Downsizers - March 2021 Team Chat



  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 890 Member
    Steps 3/11: 16,690
  • rlaskey2
    rlaskey2 Posts: 461 Member
    Steps 14,205

    Uneventful day. Prepped breakfast for two days and lunch for three to help stay on track.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,942 Member
    Well I went out and bought new shoes my sketchers didn't work for my feet in fact both my big toe nails are bruised and hurt (when I bought them I was in a walking boot )so I bought them bigger ...I got Columbia Hiking Boots ..went for a short walk 2.66 miles and now I am on the couch .. my screw foot hurts and the top of my other foot hurts but they hurt in my sketchers so I am not sure if it the new shoes or not ..I am thinking about taking the entire weekend off from walking ...I swear it is never ending with me ... I hope everyone else has a great weekend
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    @Megan_smartiepants1970 - have you looked at a foot specialty store? It might make a difference if you get something that is more supportive

    @lelbarou - I’m so glad you are feel better. Have a fantastic weekend

    @TheresaM787 - JUST ONE MORE ... I love that!

    @Tazaria87 - you did well at the thrift store. It must feel so rewarding to fit into a 10 comfortably. I think you should try on the 8s. It may surprise you.

    @lindamtuck2018 - it’s still a loss, maybe you are holding onto some water from your change in exercise. Give your body time to adjust.

    @Bluetail6 - I would love to see the pics ❄️☃️❄️

    @Piqueaboo - nice loss! Keep up what you are doing, it’s working.

    @red1185 - great job on damage control

    @Beautyofdreams - I’m glad that you are focusing on you mental health as well as your physical health. That will make a huge impact on your success.

    @rlaskey - 16-20 weeks is crazy

    @lcfa5317 - all of the past year craziness has really made me appreciate the little thinks like seeing friends and having a good laugh. I can’t wait to really be back to normal.
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member

    Oh your feet!! I hope you find new hiking boots that work for you. Meanwhile, rest those tootsies.

    Biking 35 minutes, 9 miles, moderate effort
    Steps, 5,500
  • heatherbluebell
    heatherbluebell Posts: 86 Member
    I love the idea of one more! I feels so much more attainable, and a great way to gradually increase whatever goals we have!

    Yikes, that sounds painful! Allowing your toes to heal is probably a good idea. Hopefully you’ll get ‘back on your feet’ (pun intended) even sooner with resting them.
  • red1185
    red1185 Posts: 388 Member
    @Megan_smartiepants1970 4,145 steps for 3/12. Juuuuuuust made my overall daily goal lol
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,942 Member
    lcfa5317 wrote: »
    Steps = 5,388
    Stationery bike = 60 minutes
    Calories on target
    I worked TOO much today- my eyes burn from staring at the computer. I have to learn to walk away.
    Tomorrow I go to my mom’s place to help her - probably no exercise. But it will be nice to be with her.

    Just a reminder I do not have steps on 3/9 ..I apologize if I missed them
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member

    3/8: 9921
    3/9: 4420
    3/10: 10419
    3/11: 8865
    3/12: 10245
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 575 Member
    @lelbarou @lindamtuck2018 @Bluetail6 @rlaskey2 @Megan_smartiepants1970 @888Angie888 @363days @azkunk @Beautyofdreams @heatherbluebell @mszoueb Hope I haven't forgotten anyone:)

    Thanks so much for your congrats on my reaching Onederland! Love that picture @lelbarou :smiley:

    Wow! That is beautiful and a whole lot of snow!
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 575 Member
    I probably forgot:)

    3/9 Steps 10,475
    3/12 Steps 13,291
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 575 Member
    I have had sleep issues for as long as I can remember. When I was a kid, I remember wondering how my brother could just go to bed and go to sleep. I have never just gone to bed and fallen asleep.

    As a kid and as an adult before I got married and lived alone, I went to sleep with the TV and ceiling fan on. I am hot-natured and sleep with a fan every night. My husband needs it dark and quiet; he is also colder than me and doesn't like the fan. So, I have a small fan on my nightstand and it only blows on me. Not as good as the ceiling fan:( Also, since my hubby can't sleep with the TV, it is off at night which keeps me from falling asleep. I have started listening to podcasts and now sleep with earbuds in. I wake up multiple times a night though.

