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  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member

    Please post this week's weigh ins in the current thread, but feel free to introduce yourself. November Challenge begins SUNDAY!

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    edited October 2019
    Monday 10/28 check in
    Food: logged and over
    Water:72 oz
    Exercise: 20 minute walk and 5040 steps

    Actually did well until dinner. We ended up going to the bar for dinner before I dropped off Will at the airport. The problem I think is I was starving when I got there so I ate more than I should have. The dinner wasn't the problem it was the appetizers. This isn't the first time and won't be the last time that we will be going to the bar unexpectedly. I am going to have to make a plan for those occasions. I am not going to beat myself up. I am really feeling so much better then I did last week so I am not going to have this send me back. Today will be a good day. I can tell :)

    It's never too early to head to the November thread and introduce yourself :)

    @mrsbell8well Sorry to hear about the spider bite and I am glad that you got treatment right away. You have had a tough October! I am glad that you had such a nice weekend otherwise. It must have been beautiful too. It seems like the leaves are really pretty this year. At least by me. And no, I have never tried acupuncture. The way things are going that may be down the line. Good luck with your busy week at work. Hugs my friend.
    @GingerPwr In my opinion, for what it is worth(lol), you seem to kick butt with those monthly challenges. Maybe you should start one of those. The yoga sounds great too. I need to either find a yoga routine or some stretching routine myself.
    @lennoncpa The oatmeal has worked in the past for you. This week I have been super hungry. I am actually hungry too, I made sure. I don't know if it is because I just ate so bad last week my body wants it again? Who knows but it is a pain. I think it is great that you have a plan with the oatmeal to satisfy it. It is also nice for you to tell me about your knee surgeries, I can't believe you ever had any problems with all the dancing you do! That makes me feel so much better. I just have been down in the dumps about it. Thanks for sharing.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @gingerpwr I will definitely join you in the November yoga challenge! @sleepymom5 I completely agree with you that our desire for foods is fed by our intake of those foods. One not so good week makes it really hard to get back in the groove. I am finding that now myself. I am planning to do really well today and skip dinner to help me make my goal tomorrow. I can usually do that with out too much of a problem but I haven't had to do that since I hit goal. Now I can feel my resistance. I already told Molly no dinner for me. I am going to get my fall/winter wardrobe organized tonight to help distract me. I was feeling bad about my weight this morning and then realized I am still within 5 pounds of my goal. It's not where I want to be but geez that is still such a glorious weight from where I used to be. But we all know how fast we gain it back and I refuse to let that happen. I am looking forward to posting a lower weight tomorrow. brought my running clothes to run after work and will also do yoga when I get home.
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Daily Check In: Monday
    Food: pre-logged, ate as planned except for an extra small snack in the afternoon
    Water: OK but could be better
    Exercise & steps: 90 minute yoga class, short dog walk; 7,574 steps

    Made it home from my yoga class before the storm hit. We didn't get a lot of snow but it was windy. 5 degrees this morning and roads are covered with ice but fortunately I don't have to be anywhere. Scale was very kind this morning... now I just have to keep doing the right things. First time in a few weeks doing IF again and sitting here counting the minutes I can have breakfast. LOL Began a jigsaw puzzle this weekend... it keeps my hands and mind busy. Not snacking is a challenge when the weather is bad and I'm cooped up inside. May do a Leslie Sansone video today.

    @sleepymom5 One of my biggest challenges is keeping to plan when I let myself get overly hungry. You're right... don't beat yourself. Move on. I'm building healthy snacks into my day to hopefully stave off cravings and hunger. Hope your knee feels better soon.

    @mrsbell8well I have been so impressed and inspired by your ability to navigate adversity throughout your journey but it seems this October has been your greatest challenge. Bring on November!

    @lennoncpa Yay the "good" Sheryl won! One day at a time!!

    @tryingagain5 thanks for your supportive words. We can do this together (even when we don't want to!)
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Monday check in

    Food - logged & on track (rushed meals though).
    Exercise - had to cancel trainer because of sick child
    Water - 1.5l

    It has been a busy few days. I have not been able to do IF as I have had to go to all of these hockey practices scheduled at the supper hour, so I have to eat later at home (am at a hockey arena now!). Will see if it makes a difference at my weekly weigh in. I am off to the tournament on Thursday, but will continue to check in. My younger son is better now. I am loving my new Apple Watch & the challenge of closing my three rings everyday. I am getting about 8300 steps a day which are pain free. This is more than I expected and I was at half those steps this time last year when I was first injured. I cannot wait to get to 10k.

    I am still catching up on posts and sorry for not responding to everyone.

    As noted by Pam, our team November thread is up and we will switch over to that thread officially on Sunday. Feel free to go over an introduce yourself. I will be doing that shortly.

    @pacsnc6 - What a lovely family photo! Thanks for sharing with us! Hope that you don’t catch whatever was going around.

    @nstephenson01 - So sorry that you are experiencing bad weather. I totally understand the temptation to snack in the bad weather. I love that Finnish “Quit the sitting graphic!”

