January a month of surprises and parties



  • kjs1228
    kjs1228 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Paula - it is on the Grimm end....

    I LOVED the Queens Gambit. Maybe some of the best TV I have seen in years. I binge watched over New Years. Only 6 or so episodes...so a shorter commitment ;)

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Chris that is wonderful news. You are Have to be a proud mommy.

    Karen I also love it. He looks so much like the Witchee
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Paula it is!

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    Tried to make an appointment to get the Covid vaccine thru Kaiser yesterday, and after 4 1/2 hours on hold, I was told that because I'm allergic to penicillin, I have to talk to my doctor. EGADS!!!! No where in any of the info is that mentioned. I was so stunned and, I'm sure, unpleasant to the person I was talking to. I just sent a msg to my doc about it. I'll keep you all posted what happens.

    Shelley - I am! Her ceremony will be virtual - which kinda sucks since years past it's always been a huge dinner and a big deal! We don't know yet how it will work out or if we get to be there with her. I'll keep you posted!

    On to more craziness...later, my friends.

  • kjs1228
    kjs1228 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Chris- wow...thats a long time in hold! My goodness! I haven't heard that either. I hope you get some good info soon.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Chris I had the Moderna, or however it is said. But I am allergic to penicillin also. Crazy. I am really saddened by all the virtual graduations across the country. So sad and not near the fun.

    Karen tell me about the new gym equipment that finally arrived.

    Still doing the Bow Flex every night. Still looking at getting another station (gym) so it speeds up my workouts.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    Derek was wondering if his penicillin allergy would be a problem. He is 73 and looking forward to the vaccinations. I'm 68 with asthma and a dairy sensitivity. Sutter is getting ready for our tier. But it sounds like we should call our doctor first. Thanks for the feedback.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    Thanks, Karen.

    Shelley, did they ask you if you had any allergies? I'm wondering if the Call Center person wasn't looking right at my file when she was talking to me.

    Sent an email to my doc. Got a call from his office. He put it in my file that I was "Okay to vaccinate" then I was told I had to call the Call Center back to make the appointment, that he couldn't do it. I made the call and the recording said they are out of vaccines and to call back tomorrow...EGADS!!!

    Our SIL is also allergic to penicillin, I suggested he call his doc and have the "Okay to vaccinate" put in his file.

    If I had know this was going to happen, I would have call my doc a while back.

    Tomorrow will be better. :D

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Chris they did ask. And asked what happens if I take it. I could only tell them I had not had any in 40 years and don't actually remember. I read online that you should still be able to take the vaccine but may have to be under observation a bit longer. We have run out here also. There will be more and I hope you are able to get it.

    Paula I hope that this has helped you and Derek use what we have learned to make your decisions.

    Everyone remember to really keep moving the arm slot once you get the vaccine. I also was tired afterwards. Took a good long nap. ;)

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    Called at 7:00 a.m. Still no vaccine appts...call back Sunday.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    Oh, man! that sucks if it's true. I still can't get an appointment...please call back tomorrow.

  • kjs1228
    kjs1228 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Shelley - this is a picture of our new weight rack that took 10 months to arrive! We ordered in March of 2020 when the gyms closed. We have some garage organizing to do, but it will eventually go in our basement once we get it redone from the flood. It goes up to 50lb weights and also has a bench. Needless to say my husband is thrilled ;)

    Good news on that front. We got some outdoor drainage work done in our yard to take more water away from the house, and now the basement work begins. 2nd sum pump and the other 1/2 French drain put in among other things. I so need that space back!


  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    kjs1228 wrote: »
    Shelley - this is a picture of our new weight rack that took 10 months to arrive! We ordered in March of 2020 when the gyms closed. We have some garage organizing to do, but it will eventually go in our basement once we get it redone from the flood. It goes up to 50lb weights and also has a bench. Needless to say my husband is thrilled ;)

    Good news on that front. We got some outdoor drainage work done in our yard to take more water away from the house, and now the basement work begins. 2nd sum pump and the other 1/2 French drain put in among other things. I so need that space back!