    I can't ever remember feeling rested in the morning when I wake up. I am always up late but still wake up early. My body will not sleep late! So I have been reading the suggestions as well.
  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member

    I know I am not the only one who has sleep issues. What are somethings you do to improve your sleep? Is there anything you think you can change to improve sleep quality? I am interested to here from both those with sleep troubles and those who sleep like a baby.

    Hi Linda. I thought your question was apropos because here it is 3:30am and I'm wide awake!
    So I am in the sleep issues group, not the group who sleeps like a baby! LOL
    One thing is that I have no problems at all falling asleep. That is easy for me or has been for a while, but I wake up in the middle of the night and think it's ready to get up at 3am! LOL

    Firstly, this seems counter-intuitive but I have learned to put absolutely no pressure on myself or judge myself about my sleep patterns. I have very little stress related to my sleep issues because of this. I used to fear going to bed because I was worried I couldn't fall asleep and this just resulted in me not being able to sleep. I stopped thinking this way and I can sleep very quickly now. Like in 5 minutes. Why? I'm feeling relaxed about sleeping as a thing to do.

    Even though I sleep strangely, I try to completely accept this about myself. Again, maybe counter-intuitive. You shouldn't accept something if you want it to change it, right? But when I just accept myself the way I am, I find my anxiety goes away. So, yes, I'm awake now, but I don't get upset or judge myself. I say, hey this is how I am...Some people have brown eyes, some blue, some sleep well, some don't. It's okay. I'm a complete and full person as I am.

    But in the end we have to sleep and I recognize this. However, not putting pressure on myself and accepting myself and what I'm like seems to reduce my stress level and allow me to sleep more than I probably would otherwise. Also, nights when I'm up like tonight don't stress me because this is the way I am in the same way that I have brown eyes and that's cool. Yep.
  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    @lindamtuck2018 - So sorry to hear you are getting Covid related headaches. Really, it is just a terrible, terrible virus! UGH! Along with my above advice about sleeping, I would echo Jim Boden's advice and not eat at night. If I'm hungry I eat cut up veggies. However, I also have a little bit of cottage cheese right before bed and this seems to help. You are doing more exercise such as your weight training, biking and walking! WTG! About your question, my classes are virtual because of Covid. I do work for TDSB, but I'm in the continuing education department so our policies are different than for the regular school system.

    Thanks again to @azkunk , @Beautyofdreams , @Bluetail6 and @heatherbluebell for your good wishes regarding me feeling better again and not having Covid! Thank you!

    @BeautyOofdreams - First of all, congratulations for reaching maintenance! Must be fun to go through your old clothes and to get rid of the old clothes. Also, I'm very sorry to hear about the situation with your big toe. I hope it heals quickly and without incident. I can understand your fear of regaining weight, but I would just take it one day at a time. You are doing great! Also, I congratulate you on going to therapy for various issues. I hope you find it useful.

    @heatherbluebell - your yoga class sounds awesome! Sorry about your break up with your BF but it sounds like a good decision. That's okay that you are a late bloomer as far as romance is concerned. I have never dated much and frankly it isn't even on my radar...I'm just used to be alone and I'm okay with it! Yep. We are all unique and different and that's cool!

    @Megan_smartiepants1970 - Sorry to hear about your low energy issues. I wonder if you could be anemic or vitamin deficient? I hope your lab work will reveal an answer! As far as your sketchers not working, I wonder if a specialty brand like new balance might be more effective. My chiropodist always recommends new balance for shoes and boots. You did get columbia boots which I know are sturdy. Maybe your feet need time to adjust to the new shoes. Again, my chiropodist stands by new balance, so maybe worth giving it a try?

    @Red 1185 - Congrats on your recent loss! I don't think it is incredibly helpful of your doctor to say you have to work "even harder" now that you reached a plateau. A pleateau is called that for a reason. It means your body is taking a pause and adjusting. Just keep on doing what you are doing and be consistent and the weight will move again.

    @Piqueaboo - Congrats for staying "on the wagon" with booze and food. I also can over-drink so I get you! There was both overeating and too much drinking in my family and genetically I am challenged by both. WTG. Nice job!

    @Bluetail6 - You are so consistent with your losses! You are doing great! Also, thank you for sharing photos of the snow! WOW! That's a lot of snow! Love your deck and backyard! Lookst like you have a lot of nature and beautiful trees in your yard! Great view!
  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    Oops! @red1185 - I got your wrong handle...but the comment above is supposed to be for you! LOL
This discussion has been closed.