WaistAways - March 2021 Team Chat



  • MzBossy
    MzBossy Posts: 32 Member
    Hey y’all!

    We on day 2 how is it going? I did great yesterday & so far great today but I’m really wanting some ice cream 🤦🏾‍♀️. Maybe I’ll go eat some fruit but I only like to eat that in the mornings 🤷🏾‍♀️. Trying to stay focused!
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    @jugar that GMB website is fantastic. I think I lost a good 30+ minutes browsing it at work, and didn't scratch the surface.

    I went for my first run in over a week today. Managed alright, did probably 20-25 minutes of actual running, after walking to warm up. I'm aiming to have run the full 'circuit' by the end of the weekend; I'll go out Thursday and Saturday. Did have a few aches but I feel better for moving, and followed it up with a hip mobility session which also helped my glutes and hamstrings a bit.

    I'm in the process of looking for a new habit tracker. I like the Habitbull app (now appears to be called Habit Tracker) but you only get 5 habits on the free version, and it's £4.49 a month for unlimited which just feels to expensive. I'm trying the spreadsheet from here, but I do like an app and spreadsheets don't typically work well on phones. I am thinking I could try moving some of the habits; for example my water intake is on here, so do I need to track it there, too? Not sure just yet, so would be interested in knowing what those of you with Android phones use. Bonus if it's a one-off payment (or totally free) and available on PC too.

    No DIY today; I've had some admin to do, but should get a bit done tomorrow.
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    @micki48 steps
    2 Mar 6857 with a 30 minutes strength workout. My back has been aching for the last few days but I'm trying to keep up my routine because I know if I stop I'll be difficult to get back in the zone.
  • happimess01
    happimess01 Posts: 9,072 Member
    @jugar Thank you so much! Glad to hear your recovery is going well. Here's to smashing more goals soon!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,214 Member
    MzBossy wrote: »
    Hey y’all!

    We on day 2 how is it going? I did great yesterday & so far great today but I’m really wanting some ice cream 🤦🏾‍♀️. Maybe I’ll go eat some fruit but I only like to eat that in the mornings 🤷🏾‍♀️. Trying to stay focused!

    Ice cream is always calling my name. I started making sorbet a couple of years ago - just fruit all blended up with a bit of simple syrup and some citrus zest or anything else that seems good. I have a little ice cream machine thing that was inexpensive and does the job well. That helps get me through the ice cream cravings. Cold, smooth, sweet, but not as deadly. I'm sure you can also buy nice sorbet - give it a try!

    I also have a question for you - your weigh-in day was Sunday. Since that is the very first day of the challenge, your starting weight could just carry over. However, if you remember what your weight was LAST Sunday (Feb 21), that could be your starting weight. If not - no worries! Once you are here for a while, every month's starting weight is the final weigh-in from the previous month. Just let me know if you want to revise either your starting or week 1 weight. Thanks!
    DD265 wrote: »
    @jugar that GMB website is fantastic. I think I lost a good 30+ minutes browsing it at work, and didn't scratch the surface.

    I'm in the process of looking for a new habit tracker. Not sure just yet, so would be interested in knowing what those of you with Android phones use. Bonus if it's a one-off payment (or totally free) and available on PC too.
    I'm glad you like the GMB website. It has been one of my 2 or 3 go-to sources for quite a while now.

    For habit tracking - I do use the spreadsheet on my Android phone and on my spreadsheet. It works best on the phone if you download the google sheets app. And if you want me to add more lines to your block so that you can track more than 5 things, let me know! I have not tried other apps, though - and maybe someone has a good one.

    That poem is sweet in so many ways. Maybe that's a good idea - write a poem about eating the thing instead of eating it? :tongue:

    I am still smiling from my snowshoeing today, and not too sore from the Pilates. It feels good to start back onto my usual exercise routines. Energy is coming back!

    SO! Here are the weigh-in updates.
    @CurvyCalorie (yes, you still weigh in on the maintenance crew!)

    Due today:

    Due Wednesday:

    Reach for the sky!
  • riagalgate
    riagalgate Posts: 22 Member
    Met all my goals yesterday except for sleep=
    Steps 18,104 🚶‍♀️
    Under calories at 1389
    30 minute strength workout
    3.5 mile walk
    20 min jog
    7hr 46 min sleep
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,214 Member
    Pearl4686 wrote: »
    Wednesday weigh in round 2
    I actually weighed myself again because I couldn't replicate the same conditions I normally weigh in this morning & also because I couldn't believe I hadn't lost anything.
    So round 2:
    PW 85.7
    CW 85.0
    Much happier with this.

    both versions had a loss - but this one is even greener :mrgreen:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,214 Member
    Happy Wednesday, team!

    I have a request. I have been tracking the exercise minutes for the people on the step/exercise team. As you probably know, I use a chart that translates all kinds of exercise minutes into their equivalent steps per minute. Those get added to your steps for the day. I think that doing this makes it easy for people who want to be on the step team but might do different forms of exercise instead of or in addition to step counting.

    At the moment, however, I find this to be one task too many. I have a lot of recovery and physio to do to get past the 10 months I had my glute injury and then surgery. I also keep all the stats for all the teams on F2F, work with the captains on any changes needed, etc. I love doing all this, but the exercise conversions are starting to get past me.

    Would anyone be willing to take this on? I can easily give you the link to the chart I use, let you know how it adapts for various intensities of exercise, and all that fun stuff. @micki48 records the "regular" steps, so it would only be catching the posts of people who are on the step team and also report other exercise. Let me know! And thanks :kissing_heart:
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    PW 152.2
    CW 151.6

    @jugar I think I gave you the wrong SW. I got tagged in all the groups for reaching a 10 pound loss last week, but I haven't reached that goal yet. My starting weight should be 156.8. I appreciate all that you do. I wish I had time to help with the exercise calculations. If no one volunteers, I am more then willing to only post steps.
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    Wednesday weigh in
    PW 202.2
    CW 202.0
    I've been pretty lax with my discipline the past two weeks but I'm still slowly moving in the right direction. Today is my last day in the Hangar and there will be a bit of over indulgence tonight after work as a celebration but starting tomorrow I'm back to obeying my calorie goal. Time to get serious, I'm 12lbs from my goal!
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