Mission Slimpossible - June 2021 Team Chat



  • krea4
    krea4 Posts: 1,814 Member
    PW: 70.2kg 154.8lbs
    CW: 69.5kg 153.2lbs
    LTD: 0.90kg
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 684 Member
    Monday pop-in!!

    Hello my lovely friends! I am still walking the earth - it's true - but have been remiss in any kind of checkins! @TeresaW1020 and @broncobuddee can I move into cheerleader mode? I can't seem to get my crap in gear to do the weighins, although I am weighing here and there. It's the routine of recording it here that is escaping me - but I want to cheer others on! Anyway, ever searching for the right balance... B)

    Yours truly - truly
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,146 Member
    @askewcr That's a good goal.

    @laurelfit57 @firefly743 @Kinalau @Lulu_jo Congrats on getting on the leaderboard, well done! :D

    @19shmoo69 @vegan4lyfe2012 @davors19 @krea4 Congrats on the losses!

    @TeresaW1020 On the day I do the walking, my whole body is tired but then it goes away. My plantar fasciitis went away, thankfully! Organizing your recipes will help tremendously. Good luck with that!

    @laurelfit57 LOL! That's funny. I did have a super fun busy day! I'm glad you had a great weekend. S'mores happen lol. They are a must-do for camping! :)

    Hello all. Not much here to report. @vegan4lyfe2012, I made a great vegan meatloaf last night. Maybe I got the recipe from you? https://www.noracooks.com/vegan-meatloaf/

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 374 Member
    I ended up not feeling well yesterday. I am diabetic so that may have had something to do with it. Just kind of felt yucky. Ended up having a rest day and just rested. Maybe it was time for one of those days. I do feel better today so I'm ready. It's on again. Let's go get it!
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,028 Member
    Hey there- it's Monday!

    Spent some time yesterday reviewing my reasons and "remembering" why I want to get this weight off. It's easy for me to "forget" why it's important when I feel like eating something RIGHT NOW! This week I will be working on strengthening my resistance muscle by being aware of and discouraging cravings. I will not eat unless I am hungry.

    I walked this morning, then started a cardio work out. I wasn't feeling it, so I bailed after 20 min. Maybe because it was titled "Super fun cardio workout" and they oversold it. I'm going to plan out the workouts for the rest of the week so that they will be fun and I will finish them! Doing well with eating today and over the weekend as well.

    @TeresaW1020 - good luck with your recipe organizing. Please share any tips you come up with. I've done well at times when I do a monthly meal rotation. I write out the grocery list ahead of time, and then I can just add things we run out of, like coffee, etc. It saves a lot of time. However, after a couple rotations, we need some new meals so it always craps out after awhile...... Right now I'm at the point where I'm sick of most of my recipes and looking for some new things. Not sure why I get like that!
  • gwamajtw91
    gwamajtw91 Posts: 137 Member
    @broncobuddee - sorry to have missed the last 2 Fridays but I am now back!!
    PW: 162.3
    CW: 162.0

    Hi everyone - my name is Annie, 54, a Brit who has been living in the US since I got married in 1991. We have 2 sons, our 23 yr old lives in Asia & the 21 yr old is a college student, so we are currently part-time empty nesters (as he is back home for the summer). I joined this group at the beginning of 2020 to help lose the 15-20 pounds that I have somehow seemed to have accumulated over the last few years. There have been ups and downs but I'm slowly progressing...and am now only 2 pounds away from my initial goal of 160.

    We took a few days off and headed for the Blue Ridge mountains to do some hiking & relax and unwind at a fabulous Airbnb cabin near Luray which was wonderful! As we had not taken any kind of break since October last year it did us the world of good.

    I don't post too many comments but do read them all. We have some very entertaining writers in this group.

    Welcome to all the new members!! And a big cheer to all the long time Slims who keep plugging away month after month!!
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 374 Member
    I got that walk in and am feeling much better today. The weather outside is yucky so I will pretty much stay in today. I walked on our treadmill and I'm so glad we have it.

    I'm extra hungry today. I could eat a cow! Have you ever felt like that? I'm about to drink some water because it's not quite time for dinner yet. That's what's going on here. :)
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @laurelfit57 Yeah, procrastination is something I’m good at too. ;) Glad that you had a good camping weekend and enjoyed the s’mores. Those are addicting!!

