Mission Slimpossible - June 2021 Team Chat



  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,357 Member
    You have a returning member heading your way .. Please welcome back @renaegry :)
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @TwistedSassette I think that is a very good idea to repeat the BodyBoss HIIT program pretraining again. You will be surprised at how much better you are. The new program I’m doing repeats each week three times before moving on. Part of me wants to move quickly but I know that taking it slower will give me the best results. The scale bumping is probably from the workouts. I know mine is! :)

    @trooworld That is a good vacation too. You don’t have to leave your home but still, get to have fun that you don’t normally have. Can you make a vow to yourself that you won’t get into the vending machines? I know it’s hard because on Thursday’s it’s hard for me not to get into the junk that lays around my church. Today there was candy all over the floor that I had to pick up and of course, a few pieces ended up in my mouth and then I was so angry that I gave in to the temptation. We need to STOP sabotaging ourselves. Any ideas??? :|

    @leonadixon You can totally have that cartoon! I hope you start feeling better soon! <3

    @Jactop I really like the DDF program, although I wish my weight loss was happening a bit more than it is. My BG trigger that they give me keeps lowering and for the last couple of days, I haven’t been able to hit it. I have to eat low carb and high protein to make my number go down as it should. I will do the July challenge because I do love how it keeps me mindful of what I eat and how I can’t snack. ;) Doing the two 45-minute workouts would be the hardest part for me of your 75-day challenge but I’m sure if you stick to it you will end up feeling amazing. Just don’t overdo it! :)

    @renaegry Welcome to the team!! :)

    Hi Team! It’s been a busy day of church cleaning and getting things ready for VBS! Tomorrow I have to go buy a ton of food and supplies for the snacks that will be each night. Last night I climbed a ladder and hung a ton of paper vines. The good news is that it was a heck of a workout but the bad news is that I was so sore and my weight was up this morning. I’m hoping it will be down for tomorrow's weigh-in!!

    Goal Weight Challenge: EYE ON THE PRIZE! B)
    Data Driven Fasting challenge Trigger dropped to 78 and I didn’t hit for lunch or dinner. I’m getting a little frustrated but not giving up. I just need to think about what I’m doing and cut out the little things like eating candy while at the church. :#
    No snacking or sugar Sugar was consumed today.
    Workout (includes church cleaning): Soooo much vacuuming and other cleaning!
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,745 Member
    @trooworld Sounds like you have some tough challenges ahead of you to test your willpower! With the vending machines/cafe, can you try not carrying any cash? Then you don't have a choice?
    I like the motivational message, thanks for sharing!

    @leonadixon Sending hugs, migraines are the WORST. And definitely can be a cause for a blip on the scale too.

    @Jactop I'm really glad that the 75 Hard challenge is giving you some good realisations about connections. Who would think that creating a reading habit would help with better food choices?! I think that's fantastic!
    Also if you don't make it to 75 days on the first go, don't stress yourself too much about it. I think the program is designed for most people to fail a few times and through that they learn grit and determination. I think there are very few people who make it to 75 days their first time!

    @renaegry Welcome back!

    @TeresaW1020 You're so right, we do sabotage ourselves. I think it all comes down to choices - like you know that you don't NEED to eat the candy, and you know that you will meet your BG trigger easier if you don't eat it, but you still make the choice sometimes to eat the candy. I did it last night with a block of chocolate, too. I am trying to think of some way I can pause to ask myself about the choice before I act on it, but I haven't come up with anything yet!
    I am glad that today is Friday. Working from home has been kind of nice because I can sleep in for longer, but the system works a lot slower than it does at work so I get a bit frustrated at times.

    Last night I ate a whole lot of chocolate. For no real reason, I just felt like something sweet and did that stupid thing where I took the rest of the block to the lounge with me. I ate some and then hid the rest from the toddler. I should have stopped then, but once he went to bed, I ate the rest. Whyyyyyyy! If I hadn't done that, I would have come in under my calorie goal after my long Beat Saber session, but instead I was over target. Still a deficit, but I'm not proud of it.

    Meanwhile, the scale is still rising from fluid retention, which is frustrating but at least I know what it is. My weight this month is a classic example of what causes people to give up. The scale shows I gained 1 kg (2.2 lbs) this week, despite recording over 3,000 calories of deficit which in theory should equate to almost 1 lbs of loss. I am absolutely certain that I have not gained 1kg of fat this week. And that's what we're aiming for, after all - fat loss. No matter what the scale is showing me today, I know that I have been working enough to release some fat from my body. When my body stops holding on to all this fluid, I will have a whoosh and the scale will catch up, I just have to stick it out until then.

