Downsizers - June 2021 Team Chat



  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    Good morning everyone and Happy Memorial Day
    Again, I apologize for not posting to your comments. It's going to be a crazy week with all of the littles together. I'm going to try to get on at least once every day. As I'm typing, one of the littles is chatting to me and I'm trying my best to multitask (thank goodness for those high school typing classes so that I can keep eye contact with my little nephew and still respond).

    Congratulations Jim on your loss👏🏻👏🏻 I love BBQ also, that was a huge WIN filling your plate with plenty of veggies and fruit first. Well done, pat on the back! Congrats on your niece's and son's graduations 🎉 That's a great mindset to focus on eating healthy for now. Hopefully the docs can see you soon.

    Well done on those delicious and healthy choices at the Greek restaurant (grilled chicken skewers and tzatziki are both excellent choices of lean protein) 👏🏻👏🏻 It's amazing how your body and mindset changes over the course of your journey. You've been doing so well.

    There are several team members that have a FitBit (not me 😕), did you find a good challenge? If so, you can post it and maybe some of the other Downsizers will join you.

    How did it feel to walk? Wow, you are already past 8,500 steps!

    Oh my goodness, that happened to my Apple Watch a few weeks ago. I kept walking and it wouldn't give me my green 10,000 steps- my husband thought I was nuts, because I knew that I hit over 10,000 steps, but I wanted my green bar --- so I COMPLETELY understand what you mean 🤗! That's a great idea preplanning the food, it's like eating free food! Sneaky little helper you have 🤣
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    HUGE step day! That's amazing 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 You had an impressive exercise day! Your poor tootsies, yes with all of those steps and all of that exercise.

    HA! That must be a fluke. I did get in a four-mile walk before the family came over, plus all of the walking back and forth, up and down the stairs, helping the family bring in bags and unpack. I did a quick evening walk. I still can't believe I hit that high!

    Oh no, what a day! I'm glad that's over for you. Today will be better!
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,242 Member
    @TheresaM787 thank you. I'm not sure if I have anyone from this group on my fitbit.

    My fitbit username is rozeena if anyone would like to add me 😊
  • rlaskey2
    rlaskey2 Posts: 461 Member
    Steps 7,775

    A third lazy day, had a nice visit with my parents and that is about it. Scale is looking good for a Monday, fingers crossed for a decent loss this week. Happy Memorial Day and thank you to any who have served!
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    @Poohbah1972 I also have days like this. I have a mountain of chores stacked in my future because I'm probably not getting to them today. I got dizzy on my outdoor walk had to buy a protein bar to get home. Today's not over yet but I'm over it to. I have faith that tomorrow will be a better day for us both.

    Just want to let you know I appreciate the comments... Good to know I wasn't alone yesterday. :) Hope today is better for you too! :smile:

  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    First weigh in and I didn't lose anything 😒 it's all my fault, should have not celebrated Memorial day, well, all week. I'll do better next week. Got some good protein powder 💯

    Don't sweat it for a second... it was the long weekend, and you are entitled to let your hair down from time to time. Heck we've been locked up so long due to covid, surely if you were able to spend time with friends and family, then by golly that's about the best thing you can be doing. It's Monday, so a great day for a brand new start. The most important thing is your, here and your trying. You can do it! 👍😊
  • mszoueb
    mszoueb Posts: 155 Member
    Well done on those delicious and healthy choices at the Greek restaurant (grilled chicken skewers and tzatziki are both excellent choices of lean protein) 👏🏻👏🏻 It's amazing how your body and mindset changes over the course of your journey. You've been doing so well.

    Thank you, everything they do there at that takeaway place is so delicious and family run so, feels good to support local business. I could have got worse options there that involved lots of cheese so, it was a tasty win in some senses.

    An hour ago I have seemed to manage to fix my bike gears as they were playing up so, with that and the terrible weather we've had here this month (had a heatwave last few days, summer might actually be here!!) I haven't been out on it. I've just got back from a 5.23 mile bike ride in this sunshine warm weather bank holiday day. 🥵💪
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    BRGking wrote: »
    Hi everyone, my name is Gerrit I am 37 and I am married with 5 children. At my heavies, earlier this year, I weight 468 lbs. over the past 2 months I have lost 45+ lbs just by adjusting my diet. I have had some bad days with stress eating but have had a lot fewer of those over the past month. I am planning to step up the exercise this month as I haven’t been doing anything consistently.