    @raleighgirl09 Yayyyy our cheerleader is back!! I was just thinking about you yesterday and here you are. <3

    @trooworld Glad that you aren’t in pain with your feet anymore. :)

    @Cornanda Back when I was doing the Beck Diet Solution book, I wrote out my why on an index card. I still keep it where I can see it and read it often. Try doing something like that for yourself. I also get sick of my recipes too or my eating style changes and then I have to change my recipes. Like I’m still low-carb but not high fat Keto, so some recipes have to go, and others need to be modified. I make a calendar in Publisher for the month and use that to plan out my dinners. But I do need some kind of master list. I’ll keep you posted! :grin:

    @gwamajtw91 Blue Ridge mountains are so beautiful! <3

    @askewcr I’m glad that you are feeling better and got your walk in today. I do get extra hungry at times and usually can trace it back to what I’ve been eating or even what I’ve not been eating. If you aren’t feeding your body the nutrients it wants, then it will drive up your cravings. Are you eating enough protein? :)

    Hi Team! Not much going on today. I went to Aldis and Walmart and did the grocery shopping for the week. I started a new puzzle that is called Nuance that hubby bought me. It’s going to be a challenge! I’ll post a pic below so you can see why. :grin: I’m getting better at sticking my finger and getting blood so that is a good thing. I got my trigger BG which is 85 so now the goal is to only eat if the trigger is below 85…or whatever it gets lowered to. Today before dinner my BG was at 93 so I went for a slow 10-minute walk on the treadmill that they recommended and it went down to 79. For dinner, I made the best beef tips in a mushroom onion gravy over mashed cauliflower. Hubby said I could make it again anytime. o:)

    Goal Weight Challenge: KEEP MY EYE ON THE PRIZE! B)
    Data Driven Fasting challenge Day Three! The DDF app set my blood glucose trigger to 85. Which means I can’t eat until the number is lower than that. Over time the app will drop my number according to some kind of crazy math. I’ve got this!!
    No snacking or sugar Not today!
    Workout (includes church cleaning): I took today off since I did one yesterday and my back muscles are hurting!

    This puzzle is.... >:)

  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,744 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday
    SW: 138.5kg
    PW: 126.2kg
    CW: 125.7kg
    LTD: 12.8kg
    LTW: 0.5 kg
  • RYcare
    RYcare Posts: 78 Member
    edited June 2021
    I am BACK! Sorry missed posting my weight on Saturday … I didn’t lose anything so wouldn’t have affected the team … I stayed at 231lb.
    My girls finished school last week and this was a celebration more for me after being a full-time teacher since the beginning of the pandemic. They are going back to school in person for sure next year.
    They also had their first swim meet since the pandemic this past weekend, they did awesome and got state qualifying times, long hot days but felt good to be back to normal and be able to see other parents and catch up.
    This week is the dance rehersalssssss and the recital is on Thursday so we will be busy again, keeping my fingers crossed next week I will get back to a quieter week and get back to exercise.
    Weight is the last on the list ☹, being so busy and having very early mornings and the 95F degrees is not helping in finding time to get back to exercise. The good news I got lots of water in and I am 5lb less than this time last year and I did not gain for the past couple of weeks, besides the water I am trying to watch what I am putting in my mouth 😊

    @TeresaW1020 the puzzle looks so challenging – maybe video tape with fast forward, I would love to see your strategy of putting it together and how long will it take. Good Luck!
    @broncobudee congrats on the loss!
    @askewcr glade you are feeling better today, it is important to listen to our bodies and rest.
    @Cornanda thanks for sharing and reminding me that I should be doing the same “reviewing and remembering why I want the weight off”, I get busy and dive into everyday -life - routine and forget about the weight until I get the wakeup call when I put on clothes and look into the mirror.
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,744 Member
    @Katie43210 Great weigh in!

    @Firefly743 Living up to your name, you're on FIRE!

    @TeresaW1020 Wow, sounds like you & hubby had a wonderful date night! It's nice to splurge every once in a while!
    Regarding the recipes - check out the app called Recipe Keeper. You can add recipes direct from websites or snap a pic of a hard copy and it reads the recipe as text for you (amazing!). It has a menu planner built in and even a shopping list function based on the meal plan. And you can categorise your recipes by meal, or by main ingredient etc. It's a really great app (I have in on my iPhone, not sure if there's an Android version).

