Mission Slimpossible - June 2021 Team Chat



  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,772 Member
    @TwistedSassette I love the pictures of your son! He looks so serious with the hard hat on.

    Hey gang, quick check-in, I just got home from feeding my brother's pets. Doing the same old stuff, food bank farm, gardening, and plant stands. I gave Eric the album gift from the cats yesterday and he was thrown, I gave him the card today and since he seemed embarrassed yesterday I just put the card in his room (it didn't come until today) and heard him telling his female cat she was on the cover of the card. I signed up for a yoga challenge and got the video a little while ago, time to go see what torture I have to put myself through!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,172 Member
    @Cornanda Good to hear from you. Keeping weekends reasonable is key for me, too and is something I am working on. Have a great week, too!

    @TeresaW1020 They were! Does Maggie like baths?

    @TwistedSassette He is an amazing cook. It is detrimental for us both to be good cooks! It was me that was putting down my fork between bites and I need to do it again, thanks for the reminder! Wow, that's great that you dug down and decided to work out.

    Hi all. I'm doing "okay" but have been into the snacks at home and one snack at work. I really need to reel it in. I have out-of-town guests coming next Monday and I will likely be eating out every day, multiple times a day. It's going to be a disaster if I'm not careful. I plan on only indulging at dinner every other day and not by much. I hope that works.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member
    Username: Jactop
    Weigh in day: Monday
    PW: 185.6
    CW: 188.8
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,031 Member
    @TeresaW1020 - my ideas for eating slower are: putting down the fork, only eating when sitting down (who knew that one would be so hard?!), and waiting for at least 20 min after the meal to monitor if I really am still hungry. Got any others?

    @TwistedSassette - are you going to start doing some ab work? I'm pretty happy with my workout routine, but I have been avoiding ab work like the plague and maybe we could check in on our progress if you are going to start doing some.

    @Katmary71 - sounds like your BF did like the gifts even though he was thrown, but that's just my take on your post. I think that was a very sweet thing you did for him.

    @trooworld - when my fam was here, I tried to model my plate after my sis in law. She is slim. It helped me. I also noticed that one night when we ate out we ordered the same thing and she ate way more of it than I did. And she was upset about it. Good luck with the company- that's always challenging!

    @Jactop - :( on your weigh in this week. Hope you are doing OK.

    Not much new here. Trying to eat sensibly, avoid the Father's Day leftovers and get as much exercise as I can in between the raindrops!

  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member
    trooworld wrote: »

    @Jactop You've been quiet, too. Everything okay?

    I'm here🙋‍♀️.

    Spring is always busy for us (garden, flower beds, farming) but this year was crazier than normal and I carelessly let myself get run down. Extreme fatigue is one of the symptoms of the kind of leukemia I have and if I let it get too far I have trouble bouncing back. I'm starting to feel human again except for the sausage hands. Can't wait to ditch some of this excess fluid.

    I started the 75 Hard Challenge yesterday with my daughter. There are several tasks that have to be completed daily or you start back at day 1. No exceptions. You chose your own diet and exercise just has to be intentional so I can keep it light until I get some stamina back.

    I finally got through all of the posts. Lots of nice losses this month. Yay Slims!!!

    @TwistedSassette I'm a CICO nonbeliever as well. It makes sense in theory but for me it's been the backbone of yoyo dieting and a temporary fix. I've also noticed that while exercise helps with weightloss the scale doesnt equally reflect the calories I burn during exercise which it should if it was a simple matter of exercising off the calories I take in.

    @Katmary71 I've used my mother's walker a few times at the open air market so I didn't have to carry my bags of produce. I asked myself what I would think if I saw someone else with one. The answer was "absolutely nothing". I just try not to jog to my car when I'm done lol. Don't let the fear of what others might think keep you from doing what's best for you.

    @askewer I read your post about feeling better on your walk and also an earlier one (at least I think it was you) about giving up sugar. By any chance were you off sugar for a few days before your walk? Sugar can make a big difference with inflammation especially if you have arthritis.

