Mission Slimpossible - June 2021 Team Chat



  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 517 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Haha that was all the weight I put on last month 😜. With me, if I have a bad month and it goes on fast, if I am good for a week I can typically just about get back to where I was. After I turn 50, I sure don’t lose weight like I used to, .5 to 1 pound is something I have to be happy with now :-). I am really going to try to keep my eye on the prize this month and I’m aiming for a steady 1 pound a week! You wouldn’t believe how many times a day I am repeating that phrase, it has become my mantra :-) :-).
    I bought two new pairs of pants, one is one size smaller the other is two sizes smaller. I have the pants that is one size smaller along with a new top that I bought last time I lost weight and never got a chance to wear, hanging on the back of my bedroom door, so I see it every morning to give me incentive!
    Had such a great day visiting with family yesterday, I went over by 150 cal, I indulged in and thoroughly enjoyed a White Claw hard seltzer that I hadn’t planned.
    Have a great Monday everyone!!
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 374 Member
    Happy Memorial Day everyone! I'm supposed to go to a cookout today. I'm trying to get myself together so the temptations won't "take me up!" B) It's such a beautiful day. Enjoy everyone!! Let's go get it!!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @TwistedSassette I think it is important to remember how sick you were for a week and that will definitely affect your weight. I am the same with meditation. I’ve tried and just can’t get into it. I think the purpose is to relax and for me, that is working on my puzzles. Maybe you just need to find a relaxing outlet that will serve the same purpose as mediation. Good goals for June! :)

    @19shmoo69 Wow, nice workout! Are you very sore after doing so much? :o

    @askewcr I’m so glad that you are liking the group. I agree with you that God will often direct our steps to exactly what we need at that time. Good job getting on the treadmill. I’m going to build in some more treadmill time into my workouts this month. Have a wonderful time at the cookout and just be mindful of your choices. :)

    @laurelfit57 Girl, I’m the same with losing weight now that I’m over 50 and menopausal. But down is down so I will always be happy no matter what the number is. Yes, Eye on the Prize is our motto!! :grin: I recently bought clothes in a smaller size that are hanging where I can see them. We are going to make it happen!! <3

    Happy Memorial Day! Today, is floor mopping day and I need to give the dog a bath, which is never fun, but it’s needed since she keeps going out and getting so dirty. She is obsessed with smelling and turning over the rocks in our dry creek bed in the backyard. We think she smells the lizards and bugs. :grin: I spent an hour creating my own hybrid workout calendar that will be a mixture of weights, abs, and treadmill for cardio. I’m getting myself all set up to crush my June goals! EYE ON THE PRIZE!!


  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,146 Member
    @TheGlwUp Welcome! Training for a 10K race is impressive. Running is not easy. I look forward to getting to know you. <3

    @TeresaW1020 I do have a plan for the week. I might have yogurt and berries for lunch to balance out Saturday and the pizza I had last night. On the menu are all healthy things (they might not sound healthy but they are): Spicy Thai Basil Chicken, Pepperoni Pizza Bubble-Up, Sauteed Eggplant with Polenta, Vegetarian Peanut Soup, Green Salad with Apples, Cranberries and Pepitas with some chicken thrown on it. I'm glad you are enjoying that porch! I love that puzzle, too. It will look nice framed. That's interesting about the blood sugar. I look forward to hearing what you learn in June!

    @TwistedSassette Thanks! It is helpful to look back on the goals. Unfortunately, the Thai Basil Chicken didn't get made yesterday but it will tonight! You should definitely cut yourself some slack for being sick. That's good that you are going to explore different types of meditation, I hope you find something you can fit into your life and that you like. Gloomhaven sounds fun! I like D&D. Tracking streaks are a good idea. Are you going to set up a reward system for them?

    @askewcr You are doing great, keep it up!

    @laurelfit57 That's a great idea to do with the smaller clothes. I'm glad you had a good time with your family.