    I don't have many plans for the weekend, just a bunch of housework so it should be nice and relaxing.
    2021 Word: PEACE
    Goals for June:
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,745 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday
    SW: 138.5kg
    PW: 124.5kg
    CW: 125.5kg
    LTD: 13.0kg
    LTW: +1.0 kg
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Thanks all. Forgot about this group until I saw someone post in a forum that they joined. Doing alright. Started WW again and have dropped 7 pounds last few months. Somewhat stuck. Do good all week then go to the lake on the weekends. Food isn’t to bad. But drink to many beer. Then come home weight you about. Work all week to get it down by Thursday to do it all again. A vicious cycle. Lol. Need to be more active at the lake on the weekends. During the week I’m good. Alternate running and walking days. But need to buckle down and get in some strength training. Have lots I could be doing but don’t seem to get it done.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    I’m off to pick a strength workout to do tomorrow after my walk. Will search in mfp and Fitbit Any suggestions?
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,172 Member
    @leonadixon I hate migraines. I get them, too. In fact, I think I have one developing right now. I hope yours goes away soon! <3

    @Jactop Yes! All losses matter, no matter how slow or how small. Thank you! I'm glad the program is helping you get back to healthy habits. That's interesting about the reading.

    @renaegry Welcome back!

    @TeresaW1020 Yes! I'm going to try to draw a line and say, "the vending machines are not in my plan" and bring snacks. We'll see how that works. I'm searching for the no-sabotage answer. I'll let you know if I find something! I'm sorry you ended up so sore. I hope your weight comes down.

    @TwistedSassette Unfortunately they take debit and credit cards lol. I need to carry those in case of emergency. My plan is to draw a line and say, "The vending machines are not on my plan" and bring my own snacks. I'm sorry about the chocolate. I've done similar things. Hang in there!

    @davidji82 @TeresaW1020 Congrats on the losses!

    Hi all. I'm glad it's Friday. I've got so much to do this weekend. Had a good kale salad with grilled chicken for dinner last night. I try to have lighter foods towards the end of the week, like salads and soups, to help with my weigh-in on Saturday.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • bgame4
    bgame4 Posts: 94 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday

    PW: 138
    CW: 138

    I appreciate all the encouragement this group provides, and it is exciting to see Slimpossibles in the #1 spot!

    The conversations about strength training remind me that that is something I would benefit from. I have been eating ok and have been faithfully walking every day, now my upper body and core could use some attention. One small habit at a time...
  • gwamajtw91
    gwamajtw91 Posts: 137 Member

    PW: 160.7
    CW: 160.1
    LTD: 15.9

    Agonizingly close to my goal and trying not to berate myself for a few night time snacking sessions this week :s

    @vegan4lyfe2012 love the graphic - almost at a sperm whale's brain (goal) may even try to get to an average 2 year old child :D:D

    @renaegry @bgame4 the Nike Training app is free & has free workouts that you can sort by Workout Focus (Endurance, Mobility, Strength & Yoga) & then by Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced & with or without equipment & by time (5 - 60 mins).

    Also there is the FitOn app which is similar & has free workouts.

  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member
    @trooworld I have chronic migraines (more than 15 days/per month). I use Botox every 12 weeks and Ajovy monthly. They have been a lifesaver for me and I am down to maybe 1 per month or less! Unfortunately, this week was the week I got my Botox (been 12 weeks) AND due for the monthly at the same time so I think it just hit me harder this week. I hope you feel better!
  • Lulu_jo
    Lulu_jo Posts: 59 Member
    edited June 2021
    Username: Lulu_jo
    Weigh in day: Friday
    SW: 277 (1/15/21)
    PW: 221
    CW: 219

    Question... Do I need to do something special to continue into next month? Or will I automatically get carried over?
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,031 Member
    Friday weigh in
    PW 177.4
    CW: 177.4
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,770 Member
    @TeresaW1020 I love the plant meme!

    @renaegry Do you have weights or resistance bands? I like HASFit or Sydney Cummings on YouTube for strength, I think they have bodyweight to weights.

