Downsizers - June 2021 Team Chat



  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    This week's challenge is up! Give something up for the week and feel amazing.

  • lmf1012
    lmf1012 Posts: 402 Member
    5/29 steps 11,189
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    Username : azkunk
    Weigh In Day: Sunday
    CW: 179.0
    LTD: 28

    Small loss this week. But it’s a loss and the first one in a long time. I started strong this week but then slipped as the long weekend started. I need to figure a way to keep things in control as the weekend approaches. That will be my goal for this week.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,154 Member
    jimboden3 wrote: »
    Hello everyone - I'm Jim and I've been a member of Downsizers since the start of 2021. I'm married and a proud father of four (2 girls and 2 boys ranging between 15 - 24) living in St. Louis, Missouri. I started my weight loss journey in the Spring of 2019 steadily losing 35 lbs (240 starting weight) and then gaining about 15 lbs back when my work-life situation changed during COVID. Working from home (and life in general) was pretty stressful and the pantry full of the kids junk food was too convenient and it took its toll.

    I re-started my weight-loss and fitness plan last December and was off to a great start but recently developed something that appears to be a hernia in the last 2 weeks (thankfully I'm not in any real pain) so I've stopped exercising until I can get in to see my doctor on June 7th. For now, I'm just trying to eat reasonably healthy to maintain status quo and hope to get back on track soon.

    Wishing everyone a productive month!

    I feel for you Jim.... I just had my 2nd hernia surgery on April 28th ...This one was more intense because it was an Incisional hernia...My 1st one was a tubal ligation back in 2005 after my daughter was born ...I am finally able to resume my walks which will start tomorrow ...I am excited .... Best wishes to you when you get yours done :)
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,154 Member
    I just realized that June will be 1 whole year that I have been with this amazing group .... I appreciate every single one of you .... You have helped me in more ways than you know ........Tomorrow I start walking with my clan ....getting back on Keto tomorrow which I am excited about and so is my waist (convenient food is now done thank goodness) swimming in my pool, possibly trying PIYO which is a low impact beach body program and doing intermittent fasting again ( I had great success in the past) if I can't lose weight this month then something is seriously wrong .. I am happy to be more involved in our group this month now that my hernia surgery is behind me :)
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member

    One of the many benefits of our incredibly supportive team, is how we freely share tips that have helped us with weight loss. What tips would you like to share about weight loss?

    Here is a podcast episode that focuses solely on tips:

    My biggest tip is to pre log your food. I do it for a week in advance as I make a menu for the week. I just add the serving sizes when I weigh my food at each meal or snack.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,154 Member
    edited May 2021

    My biggest tip is do not just rely on the scale ...sometimes it lies to us and derails us .... take measurements or how does your clothes fit is also a good measurement to tell us well my pants fit looser so I am losing weight :)
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,154 Member
    edited May 2021
    A friendly reminder that I need the following people's steps

    @Tazaria87 5/29

    @red1185 5/29

    If I do not have your steps by the evening of 5/31 I will be zeroing them out
    Thanks for your cooperation ladies :)
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    edited May 2021
    Thank you to all that did an introduction. It is fun to read and learn a little bit about everyone.

    Great day with calories! I hope they figure your dizziness out. It’s not fun. If the band on the Fitbit is bothering you maybe replacing it with a different kind of material might help. There are all kinds on Amazon.

    I love lazy days. Your right though, it always leads to more snacking. Great job on doing your workout.

    Nice loss! Weekends are problematic for me too. I have been working hard to change this over the last few weeks. It went from having a small treat on Fridays to treats the entire weekend. I have got it back to just Saturdays but I am still having too many treats. That’s what I am working on now. Do you still average your calories?

