Downsizers - November 2020 Team Chat



  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    1 point for each item completed for a possible 5 points a day


    1. Sit at the table whenever you eat. This prevents mindless eating!

    Just about to have a late brekkie and will eat at the table!

    2. Gratitude list!

    * My sobriety and abstinence (being binge-free)
    * Having new friends on here to support me on my weight loss journey
    * Accountability
    * Good, clean, healthy food in my fridge
    * Money to buy groceries
    * My job
    * My fitbit
    * Pedicures
    * Healthcare
    * New clothes
    * My kitties
    * My wife
    * Hot showers
    * The fact that I asked my wife to pick a number and she picked 14 so I have to be grateful for 14 things every damn day hahaha

    4. One song workout


    4. Set a water goal and meet it. I know I find it harder to stay hydrated on weekends.

    2L target, nearly half way there already!

    5. Track! Track! Track! The good, the bad and the ugly!

    Hopefully just GOOD for me this weekend! Determined to stay in the 330's this week.... Weighed myself today as a "half way" point and already 2lb down... I wanna keep that off!

    Love your gratitude list. I will definitely do one today! I'm sure you will be in the 330's soon. It's just a matter of time and you are closing in on it! Great job!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,555 Member
    Weekend Challenge: Friday

    1. Sit at the table whenever you eat: ✔️
    2. Make a list each day: ✔️
    - things that make me happy
    * My children
    * A good workout (mostly afterwards)
    * End of the week cheat meal
    * Snuggling with my pets at the end of a tough week
    * A Friday night movie with the family
    * Sleeping in on Saturday morning! Zzzzzzz

    - words of wisdom when things get tough

    3. One song workout: I did one hour of cardio set to music ✔️
    4. Set a water goal : 128 oz a day ✔️
    5. Track everything I eat! ✔️

    Points: 5/5

    Great list!

    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    Daily Post November 12
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 128oz
    Steps 9081
    Exercise 30min walking video & 30min treadmill

    I did a couple short walking videos in the morning and didn't really like them. Slowly weeding through them haha. Wasn't happy with my steps at the end of the day so hopped on the treadmill after putting the kids to bed and watched my husband play a game on the tv. Nervous about weigh in tomorrow like usual. Not for any specific reason, just nerves.
    Been staying away from the Halloween candy no problem. Thanksgiving coming up makes me nervous. I remember last year having a healthy Thanksgiving (we host every year) and doing so well. Then right after the holiday, fell apart and ate bad for the next 5 months. Maybe I was a little too restrictive, I didn't feel satisfied. This year I want to be healthy but also maybe enjoy a bite or 2 of things I don't usually eat. Just relax a little for a holiday. It only has to be one day.

    One advantage of having adult children is no Halloween candy otherwise I probably would be raiding it everyday. So great job staying away. This year I had a little of everything on Thanksgiving including cheesecake for dessert and an drink. Track everything and don’t be hard on yourself if you do go over. Like you said it’s one day.

    363days wrote: »
    @ScorpioGirl70 Dang, that is frustrating for you. I don't know if it is ok to post info about natural medication, let me know if not, but I took 5HTP when I was trying to quit smoking and I can't believe how well it worked for me. I only took it for a month, but I had been trying for years to quit and couldn't believe when it took away that desire...somehow I didn't want the taste. I did have to adjust my life a little, don't have my morning coffee at the same time (this was a trigger for me). Good luck with all of your goals!

    5HTP? never heard of it, please let me know more about it. You can friend request me if you want for I am not sure about discussing it in the group either. I take Wellbutrin to help me with quitting and it worked for a bit, but not any longer. I tried Chantix and took myself off of it because I lacked the enthusiasm to even get out of bed, I believe it was throwing me into a depressed state.

    I could really kick myself in the bootie for this. I felt so much better when I was on the verge of quitting. I need to put reminders around the house I guess on why I don't want that cancer stick in my mouth. I know it is mind over matter situation, I am just frustrated at myself for giving up, giving IT up. But a new week is approaching so, I will be at it again.

    My husband took champix. I am not sure if it is the same thing but his personality totally change and he had to stop taking it. I like the ideas of putting up reminders around the house. Keep trying!

