January a month of surprises and parties



  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    Shelley, yesterday was lower TRX one-legged squat. It's not really one-leg...I have one foot on the ground and the other foot I just use my heal. My right leg/hip isn't ready for my one foot to be off the ground yet. One more kettle bell/battle rope pull, and a new set of pull downs. Lower plant.

    Pat has vertigo this morning, so I don't know if we'll be walking together this afternoon. I may have to leave him home. We do have Ronan this morning...we'll see how that goes. He thinks the cause is too much salt.

    I'll be back.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Well ladies I am not going to mess with my new scale. My weight is all over the place. Darn thing must not be working. So I am going to look into a new one, again!

    Kathy love the downward trend. Even a little is better than an upward swing. Unless it is a Kettle bell swing. :)

    Kathy vertigo is a real pain. Tell him to take it easy. And you just keep staying active!

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member

    If you're interested, I invested in a mechanical beam scale (like they have in doctor's offices). Costs a little more and takes up a bit more space; but extremely accurate and lasts forever. Good luck with your next choice!

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    That link above was just an example, not a specific recommendation. I googled "mechanical beam scale" in amazon and sorted according to customer reviews to get the best liked versions: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Mechanical+beam+medical+scale&s=review-rank&qid=1609892307&ref=sr_st_review-rank
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    @KAR1959 Congratulations, good job.

    Today will end up in the history books. :'(

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    PaulaKro wrote: »
    @KAR1959 Congratulations, good job.

    Today will end up in the history books. :'(


    Thank you. And for sure. A sad day for this country.


  • kjs1228
    kjs1228 Posts: 1,515 Member
    I'm gutted by yesterday's events....still processing...

    Plan on working out hard with that energy;)

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    kjs1228 wrote: »
    I'm gutted by yesterday's events....still processing...

    Plan on working out hard with that energy;)


    That is one good way of dealing with it. I hate our country going down this road.

    Paula funny I was thinking of getting one of those types. Just not sure when I can spend the cash. Trying to save for some needed repairs right now. And work is nuts.

    Kathy I did not watch the news. I just am sick of it all. But enough folks have told me their versions of it. Guess I should watch it tonight. Keep losing that weight.

  • kjs1228
    kjs1228 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Progress post....super busy week...

    Highest weight ever: 306 (2013)
    Ultimate goal weight: 155
    11/30 - 168.4
    12/1 - 167.2
    12/29 - 166.2
    1/8 - 164.2
    Jan goal - 164

  • kjs1228
    kjs1228 Posts: 1,515 Member
    So weekends......I typically eat a bit more on the weekends...sometimes more mindfully than others. Want this weekend to be a positive one. Anyone else struggle with weekends?

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Karen I do also. When I can stay busy it is not such a struggle. So retirement scares me. I am in no real hurry most of the time to retire. I actually have pushed the date out further even!

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    I didn't used to have a problem with weekends. My responsibilities would keep me busy at work. But after Covid started (and my subsequent retirement) and being quarantined at home, it was too easy to snack.

    It was scary to gain 40# from March to September. In October I finally succeeded in buckling down and lost half that extra weight (an ongoing process). But it was hard to develop new habits. I need to be more vigilant now about measuring, logging, cutting carbs and staying accountable.

    good luck to us all!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    I was doing really well on IF until yesterday...I'm in charge of feeding Ronan...he loves peanut butter toast and watching Blippi. I cut off the crust for him...supposed to throw it away...nopey, nope...then made my own toast with the two end pieces of the sour dough loaf. :p I'll do better tomorrow and Sunday. :# I'm going to eat salad now.

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    kjs1228 wrote: »
    So weekends......I typically eat a bit more on the weekends...sometimes more mindfully than others. Want this weekend to be a positive one. Anyone else struggle with weekends?



    Yes weekends are usually harder. But right now I’m just struggling period. Thinking about a 7 day detox which always helps to get cravings under control. I’ve done a juice fast before. I make my own juices 80% vegetables 20% fruit. Drink them all day usually 3-4 glasses then a healthy dinner heavy with veggies. Sort of my version of intermittent fasting.

    I think I just talked myself into it starting Monday’s I need to go to grocery store. 🤔


  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    KAR1959 wrote: »
    Thinking about a 7 day detox which always helps to get cravings under control. I’ve done a juice fast before. I make my own juices 80% vegetables 20% fruit. Drink them all day usually 3-4 glasses then a healthy dinner heavy with veggies. Sort of my version of intermittent fasting.

    I think I just talked myself into it starting Monday’s I need to go to grocery store. 🤔



    That sounds really really good! Do you ever grill the veggies? They're extremely yummy with a little char on them!

    Hmmm, that really does sound good... 🤔
    - paula
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    Going to do salad tonight. Did absolutely nothing after our walk this morning!! A good day.

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    PaulaKro wrote: »
    KAR1959 wrote: »
    Thinking about a 7 day detox which always helps to get cravings under control. I’ve done a juice fast before. I make my own juices 80% vegetables 20% fruit. Drink them all day usually 3-4 glasses then a healthy dinner heavy with veggies. Sort of my version of intermittent fasting.

