Downsizers - November 2020 Team Chat



  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    Caught myself criticizing myself in the mirror today. A reminder to me and to you:


    Uff that is so true!

    In case someone is blind here or has issues and hears the texts instead of reading, the text says: Your body hears everything your mind says. Stay positive.

    My girlfriend is all the time telling me: Don't you farting dare to speak like that to my girlfriend! She is beautiful!

    I find myself saying bad things about myself when I have been already a really long time staring at myself in the mirror and saying the most horrible things you could ever imagine

    To compensate, I'm doing the opposite. I go naked to the mirror and I observe myself with love. Is difficult but it helps a lot.
  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    One more thing (then I promise I'll stop clogging the page here LOL). Thank you to @lindamtuck2018 (for everything you do) and for the weekend challenge, particularly the "take time for yourself part". I decided to make that a daily goal this week and so last night I took a nice long salt bath and OMG this morning I felt incredible! THANK YOU!

    I want a bath too!
    Write as much as you want. We will enjoy reading
  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    Nov 11th Check in

    * Track food ✅
    * Stay under calorie goal ✅
    * Not restrict ✅
    * Drink 2L water minimum ✅
    Walks this week- 1 (goal of 3)

    Steps 10,000 (I am a bit short but that's what it's going to be before bed lol)

    Today was a good day food wise. Made an old slimming world recipe- diet coke chicken, had that with some rice.

    I looked at my calories and feel like I didn't eat enough. But I made a promise not to eat after 8 so... I'll be ok til tomorrow. It wasn't restricting, I have just been busy and the food has been enough.

    Tomorrow I have plans with a friend to get a pedi! Very exciting stuff. Then going to the dentist to get my teef cleaned (not so exciting)

    Hoping to get a walk in at some point tomorrow, since I am back to work on Friday!

    Oh my cat! The amount of times I have been trying not to eat after 20.00 As a Spanish person I find it impossible. And my girlfriend is from Belgium, so it should be easier. But instead she took my way with her🤣
    We want a picture of the pedicure!
  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    Good morning everyone.
    Yesterday I walked a lot! 24.687 steps.
    My girlfriend and I are thinking to do the Camino de Santiago as soon as possible and I need to train the days that I can.
    Yesterday I was trying to walk with the 2 sticks. Oh my cat! That is complicated to do 🤣. But I managed.
    Today, if everything goes ok, I will walk a bit again.
    Since Monday I'm feeling more positive again and more ME. And I'm so happy to feel myself back.
    It changes the way i eat, the was i move, the way i think....
    I'm hopeful that I will manage to go back on track.
    I'm still having plenty of issues around me ,but I'm taking it with another perspective.
    Have a lovely day
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Check-in: Wednesday Nov 11

    • 30 active minutes - 75 min ✔️
    • Water 2L - 3,250L ✔️
    • 10,000 steps - 10,943 ✔️
    • no carbs for dinner - fail ✖️

    Happy Thursday team. I’m feeling a little down today as it’s been 2 months now since we lost my brother in law and my nieces. It feels like yesterday but at the same time ages since the accident. Such a strange feeling.

    My son is back in school today as he is 100% better now. I walked him to school this morning and walked the dog at the same time so I could get in a good 30 minutes. I will try to go out later this afternoon again for another walk.

    The scale is up a bit today but I was expecting this to happen at some point now that my eating and activity have gone a little back to normal. I just hope I can keep it down now and continue on with my normal weight loss. I’m trying my best with my food and I’ve managed to cut back on the Halloween sweets now only allowing 1 a day.

