WAISTAWAYS Team Chat - July 2020



  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Steps @micki48
    Sun 10, 358
    Mon 8,192
    Tues 7,109
    Wed 9,999 (wish I'd noticed this and taken 1 more!!!)
    Thurs 8,022
    Fri 9,913
    Sat 8526

    Sorry for the delay.
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,322 Member
    Thanks for those step numbers friends. Hopefully, we will have all the data done and give a report tomorrow. Hope you had a great day. 💪🏼👟😁
  • graceojo999
    graceojo999 Posts: 95 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    Weigh in update ---

    Remaining Friday people:

    Due Saturday:


    Please try to have everyone up to date by the end of the day Saturday - thanks!

    Hi sorry about the delay. I went Through a phase last week of not logging or wanting to look at my weight. I am not exactly sure what my weight was the last time but i think it was

    Pw 185
    Cw 187


    Pw- not sure
    Cw- 105.5kg

    I’ll keep track of these ones.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    edited July 2020
    Happy Monday!
    I had no internet for a while there (the joys of rural life...) but it's back! I have finally caught up all your exercise minutes, @YinxFed so that @micki48 has all the real numbers :smiley: You are doing great! Good luck on the week 4 program, I'll bet it's intense.

    @CanadianGiraffe good plan on the sit-ups during commercial breaks! It is always good to do something when vegging out with a movie or a show. I usually get on the exercise bike and pedal my way through anything up to an hour long. I like the really exciting action shows once in a while to get in some good sprints!

    @KellyBgetsfit you WILL have this week under control! You have until Friday to get some good sleep (or I'll have to have a serious chat with that baby of yours :wink: ), keep the veggies high and the chips and brownies outside in the rain getting ruined. You can do it!

    And thanks for the update, however late @graceojo999 . Sometimes we just get logging and tracking fatigue - as long as the break does not go on for too long, no harm done. Be sure to read lots of posts, get re-energised, and you'll be back on track in no time.

    I had a lot of anxiety when going to appointments, bank, and some other needed errands last Thursday and Friday, so it was good to have a weekend of peace and quiet at home. It is high tourist season in our nearest town, so the numbers of people are kind of crazy right now - even if they are only from Montreal. So far our COVID-19 numbers are OK, but I still find it hard doing the line-ups and trying to keep things feeling safe when there are so many people around. Today I have one more appointment, and then things should settle back to normal where I don't have to go to that town at all! I can do my small grocery runs in the village where things are busier than normal, but still quiet compared to the big town. My garden is really starting to produce like crazy, so no more veggie shopping, that's for sure! I have been freezing kale, making 3 kinds of pesto, and eating chard, spinach, kale, salads, and very soon zucchini and tomatoes will be coming. Beans are slow, but they're flowering and should be along soon. I missed my favourite local organic farm's strawberries this year, though. I could not bring myself to go to the farmer's market Saturday, so I'll check with him directly to see if there are any left. He lost a lot due to a hail storm early in the fruit-setting time, so he might be all out :s But our currants and going like crazy and blueberries looking like there will be lots in a few weeks.

    OK enough news from the garden! I hope everyone has a fabulous Monday.
    Monday weigh-ins due:

    If you already did and my internet was being weird, don't worry. I'll catch them!
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,322 Member
    I’m really sleepy today and Miss Jules is not wanting to nap. We played outside this morning, but I didn’t have on my Fitbit. Need to go for a walk to wake up, but it’s probably too hot now.

    Glad your garden is doing well! @jugar. 3 kinds of pesto sounds great!
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    I had a piece of honey pie today. Birthday pie is so hard to refuse even if it's not your birthday.
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,094 Member

    @YinxFed I can SO relate to your frustration. I also experience the weight gain during the first 3 weeks of a weight loss regimen. And I usually quit during week 3. But I am desperately trying to break that cycle this time. I'm starting my 3rd week of walking and I'm determined to win. We got this!

    Thanks @evangsimmons170 It's just so tiresome, isn't it?
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,094 Member
    5th July

    Steps - 3493
    Exercise- Rest day
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    I had a piece of honey pie today. Birthday pie is so hard to refuse even if it's not your birthday.