    Nov 13th Check in

    * Track food ✅
    * Stay under calorie goal ✅
    * Not restrict ✅
    * Drink 2L water minimum ✅
    Walks this week- 1 (goal of 3)

    Steps 10,317

    Weekend Challenge - Friday

    1. Sit at the table whenever you eat: ✅
    2. Make a list each day: ✅
    3. One song workout: ✅
    4. Set a water goal : 2L ✅
    5. Track everything I eat! ✅

    Points for Friday 5/5

    I am feeling pooped. Work was really busy today, finished a bit late and got home around 11.30pm. Just had a glass of water to make up my 2L and sitting here figuring out my food for the next day at least.

    Tomorrow I was meant to spend a couple of hours at a friend's place but because covid is getting really serious again, she is reluctant to sit inside together. So she is coming over to mine and we are going for a walk. I have a nice few routes to take around my house. Lots of side streets with lovely houses to look at. So will prob do a 2 mile walk with her. I still have 2 walks to do this week.... I am in work later on Sunday (12 rather than 9.30am) So I might make the most of that by going on a shorter walk :) We shall see.

    Hope everyone had a lovely day! I can't believe we are nearing the end of week 2 already!

    I don’t if you can do this but planning my meals a week in advance helps. I have the list tacked to the fridge. Covid has made us change our live so much. Have a lovely walk!
    azkunk wrote: »
    Weekend Challenge: 2 points

    1. Sit at the table whenever you eat: ❌
    2. Make a list each day: ❌
    3. One song workout: ❌
    4. Set a water goal (80oz): ✅
    5. Track everything I eat: ✅

    Does the coffee table count 🤷🏻‍♀️

    I was determined to eat everything at the table but I just automatically got my snack and plunked down in front of the tv.

    lelbarou wrote: »
    check in for Nov. 13
    Track -yes (under)
    exercise - no
    steps - 2241 ( getting fitbit today so should have more accurate results)

    Challenge -
    1. sit at table - yes
    2. list - no
    3. song workout - no
    4. water goal - no
    5. track -yes

    Oops! A not great result yesterday! I did my laundry and sent in a bunch of applications
    and then just slept and slept!!! My stomach is a bit better today thought which is good!
    I wonder if I should be eating grains? I haven't been eating any grains and I'm getting a bit
    uninspired about what to eat! Hmmm....

    I think I will do a gratitude list today. My water goal will be 8 cups. and song... a beautiful day by U2. Does chair dancing count? LOL

    Have a great weekend!

    Sleep is so important to healing. It’s good you slept like that. Did you stop eating grains because of your stomach? You have to enjoy what you are eating. Grains will give you more options.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,555 Member
    Friday’s check in
    Calories: over
    Water: ✅
    Steps: 5,451
    DBF: 3

    My doctors appointment was moved from the end of November to Wednesday do discuss the results of the tests. No more dr. Google for me.

    I walked to meet my Granddaughter yesterday. My leg again wasn’t too bad until later in the day. My hip did hurt but I now know that’s a separate issue. I am sad that the Tim Hortons near us is closing for renovations for 2 weeks. This is where we go for lunch at least once a week. When I was walking regularly I would often go and get a tea. I enjoy our lunches because it gives us time to connect without anyone else around.

    My husband has a dental appointment this morning so we will be grocery shopping a little later today. I like going real early because there is less people to deal with.

    Hope your weekend is going well!

    Weekly goals
    1. Stay within calorie goal
    2. Drink 70 ounces of water
    3. Sleep 7.5 hours daily
    4. No binge eating/late night snacking
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,555 Member
    Weekend Challenge

    1. Sit at the table whenever you eat: ❌
    2. Make a list each day: ✅
    - I made a grocery list
    3. One song workout: ❌
    4. Set a water goal (80oz): ✅
    5. Track everything I eat: ✅

    I automatically got my snack and parked myself in front of the tv. Have to work on that today.
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    User: cesse47
    Weigh-in Day: Saturday

    Previous weight: 298.8
    Current weight: 298.2

    STEPS -- 3000 each day this past week

    Very small positive step in the right direction. Hopefully, a sign of better things to come. Still hanging in.
  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    Hi Linda. I stopped eating grains because I think I might be allergic to wheat. Also, wheat products are very triggering for me, for example, bread. I'm not sure why I decided to then eliminate all grains? I think I am an extreme person... All black or while... which isn't great.
    I probably should consider other grains like rice or quinoa. I don't think they are triggering or unhealthy.

