Mission Slimpossible - June 2021 Team Chat



  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 374 Member
    Good Morning All! B)
    It's such a pretty day out. I plan to do some house cleaning, tutor, and practice some dance moves for this upcoming fundraiser. I hope this left knee agrees to this. I also am going to work extra hard at consuming NO SUGAR. I know I can do it. It's intentional! It's intentional! It's intentional! I can do this. I think it's my biggest issue right now. I can do this! Let's go get it!! :)
  • gwamajtw91
    gwamajtw91 Posts: 137 Member
    @raleighgirl09 your words of wisdom ring so true. I joined this group in Jan 2020 with the goal of losing 16 pounds in 6 months....about 2-3 pounds a month...no problem, right???
    18 months later I'm still not quite there BUT I am a) much fitter, b) much more aware of my nutritional needs, c) more forgiving of myself if I do slide backwards & d) greatly appreciative of the support, suggestions, guidance & cheerleading section of this group.
    And I do think that just maybe I might make it to 160 by the end of June!!
    "It’s a marathon not a sprint" :)
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,169 Member
    @trooworld – You didn’t get the recipe from me, so thanks for sharing! Looks yummy and all ingredients I already have!

    @TeresaW1020 – That puzzle is definitely of Da Debil! (Any other Waterboy fans?)

    Had to check in really quick with my NSV – we went to see The Conjuring 3 (loved it, BTW) and instead of having my usual small, unbuttered popcorn for 10 points (WW Green), I snuck in a bag of carrot chips! Ate ½ pound of carrots during the movie…was satisfied and proud because they are 0 points!

    Gotta run to my church Board meeting now…later, my SPers! Stay hydrated!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @19shmoo69 I’m glad that you liked the Obesity Code. I’m also a carb addict and totally understand how hard it can be to get it under control. :)

    @askewcr Saying no to sugar is simply saying NO! It’s when you allow that temptation to run through your mind that it becomes harder to say no. Be strong! You can do it!! B)

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Good job on making the healthier choice at the movies!! <3

    Hi Team! Not a lot going on today. I did a leg workout, laundry, and laid out for 15 minutes. I am so pale and I really don’t want to do self-tanners, so I’m going to attempt to get some sun the natural way. Plus, the vitamin D will do me good. :grin: I’ve also been playing with the Recipe Keeper (thank you TwistedSassette). I made a big batch of tasty chicken sausage and some hard-boiled eggs to eat for this week for lunches. So far, I’m liking the Data Driven Fasting challenge and how it's keeping me focused and disciplined. For lunch, I’m sticking to high protein so that I will be satiated until dinner. There is no snacking, other than the cup of coffee I have in the afternoons. I think this DDF might end up being a better fit for me than intermittent fasting. Time will tell! :grin:

    Goal Weight Challenge: KEEP MY EYE ON THE PRIZE! B)
    Data Driven Fasting challenge Day Four accomplished!
    No snacking or sugar Not today!
    Workout (includes church cleaning): 21 Day Fix Legs
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 374 Member
    @askewcr Saying no to sugar is simply saying NO! It’s when you allow that temptation to run through your mind that it becomes harder to say no. Be strong! You can do it!! B)

    Thank you TeresaW1020 for this. I will say no. I will be strong. I can do this :)
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 684 Member
    check in

    Hiya gang! Lovely morning this - I got up and took a walk before work. I'm dabbling in that as it's better than a hot noontime walk. I still walk after work when it's cooler and shadier along the route - I like at least 2 walks a day.

    @gwamajtw91 I could not agree more - this is a great group to be a part of and I'm happy to be wandering back in again, even in cheerleader mode. :smiley: Congrats on such fine progress over 18 months and loving every good thing that has come from it! The steady wins, no matter how it happens - consistency pays off.

    What I have always enjoyed is the respect for personal choice and plans, something that is hard to find in an internet medium. I have never experienced in this group anyone holding that their way was the best for everyone, etc., simply because there is such a reverance for the individual approach.

    I appreciate the welcome back from all!
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,126 Member
    Username: GabiV125
    Check in day: Wednesday
    PW: 129.8lb
    CW: 129.8lb
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member
    Weigh In Day: Monday
    Previous Weight: 184.1
    Current Weight: 184.5
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member

    Due to a typographical error, week 1 results were incorrect. Please see the corrected winners below:





  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member
    PW 5/25:225.3
    Check in weight (6/2/2021): 226.3
    Check in weight 6/9/2021): 225.5
    Check in weight (6/16/2021):
    Check in weight (6/23/2021):
    Check in weight (6/30/2021):

