This August I will...



  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,109 Member
    OooHB @77tes Congratulations!

    We need to do that you have a website or book that helped you navigate all of it?

  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,883 Member
    @77tes thinking of you today with your crown starting. I have such awful teeth that I dread dental work. Typically they tell me "just" this and then as they drill and drill and drill it becomes "well it might need this". And it's awful. But that is why I have really been focusing on my dental hygiene. I mean I am home anyway. LOL.

    @texasgardnr I actually have quite a few ebooks which I have never read which I can download on the kindle ap on my ipad. Altho it is still screen time, it is a lot easier when you can adjust the lighting or the font. I think one of my favorite series which I need to pick up again (where was I years ago when I stopped???) Oh my I checked Amazon and it's been 6 years. I was reading the Faye Kellerman series Decker Lazerus novels. hmmmm. So even before I came back to MFP to lose weight. So maybe I am scared that reading (such a sedentary activity) is going to be a struggle for maintaining. interesting. I do recall eating mindlessly while engrossed in novels. As a child and throughout my life. Maybe I won't try that just yet. Those books are still there. ;) There is a new Enders' game series novel coming out next year which might be tempting tho. Perhaps more of a 2021 type idea than monthly habit.

    @MadisonMolly2017 congrats on drifting downward on your weight again! that is a big deal and interesting that you naturally tended to change up the mix on macros. My experiment with more protein this month has shown me that it does not really seem to make a huge difference to my energy. Of course that was just 2 weeks in before I injured myself so not perhaps a good experiment. I am a little meh about some of the meals altho I do enjoy baking the salmon and the shrimp. The tuna and chicken doesn't seem to do much for me and I haven't experimented with the red meats at all. A little lazy to cook and dont really want to get takeout. So for your kidney you need to keep your protein down a little bit right? Do you take immuno suppressants? My friends' granddaughter does and she is about a year in to the transplant from her dad. Her face is very round from them.

    @nebslp sometimes it's good to be reflective~ LOL. Hope that you are managing to get out and move some. I would like to here the story of your profile picture of the Eiffel tower sometime if you would be ok with sharing!

    So far my day off from work is going well. But it's early. I have resisted "checking email" by actually turning outlook off and jabber off. If they are desperate to reach me they will call. It's happened before. And when I say I haven't been checking emails I always get "oh - I didn't know you were on vacation" which is a little BS because well OUT OF OFFICE..... but it's ok. Makes me feel loved. I am about to try running again. As usual my knee feels fine since I got up so one of these days when I take my first running steps I will be happier I hope. Day 12 since I tripped but who's counting?!!!!!!

    I look forward so much to reading everyone's thoughts and progress first thing in the morning!!! Here is a little rain dart lilly that my lawn guy did NOT run over. So impressed that he noticed it. It's funny because I am seeing them all over and we really haven't had rain since last Sat am. Maybe they heard about the hurricanes and did a preemptive grow. :D


  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,109 Member
    Hey @SummerSkier
    I hope your day was grand!!!

    Yes, they said 1.3 x my weight in kg would be okay & NOT to go over 1.4-1.5 multiplier.
    Difficult for me lately. In fact my protein for August is up. Protein is in everything!!
    I worry if I don’t glhabe enough, I will lose muscle or not be able to build it. Speaking with nutritionist Sept 4 to figure this out.

    Yes I’m on immunosuppressants. Prednisone doesn’t not give me a moon face, but I think it does give me a Predni-belly. Not bad but a pooch. I was hoping to lose more weight & get it to go bye bye but looking at myself, I’m pretty skinny except for that. *pats it & ❤️‘s my prednisone-belly. “It’s ok if it keeps my kidney in me!!!!”

    I get pretty darn hungry each time scale hits 156.2 (23.4 BMI). Going to give up soon I think. It’s just vanity.

    I am 2 years + almost 10 months post-txplant❣️💪🏻😁🌹😇
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    edited August 2020
    @SummerSkier I'm right there with you about having books that I haven't read yet :p . I also like to read on the app on my iPad. I can definetely see it more easily and when I put it on the stand and I don't have to hold it so I can eat lunch while reading. Yep, you are right that I can control the settings a lot easier on that. But I sometimes also run into the temptation to pop on over and start playing with a jigsaw puzzle or sudoku or ... 😄. I seem to go in spurts about which devise I'm in the mood for, for whatever that really means 🙃.

    Lovely rain dart lily picture! I never heard of them, so I Googled them. Many beautiful colors. So tiny and sweet.

    @MadisonMolly2017 going on 3 years post transplant is so great! And you are going strong!! At one time I worked on a Peritoneal Dialysis inpatient unit for a while. I still remember some of my patients when I think about that time.

    My August I Wills will be focused on fun and creativity.