    @laurelfit57 sorry you were disappointed with your weigh in. Why do dips never seem to happen on weigh in days? Think of it as a glimpse of what's possible. You hit that number once. It will happen again and soon the 150s will be your new normal

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member

    @TwistedSassette Good for you for doing a new workout. I am sure your poor muscles are crying but they will thank you later. :)

    @Katmary71 I’m sure Eric was very touched by your gift and men don’t always know how to express themselves when something super sweet is done for them. Have fun with the yoga challenge! :)

    @trooworld Have fun with your guest and maybe you can focus on eating mostly lean protein and veggies and trying not to eat the sauces and fried foods. You stick to a plan, and you will be fine. :)

    @Jactop Glad to see you checking in. Be good to yourself and have fun with the 75 Hard Challenge. I did a Google search on it, and it looks intense but could yield great results. B)

    Hey Team! Not much happening today. I got my hair cut and colored which always takes forever but I’m happy to have it done. My stylist is having a baby in a couple of weeks so hopefully, she will be back in eight weeks to take care of me. :grin: I had a good day eating. I hit my blood BG trigger for lunch since I didn’t eat until I came home from my hair but it was a little high for when I had dinner. That happens and I’m not worried about it. I’m still hopeful for a loss this week. :)

    Goal Weight Challenge: EYE ON THE PRIZE! B)
    Data Driven Fasting challenge Another good day! My trigger dropped to 80.
    No snacking or sugar No snacking or sugar
    Workout (includes church cleaning): Phase one, week two Control Freak Shoulders
  • RYcare
    RYcare Posts: 78 Member
    Hi everyone, while I enjoy reading all the posts every night, I miss posting my updates to you but here I am getting back to it.
    I had an ok loss on my weight day Saturday and so far having a good week, I made it to the gym both Monday and Tuesday, and I am trying to stay within my limits when it comes to calories intake but both days I ended up with a deficit ☹ a bigger one today just because I made a really yummy dinner I love (stuffed grape leaves). The plan this week is to continue morning weightlifting at the gym and biking in the evening, very determined to be under 230lb this week.
    @TeresaW1020 YAY for getting your hair cut and colored! I need a hair cut badly but been delaying it until I lose some more pounds so I can have a “new look” 😊
    @Jactop I also googled the 75 hard Challenge and WOW I may be able to do it for a week max 2 weeks. It sounds like it is hard but great results, good luck and be kind to your body.
    @TwistedSassette Love the toddler pictures. I’ve done the HIIT program before and enjoyed it so much especially the mixed feeling of exhaustion and achievement after I was done, thinking back now I have absolutely no idea why I stopped.
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 375 Member
    Busy day today Good Night All
  • davors19
    davors19 Posts: 296 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday

    PW: 266.5
    CW: 266
    LTD: 34

    Sorry for late, vacation without internet:)
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,172 Member
    @Cornanda That was a good idea. Yes, it's definitely going to be a challenge. :(

    @Jactop I'm sorry to hear that you have had those symptoms. Wow, the 75 Hard Challenge lives up to its name! Good luck with that. It's good to hear from you. Hugs.

    @TeresaW1020 That's a good idea. Thanks! I hate how long it takes to get my hair done. I'm getting my hair done on Saturday.

    @davors19 A loss after a vacation? Wow, that's impressive! Congrats!

    Hi all. Not much going on here, I'm counting down the days until my 2-week vacation (starts Monday). I haven't taken that much time off since I started working there 8 years ago!

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,126 Member
    Username: GabiV125
    Check in day: Wednesday
    PW: 129.8lb
    CW: 129.8lb
    Someone said here that weight loss is not about losing (because everyone will figure out eventually what works for them), it’s about not gaining after losing.
    I got the maintenance down, but am a very slow learner for the portion that everyone figured out 😂
    Next month for sure!
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,171 Member
    PW: 191.8
    CW: 194.2
    LTD: 7.8
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Up a couple pounds, but TOM decided to visit last night, so now it makes sense how I was feeling last week. This FitBit I got has period tracking on it, so I'm going to utilize that so I can see how it soon it effects me each month. I'm loving the walking reminders, so that's helping, too.