    Happy 1 year! I just got back to intermittent fasting also. It really helped me before so we will see how it does this month.
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    About me ... I started this chapter of my weight loss journey one year ago when I turned 49 and vowed to lose 50 lbs by 50. I ended up losing 30 which was shy of my goal but still an accomplishment. Lately, I have lost some of my motivation but I am starting to regain it. I have 2 kids, a 14 yr old boy and an 11 yr old girl. My daughter is a competitive dancer so taking her to and from her dance commitments keep me busy. I recently got a promotion at work which officially takes effect today. My goals for this month will focus on staying on track since this month is busy for dance ... June recitals mean 8 shows and 4 different days for recitals, in addition to the continued 5 hours of dance class per week. Plus, the new responsibilities of the director job while searching for the person to replace me and pick up my specialist work.

    June Goals:
    1. Row 20 minutes 5x/ wk by the end of June
    2. Limit take out to 4x total this month
    3. Track EVERYTHING as accurately as possible

    I had my first loss in weeks this week and I am not going to focus on the scale this month. This month, it is all about tracking accurately, getting back into rowing, limiting takeout/ cafeteria meals and hitting my nutrition/ water goals. If I focus on those things, the scale will fall in line.

    Welcome to the newbies and I wish all of us a successful month :)

  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 576 Member
    edited May 2021
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    Check in for Saturday

    ✅Steps 8,067
    ❌physio 0/2

    It was so busy yesterday that I only got a short walk. I was moving lots so I got my steps. I did slack on the physio. The grandkids came for a sleepover and just left a short time ago. We had more treats than we should have yesterday putting me over calories. We had a nice walk this morning. They got a frosty at Wendy’s (don’t tell my daughter) while we were walking but I passed. I am going to do a few laps around the apartment to make sure I get my steps, wash the floors and fold the laundry then I am then doing nothing else but watch Netflix for the day.

    Have a super Sunday!
  • rwood566
    rwood566 Posts: 987 Member
    edited May 2021
    i love the first of the month, reading everyone's stories. you are all so inspiring.

    quick check in...just completed my first 5 mile walk. my fitbit said 4.78 but google maps said 5.0. it took 1:38. now i have a quick recovery time since daughter wants to go to the gym after she gets off in 2 hours. one bad note about the walk was my dizzy spell during cooldown stretching. it was the worst i've had and was staggering around trying to stay upright since i was on concrete. i really hope they can figure it out quickly.

    i just saw that i forgot to mention in my intro that i'm in San Diego.

    have a great sunday.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,154 Member
    Thank you to all that did an introduction. It is fun to read and learn a little bit about everyone.

    Great day with calories! I hope they figure your dizziness out. It’s not fun. If the band on the Fitbit is bothering you maybe replacing it with a different kind of material might help. There are all kinds on Amazon.

    I love lazy days. Your right though, it always leads to more snacking. Great job on doing your workout.

    Nice loss! Weekends are problematic for me too. I have been working hard to change this over the last few weeks. It went from having a small treat on Fridays to treats the entire weekend. I have got it back to just Saturdays but I am still having too many treats. That’s what I am working on now. Do you still average your calories?

    Happy 1 year! I just got back to intermittent fasting also. It really helped me before so we will see how it does this month.

    Thanks Linda .... Awesome ....I will be starting IF tonight and Keto tomorrow along with walking and swimming :)
  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    01/05/2021 10.853 steps

    02/05/2021 14.765 steps

    03/05/2021 12.513 steps

    04/05/2021 8.844 steps

    05/05/2021 14.205 steps

    06/05/2021 10.613 steps

    07/05/2021 5.903 steps

    08/05/2021 11.289 steps

    09/05/2021 11.506 steps

    10/05/2021 16.233 steps + 1 hour of zumba.

