Downsizers - November 2020 Team Chat



  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    CHECK IN: Sunday, Nov. 8

    🏃🏻‍♀️ Exercise ✔️
    💦 Water ✔️
    🍽 Calories /Tracking✔️
    😴 Sleep ✔️

    SUN. 11/8: 5,000 (Spinning) + 24,014 = 29,014

    You are unstoppable! I love it!
  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member

    . I just walked in from his appointment and it’s a stomach bug. He suspects the Halloween sweets didn’t help with the cramping and diarrhea so no more sweets for awhile which he’s pretty disappointed about 😖. He must stay home from school for 3 days and he has a note back to school that he has no COVID symptom and can return. Thank god he didn’t need to do the test. His poor little nose 😔

    And what is a stomach bug?
  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    Nov 8th Check in

    * Track food ✅
    * Stay under calorie goal ✅
    * Not restrict ✅
    * Drink 2L water minimum ✅

    Walks this week- 0 (goal of 3)

    I swear I always get pre-weigh in nerves. I have been on track all week, even kept my salt to a minimum the last few days. So fingers crossed. I would LOVE to see the 330's... it's been a long time, at least 18 months.

    Today was a long day at work. I am finding it easier to be on my feet, I still struggle to bend into the fridges, but give it another 100lb or so and I'm sure that will be gone completely (I hope!)

    The last few days have been really rough. my mental health took a huge dip. But today I felt a bit better. It's just this bloody covid stuff. I was meant to go home for the first time in 4 years just last month, and I didn't go because of the pandemic. I live in Canada but all of my family are in the UK... and now they are all in lockdown again. I'm hoping to surprise them with a visit in time for my Mum's 60th birthday in June (but shhhhhhh don't tell anyone lol)

    I am hoping to go for a nice pedi on Thursday, if my friend is up for the trip. it's been a good few months and I could do with the pampering :) Especially since I am walking more- I need to look after my feet!

    Talking of walking- today's steps are 7610!

    It's meant to be a nice day tomorrow so might take a walk in the evening. Or in the morning if I'm up early enough

    How difficult it is to be far away from the family and everyone we love. But fingers crossed for that birthday!
    And a nice pedi feels like you are a goddess when someone is giving a massage in your feet mmmm
  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    I thought I’d share a progress photo as it’s been awhile. This is NOT my lowest weight but I’m striving to get back down there. I’ve got a good 30 Lbs to lose. I’ve got this! 💪🏻

    HW - 338.8 Lbs
    LW - 164.9 Lbs
    CW - 188.4 Lbs
    (this morning not my official weigh in for the week)


    It's so inspiring! It reminds me 10 years ago when I was losing weight and taking pictures of the results. Enjoy that. It's a wonderful feeling😁
  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    lelbarou wrote: »
    Check in for Nov. 9 (Monday)
    Weigh in:
    PW - 346.3
    CW - 343
    Weight lost this past week - 3.6lbs
    LTD - 27

    Exercise - yes
    tracking - yes
    under - yes
    Steps - 6014

    Had a nice walk with a friend yesterday! The weather has been mild and sunny! Yay!
    Hopefully I should get my fitbit soon so I will have more accurate steps.
    Hope everyone has a good day!

    I send my Fitbit to repair again and soon I will have it too. It's completely different the feeling with them and how much they help😊
    Great loss
  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    Bluetail6 wrote: »
    I was nicely surprised to see my name mentioned above :). One of my goals tomorrow is to get on the thread earlier and really read through them, and post. It feels like I'm always running to the next thing.....

    If anyone has responded to any of my posts, and I haven't thanked you, I'm thanking you now. :):)

    I love that goal!
    I enjoy reading everyone but with the phone is quite complicated . Although, I think I'm going to copy your goal.
  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    jenmurphy3 wrote: »
    Weight 230.4
    Not drinking as much water as I should
    Succumbing to cravings at night
    Start of the day with a great breakfast
    Get my workout in EVERYDAY...maybe I should take a day of rest, but I really feel unproductive. Will focus this week in adding more vegetables and less carbs and sweets.
    Will also make it a point to try a new recipe. Today I’m making bacon tempeh. I’ve never had that before, so hopefully it comes out good.

