Downsizers - November 2020 Team Chat



  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    Check in for Nov. 10
    Track-yes (under)
    Exercise - yes (45 min walk)
    Steps - 9469

    It's warm here, but I think that's coming to an end! Boohoo!
    Had a busy day yesterday. I had a walk, went to a knee clinic and taught a class at night.
    By the way, if anyone has arthritis in the knee, there is a program called GLAD.
    It is a kind of knee program that I will be doing. Maybe you have it in the US too?

    It's raining, but I'm meeting a friend for coffee. Hope it clears up!

    Have a great day everyone! Be safe and take care!

  • rlaskey2
    rlaskey2 Posts: 461 Member
    CW :184.6
    PW: 184.4
    SW: 187.2
    LTD: 2.6

    Tracked Yes
    Under calories About 100 over
    Steps 9882 tracked
    Exercise back and biceps strength workout

    Not happy about the .2 gain but it’s now a new week. Looking forward to my boxing workout today and that I get a break from weights since I am sore. I have been able to increase weights on a couple of exercises.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,586 Member
    edited November 2020
    Monday’s check in
    Calories: over
    Water: ✅
    Steps: 2,749
    DBF: 0

    We got the apartment we wanted. It’s so beautiful. It is a fairly new building and has both an exercise room and pool. I was nervous that they wouldn’t approve our application so when my husband told me I was both relieved and overwhelmed. I have a lot to do in the 9 weeks before we move. I think the reason I binged last night is I let myself overthink everything and I sought out my comfort. I am working hard on overcoming letting a binge soothe me. It is a process. The biggest step I have made is I have compassion for me and forgive myself.

    I didn’t get for a walk yesterday. I didn’t check my email before coming on here and I had to wait for a package. The building manger is coming in for an inspection today and I will try to go after they leave depending on my pain level.

    Weekly goals
    1. Stay within calorie goal
    2. Drink 70 ounces of water
    3. Sleep 7.5 hours daily
    4. No binge eating/late night snacking

    omg i typed up a long response to this on my phone and pressed "done" on the top, thinking it would send. NOPE. it just closed off the damn page. I've done that so many times haha

    Congrats on the new place! It sounds wonderful!

    Before covid we snuck into my MIL's building to use the pool, even after she passed away we kept a fob and the security were super chill about it, since they knew us. But then bloody covid lol. Swimming is great when you have joint or nerve problems. I'm a ex-competitive swimmer and I just love being in the water. I feel *lighter* of course too haha.

    Wish I could help ya pack up, damn good exercise and it's kinda fun when you have a few people doing it. I helped a friend move last year, thankfully it was just to a different apartment in the same building so that made life a lot easier. But we organised though 5+ years of stuff. And there was a lot of it! She appreciated the help because I was just ruthless. "you wanna keep this receipt from 20 years ago? Yes? You don't have the item anymore." *Throws it out* lol

    Like someone said before, focus on a room at a time. I did a huge overhaul of my spare room, which honestly was something like you would see in hoarders, I'm not joking! A thing I learned when I did a PHP program last year was to set a timer for 10 or 15 minutes, and just BLITZ for that time. I put on 3 songs on spotify and ran around doing stuff until the timer went off. Sometimes I even felt "in the groove" and reset the timer a couple of times! 15 minutes, 4 times a week is an hour a week of solid work. I started in a corner and had a box and a bin bag- keepsies went in the box, throwies went in the bag. I had to take my time because my body isn't that fit so I just sat on a chair or on the bed and just sorted a bit at a time. It's amazing how much can be done in little chunks

    ANYHOO that is my (way more than) 2 cents worth. I am so excited for you!

    It drives me insane when that happens. It takes me long enough to type the first time without having to do it again. That is cool you used to swim competitively. I still have trouble doing the front crawl so my go to stroke is the breast. Not really supposed to do it since I had the knee replacement because the whip kick is not really great on the new knee. I still do it so don’t tell my surgeon. Great advice on moving. I recently did a gutting but it will even be more ruthless now that I am moving.

    I just got back from my Dr's Appt...He is happy with my weight loss .... My A1c is 6.2 ...I go in for a bone density test this Friday.... I have to have an ultra sound done on my liver next Month ( I forgot what he said about it ) so over all not a bad Dr's Appt :)

    Great news!

    Bluetail6 wrote: »
    Monday’s check in
    Calories: over
    Water: ✅
    Steps: 2,749
    DBF: 0

    We got the apartment we wanted. It’s so beautiful. It is a fairly new building and has both an exercise room and pool. I was nervous that they wouldn’t approve our application so when my husband told me I was both relieved and overwhelmed. I have a lot to do in the 9 weeks before we move. I think the reason I binged last night is I let myself overthink everything and I sought out my comfort. I am working hard on overcoming letting a binge soothe me. It is a process. The biggest step I have made is I have compassion for me and forgive myself.

    I didn’t get for a walk yesterday. I didn’t check my email before coming on here and I had to wait for a package. The building manger is coming in for an inspection today and I will try to go after they leave depending on my pain level.