    Blessed day everyone ❤️

    November goals:

    •Achieve at least 30 active minutes daily.
    •Drink at least 2L water daily.
    •Reach at least 10,000 steps daily.
    •No Carbs for dinner.
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Z10Rtza wrote: »
    Hi hi!
    Yesterday it helped me a lot to take the things in a slower rhythm.
    I'm going to try to do as much with the less amount of stress possible.
    I wanna share with you something I do every now and then that it's a great tool to me. Because it is really visual and interactive .
    Every month I make a list of the things I want to improve or avoid.
    This can be food that I don't wanna eat, goals like the steps...
    I make a list with everything. In this case it has been 20 things.
    And then I write the days of the month on the top.
    As I have been starting on day 9. I also do there from 9 to 31.
    And under all the goals I write Total good
    This helps to make a positive environment to what I have achieved. Maybe I ate chocolate but I did the 8.000 steps
    Writing what I eat is something I have done since so long that it doesn't cost me even effort. So this is an extra to all the rest.
    If someone does it, I would love to see yours.

    This is such a good idea I think we should use whatever tools help us best and if this keeps you on track then keep it up the great work!
    lelbarou wrote: »
    It's warm here, but I think that's coming to an end! Boohoo!
    Had a busy day yesterday. I had a walk, went to a knee clinic and taught a class at night.
    By the way, if anyone has arthritis in the knee, there is a program called GLAD.
    It is a kind of knee program that I will be doing. Maybe you have it in the US too?

    It's raining, but I'm meeting a friend for coffee. Hope it clears up!

    Have a great day everyone! Be safe and take care!

    Wishing you a wonderful day and I hope your knee starts to feel better soon ❤️
    rlaskey2 wrote: »

    Not happy about the .2 gain but it’s now a new week. Looking forward to my boxing workout today and that I get a break from weights since I am sore. I have been able to increase weights on a couple of exercises.

    Do not stress about that minuscule gain. I’m sure next week you will see a nice drop especially with such amazing workouts planned out!
    Thanks for all the advice on moving! Yesterday I had what I like to call a slight binge. I stopped myself before I got too crazy. Still a positive! The really good part of yesterday was I went for a nice walk. I walked to the mini department store which is about 15 minutes away. I browsed around for awhile and walked back. Other than the numbness in my foot the pain bearable. It didn’t get bad until later in the afternoon when the swelling increased. I am off soon to get an X-ray of my hip and a Doppler to make sure I have no blood clot in my leg. I thought this was checked when I had the ultrasounds done but it wasn’t ordered for some reason.

    I need to know is anyone as excited for tomorrow as I am! The season premiere of Grey’s is happening to a tv near you!

    Good job getting control over that binge. I love greys anatomy but can’t watch it real time here in France. I wait for the episodes to come out on Netflix or Amazon prime so I am always a season behind 😭
    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    My steps have been a little low the past couple days. I've been having a hard time with wanting to move with it being so cold outside. And the treadmill is just so boring haha. Maybe I'll try a long walking video again instead.

    azkunk wrote: »

    Under calories and close to hitting my macros. I was only a few grams off on each. I hit the wall yesterday and crashed on the couch. So, I did not even come close to steps. I have a headache today but I am determined to hit my steps.

    I hope you are feeling better today.
    Just got home from a 7.37 miles :) now I am off to re arrange my house...I get bored often so I re-arrange a lot :p ...I hope everyone is doing good :)

    Wow you are just full of energy! You are of course also welcome to rearrange my place lol.
    Rocked a 5k walk today! In under an hour!

    When I was a healthy weight, back in 2013, I managed to run a 5k in half an hour.... so my logic says- I weigh about 2 of what I should, so twice the length of time is FINE.

    Longest walk I've done in the last... 4years? I am so chuffed with myself ^_^

    A 30 min 5 k run is such a great pace and yea a 5 k walk in under an hour is very very good! When I go out for a 5 k my goal is always to finish in under an hour. Congratulations!

  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Bluetail6 wrote: »
    This is going to be a quick post. Last night our freezer/refrigerator stopped working. By the time I noticed it, Things were melting in the freezer. Anyway, we have a freezer and refrigerator in the garage, but it is stuffed cause we just did a big shopping trip last weekend. Between last night and today, we have the inside freezer working as a refrigerator. Dinner should be interesting..... beef & pork curry, anyone? It will be just fine. Our repair guy, incidentally named Guy, will be here Friday. Oh yeah, did I mention my truck? Well, that is another post, lol.