    Sorry about the Tim's closing down for a while near you. I have a Tim's around the corner! I often go there for a coffee (and I love the lemon drink in summer) or to Starbucks which is in the other direction...hope you can find another spot for a coffee!
  • draby2011
    draby2011 Posts: 178 Member
    Hey Hey Hey! FINALLY got a day off and between birthday parties, hurricanes/tropical storms/and day to day life I am still going in the wrong direction :neutral: I weighed in this morning at 238.2 pounds. However, if I am being COMPLETELY honest with myself and with you guys, I have been eating like complete and utter crap. I'm not really exercising but work is keeping me on my toes! I had an impromptu day off Thursday because of the storm and even then I ended up emptying out my storage room and getting all the Christmas stuff ready. (I am putting all that stuff up this weekend because, well...2020) We are having more and more COVID cases again so I just signed a contract at work to work AT LEAST one extra day every week for the next 3 months and hopefully will get a bonus at the end of that) The required PPE makes me sweat like crazy though so I really think it is helping me to not gain as fast.

    I have not yet replaced my Fitbit as I think instead of getting the same one I had (used) I am going to upgrade. I think my mom and the kids' dad is working on that for Christmas so I don't want to jump the gun. However, if they don't end up doing it for Christmas, I will get one myself the next day lol. So I am still using my phone app. (Again, not sure how accurate it is and it only works when it is on me and I don't take my phone in with me when we have possible COVID cases.) So here is my rough estimates:
    Nov 7th: 1,670 (daughter's bday party and didn't have my phone on me a lot)
    Nov 8th: 7,504
    Nov 9th: 4,228
    Nov 10th: 1,769
    Nov 11th: 2,602
    Nov 12th: 1,725
    Nov 13th: 7,927

    My goals for this week are to get back on track.
    1. Eat healthier
    2. Drink water
    3. Go to the gym at least 2x.
    4. Lose 5 pounds
  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    Hi. Today we went for a walk to the mountains and we realized how much is taking our weight from us. We did only 9 kilometers and we are quite tired.
    Sometimes I get really frustrated from this kind of things. But we are doing our best.
  • rlaskey2
    rlaskey2 Posts: 461 Member
    Tracked Partcially
    Under calories No
    Steps 7948 tracked
    Exercise no

    Kids were in school yesterday so I went to see my parents and ran errands all day to stay out of the house. It was raining but I get so stir crazy being home all the time. I didn’t work out or walk. I will make up for it today. I stopped tracking by dinner time which happens when I don’t plan and cook dinner and just throw something together last minute. I am just sick of planning and cooking meals with everyone always home. I did wait until I got closer to home to eat a very late lunch instead of making a poor choice at the mall so hard to find healthy options sometimes.
  • GottaDUMPmyRUMP
    GottaDUMPmyRUMP Posts: 270 Member
    CHECK IN: Friday, Nov. 13
    🏃🏻‍♀️ Exercise ✔️
    💦 Water ✔️
    🍽 Calories /Tracking❌
    😴 Sleep ✔️

    FRI.. 11/13: 19,140 (kickboxing) + 8,422 = 27,562
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,555 Member
    cesse47 wrote: »
    User: cesse47
    Weigh-in Day: Saturday

    Previous weight: 298.8
    Current weight: 298.2

    STEPS -- 3000 each day this past week

    Very small positive step in the right direction. Hopefully, a sign of better things to come. Still hanging in.