    Weekly goals
    1. Stay within calorie goal
    2. Drink 70 ounces of water
    3. Sleep 7.5 hours daily
    4. No binge eating/late night snacking

    So glad you got the apartment you wanted!! I love the idea of an exercise room, and pool.

    I love that you have compassion and forgiveness for yourself. None of us are perfect. We all mess up. It is the getting back up that counts. Hope your pain level is manageable, and you get/got a walk. :)

    Thanks! I did get a fairly decent walk yesterday with minimal pain.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,586 Member
    Nov 10th Check in

    * Track food ✅
    * Stay under calorie goal ✅
    * Not restrict ✅
    * Drink 2L water minimum ✅ (Or at least I will have after a nice big glass of water lol)

    Walks this week- 0 (goal of 3)

    I was going to take a walk but my tummy has been feeling a bit off the last couple of hours and I didn't want to risk feeling dodgy on my walk, with no-where to go the washroom lol. I am hoping I'll feel better in the morning and I'll go first thing.

    Still feeling really off beam, reached out to a few people and had a talk with my therapist today, so I'll be ok.

    My wife and I had a nice dinner out. I wanted to avoid fast food so we went to an italian restaurant and sat on the patio, only our second meal out together since covid happened- the first was her birthday in July. even though I had some garlic bread with my meal, I was still under calories which is awesome.

    All in all, an ok day :)

    I hope you feel better today. Great job eating out and staying under. We don’t eat out too often but I do meet my granddaughter once a week at Tim Hortons for lunch. It is making me nervous with the rising cases here in London. I am glad you reached out to talk to someone.

    Check-in: Tuesday Nov 10

    • 30 active minutes - 194 min ✔️
    • Water 2L - 2,500L ✔️
    • 10,000 steps - 17,402 ✔️
    • no carbs for dinner - fail ✖️

    We are halfway through the week Team!!

    I had such a busy day yesterday cleaning up house (slowly), laundry, and momming pretty much all day lol. I may have over done it as I was so so tired and sore by bed time. Today I plan on taking it much easier. Will continue laundry but won’t over do it. Just happy my house is clean and most of the laundry is done. Working on bedsheets now.

    I’m just having my breakfast then I’ll wash up and change my bandages as I can now do them on my own. I’m finally allowed to have a proper shower so I’m pretty excited about that. My surgeon says all is healing well but to continue to go slow until I’m fully healed. He’s very happy with results as am I. The scales are still going down quite fast which has surprised me. I hope it doesn’t spike before the end of the week. I know this is because I’m no longer swollen from my surgery.

    It’s a bank holiday in France today so I’ve got all the kids home. The plan is to lounge around, go out for our walk this afternoon, and probably spend the day playing video games together on the switch.

    Wishing you all a happy hump day friends ❤️

    November goals:

    •Achieve at least 30 active minutes daily.
    •Drink at least 2L water daily.
    •Reach at least 10,000 steps daily.
    •No Carbs for dinner.

    Mari, I just have to say you are amazing! Enjoy you day with the kids!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,586 Member
    Z10Rtza wrote: »
    Hi hi!
    Yesterday it helped me a lot to take the things in a slower rhythm.
    I'm going to try to do as much with the less amount of stress possible.
    I wanna share with you something I do every now and then that it's a great tool to me. Because it is really visual and interactive .
    Every month I make a list of the things I want to improve or avoid.
    This can be food that I don't wanna eat, goals like the steps...
    I make a list with everything. In this case it has been 20 things.
    And then I write the days of the month on the top.
    As I have been starting on day 9. I also do there from 9 to 31.
    And under all the goals I write Total good
    This helps to make a positive environment to what I have achieved. Maybe I ate chocolate but I did the 8.000 steps
    Writing what I eat is something I have done since so long that it doesn't cost me even effort. So this is an extra to all the rest.
    If someone does it, I would love to see yours.

    Less stress is the way to go. I can’t open the image but I am going to take a closer look at the newsfeed as I think that is what you posted there. It sounds like a wonderful method.

    lelbarou wrote: »
    Check in for Nov. 10
    Track-yes (under)
    Exercise - yes (45 min walk)
    Steps - 9469

    It's warm here, but I think that's coming to an end! Boohoo!
    Had a busy day yesterday. I had a walk, went to a knee clinic and taught a class at night.
    By the way, if anyone has arthritis in the knee, there is a program called GLAD.
    It is a kind of knee program that I will be doing. Maybe you have it in the US too?

    It's raining, but I'm meeting a friend for coffee. Hope it clears up!

    Have a great day everyone! Be safe and take care!

    Nice check in! I did a program before I had my knee replacement. It basically gave us exercises to help strengthen everything around the knee. I wonder if this is the same thing. It was close to 5 years ago so my brain is foggy.
    rlaskey2 wrote: »
    CW :184.6
    PW: 184.4
    SW: 187.2
    LTD: 2.6

    Tracked Yes
    Under calories About 100 over
    Steps 9882 tracked
    Exercise back and biceps strength workout

    Not happy about the .2 gain but it’s now a new week. Looking forward to my boxing workout today and that I get a break from weights since I am sore. I have been able to increase weights on a couple of exercises.