    I will read my book and/or color some every day. 📖 = reading a book for fun, 📜= coloring

    August 1: 📖

    August 2: 📜
    August 3: 📖
    August 4: 📖
    August 5: 📖 📜
    August 6: 📖 📜
    August 7: 📖 📜
    August 8: 📜

    August 9: 📜
    August 10: 📖 📜
    August 11: 📖 📜
    August 12: 📖 📜
    August 13: 📜
    August 14: 📖 📜
    August 15: 📖

    August 16: 📖 📜
    August 17: 📖 📜
    August 18: 📖
    August 19: 📜
    August 20: 📜
    August 21: 📖 📜
    August 22: 📖 📜

    August 23: 📜
    August 24: 📖 📜
    August 25: 📖 📜
    August 26: 📜
    August 27: 📜
    August 28: 📖 📜

  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,883 Member
    OK more about August summary here in a little bit but CONGRATs on your 3 yr upcoming anniversary @MadisonMolly2017 that is incredible! Here is a photo of our little friend on her 1 yr anniversary and her FIRST time to go to school. What a smile!! She has really struggled because her plumbing wasn't in use since she was only months old and it has taken almost an entire year for things to start working correctly again..

  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,883 Member
    So it's time to review August for me. Here was where I started!


    what this means is that I need to quit always worrying about did I gain a pound or two and lately I have found that I am tending instead of eating at a nice steady pace I am either binging or restricting more and more. It's a no win zero sum game so my plan is to just eat to my TDEE and log consistantly. So following on this trend which I really really like and is emotionally freeing to me for some reason. For August I am going to set my TDEE goal at 1900 cals per day and continue to stay off the rollercoaster while working to implement a little more variety in my daily meals . This is a little bit of a stretch but I would love to see if my energy levels continue to improve and my running feels stronger. Worst case if my TDEE is slightly below I would gain less than 1/2 a pound for the month.

    So injury mid month had me resetting this goal a bit. But I was happy that in spite of trying to cripple myself I did stay off the roller coaster and I did continue to add variety. Of all the new things I tried I would say the best turned out to be the fresh strawberries and shrimp. I do like the protein bars for an afternoon snack when it's REALLY hot because then when I am drinking a gallon of water my stomach doesn't think I am in the ocean and get sick.

    #2 800 active calories per day (Apple watch) goal.
    This should NOT be difficult and I hope for it to energize me. My avg since I got my watch in late Dec last year is 817 per day and my average in June was 791 but May was 866 so I have felt like my activity trend is going the wrong direction. For August we shall see what my watch tells me is the monthly award. Sometimes I can do them and they are inspiring and sometimes they are just so far out of reach they just get *kitten* canned early on. LOL. Anyway for August there WILL be some sort of activity goal just not quite sure what it will be.

    Well for August Apple chose that I should double my activity goal 15 times. That was a success! Mission accomplished. I hope I get another do able one for Sept as sometimes they propose things which would just crush me to try to do. LOL.

    Along with the above 2 which I started with I did cut my spending in half on my credit card (not always possible when things get broken of course) and I did manage to mostly fill in my tracker.

    Looking forward to Sept and altho no way I will be as creative with a tracker as some of you gals appear to be (ok - you all are!) I think I will again pick just a few I will's.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,974 Member
    Your posts are all so great!
    @MadisonMolly2017 - 3 years post transplant is a wonderful milestone! I’m so happy for you. BTW, I get hungry below 155, too. Besides, I miss my bustline. 🤣
    To answer your question, I have a learning platform called Canvas, so I don’t have to run my own website. And the IT gurus from the college(who are wonderful)help me out with difficulties.

    @texasgardnr , you are really hitting that goal of reading and/or coloring. I must check out that Annotated Sense and Sensibility.

    @nebslp , my students are in college, but many of them are underprepared. I can’t imagine little children doing learning all online. The dental assistant was saying that her little boy is starting Kindergarten and is expected to be sitting in front of the computer for long stretches. Poor kid! No little boy sitting next to him to fool around with.

    I really like the Flylady system. When I’m not feeling like housework/cleaning, doing a little keeps me moving in the right way. I think your simple tracker is great! And your lovely sewing projects -

    @summerskier, you are a powerhouse! I’m not sure I’d be able to keep up with you , much less drag you along, “Slow down, I need to help you keep going!” 🤣. I usually slow down at the end of the month, but actually this month, having this crazy week as the last week of the year helped me keep going.

    Almost done with August and I’m already planning my September goal.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,974 Member
    Sorry for the bad picture - it won’t let me edit 🙄

  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    Everyone is sharing and writing some very insightful posts and great trackers! Thank you for sharing 🌼. I am still pondering the possibilities for September.