    Hi all. Happy Memorial Day to those in the states! I walked nearly 13,000 steps yesterday. To put it in perspective, I walked 4,741 steps the day before and the day before that, I walked 2,797 steps (I think this is the day I left my tracker on the charger part of the day but still!)! I went shooting photos downtown yesterday, that's why I got so many steps. I'm going to shoot photos today but in a different part of the city. I don't think I'll break yesterday's count but who knows? I looked back on May and I lost a small amount of weight for the month, I lost 1.8 lbs. It's certainly better than gaining but I know I can do better than that.

    50 Day Commitment:
    1) Track every day using WW app ✅
    2) Workout at least once a week (it's a start!) ✅
    3) No unplanned sugar ✅

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,755 Member
    @bgame4 I’m so glad you’re here! Summer is the perfect time to kick off new habits with all the great produce. I’m glad you’re putting yourself out there, I’m right on the borderline of introverted/extroverted and forced myself to start sharing on MFP, it’s helped a lot with habits and getting to know people.

    @laurelfit57 I’m so glad your rowing machine doesn’t affect your sciatica! There’s a lot of trial and error figuring out how to get around physical limitations but it’s worth trying things to find out what one can do. Have a wonderful time with your family!

    @trooworld Have a great time at your brother’s!

    @mlhopp93 Woohoo, under 200 is amazing, welcome to Onederland!

    @xrj22 Welcome to Slimpossibles! What an amazing career you have, I’m sure it’s hard but very rewarding. I’m in the same boat with gaining back half my weight. You sound like you have good insight into what you need to do, I’m not working right now so it’s not as hard for me but making exercise a priority helps a lot and is HUGE for my mental health. Along with that is staying on a schedule so on the lousy days I still get the basics done. I look forward to hearing how it goes for you.

    @TheGlwUp Welcome to Slimpossibles! I hope you reach your goals this year! I did something similar when I was near goal, I think I hadn’t thought about what happens next when I hit my achievement because I didn’t believe I could get there. Have you figured out what made you depressed about getting there? I know when I lost I didn’t do a lot of the psychological work so it was a little scary plus you’re still the same basic person. Also knowing it’s not “all done” when you get there is huge too, if you stop all your new habits it all comes back. You don’t have to share what depressed you about reaching it, I’m just curious because I’ve read about that happening to a lot of people.

    @Lulu_Jo Hi Mary! I love how you discovered lifting weights is a passion for you, it’s amazing when something clicks like that.

    @19shmoo69 I’m so glad you came back to Slimpossibles Darren. I really love this group, it’s the only one I’ve stuck with as I feel we’re all friends and I’m so glad I came out of my shell and gave it a chance. I’m glad you have supportive family, you always have us too! What I admire about you is you don’t give up, you regroup and come back at it at a different angle and that’s what’s most important. You could give up and gain a bunch of weight but getting back up and trying again is how you become better.

    @TeresaW1020 That puzzle is beautiful! How funny, I have lizards all over the backyard this year, they spring out of my pots and scare me half to death, bring your dog over the catch these guys!

    @TwistedSassette I knew I spelled it wrong, thanks! I like your wrap-up. You know, I reach the same mental state gardening that I do meditating. Have you ever tried guided imagery? That may help you more but anything that gets you into a calmer mental state to help your body relax seems to work like meditation. I’ve been learning more about it because the micro current machine gets your brain back into alpha waves or “Zen” mode and I realize I can get my brain there doing things like stopping and enjoying time with my cats or basically when you stop and enjoy the moment you’re in and stop thinking of all the things you need to do. I’m sure you do that with your son when you focus on his smile, laughter, or the love you feel for him when you’re together.

    @askewcr I’m so glad you’re loving the group, I feel the same! You’re showing that treadmill who’s boss, go you!