    Saw a funny post on one of my WW Facebook groups for weight comparisons. I've lost a human head! Too funny! Here it is:

    I hope everyone is able to enjoy their day. Stay hydrated and remember to do everything (my 2021 Mantra) WITH PURPOSE.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Wahoooooo for being #1 this week on the leaderboard!! The Slimpossibles are rocking it! Big shout out to @19shmoo69, @Vegan4lyfe2012, and @davidji82. :star:B):star:

    @RYcare I first got my hair cut fairly short when I hit a weight loss milestone. It was fun and the more weight I lose the shorter I seem to go. You just stay determined and you will get under 230 for sure!! Fingers crossed that it will be this week. :)

    @davors19 Nice to have a loss while on vacation. Good for you!! B)

    @trooworld So do you have vacation plans? Going anywhere fun? :)

    @GabiV125 Yes, I think that quote was something I had posted, and I do agree that it’s so much more about not regaining the weight that we worked so hard to lose. You and the rest of us will figure it out. :)

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Ugghhh TOM always has bad timing! That will be interesting to track your cycle every month. I’ve lost The World’s largest ball of tape and working towards that newborn calf. :D

    Hi Team! Today is a busy day. I had to go buy a new pair of eyeglasses because my old ones finally broke last night. It had a bad arm, so I was waiting for it. I got a good deal at SAMS and hopefully, they will be ready in a week. I have my old pair to get me buy until then. Tonight, I have to go to the church to help with the final vacation Bible school decorating. I’m excited for it to start on Sunday.

    Goal Weight Challenge: EYE ON THE PRIZE! B)
    Data Driven Fasting challenge Another good day! My trigger dropped to79. Ate lunch when it was at 83 because it was 2 pm and I was starving!
    No snacking or sugar No snacking or sugar
    Workout (includes church cleaning): Phase one, week two Control Freak Total Body Tone.

    @Katmary71 I saw this graphic on Pinterest and immediately thought of you! :grin:


  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,746 Member
    @Katmary71 Thanks! He was having his picture taken for the pretend ID tag and had no idea what was going on lol people were putting things on him and putting a camera in his face and telling him to say cheese lol. I just missed getting a snap of the part where he was smiling lol.
    Good luck with the yoga challenge!

    @trooworld I always struggle when we have house guests as well. It's like I think I have a free licence to eat & drink whatever I want, and all my new habits just go out the window! Best of luck with your plan. A two-week vacation sounds nice!

    @Cornanda To be honest, I am struggling a bit keeping up with this HIIT program, it's a lot of strength work that's pretending to be cardio. I'm not sure if I could handle adding more conditioning work on top at this point! But I'm very happy to check in on your progress to help keep you accountable, and I could use the accountability to keep up with the program too!

    @Jactop Sorry to hear about the fatigue and fluid retention, I hope you find some relief soon. I looked into the 75 hard challenge recently too! But I decided that I couldn't really commit to it, especially the 2x45 minute workouts EVERY day, with one having to be outdoors. I always joke that I'm an inside pet, lol. So I made my own cut-down version to do instead and I'm picking up some good habits like finding it easier to drink more water now! Best of luck with it, I look forward to seeing your updates on how it's going!

    @TeresaW1020 Yes, my muscles are definitely crying lol. But they'll be ok in the end!
    Glad you got your hair done before your stylist has her bub!

    @RYcare Good to hear from you!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Hahahha I put some wacky things in my goal ladder a while ago, but these are kind of cool! My next target is to have lost 10 Darth Vader masks :lol:
    Woohoo! Congrats on winning the week, Slims!! Such hard work by everyone but of course a special thanks to @19shmoo69 @vegan4lyfe2012 @davidji82

    I don't have much to update. I'm working from home for the rest of the week since I have developed cold symptoms. It's not a bad cold, but still not allowed on site at work with even just a sore throat, just in case. Luckily my new laptop came in a couple of weeks ago so I am set up ready to go from home when needed! Otherwise it would have been a disaster because it's the end of financial year next week so it's a very busy time for us!

    I have been keeping up with the BodyBoss HIIT program, the pretraining is quite hard enough for me at this point so once the 4 weeks of pretraining are done, I will likely repeat that before starting the actual program! Today is a cardio day so I will probably play Beat Saber or ride my bike, or maybe both.

    My scale is bumping up a little bit this week, but I have been getting good calorie deficits so I'm assuming it's just water retention from starting the new HIIT program. My muscles are quite sore so I would not be at all surprised if I was retaining water for muscle repair!

    I'm refocusing on the goals I think are important to me over the next 3 weeks. I am on a 3-day streak ticking all my boxes so I want to keep that up for the 21 days!
    2021 Word: PEACE
    Goals for June:
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,172 Member
    @GabiV125 Hang in there, you'll get there!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 I love the graphic.