    Congrats on your loss! I hope things start looking up for you.

    draby2011 wrote: »
    Hey Hey Hey! FINALLY got a day off and between birthday parties, hurricanes/tropical storms/and day to day life I am still going in the wrong direction :neutral: I weighed in this morning at 238.2 pounds. However, if I am being COMPLETELY honest with myself and with you guys, I have been eating like complete and utter crap. I'm not really exercising but work is keeping me on my toes! I had an impromptu day off Thursday because of the storm and even then I ended up emptying out my storage room and getting all the Christmas stuff ready. (I am putting all that stuff up this weekend because, well...2020) We are having more and more COVID cases again so I just signed a contract at work to work AT LEAST one extra day every week for the next 3 months and hopefully will get a bonus at the end of that) The required PPE makes me sweat like crazy though so I really think it is helping me to not gain as fast.

    I have not yet replaced my Fitbit as I think instead of getting the same one I had (used) I am going to upgrade. I think my mom and the kids' dad is working on that for Christmas so I don't want to jump the gun. However, if they don't end up doing it for Christmas, I will get one myself the next day lol. So I am still using my phone app. (Again, not sure how accurate it is and it only works when it is on me and I don't take my phone in with me when we have possible COVID cases.) So here is my rough estimates:
    Nov 7th: 1,670 (daughter's bday party and didn't have my phone on me a lot)
    Nov 8th: 7,504
    Nov 9th: 4,228
    Nov 10th: 1,769
    Nov 11th: 2,602
    Nov 12th: 1,725
    Nov 13th: 7,927

    My goals for this week are to get back on track.
    1. Eat healthier
    2. Drink water
    3. Go to the gym at least 2x.
    4. Lose 5 pounds

    Stay safe at work! Thanks for being a healthcare hero!

    Z10Rtza wrote: »
    Hi. Today we went for a walk to the mountains and we realized how much is taking our weight from us. We did only 9 kilometers and we are quite tired.
    Sometimes I get really frustrated from this kind of things. But we are doing our best.

    I think you are doing really well! To hike 9km is an amazing feat.

    rlaskey2 wrote: »
    Tracked Partcially
    Under calories No
    Steps 7948 tracked
    Exercise no

    Kids were in school yesterday so I went to see my parents and ran errands all day to stay out of the house. It was raining but I get so stir crazy being home all the time. I didn’t work out or walk. I will make up for it today. I stopped tracking by dinner time which happens when I don’t plan and cook dinner and just throw something together last minute. I am just sick of planning and cooking meals with everyone always home. I did wait until I got closer to home to eat a very late lunch instead of making a poor choice at the mall so hard to find healthy options sometimes.

    Sounds like you had a busy day. I think it is very positive that you decided to skip a mall meal.

    CHECK IN: Friday, Nov. 13
    🏃🏻‍♀️ Exercise ✔️
    💦 Water ✔️
    🍽 Calories /Tracking❌
    😴 Sleep ✔️

    FRI.. 11/13: 19,140 (kickboxing) + 8,422 = 27,562

    Kickboxing! You are on fire! 🔥🔥🔥

    Good Morning Everyone ....I hope everyone is doing good .... I have decided to take the entire weekend off from exercising .... Something strange happen to me on my walk yesterday that I have never experienced before and it got me worried ... I wear thick socks and wear my sketcher shoes .. During my walk my toes went numb and my feet felt like a 1000 pins were poking me .... I came home and my feet were throbbing pretty much all night .... I see my Doctor this Wednesday to have a skin tag removed off my back I will ask him then about my feet .....I will also know my bone density test results also ....I am praying that I do not have to stop my walks ...

    I am so glad you are getting this checked out.
  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    Z10Rtza wrote: »
    Hi. Today we went for a walk to the mountains and we realized how much is taking our weight from us. We did only 9 kilometers and we are quite tired.
    Sometimes I get really frustrated from this kind of things. But we are doing our best.

    I think 9Km is amazing! This is a good walk! Kudos to you! I can only walk about 4 km and my knee goes wonky! I know the frustration you are talking about. As you lose weight, things will only get better, but I think your distance is really great!
  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    Good Morning Everyone ....I hope everyone is doing good .... I have decided to take the entire weekend off from exercising .... Something strange happen to me on my walk yesterday that I have never experienced before and it got me worried ... I wear thick socks and wear my sketcher shoes .. During my walk my toes went numb and my feet felt like a 1000 pins were poking me .... I came home and my feet were throbbing pretty much all night .... I see my Doctor this Wednesday to have a skin tag removed off my back I will ask him then about my feet .....I will also know my bone density test results also ....I am praying that I do not have to stop my walks ...