    So happy for you. Those weights look wonderful!

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    Cool beans! Karen!!!!

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member


  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Oh my gosh Karen! Wonderful. My largest pair is 25 lbs. For anything more I use my bar and plate weights or a type of dumbbell you can increase the weight by changing plates. I love yours. Get cracking on the basement. You need it.

    I am still watching for a second bow flex. Would prefer a used, unused one! Lol

  • kjs1228
    kjs1228 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Feeling a lot of anxiety about the inauguration tomorrow. Praying that we don't have a repeat of what we saw a week ago. So..lots of focus and exercise in my future this week to keep it real!

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    Highest weight ever: 248
    December ending weight: 188.8
    January goal weight: 184.8
    Ultimate goal weight: 148

    01/01 - 188.8
    01/05 - 187.9
    01/12 - 188.2😞
    01/19 - 186.6
    01/26 -
    01/31 -

    I’ll take it!


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    I'm with you guys. I'm walking 5 days a week at least 4 miles. If I don't get 4 mile w/DH then I'll go off by myself for the rest of my miles. I'm working w/my trainer 3 time a week 60 mins each workout session. I am doing IF ...wish I'd written down when I started doing it but...I didn't.

    Highest weight ever: 192.2 (08/18/05)
    December ending weight: 145.8
    January goal weight: 143.0
    Ultimate goal weight: 132.2

    01/01 - 144.6 at 8:00 a.m. ...nothing today...it's our day off.
    01/04 - 145.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    01/11 - 145.4 at 6:00 a.m. ...zero exercise.
    01/18 - 144.2 at 8:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    01/25 -
    01/31 -

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    I’ve been trying to get an appointment fir my parents. My county is out of vaccine for now. No appointments being made. Ridiculous! My parents are 84 & 85 they really need it ASAP.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    edited January 2021
    None here either, Kathy. "Don't call us...we'll let you know." is the latest message. I'm sure everyone was depending on a vaccine stockpile that somebody said we had, that isn't there...hummmm. At least Pat gets his shot on Friday...wait, I'm older...sigh...

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    cpanus wrote: »
    I'm sure everyone was depending on a vaccine stockpile that somebody said we had, that isn't there...hummmm. At least Pat gets his shot on Friday...wait, I'm older...sigh...

    Chris, The times, they are a changing, hopefully tomorrow... Hoping to see a big surge to obtain more vaccinations and get them out to us in as efficient, orderly and speedy as possible! :#

    Wait, you, a cradle robber? I'm impressed, girl! B)


  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    Highest weight: 317 (2013)
    January 31st goal weight: 160
    March post-covid ending goal weight: 145
    Ultimate goal weight: 135

    December 30: 166.2
    January 3: 166.0
    January 10: 165.5
    January 17: 164.5
    January 24:
    January 31:

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    PaulaKro wrote: »
    cpanus wrote: »
    I'm sure everyone was depending on a vaccine stockpile that somebody said we had, that isn't there...hummmm. At least Pat gets his shot on Friday...wait, I'm older...sigh...

    Chris, The times, they are a changing, hopefully tomorrow... Hoping to see a big surge to obtain more vaccinations and get them out to us in as efficient, orderly and speedy as possible! :#

    Wait, you, a cradle robber? I'm impressed, girl! B)


    What Chris a cradle robber! Oh my. Call the law, wait no call a good lawyer. So confused Paula. Whatever should she do, no don't answer that. Lol.

    I actually feel guilty Rocky has not had his. And it disgusts me that any ever have to be thrown out.

    Kathy my mom is in the same boat as your parents. They need the vaccination. I am still angered that so many of my crew turned down their opportunity. Is it ok to hope a couple of them get really sick? They are so nasty about how we were fools to get one. I have one who does nothing but quote scrap about how more people die from the flu or how only people who have preexisting health issues have died. I wish he would just stop! I even walk away and he keeps blathering! Sorry for the rant.

