bake chicken there is a lot of grease in the pan and makes the sauce watery. My daughter loved it though.

    @brandi_84 The recipe looks delicious, but I have the same problem with watery baked chicken. It tends to make the sauce not so good. Wonder if anyone has any suggestions?
  • pkg1998
    pkg1998 Posts: 511 Member
    Calli1616 wrote: »
    Happy Birthday @cmhubbard92!

    I've fallen off the wagon this week. I had a athletic event for my daughter last weekend that I worked at and it wiped me out. I have been exhausted and without energy for days. I'm picking it up again today though - I don't want to lose the progress I've begun in the last couple of weeks. To bring my reporting up to date:

    Mini Challenge (10/15 - 10/17)
    yes, no, no
    no, no, no
    yes, no, no

    Steps are going to be terrible this week and water as well. I'm not going to let it keep me off track though, just turn the page and keep going! I hope everyone is ending the week well and has a lovely weekend to look forward to!

    @Calli1616 I wish there was a way to take care of weekend events such as this and still be prepared for the busy week ahead. It’s great that you’re getting back on track now as opposed to using the “I’ll start on Monday” idea like I tend to do.
  • pkg1998
    pkg1998 Posts: 511 Member
    LMK02020 wrote: »
    Ok I need to get my act together and not use the lack of sunlight and cold rainy weather as an excuse to not eat healthy. I’m taking a break these last weeks of the month to regroup and I’ll rejoin in November.

    @LMK02020 The weather has more of an impact on us than we tend to think. It can be both positive and negative. Positive - when the cooler weather hits it’s easier to do more activities outside. Negative - when it’s cold and rainy it makes you just want to stay in bed and not do anything (including cook). Enjoy your break (but not too much :smiley: ).
  • pkg1998
    pkg1998 Posts: 511 Member
    Started my road trip yesterday on my way to Missouri to visit my parents and made a pit stop in Mississippi to visit my youngest at college. Road trips are always hard when it comes to exercise and eating. I use it as an excuse to not work on my goals. Doing it different this time - drank water (although not as much as I should have) on the drive yesterday and exercised in the fitness center at the hotel this morning before heading out on the final leg of my journey. Packed clothes for exercise while in Missouri, but will be staying with my parents so I will have little input on what we eat. Going to focus on portion control and trying to stay away from the sweets. Wish me luck!
  • annabananamc
    annabananamc Posts: 415 Member
    Mini Challenge



    my son is home from college this week and wants to eat all the food. So we are...and not moving at all. I'm giving myself a pass but next week look out!
  • brandi_84
    brandi_84 Posts: 1,963 Member
    @pkg1998 Wishing you luck and a great time.
  • brandi_84
    brandi_84 Posts: 1,963 Member
    Mini Challenge
    Friday 10.18.19
    Tracked: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: no
    Once again this week I have not qualified for the mini challenge but have done my very best to track.
  • lozenger1984
    lozenger1984 Posts: 166 Member
    It's my 10k tomorrow. I'm letting myself have pizza tonight as and calling it carb loading. Haha!

    Once I'm home (Thurs) going to be really strict. I've got 3lbs to hit two milestones - 130lbs lost and into the 10 stone bracket. I'd like to do it for my birthday (Halloween).
  • petrocoetsee
    petrocoetsee Posts: 829 Member
    10/19 Saturday
    Mini challenge
    Under... Yes
    Exercise: Yes. 5km parkrun

    Other challenges:

    Water: oz.93
  • annabananamc
    annabananamc Posts: 415 Member
    Mini Challenge


    yes/yes/yes - saved by combining breakfast and lunch, and some yard work

  • pkg1998
    pkg1998 Posts: 511 Member
    brandi_84 wrote: »
    Mini Challenge
    Friday 10.18.19
    Tracked: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: no
    Once again this week I have not qualified for the mini challenge but have done my very best to track.

    @brandi_84 Sometimes just being mindful of the challenge can be beneficial.
  • pkg1998
    pkg1998 Posts: 511 Member
    It's my 10k tomorrow. I'm letting myself have pizza tonight as and calling it carb loading. Haha!

    Once I'm home (Thurs) going to be really strict. I've got 3lbs to hit two milestones - 130lbs lost and into the 10 stone bracket. I'd like to do it for my birthday (Halloween).

    @lozenger1984 Have a great time at the 10k.
  • pkg1998
    pkg1998 Posts: 511 Member
    Mini Challenge


    yes/yes/yes - saved by combining breakfast and lunch, and some yard work

    @annabananamc Nice job and good decision to combine if necessary. BTW - it’s October :smiley:
  • stubbornloser
    stubbornloser Posts: 83 Member
    Ugh 😩 I woke with a terrible man cold today.
    I’ve been thinking about: do I cave to my craving and eat poutine for brunch?

    Whenever I get sick I want to eat high calorie, high carb, salty foods. Particularly poutine and a burger.

    The voice in my head tells me to “go ahead, eat. Comfort your feelings with cheesy salty warm food. It will make you feel better”. I guess I could eat half a portion of each and just know I’ll go over my calories today. Or I can ride out the cravings. Internal ping pong.
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