    @19shmoo69 @Vegan4lyfe2012 @davidji82 Congrats on getting on the leaderboard, well done!

    @TeresaW1020 Staying around here but I have company coming: the first week, my older brother and his family are coming. The second week, my best friend is coming. It should be fun! Good luck with the decorating!

    @TwistedSassette YES! I'm really worried about it. Plus, I'm worried about the money I'm going to have to spend to hang out with my company: eating out every day for lunch and dinner plus the activities. We need all of our savings for home repairs right now. I'm glad you have your new laptop so you can easily work from home. Yeah, it sounds like just water retention. It sounds like you are working really hard.

    Hi all. I got the news yesterday that we are going to start working in the office 3 days a week very soon. I'm not looking forward to it because when I am there and am stressed, I tend to get into the vending machine or the cafe. I'm going to have to plan things very carefully.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS

  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member
    PW 5/25:225.3
    Check in weight (6/2/2021): 226.3
    Check in weight 6/9/2021): 225.5
    Check in weight (6/16/2021): 224.0
    Check in weight (6/23/2021):225.8
    Check in weight (6/30/2021):

    :neutral: I have had a migraine over the last few days, so I am hoping this is just due to that. Keep on keeping on! Have a great weekend everyone!
  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member
    Wahoooooo for being #1 this week on the leaderboard!! The Slimpossibles are rocking it! Big shout out to @19shmoo69, @Vegan4lyfe2012, and @davidji82. :star:B):star:

    @RYcare I first got my hair cut fairly short when I hit a weight loss milestone. It was fun and the more weight I lose the shorter I seem to go. You just stay determined and you will get under 230 for sure!! Fingers crossed that it will be this week. :)

    @davors19 Nice to have a loss while on vacation. Good for you!! B)

    @trooworld So do you have vacation plans? Going anywhere fun? :)

    @GabiV125 Yes, I think that quote was something I had posted, and I do agree that it’s so much more about not regaining the weight that we worked so hard to lose. You and the rest of us will figure it out. :)

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Ugghhh TOM always has bad timing! That will be interesting to track your cycle every month. I’ve lost The World’s largest ball of tape and working towards that newborn calf. :D

    Hi Team! Today is a busy day. I had to go buy a new pair of eyeglasses because my old ones finally broke last night. It had a bad arm, so I was waiting for it. I got a good deal at SAMS and hopefully, they will be ready in a week. I have my old pair to get me buy until then. Tonight, I have to go to the church to help with the final vacation Bible school decorating. I’m excited for it to start on Sunday.

    Goal Weight Challenge: EYE ON THE PRIZE! B)
    Data Driven Fasting challenge Another good day! My trigger dropped to79. Ate lunch when it was at 83 because it was 2 pm and I was starving!
    No snacking or sugar No snacking or sugar
    Workout (includes church cleaning): Phase one, week two Control Freak Total Body Tone.

    @Katmary71 I saw this graphic on Pinterest and immediately thought of you! :grin:


    I am so stealing this! It's me!
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 love the chart. I passed the cheese and I'm almost to the cinder block.

    @trooworld that graphic is a good reminder that a loss is a loss no matter how slow. I need to print that out and post it somewhere. Enjoy your vacation. Stay strong

    @TwistedSassette I looked up the Body Boss program. It looks tough but has good reviews. I like that they have a pretraining program. Keep us posted on how it goes

    @TeresaW1020 how are you liking the DDF program? I did some reading on it and although the concept sounds logical my BG is so strongly affected by sleep and stress that on some days I'd never get it low enough to eat 😯. I'm really curious to see how it works for you

    This is day 4 of 75 Hard and it is hard. My 75 days goes the entire summer and ends on the Friday before Labor Day weekend. Since you follow your own diet and exercise plan I'm not sure what the results will be but I needed to get back to healthy habits and the program is helping with that. Getting in two 45 min workouts will be my biggest challenge but it can be just a walk so it's doable. For the diet portion I'm back to no sugar and cheat days aren't allowed.

    To me, reading 10 pages sounds like it has nothing to do with health by ironically it's turning out to be the most beneficial habit. If I read before bed I get a better sleep which results in better food choices the next day, less cravings and more energy so I'm more active. Plus if I feel like snacking and its too early to sleep I can go to bed and read.

    I'm not confident that I will make it through 75 days (any slip ups and its back to day 1) but it should get me back on track
This discussion has been closed.