Downsizers - October 2020 Team Chat



  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,597 Member
    I'm new to Fat2Fit and to MFP. Although I had started MFP last April with my real name and my photo, but got so many men sending me messages that I deleted the account and started over. Very strange to me, as this is a fitness app, I wasn't expecting that, so I am being more careful about sharing here, but about me;

    I am 47, a wife and Mom of two teens, and my fur-children, a dog and a cat. I had lost over 100 lbs. previously and in the best shape of my life, and held it off for years, until Covid hit. I really relied on the gym to lift weights to keep the pounds off, so I have gained over 20 lbs since last March.

    I am now home full-time, working here since Covid, and being here 24/7 has been a real difficulty on my diet. I am a stress eater/emotional eater, so since I cannot get my "gym outlet" workouts away from home and my work anymore, it's been a major road block to my goals and weight loss.

    I am so grateful for finding this group and looking forward to progress in October!

    GOALS: Saturday, Oct. 3

    🏃🏻‍♀️Workout: YES
    💦 Water: YES
    🍽 Food: NO (anniversary cheat meal)
    😴Sleep: YES


    Sat 10/3: 18,427

    I had a huge pasta dinner last night for my anniversary dinner with cake too, and I am really feeling it this morning. I have carb hang over. Hopefully yesterday won't undo all of the week's efforts going forward.

    I stopped accepting friend requests from men for this reason. Some people think this is a dating site I think. I am excited to have you as a teammate! Can’t wait to celebrate When you hit 100 pounds lost again. Happy Anniversary! I tend work my calories for the week as an average. This way I can have a little more on the weekends. I am sure you will be ok with just one meal out. Drink extra water the nExt few days to help with water weight from the meal. Restaurant food is so salty.

    azkunk wrote: »
    I’m Andrea and this is my second month with the Downsizers. I turned 49 in May and found myself at the heaviest I’ve been in my life. I decided that I needed to finally do something and made a goal to lose 50 lbs by the time I turn 50. I didn’t get super serious until August and I am now well on my way with 17 down and 33 to go. That is not my final goal but a realistic one. I will adjust as I get closer. Ideally, I’d like to be between 135-140. But I’d be just as happy at 150

    October Goals
    Lose 1lb/week
    7,500 steps/day (increase of 500)
    Couch to 5K- 3 workouts/week
    Close rings every day this month

    Glad to have you back for the next month! You have great goals for October.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,082 Member
    Gooood Morning/Afternoon Everyone ....Can you believe it is already October ? This year started out slow for me but after summer break it has flown by :)

    My October Goals are:

    Meal prep once a week
    workout 6 days a week (walking and doing Country Heat DVD)
    I would like to lose 8 lbs this month (that would put me at 229) :)
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,597 Member
    Just wondering if anyone uses Epicure. I bought a few of their meal solutions and I am hoping they taste ok.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    :star:The Green Challenge :star: Percentage of people who lost weight this week. No matter how small the loss the weights are recorded in green. Remember that even if your team doesn’t rank the highest in weight loss for the week you can still be the Green Percentage winner by having the most losses in your team! So keep it up!! B)

  • darleenturner
    darleenturner Posts: 79 Member

    Can you add me to the steps
  • dabbers18
    dabbers18 Posts: 52 Member
    A very brief one this.
    STEPS about 4000
    I been struck down with the dreaded virus. In my bed since thurs as so poorly. Xx
  • dabbers18
    dabbers18 Posts: 52 Member
    216.2 grrr
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,082 Member

    Can you add me to the steps

    Absolutely Darleen ....Please post your steps either later tonight or tomorrow for 10/4 thank you :)
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,082 Member
    @Megan_smartiepants1970 - please add me to the step challenge for October 😀

    You have been added :)
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,082 Member
    azkunk wrote: »
    azkunk wrote: »
    Steps 10/3= 7607

    @Megan_smartiepants1970 - count me in for the step challenge again this month, please 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️

    I am missing steps from you on 10/2

    10/2 = 9664

    Thanks Andrea :)
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    dabbers18 wrote: »
    A very brief one this.
    STEPS about 4000
    I been struck down with the dreaded virus. In my bed since thurs as so poorly. Xx

    I am so sorry to hear that. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Take care!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,082 Member
    Attention Downsizers

    Please give me your steps by tomorrow for September ...if I do not have them by then I will be putting 0's and your steps will not count for the one's that are missing

    I would like to have September's Step Tallies done tomorrow

    Thank you for your cooperation :)
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,597 Member
    dabbers18 wrote: »
    A very brief one this.
    STEPS about 4000
    I been struck down with the dreaded virus. In my bed since thurs as so poorly. Xx