    @askewcr Wow, great loss!! Also, good on you for listening to your body and resting when you needed it.

    @laurelfit57 I'm glad you enjoyed your long-awaited camping trip. How wonderful that things are starting to get back to some level of normality!

    @19shmoo69 I agree, it makes sense to still count calories when on keto, as well as counting macros. You still need a calorie deficit in order to lose weight, even on keto. I would also not drink oil - eww!!
    Also - wow, epic loss this week!

    @apple852hk Congrats on the loss :smile:

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Yay on the loss!

    @krea4 Nice loss!

    @gwamajtw91 Glad you had a nice getaway, it sounds wonderful!
    Hi folks, I've had a few days of just keeping up with life. I haven't been keeping up with my tracking, or even reading on here, but I think I've caught that up now. I've been at home with the toddler while hubby was away at his mum's farm, and we had a few parties to go to etc. so it's been hectic. Hubby came home early because it was too wet to sow, so I'm hoping for some better structure & routine again now!

    Meanwhile, I have been spending way too much time on social media. I need to do better there!
    2021 Word: PEACE
    Goals for June:
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,755 Member
    Hi everyone, just a quick check in. I'm supposed to help at the food bank farm in the morning so I need to head to bed in a few. I'm still doing the usual workouts, gardening, reading, and listening to podcasts. Keep doing awesome gang!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    Happy Monday!

    After a couple of days of being off plan and barely keeping head above water, I buckled down and did well today.

    🟢Food on plan (Dr F) & tracked
    🟢10 K steps
    🟢NO unplanned dried fruit/nuts
    🟢45+ min cardio + martial arts
    🟢Outdoor walk/garden
    ⚪Meditation -- not yet, but will before bed
    🟡Weekly Fitness challenge - I am slightly under where I wanted to be for today. It's a weeklong challenge, so I will do extra tomorrow to catch up.
  • Lulu_jo
    Lulu_jo Posts: 59 Member
    Just checking in...
    I started physical therapy for my back. And ugh... I hurt. Went to PT in the morning and then took a short walk/jog and did my lifting for the day, but no extras. Squatting was today's lift: 100lbs x 5, 115lbs x 5, 130lbs x 12. I'm feeling totally exhausted after not sleeping well last night... And here it is 11pm and I'm still up. Got a picture of me squatting, but for some reason can't get it to work? Oh well... Hope everyone had a great day!
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 684 Member
    check in

    I went back and read a few pages - we have some awesome new members and I enjoyed catching up some on the familiar names. :smile:

    I am still working at not logging food and calories, looking to actually begin an eating style that is not dependant on that habit. Recently it has become more natural and I'm averaging at around 185 pounds. Using the summer to continue working on getting to an average of 170. Several Slims have used an average weight as their barometer which I've adopted - seeing as how I was a pound up this morning (uh, excuse me - wrong direction), that is working well for me today!

    Post-pandemic life for me has been very busy, but I am not insensitive that not everyone can be in their post-pandemic quite yet, but for me it is possible. I'm suddenly catching up with friends again, spending more time with family and spending whole days with the grandbaby; it's heaven.

    Work was so buy in May that I couldn't catch a break or my breath but June is better, so far. I worked a reasonable number of hours last week and hope that is a trend I can continue.

    Something I did want to share to my weight loss tribe - is that it is ok to have slow progress. It's ok to not meet have not met the mid-year goal you set in January and to have lost some but not as much as you wanted. It's ok to be the same weight - it may even be ok to have gained weight if you are still here and still plucking away. Do not ever give up on creating a better and more healthful life for yourself. Numbers are just that and I can't tell you how many times I have lost weight - been sad it wasn't as much as I set out for - and I actually gained weight from there. There is no logic in it, but it has happened innumerable times.

    We (me/I) just need to learn to maintain any amount of loss acheived. I have learned that the secret to losing weight isn't losing weight. It's keeping off any amount of weight lost so that those ounces and pounds start stacking up behind you. Maintenance isn't a future state - it's a NOW state.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,146 Member
    @askewcr I'm sorry you weren't feeling well. I'm glad you are feeling better today.

