WaistAways - February 2021 Team Chat



  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    Happy Monday!

    I had a pretty good day. I was able to catch up on my paperwork that I have been putting off! I'm a really good procrastinator 🤭 Food was really good and I even got in a 45 minute workout after I got the kids to bed.

    I have been slowly adding more calories but I have not been very consistent over the past two weeks. I am focusing on logging and working out this week. I have gained a little which is expected. I'm a little bummed that I don't have a solid food log to look over to help me make decisions going forward. Oh well, moving forward.

    I tried kombucha tonight for the first time. I bought a couple different brands. I was really interested in the prebiotic and B vitamins they contain. Glad I got a few different ones. The first one was so disgusting! Like drinking fermented pickle juice. So bad🤢🥴 The second one was great! I will try more flavors from that brand. Have a great night 🌙
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    edited February 2021
    jugar wrote: »
    I will add on 40 minutes @56 steps per minute (2,240) to the 3 days you did your 40 minute 5k. That just gets added on top of the total number of steps for the day - so you only need to report your total steps and the # of minutes you were running. Which days were those 3 40-minute runs? Just let me know and I'll put them in. Thanks!
    Runs were Mon/wed/Fri- thanks

    Steps 08/02/21 2967 but you can easily double that as I didn't wear my stepcounter most of the day and normally get to around 8000 just living.
    Also did a 30 minutes legs and abs workout.
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    Happy Tuesday all.

    I went for a solo run last night; was good to get out after a day on a boring training course and I wanted to get a run in, in case the weather worsened. Thankfully my lungs seemed to be operating at full capacity; I inhaled too much sanding dust on Saturday (I was wearing a mask, but took it off in between tops and there was clearly dust in the air) and my airway/lungs seemed to get inflamed. On Saturday I couldn't catch my breath at all then Sunday I got breathless very easily, but last night I was fine. It wasn't the fastest run as it was a little icy in places.

    Tonight I need to go shopping. The filler on the desks isn't taking the varnish well (despite that being a marketing point on the tin...) so I'm going to buy some acrylics, and some clear varnish so I can blend it in. Luckily, a nearby home/DIY store is still open and they have a decent size craft section.

    I have a new set of winter running gear arriving today, well top and bottoms, as I sometimes struggle to get the rest washed and dried between runs. Probably going to be the highlight of my week. :D The top and leggings were on sale but still £90 for the two - I have a thing for Under Armour and it can get pricey quickly.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I worked out after work yesterday. I feel like I did the best I can, but I had to lower my weights on a few workouts due to fatigue. Better then nothing. Tonight, if it isn't windy, I will take the baby for a jog/walk. I don't want to leave the kids late at daycare every night. (I was there by 5:15, so it wasn't even late) but I will try to do it 2 times a week.
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    @Kali225 what book is it? I'm always looking for new authors to read. Congrats on the Italian!

    @jugar you must be getting so excited for your surgery!! You'll be riding horses again this spring.

    I haven't been eating well since the weekend so the scale will probably show it tomorrow. Hoping to get back on track a bit today with exercise as well.

    We've had a few dustings of snow but not really enough accumulation for snowmobiling, just enough for endless shovelling of the skating rink!

    I almost hit the Done button!!
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 628 Member
    @PlaneMonkey it's from a series called "A Court of Thorns & Roses" by S. J. Maas - but to be truly honest, I don't recommend them hahaha; it's very trope-y writing with not a ton of skill or finesse. They are marketed as "young adult" fiction, but there are also some >ahem< adult scenes so. It's kind of a mess, I just feel like I have to see it to the end of this book hahahaha. But! If you like fiction, I always recommend The Looking Glass Wars (trilogy) by Frank Beddor. It's a twist on Alice in Wonderland and I really enjoyed it when I was younger and when I re-read it when I was older. (And for non-fiction, Bad Blood by John Carreyrou about the Silicon Valley Theranos scandal was one of my favorite reads of 2019. So crazy!)

    Good catch on the dreaded Done button too.

    it has just started to snow! and I need my walk! Ach.
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    hi! Struggling a bit to keep from crazy eating...if I could just retrain my brain to go work on a quilting block every time I start to go to the fridge...I'd get my WIP done! No idea what the weigh in will show on Thurs.
    @jugar have a good day tomorrow - the day has finally come to get rid of that bump!
  • MandiSaysHey
    MandiSaysHey Posts: 304 Member
    Feb 8, steps 4,926 plus 25 minutes snow shoveling
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    edited February 2021
    Steps 09/02 6524, including a 30 minutes strength workout Core & Abs.
    Steps will not be great this week as kids are off 'school' for half term break so they don't even have zoom lessons and I get even less time to myself. I miss my runs :'(
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,087 Member
    Evening Friends,

    Hope you're all enjoying your Tuesday. Mine's drawing to a close and I'm having an internal debate about whether to read more of my book for my anti racism group book club, or leave it and just go to bed with a magazine. I think the magazine will win.