    Hi Megan. I am so sorry about this. I hope you can find a solution to this problem quickly. I and hoping for the best for you and send my best vibes and prayers. :)
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,446 Member
    lelbarou wrote: »
    Good Morning Everyone ....I hope everyone is doing good .... I have decided to take the entire weekend off from exercising .... Something strange happen to me on my walk yesterday that I have never experienced before and it got me worried ... I wear thick socks and wear my sketcher shoes .. During my walk my toes went numb and my feet felt like a 1000 pins were poking me .... I came home and my feet were throbbing pretty much all night .... I see my Doctor this Wednesday to have a skin tag removed off my back I will ask him then about my feet .....I will also know my bone density test results also ....I am praying that I do not have to stop my walks ...

    Hi Megan. I am so sorry about this. I hope you can find a solution to this problem quickly. I and hoping for the best for you and send my best vibes and prayers. :)

    Hi Laura ....Thank you so much too is a very unpleasant experience that is for sure
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    Check-in for 11/13

    Steps (goal=8.5K): ✅
    Water (goal= 80oz):✅
    Carb goal= 145g:❌ over
    Fat goal= 40g:❌
    Protein= 105g:✅
    Fiber= 28g:❌

    Just a little over calories yesterday and scale is down today. The goal for my macros is to be +/- 5g. It seems like I,m struggling but my weekly averages are right on track. My weigh-in with the coach tracks the weekly averages instead of Sunday to Sunday. I haven decided if I like it that way or not yet. If weigh-in was today I am down 0.77 on weekly averages but it’s actually 2lbs lower than last weigh-in. But I ended last week up. If I look at my last week low, I’m more like 1lb lower. So the average is more accurate.
  • GottaDUMPmyRUMP
    GottaDUMPmyRUMP Posts: 270 Member
    Good Morning Everyone ....I hope everyone is doing good .... I have decided to take the entire weekend off from exercising .... Something strange happen to me on my walk yesterday that I have never experienced before and it got me worried ... I wear thick socks and wear my sketcher shoes .. During my walk my toes went numb and my feet felt like a 1000 pins were poking me .... I came home and my feet were throbbing pretty much all night .... I see my Doctor this Wednesday to have a skin tag removed off my back I will ask him then about my feet .....I will also know my bone density test results also ....I am praying that I do not have to stop my walks ...

    Megan I hope you're ok, taking a rest is a good move and probably much needed. I hope it's nothing. Try to stretch a lot over the weekend, maybe sciatic nerve is causing this?? Stretch your back, your legs, hips, maybe a hot soak would help too?

    Get well! :)
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,446 Member
    Good Morning Everyone ....I hope everyone is doing good .... I have decided to take the entire weekend off from exercising .... Something strange happen to me on my walk yesterday that I have never experienced before and it got me worried ... I wear thick socks and wear my sketcher shoes .. During my walk my toes went numb and my feet felt like a 1000 pins were poking me .... I came home and my feet were throbbing pretty much all night .... I see my Doctor this Wednesday to have a skin tag removed off my back I will ask him then about my feet .....I will also know my bone density test results also ....I am praying that I do not have to stop my walks ...

    Megan I hope you're ok, taking a rest is a good move and probably much needed. I hope it's nothing. Try to stretch a lot over the weekend, maybe sciatic nerve is causing this?? Stretch your back, your legs, hips, maybe a hot soak would help too?

    Get well! :)

    Thanks ..... I have hip dysplasia so my hips always hurt when it goes from hot to cooler weather ... my foot with the screw in it hurts ...I am not sure if it is my tailbone or hips that are hurting ... getting older sucks ... I will be 50 next month and my body is telling me you are getting old LOL LOL I will be getting answers from my Dr. on Wednesday
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    PW 207.2
    CW 205.6
    Loss with MFP since 4/17/20 64.4lbs
    LTD 117.4 lbs
This discussion has been closed.