    One day of rest sounds good. I get completely the feeling of not being productive but the body needs to rest. My trick is to put the rest as a challenge.
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Z10Rtza wrote: »

    . I just walked in from his appointment and it’s a stomach bug. He suspects the Halloween sweets didn’t help with the cramping and diarrhea so no more sweets for awhile which he’s pretty disappointed about 😖. He must stay home from school for 3 days and he has a note back to school that he has no COVID symptom and can return. Thank god he didn’t need to do the test. His poor little nose 😔

    And what is a stomach bug?
    Yea Ziortza a stomach bug. B.R.A.T diet and lots of fluids until he’s better. If he doesn’t get better he goes back in for a check up and possibly antibiotics but we don’t want to have to do that 🤞🏻
  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    Z10Rtza wrote: »

    . I just walked in from his appointment and it’s a stomach bug. He suspects the Halloween sweets didn’t help with the cramping and diarrhea so no more sweets for awhile which he’s pretty disappointed about 😖. He must stay home from school for 3 days and he has a note back to school that he has no COVID symptom and can return. Thank god he didn’t need to do the test. His poor little nose 😔

    And what is a stomach bug?
    Yea Ziortza a stomach bug. B.R.A.T diet and lots of fluids until he’s better. If he doesn’t get better he goes back in for a check up and possibly antibiotics but we don’t want to have to do that 🤞🏻

    I didn't know about the Brat diet either Thanks 😁
    Ginger, start anis and chia seeds are also great help.
  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    Good morning everyone
    Today I decided to make it my day and give to my body what my body wants.
    And so far is working.
    I woke up when my body wanted and I must say that even the scale liked it. I went 1,8 kg down from yesterday.
    I prepared my breakfast and sit while eating it impressive
    I took my time to read all of you. I cleaned a bit. Not much at the time.
    And I have been cuddling my cat for a really long time.
    I'm going to do some important things that at the same time are creative and enjoy while doing it.
    I wanna have a positive vibe day and do what I need to do but in slow motion.
    So far it feels good. Even the cravings are gone.
    I have until 17:00 for myself 😊
    I hope you all have a wonderful day.

    1) 11.750 steps
    2) 8.716 steps
    3) 4.594 steps
    4) 9.352 steps
    5) 6.299 steps
    6) 7.343 steps
    7) 5.602 steps
    8) 17.164 steps
    9) 18.743 steps

    What is your favourite sport to do at home?
  • rlaskey2
    rlaskey2 Posts: 461 Member
    Tracked No
    Under calories no
    Steps 8183 tracked
    Exercise chest/triceps strength workout

    I have been lazy with tracking and eating too many sweets. Staying consistent with exercise has become easier for me but I still need to work on the rest. There is still a chance I can Squeak out a small loss this week so that is what I will focus on today. Yesterday and today will be low for steps since the kids are home but I will hopefully get that average back up later in the week depending on weather which looks questionable.
  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    Yes. I host a virtual coffee almost every week with a group of friends! I also am doing a virtual book club! It's lots of fun!
  • GottaDUMPmyRUMP
    GottaDUMPmyRUMP Posts: 270 Member
    @mari_moulin Thank you for posting your progress pictures. Inspirational changes, you must feel great. I hope your son feels better soon. Good luck with the doctor appointment and continued healing and recovery.
  • littleflutterby
    littleflutterby Posts: 432 Member
    PW - 344.6
    CW - 340.8

    -3.8lb for the week

    LTD - 34.2lb
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,595 Member
    I made an error and I apologize to all!


