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  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    @cyndiestuff Love that! Absolutely puts the ball back in our own courts. I won't stop over eating (although I did do very well today ;)
    @nstephenson01 I know you saw him as they were talking about him. Maybe I should have said his name and not his number. It's Justin Pugh. I am sure you wont see this until the game is over...
    @mrsbell8well I was routing for Houston just because William lives there. Lol! Nationals had a great game and season! Congratulations! The weather is crazy tonight. Stay safe!
    @tryingagain5 Omg! I actually Lol'd when I read that, I bet your doctor did too! I am glad you are doing a bit better. Jeeze, me and you, my knees and hip, your back...we need to just eat our fruit and veggies and keep plugging along! Lol!
    @ljdanny That is another maintain. I think that isn't bad considering all that you have had going on this month. They were so annoying in our town about the trick or treating. People are so mean on FB! They didn't postpone it and it wasn't too bad out at that time thank goodness. It was really warm today here too, muggy even. It is rainy and windy now. I think tomorrow will be cooler though. Sounds like you did well with your eating and I have been seeing your workouts starting up again. You are doing great! Did the little grandbaby get dressed up? One year one of the babie's, I am guessing William because he is Oct BD, costume was a pea in the pod. It was a pod with 2 peas and an opening for the face was like the 3rd pea. It was so cute. I wish I could help you with fitbit. How annoying! Hope they can figure it out for you.
    @Cafelelia It is so boring when your kids get older. Mary Kate asked me to bring her old school uniform with me. I guess she was being a catholic school student. Lol! His costume is awesome! Is that your house or your Moms? The decorations are amazing!!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Yes, the doctor did laugh at my comment about him snapping my neck! He thought it was funny too. He's got a good sense of humor!

    Yeah, neither one of us is old enough to be falling apart.🤣
    Yep, keep plugging along and eat those fruits and veggies. Didn't do well on that the last couple of days. None Wednesday or today.😥 Gotta work harder on that, keeping that as my goal for November.
  • Julie8468
    Julie8468 Posts: 151 Member
    PW: 142.4
    CW: 143

    Halloween got me!
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    Username: lennoncpa
    Weigh in Week: week 5
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous weight: 140.0
    Today's weight: 139.6
    Weekly Steps: 57,701
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    weigh in Friday
    week 5
    pw 163.3
    cw 164.2

    Not bad as we were travelling since last week
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    weigh in Friday
    week 5
    pw 200.2
    cw 200.2
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    Daily Check in: Thursday
    Food: logged and under
    Water: 88oz
    Exercise & steps: 15 min stationary bike, 15 min treadmill, Arms, Pt and 7,245 steps

    I am actually relieved that I maintained this week. It has been two weeks in a row but it isn't a plat, it is me. I am down 1.2 lbs for this month. I had a great day yesterday. No snacking, ate on plan, got a lot of veggies and water in. I want to get downstairs and get my exercise in. I am suppose to rest my knee but still need to do something so it doesn't lose its strength. I am making a point limit going on the stairs. Knees are about the same but maybe after Florida I will see a difference. No stairs at all in Florida. Got to go! Have a great day everyone!

    @tryingagain5 I am going to use that as a goal for me too. I did great on veggies yesterday but no fruit
    @julie8468 That's not too bad! Just get right back on track. Get that candy out of the house or at least out of your sight. :) . How is everything else going?
    @lennoncpa A loss even with those hungry days! That's great!
    @pacsnc6 Not bad at all after traveling. Hopefully you are back on track now that you are back. How are things going?

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    edited November 2019
    It is a new month! Time to look back on last month and reflect on how things went. Think about what you want to Keep, stop and start for November and write some goals! We are on this thread until Sunday but feel free to go over to November's thread and introduce yourself, give a little update about what has been going on the past few months and set some goals for November!

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    PW 153.0
    CW 152.6

    I drove and travelled a lot this week, so I am pleased with this result, however small.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Thursday check in

    Food - Logged & on target
    Exercise - lots of walking in the rain for trick or treating
    Water - 1.8l

    My Halloween plan worked and I stayed on target. I have been up since 5:30 am for the hockey tournament and we have already been to the arena for a game and back. We are heading out again shortly for the next game. I am so happy to be staying with my mom as it makes the healthy food choices so much easier!

    @timibotkin - Nice loss! I am so glad that you had vacation and some time to rest. I hope that your upcoming echocardiogram goes well too. I am just in awe of your strength and dedication through your your treatments. You are doing great!!

    @sleepymom5 - Great to maintain! Considering the condition of your knee, you are doing great! No stairs and maybe some warmer weather in Florida will be great for your knees. Hope that you can have some down times and a break from all of that driving. Btw, that is my mom’s neighbour’s house in the photo. She lives in an area with a lot of retirees, so my son was pleased that not many kids were out in the neighbourhood and he got a ton of candy!

    @pacsnc6 - That is less than 1 lb and considering your travelling and family get together, you did a great job

    @lennoncap - Impressive steps!! Nice loss too!

    @Julie8468 - Your post made me laugh! That is just a little gain, & could very well be the sugar or sodium from the Halloween treats!

    @tryingagain5 - It is a new month today, so a fresh slate! Keep at it and even a small change per day is a good thing!

    @ljdanny - Way to go with the eating on Halloween!! I cannot believe that your Fitbit account was pirated. That is terrible!

    @cyndiestuff - My “can’t” is that I can’t drink enough water, which then becomes, I won’t drink enough water. Just changes my mindset immediately!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member

    As Pam noted above, it is a new month! We switch over to the November thread on Sunday, but please feel free to jump on now and introduce yourself if you have not already. It is a great time to think about our goals and what we want to do by year end. It may not even be about weight loss, but it could be working out more, making healthier food choices, getting more sleep, feeling better, or practicing more self care. Let’s be good to ourselves this month and finish strong in 2019!!
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    Well yesterday I was able to satisfy my hunger with oatmeal so I guess that might’ve helped me have a little weight loss today!! I’m just taking this a day at a time.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    So happy! 4 pounds in 2 weeks. I have 8 days to get to my next star.
    Super busy work day.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    Getting ready to head to Florida tomorrow. I am actually packed for a change lol! I just have to do my carry on. I hopefully will be able to get on here in the morning. If not, I will check in at some point. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

    @timibotkin Nice loss, especially with all that you have going on. I am glad you were able to get away. You certainly need a break. It also sounds like your oncologist is keeping a good eye on you. Hopefully everything starts to settle down soon for you, it has been a long road. Hugs!
    @Cafelelia The scale is still going in the right direction. That is wonderful, especially with all the running around, traveling, preparing to travel and hockey games that you do. I am glad that you are at your Moms too. One less hurdle to go over. Enjoy the hockey!
    @lennoncpa I actually am going to put that on my to do list for Florida, find a little recipe for oatmeal that I like. I was reading about slowly adding non processed food and push out the processed ones. I am thinking of replacing my breakfast bar with oatmeal. Maybe add apple or berries and get a fruit in there too...I agree too, one day at a time. If it wasn't for this wedding, I wouldn't be in a rush either lol! I just want a little weight off so the dress fits a little nice.
    @Mrsbell8well You are going to hit that goal way early! You are doing great!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member

    Friday's Weigh Ins still due

    Saturday's Weigh Ins

    Late Weigh Ins
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    Don't let the weekend ruin your progress. We can enjoy the weekend and still stay on track. Remember to plan, exercise, drink water, eat on plan, and prepare for the upcoming week. We can do this!!
This discussion has been closed.