    @sleepymom5 - Sorry about your knee, but at least you understand what is going on. Keep us posted on how you are doing. That graphic on cleaning your kid’s plates is spot on! Omg, I have been there with every single food item on there. I broke that habit about 2 years ago, although am still tempted from time to time, particularly with pancakes.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Tuesday 10/29 check in
    Food: logged and on track
    Water: 32 oz
    Exercise: quick 10 minutes at home
    Slept about 4 hours then got up to go to my haircut appointment and then to the chiropractor.

    He showed me the xrays and apparently I am out of alignment. He doesn't push care on the patient. He let's the person decide what they want to do. He said we could do what would in effect be a band aid or we could do a treatment plan. I decided to go with the plan. 3 times per week for 3 weeks, then 2 times per week for weeks, and I forgot how he said it would work after that. But after the 12 weeks he will take xrays again and see how things look, then will go from there.

    I'm going to take a nap before work. 😴4 hours of sleep isn't quite enough.😉Hope everyone has a great night!
  • phoebe112476
    phoebe112476 Posts: 269 Member
    Week 4
    PW: 158.7
    CW: 159.0
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @nstephenson01 I have stayed on plan all day. Have you? You were in my thoughts. We’re doing this together. Ran 30 minutes after work, ate an apple, skipped dinner and spent the evening organizing my fall clothes closet. It looks so nice. I’m in bed. Very proud that I had such a great self-care day. Hoping to color a star tomorrow. I too love jigsaw puzzles. I will share pics.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    My healthy lunch, tofu basmati rice salad with lemon juice, finished puzzle and new one getting ready to start.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    I am so tired! I am heading to bed! Not sure when I will be able to get on here tomorrow. I have my xray early, then I need to run home and do a few things than out to get my nails done and then go get MK for her appointment. I feel like all I do is drive anymore. I will be on here at some point tomorrow. It just may not be right away.

    @Mrsbell8well Great idea to organize your fall clothes to not only distract you but also get you excited for all the cute outfits you can wear! That salad looks awesome! I remember you doing puzzles when the weather was cooler last year too!
    @nstephenson01 What a good idea to do a puzzle especially when the weather keeps you inside. Stay safe and warm my friend. Leslie is a great way to get exercise and steps in when you are stuck inside. I love that activity pyramid. I never saw anything like that before for exercise!
    @pacsnc6 Wow! What an awesome pic! I love that you had someone stand in for the missing sister! How often do you get together? I always wanted a sister and you have 6 of them! Lol! My mom had 4 sisters and I have 3 daughters. They always roll their eyes when I say I always wanted a sister Lol! I hope you don't get whatever is going around.
    @Cafelelia My daughters have the apple watch. I think you can have "friends" on there. I know they check in on each other to see how much they have done during the day. I think William's girlfriend they do stuff with too. Between you and them, I am going to start looking into them. I am glad that you are building your steps back up and they are pain free. I can't wait until I am there. I am glad you son is feeling better.
    @tryingagain5 I am glad at least you have a plan to go forward with your back. I hope you get some relief soon. I hope you have a good night at work.
    @phoebe112476 That is basically a maintain. I hope all is going well.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    edited October 2019
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    A little something for tomorrow ;)
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member

    Some days I do manage to do well and others I struggle. Haven't really figured out why I do that. Night shift is hard. I'd rather be sleeping in the middle of the night.
    You're welcome. I hope you're daughter will start having better days.

    Sorry about all your health and work issues. Hoping things get better with both of these things.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    You're welcome! I'm not very good at making myself feel good but I've always been better at encouraging other people. A weight issue is difficult, we can't avoid food.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Tuesday check in

    Food - logged & on target
    Exercise - 8396 steps
    Water - 1.5 l

    I have a lot to do today to get ready to travel tomorrow. I did a lot of food prep on Sunday, not only for me, but the entire family. It feels like shopping, planning, prepping and cooking is a full time job, especially with a teen in the house. Teaching the kids to cook has been paying off as my 13 year old can cook or reheat his own meals when I am swamped. Now, we just need to get him to cook for all of us too! I will check in while I am away.

    @Mrsbell8well - You are well on your way to your goal! You meal looks so delish!

    @GingerPwr - You were 148 last week, so that is a 2 lb loss! Congratulations!

    @phoebe112476 - That’s a maintain, and you remain in the 150’s, which is great!

    @sleepymom5 - That meme is exactly how I feel today! Good luck with your xray and I hope that you can get this issue resolved sooner rather than later. It does feel like you are driving a lot! Have a look at the Apple Watch. Aside from the convenience (eg. Emails, apps, phone), the exercise and health components have really worked for me so far. My Garmin is great for running and training, but these other metrics on the Apple Watch are really nice, particularly when you have an injury and cannot focus on steps. I am not really using the social aspect yet, but plan to do that a bit once I am more established.

    @tryingagain5 - I hope that you back feels better soon and sounds like a good plan with your chiropractor!
This discussion has been closed.