    I think I just talked myself into it starting Monday’s I need to go to grocery store. 🤔



    That sounds really really good! Do you ever grill the veggies? They're extremely yummy with a little char on them!

    Hmmm, that really does sound good... 🤔
    - paula

    Hi Paula, yes I love grilled and roasted veggies especially Brussels sprouts, butternut squash and zucchini.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    Highest weight: 317 (2013)
    January 31st goal weight: 160
    March post-covid ending goal weight: 145
    Ultimate goal weight: 135

    December 30: 166.2
    January 3: 166.0
    January 10: 165.5
    January 17:
    January 24:
    January 31:


  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Kathy and Paula vegetables grilled are great! Yummy.

    I had a banana today. I have not had one in a long time.

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    edited January 2021
    I started my 7 day juice detox and healthier eating on Sunday instead of Monday. I had 3 juices today...breakfast, lunch and snack with plenty of water. Dinner was steamed cabbage, grilled squash, roasted sweet potatoes, 1/2 ear of corn and a salad. It was delicious and so filling. I also increased my daily water intake. I went to bed without snacking. That’s a very good sign. Day 2 tomorrow. I’m hoping these 7 days will help control cravings and night snacking and give me a small weight loss as well as help with bloating. Even after the 7 days I plan to eat more plant based. I love veggies and they can act as a natural detox.

    Feeling optimistic! 😊


  • kjs1228
    kjs1228 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Kathy - Interested in hearing how your juice detox goes. Hope because well for you! I've never done one.

    Ate a little bit more this weekend but not off the rails. I do enjoy eating lunch one day on the weekend. Normally I just do 1 meal a day with the fasting.

    Back to OMAD...

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    I'm with you guys. I'm walking 5 days a week at least 4 miles. If I don't get 4 mile w/DH then I'll go off by myself for the rest of my miles. I'm working w/my trainer 3 time a week 60 mins each workout session. I am doing IF ...wish I'd written down when I started doing it but...I didn't.

    Highest weight ever: 192.2 (08/18/05)
    December ending weight: 145.8
    January goal weight: 143.0
    Ultimate goal weight: 132.2

    01/01 - 144.6 at 8:00 a.m. ...nothing today...it's our day off.
    01/04 - 145.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    01/11 - 145.4 at 6:00 a.m. ...zero exercise.
    01/18 -
    01/25 -
    01/31 -

  • kjs1228
    kjs1228 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Chris - your amount of walking is inspiring!!!

    Planning on looking for an online exercise video today....I liked the I did yesterday especially to work on core strength...and I need a lot of work in that department! There are a few things that don't work with my lower back (like burpees)....but I modify.

    Hope today is a good Tuesday!

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    edited January 2021
    ]Highest weight ever: 248
    December ending weight: 188.8
    January goal weight: 184.8
    Ultimate goal weight: 148

    01/01 - 188.8
    01/05 - 187.9
    01/12 - 188.2😞
    01/19 -
    01/26 -
    01/31 -

    I hope to have a nice downward bounce next week. 🤞🏾🤞🏾🤞🏾


  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    kjs1228 wrote: »
    Chris - your amount of walking is inspiring!!!

    Planning on looking for an online exercise video today....I liked the I did yesterday especially to work on core strength...and I need a lot of work in that department! There are a few things that don't work with my lower back (like burpees)....but I modify.

    Hope today is a good Tuesday!


    Karen post the videos you do for us to try. Great going everyone. I am doing a bit better also. Not as well as some of you are. Nice job!

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    Here's a funny thing; I want food at night even though I don't need it. And all the little daemon's are saying "it's okay," and "one won't matter," and so forth. But I'm too lazy to get up and fix something.

    So sloth is helping me fight gluttony? :p

    My "fat jeans" have required a belt to stay up the last few weeks. Today I tried my normal size and could squeeze into them (first time since last summer). Honestly, it feels like my soul breathed a sigh of relief.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    Congrats! Paula! That's great!

    Celebrated with Sara, Pete and Ronan this evening. Sara has been chosen as the Elementary Co-Administrator of the Year by her District and her nomination has moved to Region 6 level. She is the Vice Principal at two elementary schools. This is pretty amazing and cool! We are so proud of her!! The celebration was Mexican food and ice cream. So my weight tomorrow will be ^^^^^. :D

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Paula you lovely sloth! Glad to hear your soul is happy. I am watching the Witcher. He is so fun to watch. I did manage to get in some time with my BowFlex tonight. Maybe my fat jeans will need a belt soon.

  • kjs1228
    kjs1228 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Shelley - LOVED Witcher!

    Paula - Congrats on getting into those jeans lol! I can identity. I should try on my 8s....there were tight and indecent a month ago....wonder what they are now lol!

    You are doing a phenomenal job!

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    Shelley/Karen - I added Witcher to my NetFlix "favorites" but hadn't checked it out yet. Now I'm gonna have to. Is that our new Grimm?

    Chris - So Thrilled for your DDD! From what you've said, they're lucky to have her and because she's your daughter, it's not surprising. Happy happy happy for you!
