Mission Slimpossible - June 2021 Team Chat



  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,745 Member
    @laurelfit57 Thank you :smile: I might have to look into a protein shake!

    @Katmary71 That's so nice of you to buy the "best cat dad" card!
    Great attitude about the walker too, you're so right.

    @trooworld Sorry about the unwanted contact from the past - that would be quite upsetting. I hope that you're able to put it behind you quickly.

    @TeresaW1020 Thanks for the info on protein, I didn't know that we don't store protein! I do know that it's important for muscle development/maintaining muscles during fat loss phase, and I know that it helps me eat less other stuff because I don't feel as hungry. I will have to check out the website, thanks.
    Your hubby sounds like a keeper, for sure! It's so great to have such support at home.
    Don't stress too much about the bump on the scale. You most likely already know this but changing up your exercise can cause your muscles to retain a lot of water to repair themselves. The muscle soreness is probably a good indicator that there is a lot of tissue to repair so it is most likely a big factor this week for you!

    @GabiV125 Thanks for the suggestion, I am not sure if such a product exists here so I'll have a look! Sounds like you've gotten off on the right food for the long weekend with a nice walk!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 I'm sorry you've had such a rough week. Major props to you for owning your actions though - tracking through the bad times helps more than you will realise at the time.

    @davidji82 @Cornanda @Lulu_jo @bgame4 @TheGlwUp Congrats on your great losses this week!
    Hi all, it's been a bit of a lazy couple of days for me. The covid shot went pretty well, I had a sore arm and have been tired, which is about all that happened with the first shot too. Yesterday I got a sore throat, which is almost gone today, but I'm not sure yet whether it's a side effect from the shot, or if I'm getting the cold that hubby & the toddler have! Time will tell. Tomorrow I will need to let my boss know if I can't go to work on Monday (we're not allowed on site with any symptoms for covid at all, even if we have a negative test, so if I still have a sore throat or if I get a runny nose then I'll need to work from home this week).

    Not much else to update, we got takeaway food for dinner last night which caused a bump on my scale this morning from the sodium. I was probably over on calories too, but not by that much.

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend!
  • Firefly743
    Firefly743 Posts: 133 Member
    ***Weigh In***
    PW: 251.8
    CW: 250.0
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,160 Member
    @Lulu_jo @Cornanda @bgame4 @TheGlwUp @Firefly743 Congrats on the losses!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Well you can start over with the next bite, hang in there! Thank you. I am having a better day! <3 I'm sorry to hear your daughter is struggling. I hope her mood gets better. I'm proud of you for tracking even though you didn't want to, yay! Congrats on the new Fitbit. Hugs to you!

    @Cornanda How are you doing? You've been quiet lately.

    @Jactop You've been quiet, too. Everything okay?

    @TeresaW1020 I know you will figure it out.

    @TheGlwUp I'm sorry you've had a tough week. I'm glad exercising is helping. I hope this week is better for you. Hugs.

    @Katmary71 Thank you! I am better now. What's the album with the cats? I knew about the card but not an album. Do tell! I hope you have fun at the casino. What are you going to do?

    @krea4 A day of badminton sounds fun and like good exercise. Enjoy!

    @TwistedSassette Thank you. For the most part, I have. I'm glad the shot went well. Have a great weekend!

    @askewcr Nice loss! I'm glad you have someone supportive at home. <3

    Hello all. I had a 2 lb loss this week which I am very happy about. I have a busy day with errands and we are celebrating my husband's birthday. We are having Thai food, my favorite, and I made a lemon cake for him. Have an awesome day!

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,160 Member
    Username: Trooworld
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    Week 3
    PW: 216.6
    CW: 214.6
    LTD: 33.4
  • RYcare
    RYcare Posts: 78 Member
    Username: RYcare
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    PW: 234.4
    CW: 232.8
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @TheGlwUp Nice loss this week! I am so sorry that you are going through such an emotional and painful time. I agree that exercise can be such a great way to release stress and get those good endorphins flowing. We are your tribe so please let us support and encourage you. <3

    @Katmary71 My husband is incredible and the biggest blessing of my life. :) Wow, that is terrible that TJ Maxx were jerks when you got hurt there. I don’t blame you for holding a grudge for so long! I am learning so much with DDF and just love it. I signed up for the one-month challenge to see if it would be a good fit but I will for sure be signing up for the unlimited package at the end of the month so I can continue. The FB group for the challenge is just incredible with the information that is so clearly explained and the support of all the members and moderators. I will keep you updated! Have a great time at the casino with your friend and you know that no one is going to think anything of you having a walker. You have to take care of yourself while having fun!