    Why didn't I notice the leaking freezer earlier.... Because I am teaching my self not to constantly go in/out of the darn thing!! For me, that is great news :D:D

    Oh no that sucks! We’ve never had to deal with that in my house but it could happen. What a nightmare. I hope you managed to save all your food.
    363days wrote: »
    I am having a tough time posting every day, it seems like when I got off schedule over the weekend getting back on schedule hasn't happened, yet. I've gotten to bed 2-3 hours later than usual for 3 nights in a row and I can tell that not sleeping enough has affected my eating. Plus, I really didn't feel like walking today (poor pups) so the steps are grocery store steps and bathroom breaks. With it getting dark early I see that I'm wimping out and not walking if it is dark. I'm getting them in early tomorrow. I did go back and read all of the postings I've missed and I just love hearing about everyone's progress, exercise habits, new apartments, moving tips, and more! I hope your day was good and have a great Thursday

    Well we are happy when you do get to check in on us and when we get to hear about how you are doing. I do hope you find your motivation to get outside. It’s hard when it gets dark so early and says are gloomy but I promise once it’s done you’ll be happy you did. Keep your head up ❤️
    Caught myself criticizing myself in the mirror today. A reminder to me and to you:


    This has been me all my life! I love ethos post and thanks for reminding us. ❤️
    lcfa5317 wrote: »
    But it is COLD outside! I saw a friend while I was walking & even though I don’t see many friends these days I couldn’t chat long - I was shaking. We had beautiful weather for a week & now we’re back to normal November weather - brrrr.

    make sure you bundle up each time. Don’t want to go catching a cold 🥶
    Today was a good day food wise. Made an old slimming world recipe- diet coke chicken, had that with some rice.

    I looked at my calories and feel like I didn't eat enough. But I made a promise not to eat after 8 so... I'll be ok til tomorrow. It wasn't restricting, I have just been busy and the food has been enough.

    Tomorrow I have plans with a friend to get a pedi! Very exciting stuff. Then going to the dentist to get my teef cleaned (not so exciting)

    Hoping to get a walk in at some point tomorrow, since I am back to work on Friday!

    I think not eating after 8 is such a good habit to have. I also stop all intake at 8 and I find I sleep better and wake up less bloated. Have fun with your friend and enjoy that much deserved Pedi ❤️
    CHECK IN: Wednesday, Nov. 11
    🏃🏻‍♀️ Exercise ✔️
    💦 Water ✔️
    🍽 Calories /Tracking✔️
    😴 Sleep ✔️

    WED. 11/11: 8,500 (spinning) +3,248 (rowing) + 17,141 = 28,889

    You are a MACHINE!!!

  • eaturpasta
    eaturpasta Posts: 84 Member
    Bluetail6 wrote: »

    This is going to be a quick post. Last night our freezer/refrigerator stopped working. By the time I noticed it, Things were melting in the freezer. Anyway, we have a freezer and refrigerator in the garage, but it is stuffed cause we just did a big shopping trip last weekend. Between last night and today, we have the inside freezer working as a refrigerator. Dinner should be interesting..... beef & pork curry, anyone? It will be just fine. Our repair guy, incidentally named Guy, will be here Friday. Oh yeah, did I mention my truck? Well, that is another post, lol.

