WaistAways - March 2021 Team Chat



  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    And here's my short intro (sorry tired).
    I'm Pearl, been here for awhile, on and off for the last 2 years. I'll be 39 next month, live I the UK with hubby and kids, and I'm a part time student, working on a second career in mental health.
    I have been overweight/obese my whole adult life and with a few babies and life's ups and downs, never managed to lose weight and keep it off. Hopefully, this time it's for good!
    Welcome all new members, this group is awesome!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,202 Member
    Time for Kudo Fest! Hats off are due -

    I love that @CurvyCalorie was #1 for Week 4 and for the whole month of February. AND hit goal! What a month :smiley: Keri, you are an inspiration. Now don't go sitting back and deciding you're done... keep up the great work! Welcome to the wonderful world of maintenance.

    And @Pearl4686 - back on track with a vengeance. A shiny new 5k personal best, and right up there for the month.

    @happimess01 also - you are out there putting one foot in front of the other, losing steadily week by week.

    Let it amaze you that our team did SO well in an imperfect month, with some struggles, just keeping on, not giving up, and getting back on track as soon as possible whenever things slip and slide. Don't forget it isn't all sunshine and rainbows - but a good amount of it is.

    Back to business :tired_face:
    Currently due weigh-ins:

    Due Tuesday:

    I hope you are using the Habit Tracker if you want to. This week I got back to it after a month off, and it already made a big difference today. Love the green check marks :tongue:

    Be sure to go to the Waistaways tab at the bottom and add your name and habits right there.
  • sunny9847
    sunny9847 Posts: 137 Member
    Met all goals today. Steps 12,557
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,277 Member
    eggfreak wrote: »
    micki48 wrote: »
    For anyone who is interested, this is the link for the free 5 day Pilates workout. It starts tomorrow and only takes 15 minutes of your day. I'll be doing it with you.


    I did it this morning before work - thanks for the link and the inspiration - I can do most anything for 15 minutes!!

    Yay! Sylvia, so glad you joined. I find amazing benefit with just 10-15 minute workouts. Like you said, we can do most anything for 15 minutes. I feel so much better afterward.

    @Pearl4686 CONGRATULATIONS on a personal best!! that's amazing. I think it sounds amazing. Good for you. I'm glad you are feeling good. You earned it.

    @CurvyCalorie Congratulations for being the #1 Biggest loser this week. Way to go. Your hard work pays off. Keep up the fantastic work. It's been a BIG month for you! <3

    @DD265 Glad you got some relief at the Chiro. Nice running goal for the year. I know you can do it!! I had to look up the Kadai you mentioned. Very nice furniture and such.

    @KellyBgetsfit Glad you had a great weekend and are feeling good. You are an amazing woman. Raising your children, teaching and still getting your workout on. AAA! I have no doubt you will see those 140s this month. Keep up the good work.

    Logged my food. Had a fair amount of water, but could do more. I was under calories. Exercised and have over 9,000 steps.

    Tomorrow my husband and I get our second dose of vaccine, so we will be fully vaccinated from Covid19. I am so happy about that. We will still wear our masks and keep distance between us and others, and of course wash our hands. But, so happy to know that we won't get sick or die. My highly anxious daughter was able to get an appointment tomorrow afternoon for her first dose. By the end of this month, she will also be fully vaccinated. Now, to get my son a vaccine. Two of my best buds that I used to teach with are also now vaccinated. We usually have a spring break luncheon and with all of us vaccinated we can get together and have an outside picnic lunch. Last year, it was the last thing I did before lockdown. Full circle. I am looking forward to treating myself to a pedicure once my two weeks is up and its fully effective. Yipee!!

    Have a good night.
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    Today was a great day. I did really well with food and hit my macros. I also took a 20 minute walk after work. I did a 50 minute ballet beautiful workout after the kids went to bed. @jugar thanks for sharing the article on increasing your NEAT!

    Sounds like a lot of you are having great days!
  • riagalgate
    riagalgate Posts: 22 Member
    micki48 wrote: »

    Calling all steppers -- Anyone interested in joining our step team, let me know. Just need your name and your daily goal. You can post your steps here daily or at the end of the week.
    After all the steps are in (hopefully by Sunday afternoon) I will report on the week's results.

    If you have been on the team for February, no need to do anything if you want to continue and your goal is the same. If you want a break or to change your goal, let me know. Thanks!!

    I'd love to join this please
  • riagalgate
    riagalgate Posts: 22 Member
    Yesterday was a good day for my goals..
    20,644 steps 😃
    5 mile walk
    25 min strength training
    And a whopping 9hours sleep, I was shattered last night so was in bed asleep by 9pm 😴 i feel amazing this morning, up at 6am and sneaked at 30 minutes strength training MBF session in 😁
  • riagalgate
    riagalgate Posts: 22 Member
    riagalgate wrote: »
    micki48 wrote: »

    Calling all steppers -- Anyone interested in joining our step team, let me know. Just need your name and your daily goal. You can post your steps here daily or at the end of the week.
    After all the steps are in (hopefully by Sunday afternoon) I will report on the week's results.

    If you have been on the team for February, no need to do anything if you want to continue and your goal is the same. If you want a break or to change your goal, let me know. Thanks!!

    I'd love to join this please

    My step goal is 14k daily
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Good Morning! Just a quick pop in. I was really hungry yesterday and went over on my calories. I logged it and now I am moving on to a new day. I have Parent Teacher Conferences this week so it will be a busy one, but I get to work from home Wed-Fri. (which is good and bad). Today's plan is to take the baby for a walk after work.
  • Gidgitgoescrazy
    Gidgitgoescrazy Posts: 636 Member
    Good morning! IT'S NOT MONDAY!!! 🙃

    Yesterday was good food and exercise wise, but stressful in other ways... but it's over and its a new day....😛 exercise this morning was 7 min hiit and a 20 minute Leslie video... now, off to work I go...