    I hope you feel better soon! Let us know how you are doing. Congrats on the loss!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,082 Member
    dabbers18 wrote: »
    A very brief one this.
    STEPS about 4000
    I been struck down with the dreaded virus. In my bed since thurs as so poorly. Xx

    I hope you feel better soon ....You are in my thoughts .....hugs :)
  • lcfa5317
    lcfa5317 Posts: 147 Member
    Hi, I'm Lisa and I'm with the Downsizers. I've been overweight mainly since the birth of my 3rd child which was in 2000. I joined MFP a few years ago, but never tracked. I've been tracking for about 5 weeks now. I didn't step on the scale during that time because I thought it would be helpful to wait. I was CERTAIN I lost weight. I stepped on the scale today, and I gained weight! I guess I have to eat healthier foods! It was very depressing to see that number today. I thought the scale was off, so of course I had to step on it a few times. Where to do I write my information? Since today is my weigh in day I'd like to put it somewhere, but I'm not quite sure how this works. I'd also like to join @Megan_smartiepants1970 in her step challenge. My steps today are 14,485.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,082 Member
    lcfa5317 wrote: »
    Hi, I'm Lisa and I'm with the Downsizers. I've been overweight mainly since the birth of my 3rd child which was in 2000. I joined MFP a few years ago, but never tracked. I've been tracking for about 5 weeks now. I didn't step on the scale during that time because I thought it would be helpful to wait. I was CERTAIN I lost weight. I stepped on the scale today, and I gained weight! I guess I have to eat healthier foods! It was very depressing to see that number today. I thought the scale was off, so of course I had to step on it a few times. Where to do I write my information? Since today is my weigh in day I'd like to put it somewhere, but I'm not quite sure how this works. I'd also like to join @Megan_smartiepants1970 in her step challenge. My steps today are 14,485.

    Hi Lisa ....So happy to have you on this wonderful team :)

    You will put your information in here weeekly
    Here is the format we use:
    Weigh in Day:
    LTD(loss to date)

    Since this is your 1st weigh in just put your CW and then next week you will use PW and CW

    I will add you to the step challenge ...great steps :)
  • mszoueb
    mszoueb Posts: 155 Member
    edited October 2020
    Morning all,

    Woo, hello the October thread. Cannot believe that it is a new month already! Happy to be carrying on with the team for another month. I don't know if it's similar where you guys are but definitely noticed the weather change and temperatures drop down. Where has this year gone? On Saturday I weighed in at 249.2 but then this morning I have went up to 250.2 - not overly surprised as I've probably went over my calories at the weekend but would of been nice to end/start this month under the 250's.

    Still trying to be mindful all round on food and exercise, I fit in a stationery bike cycle session and a few walks last week. Phew that cycle was tough, I got to 28 mins but usually somehow manage 30 mins - the acid reflux nearly had me passing out off the bike had to stop and keep sitting down. I thought I left a good enough time between eating but wow it got me. I don't know if anyone else gets like when exercising? I probably push myself harder than I should on the resistance - I usually do a mix alternating between 2 mins warm up on level 4 then level 5 and 6 2 mins each alternating them up until 30 mins.. (it goes up to about resistance level 13 - I have no idea how that's possible) but it wouldn't feel like a workout if I stayed on one level for the duration.

    My goals this month is carrying over last month's goal to stay under 250's as I want to hit total loss of 1-1.5 stone (would be 245.5-238.4) by Christmas as stated in Sept thread.

    Have a great week everyone.

    CW: 250.2

  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    Hi! I come to the post lmao because in the Step challenge from October I am as Marigorrina instead of marigorringo. :D Marigorringo means ladybug in basque but gorrina means female pig, and usually when we wanna say "you are the queen of..."for example lazyness you will say MARILAZY and in this case is Marigorrina. The queen of the lady pigs. Just to add that they call pigs to fat people. September has been my worse month weight wise and Marigorrina feels so accurate that I couldn't stop laughing!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,082 Member
    Gooooood Morning all you amazing Downsizers .... Today is my daughter's Birthday she is now 15 :o ..Getting ready to go walking ...I am excited to try to push myself a little farther in our walks...I really want to hit that 5 mile milestone...I keep coming up shy of it ...I hope you all have an amazing day :)
  • rlaskey2
    rlaskey2 Posts: 461 Member
    Calories: over
    Exercise: walking
    Water: not enough
    Steps: 15,510

    I went for a long walk with a friend in the am to get my steps in. I tracked all day I did go over since I ate my leftovers for dinner, they were too good to throw out and I was being lazy and didn’t feel like cooking the pork tenderloin I was marinated. I had slightly more water but still no where near enough.
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