    11/05/2021 13 018 steps + 45 minutes of zumba

    12/05/2021 15.673 steps

    13/05/2021 6.790 steps

    14/05/2021 14.821 steps

    15/05/2021 8.488 steps

    16/05/2021 18.949 steps

    17/05/2021 10.313 steps

    18/05/2021 11.773 steps

    19/05/2021 18.673 steps

    20/05/2021 12.816 steps

    21/05/2021 5.087 steps

    22/05/2021 13.842 steps + 30 min elliptical machine +Horizontal row machine 5 repetitions of 15x 18 kg + Seated leg press machine 5 rep. 15x 18 kg + Leg adduction machine 5 rep 15 x 32 kg

    23/05/2021 10.072 steps

    2405/2021 4.133 steps + 80 squats + 50 lateral raise

    25/05/2021 12.353 steps + 50 squats + 5 rep 15 x 32 kg Leg abduction machine + 30 min elliptical machine + 15 min running in the treadmill

    26/05/2021 9.696 steps + 50 squats

    27/05/2021 5.335 steps + 100 squats + 30 min elliptical machine

    28/05/2021 8.655 steps + 100 squats

    29/05/2021 13.408 steps + 5 x 15x 32 kg Leg abduction machine + 30 min elliptical machine + 5 x 15x 32 kg Leg adduction machine + 5 x 15 x 25 kg seated leg extension + 5 x 15 x 18 kg Lying leg curl machine + 5 x 15 x 25 kg Seated leg press machine + 100 squats

  • littleflutterby
    littleflutterby Posts: 432 Member
    Hiya!! happy June (ish!)

    first of all- steps, then I'll do an intro :)

    24/5- 6920
  • littleflutterby
    littleflutterby Posts: 432 Member
    Hi all, so glad a new, fresh month is upon us!

    For those who don't know me- I'm Tanya, 33, originally from Liverpool, England and now living in Toronto, Canada!

    Weight and body image have always been a problem for me. From either being unhealthily skinny to being nearly 400lb, I've been through it all. I'm in recovery from food addiction and compulsive overeating, and so grateful that I have different sources of support to live my life binge-free!

    I joined F2F in November of last year. I had an epiphany in October when I realised that I needed a massive change in my life, otherwise the physical and mental pain I was feeling would get worse. So I changed my diet and upped my physical activity. Since then, I have lost nearly 85lb and already feeling the benefits of a healthier lifestyle.

    This group has been a great motivator for me. The weekly check ins, the encouragement, the goals I set, have all helped.

    In January I had some health issues so my weight loss has kinda stalled, but even if it's "just" a couple of pounds down in a month, it's showing that what I'm doing is working!

    I'm going to be here for the long-haul. I still have 116lb to go to get to my goal weight and I know I can get there!

    So, to anyone new- welcome to the quietest team in the history of MFP! (That's a total fib haha) Stick with us- celebrate your highs and lows with us because whether you are maintaining your weight, or have a lot to lose, this is a non-judgemental space, and lots of people are willing to be there for you :)

    So the summer is just around the corner which means more nice days for me to get out and about! I went for a couple of nice walks with friends last week (It's the only thing you can really do in Ontario right now lol.) I have a moderate case of shin splints so have to take it easy this week :( But I did do some dancing on the wii this week! I also got a nasty little blister on my heel yesterday too -_-

    I'm still hoping to go home to visit my family in October, depending on quarantine rules in both the UK and Canada, and would love to lose another 40lb by then if possible. 5 months, less than 10lb a month, it might just work, we shall see! I don't always focus on my losses though. Like I've said before, I know weight loss is a positive consequence of doing the do things, as well as my body cooperating (because sometimes it just be like that ;) )

    *June Goals*

    * 4,000 steps a day
    * dance 3x a week
    * outside walk at least twice a week
    * limit diet sodas to 2 a day
    * drink at least 100oz water a day
    * make better choices on takeout Tuesdays

    I might add more as the month goes on lol

    So psyched for a new month!!!
  • Beautyofdreams
    Beautyofdreams Posts: 1,009 Member
    Username: Beautyofdreams
    Weigh-In Day: Sunday
    PW: ???
    CW: 151.3

    Up 6 pounds from previous low so time to crack down.
This discussion has been closed.