“This DECEMBER I Will...”



  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @SummerSkier IMHO... well, I’m really attracted to the second one because it has more mystery or something to it. I think #2 is more interesting because my eye is drawn to so many places...the shadows and the color contrasts stand out more, and I do like the splash of blue. That said, the first one hits you with intensity of color, it really POPs, and I like that, too. It’s more “in your face” but a little “flatter” than #2 because of the direct overhead light. Both are beautiful but #2 just draws me in a little more. (Were you expecting a simple answer #1 or #2 from me🤣😂🤣)?
    But what really POPs in this message is all of those 🌟🌟🌟! Impressive❣️
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @SummerSkier I was so excited by the photos that I didn’t read your intro to the post😆 I’m sure I’ll be up at midnight for the anticipated 💋😂
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 3,054 Member
    edited December 2020
    Hi, Everyone,

    @SummerSkier and @nebslp

    Thanks for holding down the fort! 😉


    I'm so sorry you haven't been feeling well! 💕

    I'm doing okay although I haven't been tracking my December goals. "Intentional movement" is going quite well. I've been walking, hiking, and riding my stationary bike. I even tried a YouTube belly dancing video.

    Hope everyone is having a nice weekend and enjoying the remainder of 2020!

    P.S. The crazy formatting drives me nuts. It looks fine when I preview my post, but then displays incorrectly. 😠
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,900 Member
    @nebslp I think I agree with you. The 2nd photo really pops and altho in "real" life the first was such a wonderful composition it did not turn out that way.

    @PKM0515 so happy to see the intentional movement update! That is really fantastic and I am glad you did not just give up on Dec. :)

    I am SO not looking forward to work tomorrow morning. But only 3 days. And the vet is coming on Wed am to re x ray so think mended bone vibes for Bandito.

  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Wall sit update:
    Dec 20o:)
    Dec 21o:)
    Dec 22o:)
    Dec 23 😇
    Dec 24o:)
    Dec 25:oTotally spaced off the wall sit today! Guess that means it's not a habit yet;)
    Dec 26o:)
    Dec 27 o:)
    Logging continues daily
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,900 Member
    4 more days and this year is over!! Where the heck did it go? I mean it still feels like it should be 13 Mar when I walked out of the office never to return this year.... wow.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Yes, it's been a very strange year and time has seemed to stand still but at the same time it flew by. It's annoying to say the least. In fact, tonight I couldn't remember if I did my wall sit this morning. I thought I did, but then I thought, did I? So if I did, I did it twice since I got done just now. I forgot my vitamins, I do remember that. Is it my mind, is it the crazy time warp we're living in?!?
    Wall sit update:
    Dec 20 o:)
    Dec 21 o:)
    Dec 22 o:)
    Dec 23 😇
    Dec 24 o:)
    Dec 25 :oTotally spaced off the wall sit today! Guess that means it's not a habit yet;)
    Dec 26 o:)
    Dec 27 o:)
    Dec 28 o:)
    Logging continues daily
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,132 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I placed an invitation to this group in Community—> Challenges!

    Hoping you will add a testimonial, so we can share the powerful tools of habit creation with more folks!

    Maddie ❤️
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,900 Member
    2 more days left! Maddie I will need to look up that thread ,,

    My little habit is going well but I can't say that I don't still feel a little resistance esp in the evening still.

    12/1 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/2 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/3 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/4 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/5 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/6 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/7 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/8 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/9 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/10 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/11 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/12= M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/13 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/14 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/15= M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/16 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/17 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/18 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/19 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/20 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/21 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/22 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/23 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/24 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/25 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/26 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/27 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/28 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/29 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 🌟
    12/30 = M 🌟, Noon 🌟, N 4 more to go to make it perfect. If only my teeth were so perfect!

    Happy Hump day all.
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,900 Member
    So trying to think about what habit I want to work on for January. I have my running goals for the year sorted to some extent which is where a lot of my focus is of course but I really enjoy participating here and finding some small think which builds on previous things. I have been really consistent with my photo sorting and filing and tomorrow will be the 3rd month I transfer favorites (hopefully I will remember more easily after 2 x) and the tooth brushing will continue. I am looking forward to everyone's ideas and focus for Jan and btw, there is NO WAY ON EARTH anyone could force me to give up my morning cereal!!! >:)B) or my ice cream after dinner.. or my coffee. Oh my. It looks like this could be a long list. I better stop before I can't :p
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,132 Member
    So trying to think about what habit I want to work on for January. I have my running goals for the year sorted to some extent which is where a lot of my focus is of course but I really enjoy participating here and finding some small think which builds on previous things. I have been really consistent with my photo sorting and filing and tomorrow will be the 3rd month I transfer favorites (hopefully I will remember more easily after 2 x) and the tooth brushing will continue. I am looking forward to everyone's ideas and focus for Jan and btw, there is NO WAY ON EARTH anyone could force me to give up my morning cereal!!! >:)B) or my ice cream after dinner.. or my coffee. Oh my. It looks like this could be a long list. I better stop before I can't :p

    Re: cereal & ice cream..
    You’re a runner & lifelong athlete!! You can handle those more easily than I can who merry walks!