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,755 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Kathy, I'm 49 and live in the Sacramento area in CA with four cats and my boyfriend. I'm one of the team motivators, I've been in this group for over two years now. I'm disabled (have been most my life), I have CRPS in most my body along with other health issues. I reached goal weight a year ago then came out of remission and have gained half of it back between stress eating and being on steroids this last year. I just started tapering off Cymbalta which I'm taking slow as I had serotonin syndrome on it before and had to cold turkey and had a horrible time. I'm trying alternative treatments for my pain and am waiting to get into a pain clinic again but basically see it as looking at implantable devices again or heavy meds and I spent 20 years over-drugged and don't want to repeat that. Being in remission helped me find my strength and reconnect with people after being isolated and I don't want to go back to that now, I'd rather be in more pain and have a life than have some relief but lay in bed drooling and forgetting what's important to me. I help out at the food bank farm, garden at home, then volunteer with an organization in my town that helps the community in various ways so I still stay busy. I do arm cardio at home, strength training, and stretching. I've been waiting for the pool to open at my gym as the drive isn't worth it just for arm weights and was told two more weeks, woohoo! I may have to jump on the stair treadmill just to see if I could do it at all but my days of walking up to it telling it it's going down are over. Now it's just keeping mobile to avoid a wheelchair plus when I work out at home I blast music and sing and it's great for my metal health!

    Check-in- I had a fun time with my friend visiting, we hadn't hung out since our 20's and it was like old times. She wasn't feeling well so she only stayed for one night but I hope this means she'll visit more often. I've been feeding my brother's pets and watering at the food bank, because of the watering issues I have to stay longer but picked snap peas to bring home while waiting around yesterday. We're in the 100s today so I'm definitely not BBQing but will be having a mellow day. I've eaten healthy until dessert lately because my boyfriend brought home a pie and I had cookies for my friend's visit. I put a bunch in the lunch I packed for her but there's still a lot left so I'll have to try and moderate those. I need to find some new workouts, I'm getting bored again. I don't mind doing mostly familiar videos but I like to change it up a bit.
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,126 Member
    Hi all, and welcome to all our new members!
    I’m Gabi, 49, married for half my life and we leave in Northern Virginia. I was a skinny kid, and stayed like that until the second pregnancy, when tables turned on me. I spent the next 14 years with ups and downs and trying to understand how to get back in charge of my body. Last year I found this group when I was 20lb from my goal and now I’m 15lb from it.
    I’ve had a FitBit for many years and recently I noticed that my pattern is to lose June to Mid December, gain aggressively for a month and stay in place for the next 5-6.
    So I’m very excited for June although it’s my craziest month at work and it’s the cicadas summer here.
    Happy Memorial Day and let’s have fun in June!
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member



    1st @kerdil08 0.48 %
    2nd @hope002 0.27%
    3rd @Poobah1972 0.24 %

    1st @Poobah1972 7.8 Lbs
    2nd @hope002 4.4 Lbs
    3rd @kerdil08 4.2 Lbs
    3rd @littleflutterby 4.2 Lbs



  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member



    1st @kerdil08 4.96 %
    2nd @aqualang26 4.81%
    3rd @melaniedscott 4.39 %

    1st @rwood566 14.2 Lbs
    2nd @Poobah1972 11.3 Lbs
    3rd @aqualang26 9.4 Lbs
    3rd @graceojo999 9.4 Lbs



  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,744 Member
    @19shmoo69 I can see why you're worn out, that's a lot of lifting!

    @askewcr I love that you renew your commitment daily, that's something we all should do!

    @laurelfit57 A pound a week is a great goal - they say about 0.5-1% of your body weight per week is a good, sustainable target so a pound is about right for you :smile: I love the idea of hanging some goal clothing where you can see it. I have a cute dress I wore to a wedding years ago that I'd love to fit back into, maybe I will hang it on my door too!

    @TeresaW1020 Thank you, I do find things like puzzles and colouring relaxing and kind of meditative in that I'm not thinking about anything else (plus: no screen time) so maybe I can do that.
    Great idea to create your own workout calendar!