    Honey pie - that's a new one on me! Here in Québec we have tarte au sucre (maple syrup pie), but I have never seen a honey pie. Well maybe my great aunt called me that once. Do you have a recipe? I'm curious. I would not have refused it either!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    micki48 wrote: »
    Honestly, I’m kind of down today. This afternoon was not on program. I ate potato chips, a wafer cookie, a thin slice of lemon blueberry pound cake. I wanted to eat everything. I have not gotten in my steps or done specific exercises. I am feeling like I will forever be stuck in my house. We can’t go anywhere. Can’t take the baby anywhere. Just us. Day after day after day. I haven’t seen my son since April. I’m tired of it, but know it’s necessary. It’s just hard adjusting to this new schedule I guess. Sorry to be a Debbie Downer. Just thought if I wrote it here. I could shake it. 😢

    It is so hard! I haven't seen my parents or my daughter, my sibs or my nieces for months, either. There will be days when we take it like champs, go on our walks, eat right, exercise, and feel OK. Then there will be this kind. Eating everything for one day feels kind of good. Try to keep it to one day, all right? See if you can find something really beautiful, and remember how loved you are. :heart: :heart:
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    Terytha wrote: »
    I had a piece of honey pie today. Birthday pie is so hard to refuse even if it's not your birthday.

    Honey pie - that's a new one on me! Here in Québec we have tarte au sucre (maple syrup pie), but I have never seen a honey pie. Well maybe my great aunt called me that once. Do you have a recipe? I'm curious. I would not have refused it either!

    We got ours from Pie Junkie, the best local shop for delicious pies.

    But it looks like this: https://www.lifeloveandsugar.com/salted-honey-pie/

    And tastes a bit like creme brulee, which is my #1 all time favorite dessert.
  • reflectionofme
    reflectionofme Posts: 310 Member
    Username: reflectionofme
    Weigh in day: Monday
    PW: 122.3
    CW: 122.0
  • CanadianGiraffe
    CanadianGiraffe Posts: 205 Member
    micki48 wrote: »
    Sorry to be a Debbie Downer. Just thought if I wrote it here. I could shake it.
    You don't have to apologize! I think that's what we are all here for. A great group of people to share all the ups, and the downs, of life. Best wishes for a rainbow day today!

  • CanadianGiraffe
    CanadianGiraffe Posts: 205 Member
    I had a good day yesterday for exercise. First thing in the morning I had a session at the gym working on my back. I'm not back to lifting pre-COVID-19 weights but it is getting there. And then in the afternoon we played a round of golf. Ordinarily I don't eat back my exercise calories but by supper I was ravenous so this time I ate part of them. But then we watched a movie before bed and my husband made popcorn. Couldn't resist so I had to go back and adjust my tracker. Usually I am pretty good about not eating in the evening but I think I was still over-hungry from earlier. So I'm going have to work today to get back on track...
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    Happy Tuesday!
    I am loving our beautiful clear, cool nights lately - full moon, crazy frog sounds (I think it's a frog...), amazing fragrances, and cool enough to keep on a light blanket and the windows wide open. It looks like it might get a bit hotter today, though.

    Red currants! @eggfreak - with the red ones, I usually just cook them with a bit of sugar and put them in my breakfast yogurt, or if I have lots and lots (which I will in a day or two), I make sorbet. Currant and lime is my go-to, sometimes with a sprig of rosemary in there when I cook the currants. Just cook up the currants and sugar, lime zest, and some water. Take out the rosemary, throw it all in the blender, then mush it through a fine sieve to get all the seeds out. Add some lime juice and some more simple syrup if you want it sweeter. Throw it in the ice cream freezer, run it until it is like soft serve, put it in a container in the freezer until firmer. Yum. No fat. If you have any in the house a glug or 2 of white wine in there can be good too, but we're having dry July, right??? Sorbet saves me in the summer. It is great with just about any fruit, and I have just a really cheap ice cream freezer - the kind where you keep the bowl in the freezer and it just runs for about 20 minutes. Soon the black currants will be flowing, and then it is time for mango and black currant - the sorbet I dream about all year until mid July! But any fruit will do. Strawberries and blueberries can just go in raw and mixed with simple syrup, pears and mangoes make good "extenders" (mangoes raw, pears either raw or cooked). Of course either currant makes a great jelly too, but since I rarely eat any bread or toast, my use for jelly is limited.