    Why didn't I notice the leaking freezer earlier.... Because I am teaching my self not to constantly go in/out of the darn thing!! For me, that is great news :D:D
    We had this happen to us a few weeks ago. Hopefully it is a quick and low cost fix.
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    Z10Rtza wrote: »
    Good morning everyone.
    Yesterday I walked a lot! 24.687 steps.
    My girlfriend and I are thinking to do the Camino de Santiago as soon as possible and I need to train the days that I can.
    Yesterday I was trying to walk with the 2 sticks. Oh my cat! That is complicated to do 🤣. But I managed.
    Today, if everything goes ok, I will walk a bit again.
    Since Monday I'm feeling more positive again and more ME. And I'm so happy to feel myself back.
    It changes the way i eat, the was i move, the way i think....
    I'm hopeful that I will manage to go back on track.
    I'm still having plenty of issues around me ,but I'm taking it with another perspective.
    Have a lovely day

    I’m so glad that you are feeling more like yourself. Welcome back 😊

  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,587 Member
    Bluetail6 wrote: »

    Steps: 6,122
    At/Under Calories: Yes
    Water: Yes
    Sleep: Yes... (barely)!
    water: Yes

    This is going to be a quick post. Last night our freezer/refrigerator stopped working. By the time I noticed it, Things were melting in the freezer. Anyway, we have a freezer and refrigerator in the garage, but it is stuffed cause we just did a big shopping trip last weekend. Between last night and today, we have the inside freezer working as a refrigerator. Dinner should be interesting..... beef & pork curry, anyone? It will be just fine. Our repair guy, incidentally named Guy, will be here Friday. Oh yeah, did I mention my truck? Well, that is another post, lol.

    Why didn't I notice the leaking freezer earlier.... Because I am teaching my self not to constantly go in/out of the darn thing!! For me, that is great news :D:D

    That is awful to lose your freezer! I hope you are able to save some of your food.

    363days wrote: »
    11/11 check in
    calories under - yes
    water - yes
    exercise - yes
    steps -5010, goal 10k
    @Megan_smartiepants1970 -11/10 4813 11/9 10331 Thanks for all the work you do keeping track of this!
    I am having a tough time posting every day, it seems like when I got off schedule over the weekend getting back on schedule hasn't happened, yet. I've gotten to bed 2-3 hours later than usual for 3 nights in a row and I can tell that not sleeping enough has affected my eating. Plus, I really didn't feel like walking today (poor pups) so the steps are grocery store steps and bathroom breaks. With it getting dark early I see that I'm wimping out and not walking if it is dark. I'm getting them in early tomorrow. I did go back and read all of the postings I've missed and I just love hearing about everyone's progress, exercise habits, new apartments, moving tips, and more! I hope your day was good and have a great Thursday

    Post whenever you can! It is definitely hard to get back on track after a weekend that did not go according to plan. I know for myself after last weekend I have been super hungry all week. When it got hot this summer I did all my walking in the apartment. There is a longer stretch I walked back and forth. I was able to get my heart rate up doing this. Can you do something like this ion days you can’t walk early? I hope you enjoy your walk tomorrow.

    Caught myself criticizing myself in the mirror today. A reminder to me and to you:

    One more thing (then I promise I'll stop clogging the page here LOL). Thank you to @lindamtuck2018 (for everything you do) and for the weekend challenge, particularly the "take time for yourself part". I decided to make that a daily goal this week and so last night I took a nice long salt bath and OMG this morning I felt incredible! THANK YOU!

    I definitely need a reminder of this. I can be so critical when looking in the mirror. I am glad you are still taking time for yourself! It is something we all should be doing for ourselves.

    lcfa5317 wrote: »
    Steps = 10,177
    But it is COLD outside! I saw a friend while I was walking & even though I don’t see many friends these days I couldn’t chat long - I was shaking. We had beautiful weather for a week & now we’re back to normal November weather - brrrr.
    Calories- good day today!
    Relaxation??? Bad - Somedays I work too much & today was one of those days.
    Water - good!
    Planning to make minestrone soup tomorrow- healthy & delicious!

    I did the same thing I yesterday. I got spoiled with the warm weather that we had I went out without a coat. I shivered the entire walk. I hope you get to relax today. Soup sounds delicious. I have never made minestrone soup before. I am adding it to my new recipe ideas.

