WaistAways - March 2021 Team Chat



  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,277 Member
    Happy Friday everyone! Never got to check in yesterday because SOMEBODY at my house was hogging the laptop! ;) Sorry I am late with the step wrap up for February. I'm going to figure I have all the steps that are coming. If I somehow missed yours, my apologies in advance.

    I have completed the Pilates 5 day challenge and am happy to report I have done it everyday. I am on a 9 or 10 day streak, so that's good. I have logged all my food and gotten in a few walks and a great workout working in my yard yesterday. Scrubbed my fence prepping it to paint.

    I am having a vaccine side effect of a swollen lymph node under my armpit. Boy, it's sore. Apparently, it can happen and they are seeing it more often with more people getting the vaccine. They say it can take a few weeks to subside. Luckily Aleve helped relieve the pain. LOL

    I haven't been on the scale in a couple days, so I am hoping to see a loss tomorrow. I hope I remember to get on. We are having a sleepover with my granddaughter tonight. It is the first time she has spent the night (without her parents). She often gets up during the night still. We shall see how this goes. I can live through one night of interrupted sleep. When my kids were young, I had one non-sleeper who woke for 3 1/2-4 years. I can do this. JUst hope there is no middle of the night crying for mommy and daddy. No one wants to get up in the middle of the night to drive to the other house. I shall use all my Mom Mom skills to avoid that.

    I see they have just pulled in the driveway. I will stop here. Hopefully, will have a few minutes to wrap up the step report a little later.

    Enjoy your day everyone!!
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    Husband and I have the same song stuck in our heads. The second I stop focusing it starts playing in my brain again. He starts humming it at random.

    All of our conversations/texts are now song lyrics.

    So that's how my Friday is going. XD

    We're gonna pay for access to Raya and the Dragon on Disney+ and make popcorn tonight. Not quite as good as a theater but you take what you can get.

    TGIF everyone!
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    Happy Friday all.

    @jugar I've added the books to my reading list, thank you.

    We ended up having McDonalds for tea... I worked 8.30am-11pm yesterday with less than an hour's break all day (a little to have lunch, and a little to have tea), then an additional 2 hours today as well and it's been crazy busy. I totally felt being sat on my butt all day. Bonus: less time for snacking, but it also meant I didn't get the chicken out of the freezer and OH is rubbish at remembering to do that. The chicken needed marinating too so I said it was fine, I have the calories (yay not snacking), lets order McDonalds.

    The Uber Eats driver brought the wrong order. There are two of us - we got 4 meals. In fact more than 4 meals... there were 5 burgers (inc a Big Mac and a double cheese burger) a box of 20 McNuggets and a happy meal, plus fries. McDonalds told us to keep it and refunded us. OH is having the burgers in two meals, I had some nuggets for tea today, will have some tomorrow (with the happy meal fries...) and I froze some too as I don't like wasting food. I guess a good thing happened, but I also kind of wish it were a one meal and done. :D

    Whilst I finished work late for me today, I finished at 3pm and went for a 2 hour walk with a friend, about 7 miles. We went out to, and around, a reservoir which I've driven past several times and wanted to explore, so I was pleased. We also walked some public rights of way where there's a dispute with the land owner - the original paths were moved due to coal mining, and never restored, and now there's an argument about putting the old paths back vs creating new ones (where the temporary ones are), so I found it interesting to walk that.

    We'll be back on the DIY this weekend, and I might run Saturday/Sunday to make up for missing yesterday, otherwise it'll be walking (or I might do both). I still need to figure out how to loosen off my right posterior chain as it's improved a little but not there yet, hence wanting the consistency. I might dig the foam roller out of the garage.. eek!
  • sunny9847
    sunny9847 Posts: 137 Member
    Met all goals today. Steps 13,007
  • healthygirlintransit
    healthygirlintransit Posts: 220 Member
    Weigh -In Day:Friday
    CW: 216.8
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,197 Member
    Mighty quiet here - I'm guilty too! It has been busy, and I overdid it a bit yesterday and today, so ended up having a rest late this afternoon. I so rarely do that! I think it is a combination of increased outdoor exercise and colder temps with wind - it caught up with me.

    We're just about to wrap up week 1 of March already! It is looking very green on the spreadsheet (WTG, everyone). How are our new people doing? @MzBossy and @riagalgate - how is it so far? What is working? What would make it better? And for all of us, it is a good time to reflect on the past few days and see what could keep things going in the good direction. Check in with a few words about what is going well this week, what is not so hot, and how you're planning for next week.

    Saturday weigh-ins:

    Tally ho!
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    Today I got on the scale and I was down 2 lbs after my 4 lbs gain. Happy to see my body adjusting well to my calorie increases. It was so nice to see the scale drop. It is really hard to be patient right now and I am really looking forward to getting back to traditional weight loss. Since I'm doing well with my reverse diet I increased my calories by 150 this week instead of 100. I really want to return to the regular team next month but I will keep an eye on things.

    @Terytha My kids want to see that movie. Let me know how it was. We might have to rent it too!