    @krea4 Uggghhh I remember those days when the hormones took over my hunger. Doing extra activity will for sure help!

    @TwistedSassette Yeah, my hubby is a keeper for sure. I do know that exercise and repairing muscles is mostly the culprit for my weight gain and I’m ok with it. That is good that the second shot didn’t make you too sick. Just take care of yourself since that toddler’s cold still might get you. ;)

    @askewcr Wahhhoooo what an incredible week you had! Keep up the good work! B) I’m so happy that you are finding this group an inspiration to stay focused on your goals. Yeah, I agree that having a husband who supports us is the best!

    @trooworld Wahoooo on your two-pound loss this week!! Happy birthday to your hubby and I hope you both had a great day! :)

    @RYcare Very nice loss this week! Keep it up! B)

    Hey Team! Well, the scale moved down almost a pound this morning, which made me happy and I also lost a half-inch off my waist, which is one of the measurements we are using for the DDF challenge. I spent a good part of the day trying to get that evil puzzle finished and watching Top Desserts. Those people are sooooo mean to each other but it’s great fun! :grin: I made a super yummy chunky chicken salad for dinner. Higher in carbs because of the Craisons but leaving those out is just NOT an option! Anyone here watching Downton Abbey on Netflix? It is our new favorite show!! <3

    Goal Weight Challenge: EYE ON THE PRIZE! B)
    Data Driven Fasting challenge Another good day! My trigger dropped to 83 and I hit it both times today before I ate.
    No snacking or sugar No snacking or sugar
    Workout (includes church cleaning): Phase one, week two Control Freak, triceps and chest. Also, a 20 minute HIIT walk on the treadmill.
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 519 Member
    edited June 2021
    Well it has been a great and unexpected week! I was booked to get my second shot on June 28th, the pharmacy called yesterday and said they had a last minute cancellation, could I come in right away? That was exciting to get my shot a couple of weeks early! Over at my mom's seniors place they held a fair that family was allowed to attend, they said it was the first of many events to come:). After over a year of no visitors it was a great day of celebration!! The weather cooperated, there was a small band, a dunk tank, even a few vendors ~ it was a wonderful day! I think I have stayed on track, so we shall see at my weigh in tomorrow. It's so funny, after months of being at home and being able to weigh and measure everything, it has been odd to estimate eg. I think this is about a cup, or I think this is 4 oz. I hope my estimating was accurate:)

    I have done 5 days of exercise and training with my dog each day ~ my two main goals:)

    Goal Weight Challenge: Keep my eye on the prize!

    Track & Eat Within Macro Ranges
    No snacking after 8
    No unplanned sugar
    No junk snacks
    Exercise 5 x weekly

  • mlhopp93
    mlhopp93 Posts: 192 Member
    HW -- 355 (9/1/2020)
    Weigh in day Saturday

    SW (5/29/2021): 259.2
    6/5/2021: 261.0 (+1.8) (missed weigh in)
    6/12/2021: 259.2 (-1.8)
    6/19/2021: 262.4 (+3.2)

    The rollercoaster of life and weigh ins continues. This feels more like fluid retention with a few questionable choices Friday evening. Back at it this week.....make good choices all day and all week.
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,159 Member
    edited June 2021
    P. W. 251
    C. W. 253
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,160 Member
    @RYcare Congrats on the loss!

    @TeresaW1020 Thank you! We did! I'm glad you had fun watching Top Desserts.

    @laurelfit57 Wow, that's great that you were able to get your 2nd shot and spend time with your mom! Congrats on reaching your goals!

    @apple852hk Congrats on the loss. I'm sorry it was a challenging week. I hope this next week is better for you. Hugs.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,279 Member
    It is time to recruit again :)
    Please encourage your friends to join our amazing group

  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 519 Member
    Weekly weigh in
    Username. laurelfit57
    Weigh in day. Sunday
    PW. 160.2.
    CW. 160.2

    Can I just say, that was hugely disappointing, I have stayed the same😩. I weighed myself in the middle of the week and was finally down to the 150s (just barely), but now I am up to what I was last Sunday.
    I have tried to be so careful all week, one thing I will definitely be doing from today forward is increasing my water! I’m honestly not sure what else I could have changed, but I will definitely be more aware and vigilant.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,160 Member
    @laurelfit57 I hate the scale sometimes. Water makes a big difference and is something I struggle with. I hope the scale is kinder to you next week. Hugs.