    @trooworld Ok I had to Google what a Pepperoni Pizza Bubble-Up is and it looks amazing! I've never heard of it before but I think I may need to try this.
    My health insurance has a "live better" app where you complete challenges to earn points, which you can later redeem for real rewards (like gift cards for sports shoes, or headphones, or apple watches). So I joined a challenge about daily meditation yesterday, which needs to link into this other app called Smiling Mind - I tried it last night and it wasn't bad. So we'll see what happens!
    You should definitely check out Gloomhaven, it was a steep learning curve for me as I haven't played anything like it before but I could correlate a lot of it to how video games work so it wasn't too bad. It's quite fun when you get into it!

    @Katmary71 Thank you, I haven't tried guided imagery but I will look into that for sure.
    I'm glad you had a fun time with your friend and I hope she can visit more often.
    Yesterday was busy, but good. After work I went home and made some pumpkin soup to have for lunches the rest of the week, and boiled some eggs for snacks, and then made dinner. I did indulge in dessert which I shouldn't have, and served myself too much of it to boot. I did 45 mins of cardio and finished up above my MFP calories for the day, but still with a deficit so I'm not too sad about it really.

    The rest of the week will be busy at work but I am aiming for 45 mins of exercise a day. I need to make sure also that I get up from my desk and go for a walk around every half hour or so, to get some steps in and make sure I'm not too immobile!

    I need to get to bed earlier tonight though, it was late last night and I'm so tired today because of it. I actually overslept and luckily only got to work 5 mins late so it wasn't as bad as it could have been.
    2021 Word: PEACE
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Wahhhooo Slimpossibles for coming in 3rd place this week!! And special congrats to our top three losers. B)

    @trooworld I always wanted to make Bubble-up Pizza! What a lot of steps. I think taking pictures around town sounds like so much fun. You need to put together a collage of your favorites and share them with us. ;)

    @Katmary71 My dog would be all for a lizard-catching road trip! :grin: I’m glad that you had a good visit with your friend. Bummer that she wasn’t feeling well, but hopefully she will be back soon. I get bored doing the same workout too and need to switch it up.

    @GabiV125 I hope you have a great June and lose a bunch of weight. :)

    Hi team! Well, I got my floors looking amazing. The dog didn’t get her bath. Probably tomorrow after I get back from grocery shopping. For dinner tonight I decided to make hubby some rice with our chicken stir-fry, and I went ahead and ate about 3/4 of a cup as well. I’ve been taking my blood sugar an hour after I eat, and I was curious as to how it would affect me. Well, an hour later and my blood sugar was over 20 points higher. Yesterday, after my low carb dinner my blood sugar was only up 4 points. So, this data collecting next month is going to be fun! :grin:

    Goal Weight Challenge: Keeping my eye on the prize! B)
    Fasting Hours (Goal 18+): 18 hours 52 min.
    Follow the Data Driven Fasting challenge fully Continuing with the learning, finger sticking, and waiting for June 5th to get here!
    No snacking between meals No snacking today
    No refined sugar No sugar
    Workout (includes church cleaning): Took today off and instead I swept, vacuumed, and mopped every inch of my floors. Including the baseboards. Hubby has been doing a good job but sometimes it takes an expert. ;)

  • bgame4
    bgame4 Posts: 94 Member
    So far so good!

    I have been walking for about 30 minutes each of the past four days and have cut way back on snacking. When I mentioned my goals to my husband, he "helped" by taping the refrigerator and snack cupboard closed (in jest).
    I have enjoyed reading about everyone's progress and encouragement. This is a great group!
  • TheGlwUp
    TheGlwUp Posts: 78 Member
    @trooworld Thanks! I look forward to getting to know you too.