    So I do a secret Santa gift giving on reef2reef aquarium site. The guy I had loved what I sent him. I had fun. Then I got stiffed along with about 7 others. They gave our names to volunteer elves. Imagine my surprise when I received several wonderful gifts in the mail from the guy I had sent some to. He was surprised also when he was given my name. He sent me Hannah alkalinity checker. So kewl!

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    I am still angered that so many of my crew turned down their opportunity. Is it ok to hope a couple of them get really sick? They are so nasty about how we were fools to get one. I have one who does nothing but quote scrap about how more people die from the flu or how only people who have preexisting health issues have died. I wish he would just stop! I even walk away and he keeps blathering! Sorry for the rant.

    Hey Shelley,

    Rants are good for the soul. I wish we could be there with you to lean on each other and exchange knowledgeable glances. It breaks my heart that so many people were mislead by blatant lies from authority figures who should have been reliable. It's gonna take some time to heal.

    People are so susceptible to the cultural climate they live in, what their friends say and what is fed to them in the press. I see it in both our former government and future government's actions. Some people are just misled but some are insecure jerks too, and it sounds like you've got one of those. :'(

    After the capital riots, I felt hopeful. Our news was saying "maybe this'll bring us together." Then House Republicans continued to vote to overthrow the constitutional election and it was like a slap in the face. Democrats and press acted like war had been declared and started using buzz words like "accountability" and "too late to bail now" and "must be punished." They pushed the 25th amendment (which was ridiculous) and spouted all this righteous anger.

    Democrats became the bullies they condemned. But sometimes bullies will only respect someone who stands up to them. I don't know the solution; but it feels like the respect and dialog are missing because there are a lot of good people in both camps - if only they could communicate.

    It feels like Biden is taking the high road. I hope so. We need to. Otherwise we become the Hatfields & McCoys. And there are no winners in a feud.

    Thank you for listening. <3

    The inauguration news is on my TV and I just heard the words "a more civil discourse" - wow!
    ...praying for a better world...
    There is so much potential for so much beauty!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,794 Member
    I am hoping for a better world, too. We can't go on like this.

    Yes, a cradle robber for sure...the man isn't even 70 yet...three more years for him!!!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Paula I am related to the Hatfields on my mothers side. And thanks. 4 years and I retire. I don't like some of the attitudes at work lately. Couple of hot heads. We need to teach tolerance. Focus on the positive. Hate is easy. Love takes work. Let down the barriers and give someone a hug.

    Chris just skip a few birthdays, let him pass you. :p


  • kjs1228
    kjs1228 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Shelley - You are 100% right....love takes work. I bet you are counting down those 4 years!

    Paula - I agree with you in pretty much everything you said. Ranting is a good thing :) and the polarising state of our country is so disheartening. I think fundamentally people need to treat people well we go from there. The golden rule translate into every religion out there are even if you don't have a religion. Why wouldn't we treat each other with love and respect? We haven't seen a lot of that in the past 4 years. I did watch a lot of yesterday's ceremonies....it was dignified, respectful, hopeful. I have found none of that in the past couple of years. We are going to get very much to unless people decide to go to work together. Concerned about this.

  • kjs1228
    kjs1228 Posts: 1,515 Member
    So I just signed my momup yesterday to be registered for the vaccine. She's meant to be contacted and scheduled for an appointment shortly. We are already seeing an increase in the number of vaccines here in Pennsylvania so that's a good sign. Personally I don't think I'll be getting it until probably the fall. I'm pretty much in the last category unless my health really goes down the tubes :) But I'm ready!

    Stunning and so sad that 400,000 people have lost their lives fo COVID. And we aren't done yet. I continue to hear of more people in my circle who are getting it, or who have family who have.

    Let's hope the vaccines move faster and our elderly and vulnerable family can get it quickly.

    Not Sure if I mentioned that my sister has had both vaccines now as a healthcare worker. She did say the 2nd vaccine gave her some achiness, but it was really fairly minimal. No big side effects which is great.