    Hey everyone! Been busy between the food bank farm and running around. I had to order some clothes and got a few things at Target, my cousin died so we're (parents and I) are going to Fresno next week for the funeral. We weren't close but I'm going more to support everyone else. The pain clinic approval finally went through but not to the one I wanted to go to with high ratings. It sounds like I have to jump through more hoops and frankly I'm so fed up at this point I want to sue everyone or scream for about a year. So I called the pain clinic to schedule an appointment and had to leave a message to be called back and of course no return call.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @Twisted Sassette I agree that if we would only pause and think about what we are about to do we might not make the same choice. But for me, my defiant nature sometimes rises to the surface and just like a toddler, I want what I want no matter if it’s not good for me. Maybe we need someone to give us a time out. :D Are you taking measurements and progress pictures? I have really learned that it’s not good to just rely on the scale to gauge our progress.

    @renaegry Are you saving your extra WW points for the weekend? Beer can have a lot of calories. Have you tried White Claw? I had some of those at my sisters. Very tasty! :grin:

    @trooworld Is your weekend busy because of your upcoming vacation days? I love kale and always forget to use it for salads. I’m going to put that on my recipe finder right now! ;)

    @bgame4 Strength training has been a game-changer for me! Not only have I gotten so much stronger but my body is leaning out in ways that I don’t think would have happened without doing it. But yes to one small habit at a time. That is how you will stick to them. :)

    @gwamajtw91 Ohhhh I am right there with you trying not to berate myself. I have been chasing the 170s forever and just can’t make it happen. But we are so close and I bet we will both get to our goals next week!! B)

    @Lulu_jo Nice loss this week!! And no, you don’t need to do anything. You just keep posting as usual. We will move to a July thread this weekend. :)

    @Katmary71 I’m sorry for the loss of your cousin and I’m sure you will be a great support to your family. So sorry that you didn’t get the approval for the pain clinic that you wanted. It’s just so frustrating and I honestly don’t know how you keep from losing your mind all together. Hang in there, friend. <3

    Hi Team! It’s been another super busy day. I went and cleaned the rest of the church and then I took hubby with me, and we went to Sams and Walmart for all the food and supplies that we will need for VBS. It’s a good thing I have a fairly large car. :grin: I plan to rest up tomorrow and not do too much so that I’m ready for the upcoming week that will for sure be fun but also exhausting. I was happy to end the month with a 2.7 lb. loss. Wish it would have been more of course but down is down! I have one more week on the DDF challenge so maybe I can get off a bit more weight before it ends.

    Goal Weight Challenge: EYE ON THE PRIZE! B)
    Data Driven Fasting challenge Trigger dropped to 77. I was at 81 for lunch and 87 for dinner. Tomorrow I will fast until I hit my trigger or I just won’t eat!!
    No snacking or sugar No sugar or snacking
    Workout (includes church cleaning): Lots of cleaning and shopping today.
  • Lulu_jo
    Lulu_jo Posts: 59 Member
    Hey all! Sorry I've been pretty absent other than checking in on Fridays. Down 2lbs this week... And I'm now only 1 lb away from my halfway point 🎉 yay! (Technically 1/2 a pound... But who's counting right? ME! lol) My losses have slowed... Yes 8lbs for the month is great, but I sure miss those 15lbs a month losses. Oh well, as long as it's still going down, I'm happy. 20 more pounds til onederland, and I can't wait!!!

    We are about to have a serious heatwave over the next few days... I'm in western Washington and they are predicting 109 in my area. It doesn't EVER get that hot here🥵😭. SO not looking forward to it.
  • Firefly743
    Firefly743 Posts: 133 Member
    ***Weigh In***
    PW: 250.0
    CW: 249.4
    LTD: 88.0
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,172 Member
    @davors19 @gwamajtw91 @Lulu_jo Congrats on the losses, WTG! Nice way to start out the weekend!

    @leonadixon Oh my dear, I'm sorry to hear about this, luckily I only get them about once a month. I'm glad you've found something that helps. I use Imitrex + naproxen and it usually works but it has the side effect of making me nauseous. :( I woke up in the middle of the night with a full-blown migraine but took medicine and it helped. Thanks.

    @Katmary71 I'm sorry for your loss. I hope that the pain clinic you got a referral to is better than you anticipate.

    @TeresaW1020 Kind of, I have a lot of things to do to get ready for them: I have to get the car washed, clean the interior, go get groceries...but then there are other errands (have to take a shirt back to Kohls, get water in the water jugs, etc.). I love kale, too! I hope you have an enjoyable rest day today.

    @Lulu_jo How exciting to be so close! Congrats! We are about to have a heatwave here in SoCal, too. I hate it.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
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