    Nov 11th Check in

    * Track food ✅
    * Stay under calorie goal ✅
    * Not restrict ✅
    * Drink 2L water minimum ✅
    Walks this week- 1 (goal of 3)

    Steps 10,000 (I am a bit short but that's what it's going to be before bed lol)

    Today was a good day food wise. Made an old slimming world recipe- diet coke chicken, had that with some rice.

    I looked at my calories and feel like I didn't eat enough. But I made a promise not to eat after 8 so... I'll be ok til tomorrow. It wasn't restricting, I have just been busy and the food has been enough.

    Tomorrow I have plans with a friend to get a pedi! Very exciting stuff. Then going to the dentist to get my teef cleaned (not so exciting)

    Hoping to get a walk in at some point tomorrow, since I am back to work on Friday!

    Nice job hitting all your goals. I would really like the recipe to your Diet Coke chicken. Can you post it? Enjoy your pedicure!

    CHECK IN: Wednesday, Nov. 11
    🏃🏻‍♀️ Exercise ✔️
    💦 Water ✔️
    🍽 Calories /Tracking✔️
    😴 Sleep ✔️

    WED. 11/11: 8,500 (spinning) +3,248 (rowing) + 17,141 = 28,889

    I haven’t used a rowing machine in years. I hope get have one in the exercise room at the new apartment. Do you row often?
  • rlaskey2
    rlaskey2 Posts: 461 Member
    Tracked Yes
    Under calories No
    Steps 14771
    Exercise Walk

    Yesterday I went for a walk with friends it didn’t seem every long, weather was cloudy but warm and humid and I also cleaned the house. I got lazy and didn’t do my boxing workout as planned when I got home or cook dinner. Going to try to do boxing and strength workout shortly once I finish my coffee since no walking today with rain.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,587 Member
    Z10Rtza wrote: »
    Good morning everyone.
    Yesterday I walked a lot! 24.687 steps.
    My girlfriend and I are thinking to do the Camino de Santiago as soon as possible and I need to train the days that I can.
    Yesterday I was trying to walk with the 2 sticks. Oh my cat! That is complicated to do 🤣. But I managed.
    Today, if everything goes ok, I will walk a bit again.
    Since Monday I'm feeling more positive again and more ME. And I'm so happy to feel myself back.
    It changes the way i eat, the was i move, the way i think....
    I'm hopeful that I will manage to go back on track.
    I'm still having plenty of issues around me ,but I'm taking it with another perspective.
    Have a lovely day

    I am glad you feel like yourself again! That sounds like it would be an awesome walk! Are you going to walk the entire 500 miles?

    Check-in: Wednesday Nov 11

    • 30 active minutes - 75 min ✔️
    • Water 2L - 3,250L ✔️
    • 10,000 steps - 10,943 ✔️
    • no carbs for dinner - fail ✖️

    Happy Thursday team. I’m feeling a little down today as it’s been 2 months now since we lost my brother in law and my nieces. It feels like yesterday but at the same time ages since the accident. Such a strange feeling.

    My son is back in school today as he is 100% better now. I walked him to school this morning and walked the dog at the same time so I could get in a good 30 minutes. I will try to go out later this afternoon again for another walk.

    The scale is up a bit today but I was expecting this to happen at some point now that my eating and activity have gone a little back to normal. I just hope I can keep it down now and continue on with my normal weight loss. I’m trying my best with my food and I’ve managed to cut back on the Halloween sweets now only allowing 1 a day.

    Blessed day everyone ❤️

    November goals:

    •Achieve at least 30 active minutes daily.
    •Drink at least 2L water daily.
    •Reach at least 10,000 steps daily.
    •No Carbs for dinner.

    Hugs, Mari! I can’t imagine how hard this has all been. Glad your son is feeling better. I think you are doing well and you will be very successful.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,587 Member
    rlaskey2 wrote: »
    Tracked Yes
    Under calories No
    Steps 14771
    Exercise Walk

    Yesterday I went for a walk with friends it didn’t seem every long, weather was cloudy but warm and humid and I also cleaned the house. I got lazy and didn’t do my boxing workout as planned when I got home or cook dinner. Going to try to do boxing and strength workout shortly once I finish my coffee since no walking today with rain.