    @Cornanda It's not easy to work against our natural tendencies. I'm working on mine this week, too. I'm glad you had a good eating day over the weekend and on Monday. Yay! re: recipe organization...if you are interested in an online type of organizer, there are a few free ones I can recommend: www.pepperplate.com is one I used for years before I switched to www.plantoeat.com (this is a paid one). I've also heard good things about www.whisk.com

    @gwamajtw91 Your days off sound like they were amazing! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    @TeresaW1020 Me too, that pain is terrible. That puzzle does look challenging. Good luck with it! I don't think I would ever get better at sticking my finger, I absolutely hate that lol. Your dinner sounds delicious.

    @TwistedSassette Congrats on the loss! I hope you've been enjoying life offline.

    @AustinRuadhain Congrats on turning that ship around!

    @RYcare congrats on your girls finishing school for the year! That is a win to lose during the pandemic, congrats!

    @Lulu_jo I've heard of people having trouble posting pics from their phones. I've always posted from a computer so haven't had problems.

    @raleighgirl09 I'm glad you are able to get out there and enjoy life! And Hazel!!! Thank you for what you shared. <3

    Hello all. I had to go into work yesterday and I did really well: I stuck to my snacks that I brought from home and didn't go the cafe or vending machines. I have to go again today so I'm hoping I can resist again today.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    edited June 2021
    @RYcare You are such a busy mama with your girls! I’m sure you will be glad to have them back in school in the fall. The puzzle is challenging but it won’t take me that long to do. My strategy is to use a large foam board that I cut into fourths to separate the pieces. This puzzle is separated obviously by color and then I work from the top down.

    @TwistedSassette Girl, you are my new best friend!! B) That Recipe Keeper is going to be a game-changer. I’ve been playing around with it and can already tell that I am going to LOVE it!! I put it on my desktop, which is where I do my meal planning. Having my recipes, shopping list, and menu all in one place will be awesome. And it’s so easy to use! Thank you!! <3 Congrats on your loss this week!

    Something I did want to share to my weight loss tribe - is that it is ok to have slow progress. It's ok to not meet have not met the mid-year goal you set in January and to have lost some but not as much as you wanted. It's ok to be the same weight - it may even be ok to have gained weight if you are still here and still plucking away. Do not ever give up on creating a better and more healthful life for yourself. Numbers are just that and I can't tell you how many times I have lost weight - been sad it wasn't as much as I set out for - and I actually gained weight from there. There is no logic in it, but it has happened innumerable times.
    We (me/I) just need to learn to maintain any amount of loss achieved. I have learned that the secret to losing weight isn't losing weight. It's keeping off any amount of weight lost so that those ounces and pounds start stacking up behind you. Maintenance isn't a future state - it's a NOW state.

    It's sure good to have your words of wisdom back with us!! And I’m so happy that your life is returning to normal and especially that you get to hang out in person with your granddaughter. <3

    @trooworld Good job on staying away from those vending machines!

    Good morning Team! I've been playing with my new Recipe Keeper, thanks to TwistedSassette. Now I need to get up and get my workout down and figure out what else I should do today. :)

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,755 Member
    @AustinRuadhain Way to go on cracking down!

    @Lulu_Jo I feel for you, the beginning of PT is always rough, I hope you feel better! I swear by Epsom salt baths then some sort of topical afterward. Are you trying to post a picture on an Android? For some reason the picture never attaches on my phone in group, I have no idea why.

    @raleighgirl09 I'm so happy to see you Maria! I've been wondering about you, I'm so glad you posted. I'm glad to hear you're doing good and getting back into the swing of things. Great point about self improvement, I think so many times people think of weight loss with an end goal but there's always new goals to improve yourself.

    @trooworld SO glad you're doing well! Vending machines are dangerous, I'm glad you avoided it. I used to love vending machines but once I was diabetic there wasn't anything I could eat in them so thinking of them as off-limits helped a lot. Now if we worked with @Jactop we'd be in trouble, she's the queen of control working around chocolate all day!

    I wanted to catch up before I take off this morning, hope you all have a beautiful day! Stop and smell one flower today and think of one thing you love about yourself!
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,153 Member
    @TeresaW1020 I just read the "kindle" book The Obesity Code that you suggested. That you for suggesting it. It explains my carb addiction. I will incorporate it into my life.
  • Lulu_jo
    Lulu_jo Posts: 59 Member
    @Katmary71 yes from my phone... I'll try later today to do as @trooworld suggested and do it via computer. Thank you both!
This discussion has been closed.