    @TwistedSassette Thank you! I bet the toddler loved the trip to the mines. That's cute about the ID tag! Adorable pics. Congrats on being pre-pregnancy weight, that's awesome!

    Hi all. We celebrated my husband's birthday on Saturday but yesterday was his actual birthday. He made homemade cheeseburgers: he actually took sirloin and hand-ground it with an attachment for our KitchenAid. He made the hamburger buns himself even! They were really good and worth it.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,029 Member

    I'm still here. I just caught up on 24 posts from the weekend! Thinking of each and every one of you. Appreciate being part of this tribe!

    Last week, went well for me. I've learned that keeping my weekend reasonable is an important part of making it work for me. Yesterday, we had a bit of a feast for Father's Day and even though I ate too much, it was NOT nearly what I would have eaten in the past. And I was quite full after. I'll have to think about how to make that work for me going forward. I tend to eat too fast and still feel hungry after my smaller meals at times. That's something I need to work on.

    Have a great week everyone!

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @laurelfit57 I know it sucks to want that scale to go down and stay down and then it bounces back up. Yes to drinking more water and yes to being patient with yourself. It will come down! <3

    @TwistedSassette I LOVED Bridgerton and I can’t wait for season 2 to finally air! You should totally check out Downton Abbey. Not nearly as racy but still superb acting and great stories. Your little guy is so stinking cute!! <3 You just keep working as hard as you have been and the weight is going to keep coming off.

    @trooworld Wow that is awesome that your husband went to so much trouble to make those cheeseburgers. I bet they were delicious! :)

    @Cornanda That is great that you used some moderation for Father’s Day and did better than you used to. Progress!! I am also a fast eater and will end up eating too much and then being overfull. We gotta learn to slow it down! :grin:

    Hi Team! So, I thought I had a hair appointment today only to get there and realize that it’s tomorrow morning! So, I went to Aldis, Walmart, and Sams and got all the shopping done. Now, I’m looking at my dirty, stinking little dog and we are about to go have some fun in the bathtub. :grin: I did eat a bit too much yesterday and indulged in two beers with hubby so the scale was up a little this morning. I’m back at it today and will stay super focused and hope for a good Friday weigh in.

    Goal Weight Challenge: EYE ON THE PRIZE! B)
    Data Driven Fasting challenge Another good day! My trigger dropped to 81.
    No snacking or sugar No snacking or sugar
    Workout (includes church cleaning): Phase one, week two Control Freak Tabata cardio
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,745 Member
    @trooworld Thanks! Glad that hubby's birthday celebrations were such fun. He sounds like a good cook - those burgers sound amazing!

    @Cornanda Great to hear from you, and I'm glad that you have learned a little more about what works for you. I'm the same, I can't have these big weekend blowouts and still expect progress, so I have reined it in. I think it was @trooworld who was challenging herself a few months ago about putting down her fork between bites - maybe that's something you can do to slow down your eating?

    @TeresaW1020 I have wanted to watch Downton Abbey for a while now, I just never seem to get to it! I love all those stories from that era. Good to see you having good DDF days and keeping your eye on the prize!!
    Yesterday was good! I ate completely on plan, and in the evening I debated between working out or just going to bed as I was so tired. I procrastinated a long while, then eventually decided to just do it. I started on a new HIIT program which I bought ages (years) ago but never really got into. I'm doing the pretraining first, which is plenty challenging for me, judging by how my muscles feel today! There was a lot of ab work, reminding me just how much strength I have lost in my core after my c-section 2.5 years ago. I have a lot of work to do to strengthen it again. It doesn't affect my day-to-day life but doing things like leg lifts and bicycle crunches is quite difficult - there's no pain but I just have no strength! Today is an active recovery day in the program, so I will do some walking and some yoga this evening.

    Tonight I will be going to a farewell dinner at the local Thai restaurant. Their food is delicious so I will attempt to eat only part of the plate as they're huge servings.
    2021 Word: PEACE
    Goals for June:
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