    You go YOU!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    edited December 2020
    Wall sit update:
    Dec 20 o:)
    Dec 21 o:)
    Dec 22 o:)
    Dec 23 😇
    Dec 24 o:)
    Dec 25 :oTotally spaced off the wall sit today! Guess that means it's not a habit yet;)
    Dec 26 o:)
    Dec 27 o:)
    Dec 28 o:)
    Dec 29 o:)
    Logging continues daily
    I can relate to resistance, @SummerSkier. Today I forgot my wall sit this morning so decided I would do it tonight. I really had to talk myself into it. Finally I said to myself, "It's ONE minute! Just do it!!!" So I did. And you did, too, every single day so WOW!!! (hand clap multiple times)!

  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,900 Member
    @nebslp well done on doing the wall site last night. Even a minute sometimes is so hard when we really just want to sit and veg... (don't ask how I know)

    @MadisonMolly2017 I may be a runner but I have been one all my life since 17 so I am living proof you can't outrun your fork. LOL. I guess my poorly made point was that sometimes when you try to do all or nothing or try to give up the things you really enjoy you set yourself up for failure. I am an all or nothing on some things as well so I totally get that for others. ;) Now if you were to say give up x for 30 days and then gradually add it some of X back to your allotment, I could go with that. But just saying I am no longer going to do X is very very VERY difficult (IMHO)

  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,132 Member
    Yes, I understand your thinking & approach.

    For me, I have - by choice - out of care for myself - chosen not to eat/drink certain things. There are a million different approaches- all valid- and they can be modified/improved - at any point!

    Honest, self-knowledge & the willingness to adapt seems key!

    Happy New Year!

  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,002 Member
    Calling this month and year DONE!

    My Christmas prep goal was a winner! I did something every day until the 25th and all was so much smoother.

    For the year, using a tracker has been such a boon to staying on course. Thanks @MadisonMolly2017 for being my inspiration. I’ve now been journaling daily for 4 months and writing done a thing I’m grateful for each day. Both are great habits I’ve been meaning to do for years.

    Happy NewYear Habit Ninjas! 🥷

    What will you inspire me to do in 2021?

  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,132 Member
    77tes wrote: »
    Calling this month and year DONE!

    My Christmas prep goal was a winner! I did something every day until the 25th and all was so much smoother.

    For the year, using a tracker has been such a boon to staying on course. Thanks @MadisonMolly2017 for being my inspiration. I’ve now been journaling daily for 4 months and writing done a thing I’m grateful for each day. Both are great habits I’ve been meaning to do for years.

    Happy NewYear Habit Ninjas! 🥷

    What will you inspire me to do in 2021?


    Thank you @77tes❣️ You inspire me, too! I actually created & sent Xmas cards for the first time in ages! TY TY!

    Love the HNY Habit Ninjas!!
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    Happy New Year's Eve, every one. I've been really, really busy remotely helping several of my siblings because of their unexpected health problems, hospitalizations etc, during November and December They are all out of state and I'm the only one with a medical background or experience with such things. (thankfully not Covid related but some very serious stuff never the less). This month it finally caught up with me and I got quite distracted and neglected or got behind on many things, especially my fun things, including posting, obviously. I finished reading this thread and will do a quick post tonight and check the other threads tomorrow. Even though I want to, I cannot possibly reply to everyone because there is so much going on here, but I have read everything. Hugs to you all.

    For my chosen December habit I pretty much kept up with any new paper, but definitely not the old paper liked I had hoped. I did not keep too many notes, except as noted on my calendar which I'll recorded below.

    December 1 & 2 🌿🐯🌳 junk mail and other easy miscellaneous papers.(posted previously)
    December 3, 4, 5, 8,14, 22, and 29th were noted as maintenance (new papers).
    December 7, 10, and 17 were the only other dates that I decluttered other papers that I found while doing some light cleaning elsewhere in the house.

    See you all in January's threads 🌼💖