    Great job tracking! Keep that up, stay under calories and next week should be a great one. You have the exercise down pat so that is a very big positive.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,586 Member
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,586 Member
    Tuesday’s check in
    Calories: over
    Water: ✅
    Steps: 6,649
    DBF: 0

    Thanks for all the advice on moving! Yesterday I had what I like to call a slight binge. I stopped myself before I got too crazy. Still a positive! The really good part of yesterday was I went for a nice walk. I walked to the mini department store which is about 15 minutes away. I browsed around for awhile and walked back. Other than the numbness in my foot the pain bearable. It didn’t get bad until later in the afternoon when the swelling increased. I am off soon to get an X-ray of my hip and a Doppler to make sure I have no blood clot in my leg. I thought this was checked when I had the ultrasounds done but it wasn’t ordered for some reason.

    I need to know is anyone as excited for tomorrow as I am! The season premiere of Grey’s is happening to a tv near you!

    Happy Hump Day!

    Weekly goals
    1. Stay within calorie goal
    2. Drink 70 ounces of water
    3. Sleep 7.5 hours daily
    4. No binge eating/late night snacking
  • eaturpasta
    eaturpasta Posts: 84 Member
    Z10Rtza wrote: »
    omg i typed up a long response to this on my phone and pressed "done" on the top, thinking it would send. NOPE. it just closed off the damn page. I've done that so many times haha
    This happened to me SO Often that I felt better reading that I'm not the only one

    I too have done this at least 5 times....soooo frustrating! It's one of the reasons I do not post much. I do not have pc access during the weekends and my phone just makes my frustrated!

    Thank you for both of you posting that it happens to you!
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    Daily Post November 10
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 128oz
    Steps 6256
    Exercise 40min treadmill

    My steps have been a little low the past couple days. I've been having a hard time with wanting to move with it being so cold outside. And the treadmill is just so boring haha. Maybe I'll try a long walking video again instead.
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    Check-in for 11/10

    Steps (goal=8.5K):❌
    Water (goal= 80oz):❌
    Carb goal= 145g:❌ low
    Fat goal= 40g:❌ low
    Protein= 105g:❌ high
    Fiber= 28g:✅

    Under calories and close to hitting my macros. I was only a few grams off on each. I hit the wall yesterday and crashed on the couch. So, I did not even come close to steps. I have a headache today but I am determined to hit my steps.

    @Megan_smartiepants1970 - steps for 11/10= 5341
  • eaturpasta
    eaturpasta Posts: 84 Member
    Just got home from a 7.37 miles :) now I am off to re arrange my house...I get bored often so I re-arrange a lot :p ...I hope everyone is doing good :)

    Please come and rearrange my house! We are getting new sofas and I don't have a good plan for them.
  • GottaDUMPmyRUMP
    GottaDUMPmyRUMP Posts: 270 Member
    Just got home from a 7.37 miles :) now I am off to re arrange my house...I get bored often so I re-arrange a lot :p ...I hope everyone is doing good :)

    Megan you have so much energy. I would be so tired after more than 7 miles!🥵
  • GottaDUMPmyRUMP
    GottaDUMPmyRUMP Posts: 270 Member
    Rocked a 5k walk today! In under an hour!

    When I was a healthy weight, back in 2013, I managed to run a 5k in half an hour.... so my logic says- I weigh about 2 of what I should, so twice the length of time is FINE.

    Longest walk I've done in the last... 4years? I am so chuffed with myself ^_^

    That's great progress 👏😅
  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    Hi🖐 my name has disappeared from the spreadsheet in the step challenge 😱
    The steps I think are there
  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    1) 11.750 steps
    2) 8.716 steps
    3) 4.594 steps
    4) 9.352 steps
    5) 6.299 steps
    6) 7.343 steps
    7) 5.602 steps
    8) 17.164 steps
    9) 18.743 steps
    10) 5.623 steps
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,586 Member
    Just got home from a 7.37 miles :) now I am off to re arrange my house...I get bored often so I re-arrange a lot :p ...I hope everyone is doing good :)

    Nice walking! That is a very long walk. I need you to arrange my new apartment.

    Rocked a 5k walk today! In under an hour!

    When I was a healthy weight, back in 2013, I managed to run a 5k in half an hour.... so my logic says- I weigh about 2 of what I should, so twice the length of time is FINE.

    Longest walk I've done in the last... 4years? I am so chuffed with myself ^_^

    That is amazing! You should be very proud
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    Rocked a 5k walk today! In under an hour!

    When I was a healthy weight, back in 2013, I managed to run a 5k in half an hour.... so my logic says- I weigh about 2 of what I should, so twice the length of time is FINE.

    Longest walk I've done in the last... 4years? I am so chuffed with myself ^_^

    You deserve to celebrate this! Great job 👏
This discussion has been closed.