    It's perishing cold here - nothing compared to my Canadian friends, I know, but still...

    I'll be thinking of you tomorrow @jugar - be well.

    Night all xx
  • sunny9847
    sunny9847 Posts: 137 Member
    Met all goals today. Steps 12,263
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    It's not official yet so I can't tell anyone but my husband and you guys (cause you won't rat me out!) but it's killing me to not blab to the world that I'm being offered a new position as an aviation inspector instead of as a maintainer and the main change will be I'm now going to work 100% at a desk instead of at a toolbox. I'll be working from home as of March 4th. My lifestyle will change completely. I get about 10000 steps daily just wandering around my workplace currently. Pre-Covid we had a full Crossfit style gym in our workplace that was free. I'm able to portion control myself by only packing the foods that fit into my calorie goal in my lunch bag. I will now be at home, likely sharing a home office with Hubby for the next year at least before we transition back to the office.
    I'm happy for the new opportunity but very scared for my weight loss. The last time I had a desk job I ballooned to my highest weight ever. This job won't likely be the same stress level, and as my commute time will now be non-existent, I hope to dedicate more time to intentional exercise. I'm going to give myself until April to work out some new habits and then I might just have to join the step team to up the ante. Maybe like @Gidgitgoescrazy did I'll have to incorporate 'work walks' on my lunch breaks. I know I'm going to start snacking because the fridge is too convenient. Logging is going to have to be key! I'm so glad I've had the past 5 months with this group to develop better habits. That habit tracker is definitely keeping me on task this week. I'm accountable to a coloured square. I want to colour in that square! Even if it means doing push-ups.

    K, that's enough of a novel out of me. Thank you, Dear Reader! Lol hopefully tomorrow's weigh in will reflect the extra effort with water and exercise.

    Bon Dodo @jugar

    Good night WaistAways
  • CurvyCalorie
    CurvyCalorie Posts: 266 Member
    @micki48 steps for February 9
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,289 Member
    deniners2 wrote: »
    I'm back...
    SW: 160
    I've been working on upping my iron without worrying about weight since September. I'm still working on the iron, but I'll get back on track with weight. 😊

    Welcome back!
  • fuschiabolero
    fuschiabolero Posts: 35 Member
    barre 30 minutes mid level with 8112 steps today
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    You guys are wonderful. I am feeling super positive and ready for tomorrow - had a good walk outside, a sauna, a kick-a** practice session, and extra goodies after dinner. I go in tomorrow at 10:00. Thanks for all the wishes!

    That is great news! Even if it means you'll have to set up some well-engineered mechanisms to keep yourself on track - you will be colouring those squares for sure. We'll be here to boot you in the rear if you fall back into bad habits, I assure you!

    Weigh-ins for Wednesday:
    @sarkrisd (due today, but tomorrow is ok too!)

    I may not be able to enter everything in the spreadsheet right away, but I'll get them by the end of the week. Keep those green numbers flowing!
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,289 Member
    Hi everyone! Just finally getting around to pop in. Our laptop was being used for other stuff today and couldn't get on earlier. Today was ok. Took about a 30 minute leisurely walk at our Bog Garden nearby looking to feed the ducks with my granddaughter, but they must be hiding for winter. Only two Canada Geese and we don't feed them.

    I felt like my food was really off from afternoon on. Ate some not great things (Philly Cheesesteak), felt kind of yucky, but after logging, it wasn't too far over my calorie limit so it made me feel a little better.

    My steps are not quite where they should be despite the walk. Too late to get those in now. Oh well. Tomorrow, I'll get there. I also start with Pilates tomorrow morning. My water has been fine. About my usual -- 80 ounces.

    @PlaneMonkey Congratulations on your new position. How exciting! It will definitely be an adjustment, but you've got this. You'll figure out how to work from home and keep your eating under control. I totally believe in you.

    @jugar Wishing you all the best tomorrow with your surgery. Sending good vibes for a smooth and quick recovery. Looking forward to hear that your bottom is as smooth as ice (but keep away from ice on the steps).

    @Kali225 Great loss!!! Yay for you. @CurvyCalorie Great loss to you too. Good to read everyone's updates. Some great exercise in there as well as self care.

    Have a good night.
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