Downsizers - May 2021 Team Chat



  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    Bike- 30 minutes, 8 miles 👎
    Steps- 10,000 👎
    Seltzer- 8 cups 👎 only five cups
    Tracked everything ate and drank ✅
    Under calorie budget ✅

    Bike 31 minutes, 8 miles, low effort
    Steps 9,600

    I have a crazy week ahead of me, our usual eLearning schedule has different start and end times, each day is less than 90 minutes and starts earlier than we have done in 14 months. I was able to get in my ride, but at a slower speed. I wasn't able to get in my three mile walk, but was able to sneak in a two mile walk. No evening walks planned this week, because the kids need to go to bed really early.

    Not very happy seeing three 👎, I need to try and figure out a way to work around this crazy schedule. I've gotten derailed in the past using my family as my main excuse for not exercising: "I'm too busy", "I need to get this done", "I'll start again next week.. oh wait, I have XYZ next week, I guess it will have to be the following week" the next thing I knew it was six years later.

    I'm hoping my new habits will sustain me through this crazy week. I know I can at least control: getting in enough water, tracking everything and staying under. I just need to make sure to carve out time for at least the bike (it's only a half hour, compared to walking for a little more than an hour).

    I needed to hear this! I am right there ... “too busy”. I need to stop making excuses and take some accountability!
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 573 Member
    Yay! I'm so glad to know that my sharing helped someone, namely you! Thanks for letting me know:)
    By the way, I don't live here at the beach. I only get to visit:) If I did live here, I would be out there every day walking!
  • rwood566
    rwood566 Posts: 987 Member
    edited May 2021
    Check in for 5/24:
    Steps - 3987 no, I just got up and rounded. Up. Now it's 4018.thank you to whomever posted that before.

    Calories - 1500. Had some fat free frozen yogurt.

    Exercise - no. I was going to say I was waiting on my daughter to finish work then hit the gym, which I was, but I need to take the responsibility. Thank you, Theresa. I should have went walking, even in the heat. I will hit a long walk early in the morning since I won't have the car to hit the gym.

    @BRGking welcome to the team. You'll enjoy it here.
  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    rwood566 wrote: »
    @lindamtuck2018 I think I may be a little OCD, but not tested and don't care. Also, the fear of going back where I started. Great motivation.

    @ theresam787 the siren songs from those desserts is hard to withstand. Maybe slide the extra half piece into the trash while grabbing the apple? I have to remind myself about the history of the sirens. They want to cause the sailor (me, literally) to crash and drown.

    @Aqualang26 excellent loss.

    @Piqueaboo nice weight gain control while you're not home. You'll slide back down quickly. Do you skip like rocky in the movies yet?

    Haha, yes, and I also listen to the Rocky and Creed soundtracks when I skip - It's so much fun.
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,895 Member
    Hello Everyone;
    My internet is just so spotty, I’ll have to check in when I can. Hope everyone has a great rest of the week🙂🙂🙂
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,895 Member
    edited May 2021
    5/24: 9101
  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member

    Nice loss! How has the search been going for the new dietitian?
    So far I'm waiting to receive the diet that the diëtist of my girlfriend will give her. Also the 31st of May I will try with acupuncture. See if it helps

  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,546 Member
    I'm not in your challenge until june but my steps today where over 15,000 which is normal for me on weekdays🙂

    Hi Beverly! Welcome to the team! @Megan_smartiepants1970 takes care of the step challenge. You are more than welcome to report your steps and goals while waiting for the June challenge to start.
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    Good Tuesday Morning Buds! 😄

    I'll be honest... I thought I would sleep good last night. Think again. less than 6 hours, sleep score of 61. It's just one of those morning where you get outside and do the work not because you want to, but because you need too.

    But I got outside... So, WIN. About 1 minutes into my first lap the sky opened up and it started raining pretty good. Just long enough to get me and the ground good and wet, then it stopped. No complaints though, I did good, no real pain to speak of. Endorphins were kicking in.

    It's clear, my feet, ankles and heels have acclimated somewhat to the new regime. Pretty sure my legs are generally pretty acclimated to climbing that hill. Just the Knee's need a little help. Hopefully in time, they will improve and I will be able to lose the braces.