    Congratulations! You are top three for weight loss last week.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,595 Member
    Nov 8th Check in

    * Track food ✅
    * Stay under calorie goal ✅
    * Not restrict ✅
    * Drink 2L water minimum ✅

    Walks this week- 0 (goal of 3)

    I swear I always get pre-weigh in nerves. I have been on track all week, even kept my salt to a minimum the last few days. So fingers crossed. I would LOVE to see the 330's... it's been a long time, at least 18 months.

    Today was a long day at work. I am finding it easier to be on my feet, I still struggle to bend into the fridges, but give it another 100lb or so and I'm sure that will be gone completely (I hope!)

    The last few days have been really rough. my mental health took a huge dip. But today I felt a bit better. It's just this bloody covid stuff. I was meant to go home for the first time in 4 years just last month, and I didn't go because of the pandemic. I live in Canada but all of my family are in the UK... and now they are all in lockdown again. I'm hoping to surprise them with a visit in time for my Mum's 60th birthday in June (but shhhhhhh don't tell anyone lol)

    I am hoping to go for a nice pedi on Thursday, if my friend is up for the trip. it's been a good few months and I could do with the pampering :) Especially since I am walking more- I need to look after my feet!

    Talking of walking- today's steps are 7610!

    It's meant to be a nice day tomorrow so might take a walk in the evening. Or in the morning if I'm up early enough

    I am glad you are feeling better! I can relate to missing family due to COVID-19. We couldn’t travel to Newfoundland this summer due as they totally closed their borders and my trip to Scotland was canceled in October. It also really took a toll on me. I hope your surprise trip works out this summer. It is a pleasant surprise when we find things less challenging due to our weight loss. I think today is the last day of this crazy nice weather. I hope you enjoy your walk!

    lcfa5317 wrote: »
    11/09 = 13,854 steps
    Under calories!
    I walked & did Zumba
    We have been so lucky that our weather has been lovely. It’s turning cold tomorrow. I’ll need to find more indoor activities.
    I need to plan healthy meals - I know that’s key.

    You hit the nail on the head! Staying under our calorie goal, planning balanced meals and some activity is really important.

    CHECK IN: Monday, Nov. 9
    🏃🏻‍♀️ Exercise ✔️
    💦 Water ✔️
    🍽 Calories /Tracking✔️
    😴 Sleep ❌

    MON. 11/9: 7,000 (spinning) + 15,297 = 22,297

    Another stellar day! You continue to impress me.

    Check-in: Monday Nov 10

    • 30 active minutes - 78 min ✔️
    • Water 2L - 2L ✔️
    • 10,000 steps - 12,559 ✔️
    • no carbs for dinner - fail ✖️

    Blessed Tuesday teammates. Yesterday, I had to take my son in to see the doctor as his tummy had been very bad and he had a sore throat. As many y the first thing I worry about is COVID-19. I was able to take him in to see our general practitioner and he suspects a stomach bug and the Halloween sweets didn’t help with the cramping and diarrhea so no more sweets for awhile which he’s pretty disappointed about 😖. He must stay home from school for 3 days and he has a note back to school that he has no COVID symptom and can return. Thank god he didn’t need to do the test. His poor little nose 😔

    Today I’m heading in for a second bandage change at my surgeons office. Let’s see what he says about how I’m healing so far. One thing is for sure is that all my swelling is going down because the numbers on the scale have dropped quite a bit since my weigh in on Saturday. Fingers crossed I can keep this weight down until my next weigh in.

    November goals:

    •Achieve at least 30 active minutes daily.
    •Drink at least 2L water daily.
    •Reach at least 10,000 steps daily.
    •No Carbs for dinner.

    I am so glad your son didn’t have to get that test. You are right, it is very unpleasant. Your pictures are amazing and inspiration to all of us!

    lelbarou wrote: »
    Check in for Nov. 9 (Monday)
    Weigh in:
    PW - 346.3
    CW - 343
    Weight lost this past week - 3.6lbs
    LTD - 27

    Exercise - yes
    tracking - yes
    under - yes
    Steps - 6014

    Had a nice walk with a friend yesterday! The weather has been mild and sunny! Yay!
    Hopefully I should get my fitbit soon so I will have more accurate steps.
    Hope everyone has a good day!