    @micki48 the hiit I am doing is strictly upper body and core, so that's what I am doing to help with my hand stand 😁

    Hope you all have a wonderful day! 😊
  • Steph1498
    Steph1498 Posts: 307 Member
    Good morning everyone! My name is Stephanie :) I am an American living in Luxembourg with my husband and 2 kids, I also have a grown son living in the US.

    My focus here is to lose about 10 more pounds but more so to gain or share helpful ideas for better health and encouragement and strategies from like minded people about fitness and nutrition. February was a great month for me in the weight loss area. I cut back on carbs, started intermittent fasting and stopped running so much. I feel better all around and lost about 4 pounds. I finally fit into a dress I'd kept in my closet for ~10 years.

    More of the same for me in March. I am going to start running again and will do the Pilates challenge this week with @Micki48. I am also looking for vegetarian recipes to have a few more healthy eating options!
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    Hi WaistAways, I'm Courtney and I'm an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer who will soon be closing up her toolbox and taking a desk job for the first time in years. I like the idea of working from home based on the cost of commuting, but I know there will definitely be struggles for weight loss since I'll be moving less and will have easier access to snacks! I had a high-stress desk job 5 years ago and ballooned to my highest weight ever. This new position should be more relaxed but boredom can be an enemy to willpower just like stress can. My new adventure starts Thursday.

    As for my weight loss story, I was very athletic in my youth but once I hit university and sports weren't an everyday thing, I failed to lower my calorie consumption to match. I've been gaining and losing the same 40lbs for almost 20 years, so this time, with all of the motivation around me like I've found in this group, I will finally stick to it, and learn to be satisfied with the calorie limit I should actually be consuming instead of my goldfish tendencies to eat until I want to explode. I had great habits and motivation when I first joined MFP back in August but have gotten comfortable in the size I've reached so I've relaxed my discipline with my calorie goal a bit. I have added an exercise routine I don't hate and the snow shoveling from our winter wonderland has kept me active. The Habit Tracker I started using in February really kept me on track! I've picked out the reward I want once I've earned it. I'm giving myself $5 a week for each week I complete my three goals so by the end of March I should have accumulated enough to get it!

    My goals for March are:
    1. Log honestly every day, even if when I hit "Complete my Diary" I don't get the caption "Was under her calorie goal" at the end.
    2. No drinking wine 5 days per week
    3. Remember to drink water (at least 40oz)!
    4. Do free weight exercise at least 3 times per week

    With this new job I will be regaining an hour and a half of my day that I would have normally lost to driving back and forth to work. I know home reno projects will take a bit of that time because there's always SOMETHING on the to-do list, but that's an hour and a half DAILY that's now MINE where I should be able to dedicate a good portion of that to wellness, either in exercise or meal planning/prep.

  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,277 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »

    Everyone congratulate


    Congratulations to @CurvyCalorie You have done a great job. So happy for you. 🎉💐👏🏼
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,277 Member
    @Steph1498 So glad you are doing the 5 day Pilates Challenge. Are you a member of the Sisterhood too? I think I remember you saying you did BL. Glad to have you to check in with. I love a 15 minute workout.

    That said, did my 15 minute workout this morning. Then hubby and I got our second covid shot. Yay!

    Don’t know if I will get a walk in today or not. Have daughter and granddaughter here.

    @PlaneMonkey We are so glad you are part of our team and have you here to and for support. Good luck with your new job and I KNOW you will put that extra time to good use.

    @Gidgitgoescrazy Good idea building the upper body and core strength. The Pilates has been great for my core, but upper body strength is my weakness. Literally. Then when I build muscle in my upper body, I’m terribly sore and wonder if it will ever feel normal. Have you gotten to that point yet?

    Everything is logged so far today. Need to get some water in.

    @riagalgate Got you. I will put you on the spreadsheet when I get on my laptop. Happy to have you join us. You are a step queen 👑 14k When I have recorded your steps, I will mark your post “insightful”.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,202 Member
    Happy COOOOLD Tuesday!
    I had a nurse appointment first thing this morning - walked down my 1 km hill at -22 C (-7 F) in a high wind, almost blew away in the parking lot, but everything is looking good. Then this afternoon I decided it was so gorgeous and sunny out that I had to go snowshoeing. It had warmed up a bit, but I wanted to put on my really warm snowpants that I have not been able to wear since last winter because of the dreaded hematoma. Well they fit! I was so excited I was dancing around the house in them. Then I snowshoed for a full hour for the first time since the surgery, and I think having the stretchy rather tight support helped my hip and butt. I will soon be able to wear jeans. The drain might come out on Friday (hopefully!) and then the rest of the swelling will be able to go down if all goes well. Sorry for all the deets you might not want to hear, but it has been almost 11 months I have been dealing with this stupid thing, and having some change at last sure feels amazing. Next goal - be able to do my roll-ups and rolling like a ball in Pilates! Not there yet - cannot roll over that poor buttock yet. But soon...

    OK I'll calm down now :blush: And go do today's Pilates. I'm glad several of you are joining in! I really enjoy Robin Long's workouts and have been doing them as much as possible for about a year and a half, in spite of my injury. In fact, I credit the strength building it gave me before the accident with not breaking my hip, pelvis, or tailbone - there was enough muscle to land on to protect the bones :grin:
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