    We got baby chicks today! We have lost two hens to old age lately and we needed to restock the flock. 3 of them are our normal egg layers and then we got 2 that are called lavender orphingtons. They are actually lavender πŸ’œ 😍 We have a buff orphington who is a golden color and she is very sweet. I'm sure we will enjoy the lavender ones too!

    Walked today and some work outside to get ready for chicks. Food was fine for calories but to low in protein. Something to work on tomorrow!

    @micki48 Hopefully the sleep over goes great! How fun and exciting.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,197 Member
    Sorry guys, I've had a tough week since injuring my back and shoulder.
    If I maintain over the next couple of weeks whilst I cant exercise I'll actually be happy, but I'll have to seriously keep tracking my calories tightly for that to happen. Normally I can get away with a few treats with exercising daily 😬😰.
    I was quite down yesterday about being told not to exercise and didn't even meet my step goal of 14k, which hasn't happened for months. Going to have a weekend off it I think to recoup my mental health and then get back to it from Monday with a fresh mind set
    I feel your pain! It is such a drag not to be able to exercise or even move the way we like to. It is only a couple more weeks - hopefully - and you need to take good care of it so it does not come back to bite you again. And ease in carefully when you start again, ok? I know it is frustrating and you have all kinds of unused energy, but injuries happen... If you have access to a good physiotherapist or seriously knowledgeable trainer, it is worth a couple of sessions to both ease back in safely and prevent a recurrence. Don't worry about not losing for a bit! If you want to go onto the support team for the rest of the month, that is possible, but if you're holding relatively steady like this, you should be fine. Hugs!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Good Morning. I struggled to find this balance this week. I got so much accomplished at work, but I definitely slacked on my workouts, and steps. My eating was so-so. I have been maintaining for WAY to long (I know, better then gaining). I need to make some changes to obtain this goal. Thankfully, it is warming up so I can walk more. I am considering taking up running. I am not a fan of running, but it is something I can with the baby.
  • riagalgate
    riagalgate Posts: 22 Member
    jugar wrote: Β»
    Sorry guys, I've had a tough week since injuring my back and shoulder.
    If I maintain over the next couple of weeks whilst I cant exercise I'll actually be happy, but I'll have to seriously keep tracking my calories tightly for that to happen. Normally I can get away with a few treats with exercising daily 😬😰.
    I was quite down yesterday about being told not to exercise and didn't even meet my step goal of 14k, which hasn't happened for months. Going to have a weekend off it I think to recoup my mental health and then get back to it from Monday with a fresh mind set
    I feel your pain! It is such a drag not to be able to exercise or even move the way we like to. It is only a couple more weeks - hopefully - and you need to take good care of it so it does not come back to bite you again. And ease in carefully when you start again, ok? I know it is frustrating and you have all kinds of unused energy, but injuries happen... If you have access to a good physiotherapist or seriously knowledgeable trainer, it is worth a couple of sessions to both ease back in safely and prevent a recurrence. Don't worry about not losing for a bit! If you want to go onto the support team for the rest of the month, that is possible, but if you're holding relatively steady like this, you should be fine. Hugs!

    Thanks @jugar. I'll stay on until I've seen my osteopath on Wednesday, is she says it'll be a longer recovery than yes put me on the support team until I'm
    back exercising. I can live without the weights and strength training but I'm really missing my running already. Thank you for your support ❀
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,277 Member
    edited March 2021


    TOTAL TEAM STEPS - 515,661



    1ST - @Kali225 103,037
    2ND - @sunny9847 90,168
    3RD - @KellyBgetsfit 76,750


    @Kali225 7/7
    @Sunny9847 7/7
    @Micki48 6/7
    @KellyBgetsfit 6/7
    @MandiSaysHey 4/7

  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,277 Member


    TOTAL TEAM STEPS - 2,494,663


    1ST - @Kali225 400,273
    2nd - @Sunny9847 364,112
    3rd - @MandiSaysHey 326,927

  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    @conleywoods Raya and the Last Dragon was ok. That's it.

    It's worth seeing, visually stunning, well acted and has great music. The action sequences are perfectly choreographed.

    Its just very shallow. What story there is, is predictable and full of holes. Very little is explained and it didn't feel like there were any stakes because there was hardly any real conflict or danger. It was one big missed opportunity. I'd rather watch Spirited Away again. The dragons were nearly copies of Haku anyway.

    I wouldn't have been happy to pay theater prices, but it would be worth renting or seeing when it comes free on Disney+.

    Anyways. Thats just my 2 cents. It currently has like 95% on Rotten Tomatoes so take it with a grain of salt. There was one joke in there that made me laugh super hard too.

    We also just finished binge watching Love is War (book title: The Genius' War of Love and Brains), a short and very silly series about two prideful geniuses trying to trick each other into confessing love and now we're out of ideas for shows.

    Sigh. All the good shows are on hiatus. :(
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,197 Member
    Last Call for Friday and Saturday weigh-in people:

    And seriously last call for those who have been missing 2 weeks and I hope will check in before tallies Sunday morning:
This discussion has been closed.