    @Katmary71 Thanks! Yes, I realized I gained the weight back because I stopped tracking my progress. I allowed myself to get too busy for too long, and fell back into my old junk food eating habits. It was depressing to think about how I allowed myself to get off track for so many months. I am including therapy as part of my self care this time around, and it has really been helpful. I am now at a point in life where my self care is my main priority so I can serve from a full cup, and truly start living my best life.
  • Jypsy1
    Jypsy1 Posts: 19 Member
    Weekly weigh in
    Username Jypsy1
    Weigh in day Sunday
    PW. 140.6
    Cw 142.3
    Sorry Im a day late this weekend has thrown me off. My husband had a 4 day weekend so I have to use brain cell to remember what day it is lol.
  • krea4
    krea4 Posts: 1,814 Member
    Username: krea4
    Weigh in day: Monday
    PW: 70.4 kg 155.2 lbs
    CW: 70.2 154.8

    Sorry it's a day late. No scale access yesterday.
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member
    Username: Jactop
    Weigh in day: Monday
    PW: 183.9
    CW: 184.1
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,165 Member
    PW: 195.0
    CW: 197.6

    TOM was visiting, so this was expected. Should course-correct by next week :smile:
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Welcome to the new members and Haaayyyy to my old buddies! My name is Jennifer and I am a single mom of 3 adult children – son, Marcus, is 25 and in the Navy (currently on a Double Pump Deployment), oldest daughter, Sydney, is 24 and lives with her husband, Nick, about an hour south of me, and my youngest daughter, Hunter, is 21 and is still at home with me. I work in Community Development for my county in Southwest Michigan (been there over 16 years now). I love to rubber stamp (I’m a Stampin’ Up demo) and make cards. I'm an active member of my church (Board member), and also love horror movies and books. I've been vegan for over 9 years, but fell into the usual junk food/fast food/convenience food trap and need to lose about 45 pounds. I had lost 60 pounds several years ago, but, like most people, most of it reattached itself to me like a sea lamprey. I started on WW (green plan) 2 months ago, so not tracking here, but definitely want to continue with this team. You all keep me going!

    @19shmoo69 I think most of us have been there. I know I have more times than I can count. It’s a vicious cycle but I know we can all break it. Being here for each other is definitely a big step in the right direction. Hugs!

    @TeresaW1020 I am working on my RESET. Thank you for posting it. What a beautiful puzzle! And it’s huge! How many hours did it end up taking? Your doggie is too cute…and those are big rocks! How can she turn them over? Question about your rice – was it white, brown or jasmin? Just curious because I’ve heard white spikes it big time but brown not so much.

    @Katmary71 At least you know for sure it wasn’t your fault! I hope the water dispersed and the plants are all ok. And congrats on getting the stimulator! It’s about time!

    @TwistedSassette I completely agree with @TeresaW1020 about something other than meditation that serves the same purpose. I find complete joy in sitting at my crafting table and making cards while listening to Murder She Wrote episodes on the tv (wonderful memories of Friday nights watching it with my grandmother way back in the day). Find your joyful place :smile:

    @trooworld I’d love to see some of your photography!

    @Lulu_jo Nice loss for May! And your quote is so true…thank you for the reminder.

    I had a lovely 3 day weekend. Got caught up on some housework. Didn’t get to do any card making, but that is going to happen this evening. For all my horror fans, you simply must go see A Quiet Place II…it was better than the first! There was only one plot hole that bothered me…I won’t give away any spoilers, so if you want to chat about it, send me a message.

    My habit to focus on this month is going to be prepping my breakfast, lunch and afternoon snacks the night before I have to go into the office. I think it will make for much less stressful mornings…plus I can hit the snooze for an extra 15 minutes. Last night I prepped overnight oats with strawberries for my breakfast, a rice and bean bowl for lunch (cold toppings separate, of course), and a cup of grapes for my afternoon snack. I happily hit that snooze button this morning!

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day. Stay hydrated!

    2021 Mantra: WITH PURPOSE
  • imgwendolyn2015
    imgwendolyn2015 Posts: 347 Member
    This was accidentally posted to the Shrinking Assets team page:

    Username: askewcr
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    SW: 274
    PW: 253.5
    CW: 252.5
    LTD: 13.5

    I'm happy to start another month. The miracle is I stuck with this challenge for the whole month! Yay!! It's going to be another amazing, successful month for us all! Let's go get it!!
This discussion has been closed.