    Great job tracking. Enjoy your workout!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,587 Member
    Wednesday’s check in
    Calories: under
    Water: ✅
    Steps: 6,591
    DBF: 1

    Yesterday, I ended up walking further than planned. According to my Fitbit it was a total of 43 minutes. I was walking to meet my granddaughter for lunch and I was almost there. I realized I had lost my keys. I had to retrace my steps until I found them. I was almost back home before I found them. 🤷‍♀️ If I didn’t have to but my Fitbit on the charger I would have a lot more steps. The pain level was a bit rough on the way home from our lunch and the rest of the day but not near what it used to be. I don’t know if the medications are starting to work or my pain tolerance is getting better. I am going to walk again today. That will be 3 days in a row. Yay me!

    I had no binge last night. I have been really hungry all week. I think it is from all the takeout and mindless snacking Friday and Saturday. So I was hungry when I went to bed. It is meal planning day and I am going to search for a new recipe on Pinterest for next week. I do have a few ideas that you guys have given me so I may go with one of them.

    Have a great day!

    Weekly goals
    1. Stay within calorie goal
    2. Drink 70 ounces of water
    3. Sleep 7.5 hours daily
    4. No binge eating/late night snacking
  • GottaDUMPmyRUMP
    GottaDUMPmyRUMP Posts: 270 Member
    edited November 2020
    eaturpasta wrote: »
    I haven’t used a rowing machine in years. I hope get have one in the exercise room at the new apartment. Do you row often?

    I started rowing a few years ago, one of my good friends rows on a team and used to row with me (on land though) in the gym. I was rowing regularly (3-4 times a week) after that at my gym, before Covid. I bought a rower over the summer and now I try to row for only 10-15 minutes, 2-3 times a week in tandem with another workout (like 20 min. run or something).

    I'm trying to vary my workouts each day/week (per my trainer's recommendations) and so I don't get bored and to keep my body (hopefully) burning calories and building up muscle. It's a great full body workout for sure.

  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,068 Member
    Gooooood Morning uhhhhhhhhhhhmazing Team :) .... No walking today because I have a lot to do around the house ... being a purrrrfectionist isn't always cool .... I am cleaning ...organizing ...etc from top to bottom today ..... Tomorrow I go in for my bone density test to figure out why I had 3 fractures in my feet ... I will be 50 next month UGHH where does time go ????
  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    363days wrote: »
    11/11 check in
    calories under - yes
    water - yes
    exercise - yes
    steps -5010, goal 10k
    @Megan_smartiepants1970 -11/10 4813 11/9 10331 Thanks for all the work you do keeping track of this!
    I am having a tough time posting every day, it seems like when I got off schedule over the weekend getting back on schedule hasn't happened, yet. I've gotten to bed 2-3 hours later than usual for 3 nights in a row and I can tell that not sleeping enough has affected my eating. Plus, I really didn't feel like walking today (poor pups) so the steps are grocery store steps and bathroom breaks. With it getting dark early I see that I'm wimping out and not walking if it is dark. I'm getting them in early tomorrow. I did go back and read all of the postings I've missed and I just love hearing about everyone's progress, exercise habits, new apartments, moving tips, and more! I hope your day was good and have a great Thursday

    Missing steps from you for 11/8 ...I might of missed them and I apologized if I did

    Hi Megan. I'm somewhat concerned about how doing the postings is impacting your sleep. It sounds like it's making you stay up later. Hmm. What to do... Can there be two people doing this work? Maybe sharing the load. Just wondering how it could be better. You really are doing a super job, but you need your sleep and you need to be focused on your own health and wellbeing. I hope you have a super day!
This discussion has been closed.