What's on your mind today?



  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member

    Work update. My foot is (finally) on the mend after just over a month. I have a meeting with my boss in HR tomorrow at 2:30. I thought I’d be more stressed over it, but I will be speaking my truth and have a stack full of emails and screenshots to back me up, whereas he thinks he got rid of all the text messages. Well, he might have, on my phone, but my tablet was linked so I have everything. 😛 I’ll let y’all know how it goes...
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member

    Work update. My foot is (finally) on the mend after just over a month. I have a meeting with my boss in HR tomorrow at 2:30. I thought I’d be more stressed over it, but I will be speaking my truth and have a stack full of emails and screenshots to back me up, whereas he thinks he got rid of all the text messages. Well, he might have, on my phone, but my tablet was linked so I have everything. 😛 I’ll let y’all know how it goes...

    Sending positive thoughts.
  • dewit
    dewit Posts: 1,468 Member
    I wall "sat" for 7 minutes! By min 3:00 I was doubting I'll make it to min 5:00.

    I had some positive reactions here to the isometrics video. Thank you! 🌻 How about we each try to find out how we're doing at it for the remaining of August and decide next week if we want to make a challenge out of it? I am already part of a planks challenge in the forum and would like to improve at pushups, which I could not do prior to 2020! 💪 So I need to be careful about committing to too much. 😊
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member
    @dewit how were you envisioning this ? Doing ALL of the various isometrics each day, or each of us picking one or two, but posting how it's going ?
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member
    edited August 2020

    The recent ballooning of the plays-to-the-weakest-segments-of-my-skill-sets part of my duties (as a direct result of info-related-to-handling-the-covid-situation) isn't going to change any time soon.

    I think in pictograms and icons ... I have been having problems coming up with a "state of the world" board layout that will help me keep track at a glance of multiple single-item info-request case management files that are EACH constantly in flux. Hopefully not more than 7 to 10 active at any one time.

    What I WANT (and need) is NOT the various trials and errors I have played with so far ... the closest has been post-its on the wall / folders in my email ... but I keep thinking "what happens when I am away for more than one day ... and my over-worked manager / backup happens to be away at the same time !?!?! How will anyone know what the actual status of anything is?

    I think I have come up with something for both - power-point versions of case-based pictogram file cards on a bulletin board ... instead of the "point in the process flow" layout I was trying so far.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member
    I am saying "NO!!!" to any multi-entry tracking system or layout that doesn't easily and comfortably work with how MY brain works.
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Sorry to hear the meeting went the way it did. HR departments are now protect the company departments and certainly do not put the employee first. If this is turning in to a hostile work environment I would hire an attorney now. Or at least meet with one to see what your options may be. It's obvious HR is not going to assist you no matter how many documents you pull.
    Sending positive thoughts your way.
  • dewit
    dewit Posts: 1,468 Member
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    @dewit how were you envisioning this ? Doing ALL of the various isometrics each day, or each of us picking one or two, but posting how it's going ?

    Doing 3:00 to 5:00 minutes of what you pick. With planks, I do 30 seconds of one form, then vary. Some ppl try to hold 2 mins of something. I was always happy with 30sec and then mix them up, for a total of 3:00 to (at most, seldom) 7:00 min.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member

    @BMcC? I finally took a picture of my diamond painting tonight. Did a lot of confetti work on it and listened to one of my favorite YouTube diamond painter’s WIP n’Chats whilst working on it earlier, and it made a world of difference!


    I also found an administrative coordinator opening that I’m applying for, as well.

    We saw it on the FB page - it's looking really good! DH posted a WIP of his "23 shades of blue" all water so far. For this one, he works 3 square blocks of canvas at a time (all colours in that square sometimes lots all the same, sometimes not) then moves to the one. For something your size, he would have worked across the bottom, then the next three inch strip up etc.

    But truly, (just like "how you apply the UAC rules to your own life") however you approach putting drills somewhere on the canvas is CORRECT.

    I like that you also found a corresponding audio-space for company while you work.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,850 Member
    KCJen wrote: »
    Any suggestions on how to handle family get-togethers? My family for the past 2 weekends has had get-togethers, which means during the week I try to recover from the pizza, hamburgers, hot dogs, cookies, and whatever else I should not be eating.

    Any suggestions on dealing with family get-togethers? Or is this where my "pass days" come into play? My family isn't health-conscious, and overweight runs in the family.

    Hi KC

    Similar to SuziQ.
    It’s not a problem for me at the moment, as my whole family are avoiding close contact, and we have only had 2 small get to get hers since mid March.

    In the past, even if/when I used a pass day, I would take a few healthy options with me, Pile my plate with salad, and either avoid the high carb, high fat options, or have a very small taster. Also, I keep on the move, and circulate. If there is music I’m the one bogeying on the dance floor. 💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼

    And I make sure I create a bank of exercise calories to mop up any indulgences.

    As an added incentive, my body let’s me know fairly quickly with severe stomach discomfort if I over-indulge on rich food.

    The odd splurge won’t permanently derail you in the long run, but if it happens too often, it can set you back for ages.

    There’s no easy solution, each of us has to find what works for us.
  • ForLangston
    ForLangston Posts: 919 Member
    @juliemouse83 sending you virtual hugs and strength as you navigate this hostile situation.
    @alligatorob if there was a clap/standing ovation option on MFP, you would get all of that jazz. Wow, whoa, and go YOU 👏🏿👏🏿👑
    Yes on all 3 for me today!
  • Bill70sStrong
    Bill70sStrong Posts: 1,142 Member
    @juliemouse83 - Really sorry you're having to go through all of this. Sending hugs your way.
  • Jana_2020
    Jana_2020 Posts: 1,345 Member
    @alligatorrob Congrats!!
    @juliemouse83 Hugs!
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,850 Member
    edited August 2020
    dewit wrote: »
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    @dewit how were you envisioning this ? Doing ALL of the various isometrics each day, or each of us picking one or two, but posting how it's going ?

    Doing 3:00 to 5:00 minutes of what you pick. With planks, I do 30 seconds of one form, then vary. Some ppl try to hold 2 mins of something. I was always happy with 30sec and then mix them up, for a total of 3:00 to (at most, seldom) 7:00 min.

    I like the idea of isometrics. At the minute I'm working on day 5 of a 30 day wall push-ups Challenge which does isometric on alternative days. I will add planks.
    Today's goal:
    Wall push-ups: 3 sets of 12
    Plank: 3 mins
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,850 Member
    @juliemouse83 (((hugs)))
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Y’all! While I am fairly dead on my feet, I have to share! I got on the scale this morning, and it was down, again! I’ve lost just over 17 pounds since mid-February!

    A friend of mine, who I hadn’t seen face to face in a month or more, ran into me yesterday at work and told me I look so much smaller and healthier. I think she said I was glowing, lol! It was really good to see her again!

    @SuziQ113 , I’m going to be contacting an attorney at the beginning of the week. I’m going to hold off on filing a formal complaint until after I know if I’ve been passed over for the two in-house desk jobs I’ve applied for. You were actually the second of three people to recommend this. 👍🏼 I just need to get out from under Mr. Toxic.

    Still religiously working on my diamond painting each night, but gel like I’m getting nowhere fast, lol. I’m hoping to finish it within the week.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member

    Still religiously working on my diamond painting each night, but gel like I’m getting nowhere fast, lol. I’m hoping to finish it within the week.

    Diamond painting isn't about "getting somewhere fast" ... it's about mindfulness / almost zen repetitive "pick up and place / pickup and place ... " block out the rest of the world for a time ... and when you step back, you see how the glittery image has been gradually revealing itself, almost like magic.