    Welcome aboard Garrit... I have similar stats as you... Started out close to 500lb in January, was probably much higher then that December 2018... God only knows to be honest. I have a before Picture, I hope to reveal some day. lol. But since january I'm down over 78LB at the moment! So let's keep it going! :)
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,597 Member
    edited May 2021
    Awesome steps Theresa! 18,000 steps is a lot of walking. Is this your highest yet? Enjoy your family time.

    Holy moly! That’s an 8 km walk. A walk, bike and weight machines, you are on fire. Well done!

    Stuck or not, you had a great step day. Great job staying under calories. I think I need to borrow your little thief to keep my diary in check on Saturday’s.

    Nice step pledge. You are back in the game! Start slow, don’t try a 10 mile walk the first day. You don’t want to hurt yourself. I know I sound like a worried mother.

    Go easy on yourself. It is just a blip in your weight loss journey. You made great choices with your takeout. Takeout has so much sodium. That’s probably part of the reason for your jump in the scales. My supper yesterday wasn’t takeout but it was very high in sodium. My weight is up 1.4 pounds this morning. A thought with ordering takeout is check to see if they have nutritional information. It can be eye opening but it can also help us make a good choice. Your insight into how your body is changing with regards to food is great. Here’s to a great week!

    I think maintaining while waiting for your appointment is very good. It would be so easy to just stop being careful with your diet until the appointment and gain weight. Your bbq sounds amazing. Not just the food but getting together with others. I know I said this before but reading about your guys get togethers gives me hope that it will soon be happening here in Ontario.

    I have you as a Tuesday official weigh day. I just want to confirm this is correct. Be gentle with yourself. You didn’t gain and you have a plan for the coming week. That’s a win!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,597 Member
    I just wrote down your name to add. I am not breaking any step records these days but I would join any challenges.

    Nice loss! In it so nice to watch the changes you made in the last month. You added weight lifting, increased your walking and have a great mindset when it comes to this journey. Love those zone minutes so early. I am not the most knowledgeable about strength training in spite of working with trainers in the past. I am sure one of our team members may know. @Beautyofdreams strength trains so she maybe able to answer.

    Welcome Gerrit! I can relate to stress eating. It is something I am working on. Your plan for increasing exercise is a great idea. Chasing 5 kids sounds like great exercise in itself.
  • lmf1012
    lmf1012 Posts: 402 Member
    5/30 steps 8,404

    Today is the last day of May so took my progress pictures. I am down 6.8 lbs for the month and did not see much difference in my pics month over month but know I am making continued progress.

    My squat rack arrived yesterday and I could barely drag the box inside the house! I will probably get a workout just getting the pieces lugged up the stairs so I can put it together!
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    lmf1012 wrote: »
    My squat rack arrived yesterday and I could barely drag the box inside the house! I will probably get a workout just getting the pieces lugged up the stairs so I can put it together!

    Oh how exciting. 😀💪👍
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    lmf1012 wrote: »
    5/30 steps 8,404

    Today is the last day of May so took my progress pictures. I am down 6.8 lbs for the month and did not see much difference in my pics month over month but know I am making continued progress.

    My squat rack arrived yesterday and I could barely drag the box inside the house! I will probably get a workout just getting the pieces lugged up the stairs so I can put it together!

    Congratulations on your fantastic loss! You’re doing amazing 👏👏👏
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    Check in for Sunday

    ✅Steps 6,203
    ✅physio 2/2

    I enjoyed my lazy afternoon yesterday. I had to walk around the apartment to hit 6,000 but I guess I add some more getting ready for bed. It is going to be a busy week as I have 3 appointments. I have physio this afternoon. I am debating a walk this morning as well as my walk to physio. I really want a cup of tea from Tim Hortons. It is a good reward for walking.

    I have been making a lot of casserole type foods since my husband had his teeth extracted. Truthfully, it’s getting very boring. Also, they can be very heavy. Anyways, Friday I want to make egg roll in a bowl. I am making it with ground chicken and I want to make it in the slow cooker so everything is soft enough. Does anyone have a slow cooker or instant pot recipe for this? I have a stovetop recipe but I am not sure if I just put it all in the slow cooker will it be ok. Also, if you have any other recipe ideas it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for any answers.

    To those having a long weekend, enjoy the last day. To the rest have a great start to your busy week.

    CONGRATULATIONS all ✅s👏👏👏 including sleep! How is your hip feeling? That was a fantastic step count! I love that you pair walking with a stop for tea. That sounds truly lovely. My daughter likes to stop at our neighborhood tea shoppe as well during our walks. I’ve never heard of that recipe. I’ll need to google it.
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