    I'm now less then 10 pounds away being able to use the Elliptical naked and still remain within its operating capacity. Of course, If I'm going to elliptical with clothes on, I may have to wait another week or so. lol 😋

    It's my intention to use it and hope that it's less damaging to my ole knee knockers... But at the same time, I've read that ellipticals can be hard on the front of the knees... Which is where mine seem to have issues, so I guess we will find out eventually. 😆

    Ketones and blood sugar remain pretty decent today. 👍

    Blood Ketones 1.9
    Blood Glucose 104
    GKI 3.04

    Other than that, seems the effects of yesterday's workout have yet to make themselves known. I just kind of feel week in the shoulders and upper back, but the pain will come I'm assuming over the next 36 hours. Which is a good sign of course.

    I need more sleep, can't have it. Got a get my *kitten* to work.

    Have a great day Everyone! 😀

  • jimboden3
    jimboden3 Posts: 314 Member
    Thanks for the support everyone. My doctor appt isn't until June 7th but the abdominal swelling appears to be similar to a hernia description but I've learned long ago that self diagnosis from what you read on the internet tends to not be as accurate as going to see a medical professional. The good news is that I'm not in any noticeable pain, just a little worried but I'll be patient and get through this and deal with it when I have more clear information. Until then I'm just going to continue taking it easy and try to eat a little healthier and/or less.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,546 Member
    edited May 2021
    I wrote those podcast down that you gave @rwood566. I actually ordered my dongle so I can listen to music and podcasts when I walk.

    That was a decent workout session. Your calorie burn is amazing. The best part is working out with your fiancé. That burger looks so good. I am disappointed there is no food pictures today. Great job keeping going in spite of getting soaked with the rain. I hope your sleep is better tonight.

    I don’t know how those of you working, with kids or both get everything done. You will get into your groove this week. You have learned so many skills since starting your journey. Great job walking around until you reached 10,000 steps. You and @iradi8 inspire me to reach my step goal everyday.

    I am back to weighing in officially this week also. I will post a gain this week but let’s do this together. We can crush the June challenge.

    I hope you enjoy your walk this morning. Good for you to nudge yourself to get moving.

    Enjoy your travels!

    Can you put yourself on a cancellation list? Sometimes the wait for appointments can be long in Canada but I always ask to go on the cancellation list and have got an earlier appointment a few times.
  • BRGking
    BRGking Posts: 40 Member
    Hu everyone.,
    looking forward to joining y'all next month.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,546 Member
    Monday’s check in
    ✅Steps 8,107
    ✅Physio 2/2

    Yes, that is my steps for the day. I walked to the park with the pond. It is not really a park. It is a pond with an old concrete path around it. I walked part ways around but there were geese up ahead so I turned around. Silly to be scared of geese. It was a very challenging walk and the path is not very good. Today’s walk is the Tim Hortons route as I have to go to a store near there. On the step front I am starting to wonder if I should try to raise my goal by 1000 steps instead of 500. I have a few more days to decide.

    Happy Tuesday!
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,242 Member
    24th May
    Steps 10,257
  • rlaskey2
    rlaskey2 Posts: 461 Member
    Steps 16,743

    Quiet day, took a walk. I haven’t felt like doing my strength workouts, I am getting lazy. I need to step that up. 3 weeks until the kids are out of school and nervous for that. Not sure how I will keep them busy but we will see.
  • lcfa5317
    lcfa5317 Posts: 147 Member
    Weigh in day - Monday
    PW = 189

    I started using a health coach who is a friend of mine. She suggested going gluten free because I have a lot of hip pain. I gained weight! I want to try to eliminate some gluten, just not 100%. It made me feel deprived and I started eating ice cream and other "bad" foods. I just spoke with her and I feel motivated to continue on my weight loss journey. I have not been losing weight for a long time and feel quite depressed about it. She was a good cheerleader for me today. I am going to track my food on this site and do some intermittent fasting. I'm hoping for a better week. I will also start using this app more because it helps to know others are in this journey with me.
    I hope all of you are doing well.
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