    OK - back to reality. It is too early in the day here for sorbet...

    I am going through one of those hungry-all-the-time periods - like you, @CanadianGiraffe , it gets wild and pushy when you have lost some weight and gotten some good exercise. Don't worry if you stabilise for a week - you lost 2.6 pounds last week! Give your body a minute to get used to that before losing any more. Eat those exercise calories for a couple of days. The hunger will calm down. I am maintaining, but sometimes don't come out even between CI and CO - then the hunger grabs me and won't let go.

    Enjoy the smells of summer (hopefully you're not downtown!!) and keep well! @micki48 - have a lovely day with your little beauty. Ask her to sing you a song :smile:
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,322 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    I'm feeling very depressed and defeated lately so I did this. @micki48 maybe it will make you smile also.


    That definitely brought a smile to my face and a snicker. You’re kitty is adorable.

    Thanks everyone for the care. I feel like I’m more on target today. Exercise is hard with my responsibilities now. It’s a long day. I had gotten into a nice routine of doing it first thing when I got up. Now, my day is starting earlier and there is little time between wake up and Js arrival. Then, my family stays a lot for dinner, making it almost 9 o’clock when dinner is cleaned up. I have to figure this out because I particularly miss my Pilates. My walks too but Pilates more.

    She just went down for a nap which would be a possible good time to exercise, but I’m afraid I’ll wake her up. I should just go do it.

    Hope everyone is having a good day.
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,322 Member
    Total steps for the week -- 529,958
    There are 8 steppers on our team


    1st @Micki48 80,441
    2nd @SMcFall0215 79,731
    3rd @ells_runs 73,726

    @SMcFall0215 met her daily step goal 7/7 days!!!!

    @jguldi11 and @micki48 met their daily step goals 6/7 days!!

    Way to go team. Nice stepping!

    If you haven't given me your daily step goal, please do so we can celebrate you too.
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,094 Member
    6th July numbers

    Steps - 4263
    Exercise - 33mins, Full Body Strength & Endurance workout (with weights)

    Not that you'd know it, but my daily step goal is 6000. I'm in a bit of a slump at the moment!

    Night night all!
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    @micki48 my step goal is 20,000 steps. Go big or go home right? I know what I'm capable of. I can do this!
  • CanadianGiraffe
    CanadianGiraffe Posts: 205 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    I am going through one of those hungry-all-the-time periods - like you, @CanadianGiraffe , it gets wild and pushy when you have lost some weight and gotten some good exercise. Don't worry if you stabilise for a week - you lost 2.6 pounds last week! Give your body a minute to get used to that before losing any more. Eat those exercise calories for a couple of days. The hunger will calm down. I am maintaining, but sometimes don't come out even between CI and CO - then the hunger grabs me and won't let go.
    Thanks for your wise words @jugar. I am going to start eating back my exercise calories for a bit and see what that does. We played another round of golf early this morning so that meant I can have rhubarb strawberry crisp at supper. :)

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    Time for me to pester people! There is nothing like a good nag...

    Due yesterday and today -

    Due Wednesday -

    Don't forget to include your LTD - loss to date (total loss from your highest weight) if you want to. It gives us one more thing to celebrate when you hit milestones :smiley:

    Thanks and good night!
  • CM_73
    CM_73 Posts: 554 Member
    Really sorry, I think I'm going to have to skip this weighing, still 500 miles away so won't be near a scale for a while.
    I will update as soon as I can if it's not too late by then.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    @micki48 I am sorry you're in a funk. It such a crazy time that we live in. I have good days and bad days. I went tow months without seeing my mom, who I usually see twice a week. Now that we are spending time with her, I worry that one of could be asymptomatic. Thinking of you.🥰
This discussion has been closed.