    But in the meantime:

    My August I Wills have been focused on fun and a bit of creativity.

    I will read my book and/or color some every day. 📖 = reading a book for fun, 📜= coloring

    August 1: 📖

    August 2: 📜
    August 3: 📖
    August 4: 📖
    August 5: 📖 📜
    August 6: 📖 📜
    August 7: 📖 📜
    August 8: 📜

    August 9: 📜
    August 10: 📖 📜
    August 11: 📖 📜
    August 12: 📖 📜
    August 13: 📜
    August 14: 📖 📜
    August 15: 📖

    August 16: 📖 📜
    August 17: 📖 📜
    August 18: 📖
    August 19: 📜
    August 20: 📜
    August 21: 📖 📜
    August 22: 📖 📜

    August 23: 📜
    August 24: 📖 📜
    August 25: 📖 📜
    August 26: 📜
    August 27: 📜
    August 28: 📖 📜
    August 29: 📖 📜

  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,883 Member
    It looks to me like some of these logs are a work of art and just coloring them in is sort of a creative outlet in itself ! Happy Sunday my friends. I have definitely slowed down the past 2 weeks due to injury but I am not letting it rule me. (had to cut my intake also of course which is a delicate balance).

    @texasgardnr do you have a FOLDER to keep all your past logs? I think it would be kind of fun to have them all posted on the refrigerator to look at.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,109 Member
    Never fear, @SummerSkier, you’ll be back to full force soon!!!

    Wonder Woman!!!

  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,109 Member
    1,000 day streak tracking in MFP (since early December 2017! Down from 191.6 to 156.6. I’d lost 36.7 prior to finding MFP.

    Very excited!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Sorry I’ve been invisible the last few days. I’m recovering from a short bout of diverticulitis and have totally ignored my goals for two days now. I slept 15 hours yesterday and am feeling better today, just tired yet. Tomorrow I will be 100% back! We made it through August exceptionally successfully IMHO! Bring on September❣️
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,109 Member
    I’m sorry that hit you & I’m glad you are on the mend! ❤️❤️❤️

    Yes, August was great! We’re doing it!!

    Take Care,
    Maddie 🌸
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,883 Member
    @nebslp that sounds particularly AWFUL. And no judgements from us about ignoring trackers or goals under special circumstances for sure! Glad you are feeling better and hope to see everyone in Sept tomorrow! I am still debating what to do or what not to do. Wishywashy is my middle name for Sept.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,109 Member
    @nebslp that sounds particularly AWFUL. And no judgements from us about ignoring trackers or goals under special circumstances for sure! Glad you are feeling better and hope to see everyone in Sept tomorrow! I am still debating what to do or what not to do. Wishywashy is my middle name for Sept.

    Want to bouncy your “possibles” by us? 🦋
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,109 Member
    One more day!
    I’m looking forward to September!
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    @SummerSkier to answer your question I do not print or keep paper copies of what I have posted here on line to track my 'I Will'. I have not yet entered the lovely world of artistic and beautiful paper trackers, although I enjoy everyone's immensely who does do that. I have Googled the possibility of how one is created.

    I hope that your knee continues to improve as you start to run again.

    @77tes your tracker is coming along beautifully! I like that the colors you used go along with your tracker's theme!

    @MadisonMolly2017 Congratulations for your1,000 day streak of tracking in MFP, starting way back in 2017! Wow! that is truly amazing and shows how dedicated 🌷 and determined 🌸 that you are in your health and fitness goal!! You rock it all the way to the moon 🌙 and back again!

    @nebslp Hugs 🤗 to you. Diverticulitis is reportedly very painful from what I understand. I am glad that you were able to sleep while recovering. Not to worry about anything.

    See you all in September

    Getting late around here😴, nighty night y'all 🤠🌺
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    My August I Wills have been focused on fun and a bit of creativity.

    I will read my book and/or color some every day. 📖 = reading a book for fun, 📜= coloring

    August 1: 📖

    August 2: 📜
    August 3: 📖
    August 4: 📖
    August 5: 📖 📜
    August 6: 📖 📜
    August 7: 📖 📜
    August 8: 📜

    August 9: 📜
    August 10: 📖 📜
    August 11: 📖 📜
    August 12: 📖 📜
    August 13: 📜
    August 14: 📖 📜
    August 15: 📖

    August 16: 📖 📜
    August 17: 📖 📜
    August 18: 📖
    August 19: 📜
    August 20: 📜
    August 21: 📖 📜
    August 22: 📖 📜

    August 23: 📜
    August 24: 📖 📜
    August 25: 📖 📜
    August 26: 📜
    August 27: 📜
    August 28: 📖 📜
    August 29: 📖 📜
    August 30: 📖 📜
    August 31: 📖 📜