    Awesome loss! You are killing it. I am loving this weather. Today we are even going to have humidity. I have been 21 years in Ontario and I don’t remember a streak of weather like this in November.

    Bluetail6 wrote: »
    November 9:
    Steps: Yes 6,037
    At/Under Calories: Yes
    Water: Yes
    Sleeping: Yes (6+ hrs)
    Eating Time: Yes

    Night all :

    Glad you met your sleep goal!

    jenmurphy3 wrote: »
    Weight 230.4
    Not drinking as much water as I should
    Succumbing to cravings at night
    Start of the day with a great breakfast
    Get my workout in EVERYDAY...maybe I should take a day of rest, but I really feel unproductive. Will focus this week in adding more vegetables and less carbs and sweets.
    Will also make it a point to try a new recipe. Today I’m making bacon tempeh. I’ve never had that before, so hopefully it comes out good.

    You had a very small gain. I think if you work on the things you indicated you will have good results next week! One of my goals is to try a new recipe each week. Last week I made an autumn casserole and it was delicious. It is posted on page 32 of the October team chat.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,072 Member
    edited November 2020
    Good Morning Everyone ....Happy Tuesday ......I hope everyone is doing good ...... I apologize for not being very social and supportive ... I have a lot on my plate at this time and trying to do the best I can ... I have my 3 month diabetes check up with my very good looking Dr. this morning LOL..... I promise to get caught up on the steps and announce our amazing top steppers :)
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,595 Member
    Z10Rtza wrote: »
    Good morning everyone
    Today I decided to make it my day and give to my body what my body wants.
    And so far is working.
    I woke up when my body wanted and I must say that even the scale liked it. I went 1,8 kg down from yesterday.
    I prepared my breakfast and sit while eating it impressive
    I took my time to read all of you. I cleaned a bit. Not much at the time.
    And I have been cuddling my cat for a really long time.
    I'm going to do some important things that at the same time are creative and enjoy while doing it.
    I wanna have a positive vibe day and do what I need to do but in slow motion.
    So far it feels good. Even the cravings are gone.
    I have until 17:00 for myself 😊
    I hope you all have a wonderful day.

    1) 11.750 steps
    2) 8.716 steps
    3) 4.594 steps
    4) 9.352 steps
    5) 6.299 steps
    6) 7.343 steps
    7) 5.602 steps
    8) 17.164 steps
    9) 18.743 steps

    What is your favourite sport to do at home?

    Sounds like you are having a lovely day! I don’t really do much exercise at home but I love to walk. Unfortunately, that hasn’t been possible due to my nerve pain.

    rlaskey2 wrote: »
    Tracked No
    Under calories no
    Steps 8183 tracked
    Exercise chest/triceps strength workout

    I have been lazy with tracking and eating too many sweets. Staying consistent with exercise has become easier for me but I still need to work on the rest. There is still a chance I can Squeak out a small loss this week so that is what I will focus on today. Yesterday and today will be low for steps since the kids are home but I will hopefully get that average back up later in the week depending on weather which looks questionable.

    I think if you start tracking you will see a big difference. Like I said before it is even important to track when you are having a bad day. It is all useful data.

    PW - 344.6
    CW - 340.8

    -3.8lb for the week

    LTD - 34.2lb

    Amazing loss! You are doing so well!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,595 Member
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    @littleflutterby As a mom who just got to see her son who lives in Alaska (I'm in Tulsa) I bet your mom will be over the moon when you guys can get together. I'm so sorry that your trip got postponed. This is one of the hardest things, the way it separates families. I hope your uplifted today by everyone who cares about you!
This discussion has been closed.