    So I am joining a HealthyWage competition at work that begins next week. Fingers crossed that I can do well with some monetary motivation :)
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,744 Member
    @TeresaW1020 I'm glad you like Recipe Keeper! It's so handy. We even added in things like ham sandwiches, or cereal so that we can put them in the meal planner. I need to get back to using it more often.
    I'm glad the DDF challenge is working out so far. I was interested to read about how much your BSL dropped when you jumped on the treadmill for a few minutes. I mentioned this to my Dad, who is T2 diabetic - in order to get his truck licence renewed, he had to have an appointment with an endocrinologist to sign off that he is low risk for hypo/hyper and therefore still allowed to operate heavy machinery. Part of that appointment is them testing whether you can recognise the signs of a hypo/hyper and what you need to do if either one happens. He know about the hypo, and has jelly beans in his vehicles just in case, but this time he could also tell the endocrinologist that if he has a hyper, he would stop the vehicle and go for a quick walk to bring his levels down. He passed the exam, so thank you!

    @askewcr I love the positivity! You got this! Like @TeresaW1020 says, saying no is good. Make sure you celebrate the times that you DO say no, even if there are still times that you say yes. Progress, not perfection :wink:

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Yay! Great NSV!

    @leonadixon Great weigh in!! I am curious about the HealthyWage competition - that sounds like a great motivator!
    Short update from me, I'm back to work now and back in routine. Birthdays are over for a little while. So hopefully I can get myself back on track. Wait - hope is not a management method! I WILL get myself back on track!

    Last night I enjoyed some homemade pizza and a couple of beers with my family as we watched a State of Origin game (rugby league, it's a state-level representative game, the toughest contest in the sport). Our team won by a huge margin, so we were very happy! It's a three-game series, so there's a ways to go yet, but it was a great start!

    Yesterday we also found out that a stupid, selfish person breached the lockdown laws and travelled through our state while covid-infected, into another state, visiting cinemas and cafes etc. along the way, because they wanted their holiday. We don't have a lot of cases in Australia, so it's quite tightly controlled. In the state of Victoria, they had a small outbreak which is the Indian Delta strain, and it spreads so quickly. So they locked down the whole state, but this person decided to ignore the lockdown orders and travelled anyway. Days later, they tested positive in another state and now the contact-tracers are working to try and contain the potential outbreak. I don't know why people are so selfish. The day they travelled through our state, hubby happened to be in the same town. We don't think he went to any of the places they did, but possibly when he was getting fuel in the car he might have. So now we are on high alert, and hubby will need to get tested if he has any symptoms (he has had his first vaccine but the second one isn't due till next week). And of course it happened close to a week ago, so who knows how far it could have spread by now - I guess we'll find out in the coming days. It makes me so mad, I hope the person is charged.

    Sorry for the rant! Today I am making intentional food choices and drinking all my water. I will also do some exercise tonight as I haven't done anything really all week because we had house guests. Back on track!
    2021 Word: PEACE
    Goals for June:
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 374 Member
    I walked with my 84 year old friend today. She told me I was walking much faster today. You see, I have arthritis in both knees and suffer with pain each time we walk. Today was much easier because I have been intentional about getting my walks in. What a wonderful feeling! :)
  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member
    @TwistedSassette I don't know a lot about the HW challenge as I am just joining with a team from work, but here is their website if you want to take a look!
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,029 Member
    Ooooh! We're almost to the weekend! I'm catching up a couple days here, so I'll be general. Glad to see @raleighgirl09 and I LOVE the statements from her and @gwamajtw91. It's a mindset- I do so much better when I appreciate the things I did for myself instead of beating myself up for what I did not do yet. Since I've been in this group, I've learned that losing weight is ALOT more about the mind than I ever realized. Very interesting.

    I also find it sort of amazing that when I feel good, it's much easier to think "I can" and "I will". This week, I've improved my focus on my goals and it's made a tremendous difference.

    Overall, I feel I've put in a strong weight and I'm hoping for a good weigh in tomorrow!
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,169 Member
    @TwistedSassette I am so sorry someone was such an idiot. I hope they face some kind of sanction for it.

    @askewcr So glad you're able to actually walk with the arthritis. Even though I had 2 ankle surgeries, it can still hurt to walk if I try to go too far. I can go about 1 1/2 miles, then I'm done.

    @Cornanda It's great when we are feeling and thinking positive! I've had a good week so far, too! Yay!

    Hey, everyone! I am so happy to say that I've been focused and have had a blue dot (WW) every day since last Saturday! I'm filling my body with mainly whole foods (can't give up my little fajita tortillas cause I love me some chickpea tacos!) and lots of water - been hitting about 130oz daily. Today is Thursday, which means "Mani & Mani with Mother". I pick up food from a restaurant and head over to my mom's. I do her nails and then we watch Manifest. I thought it was hilarious that manicure and Manifest both start with "mani", so this is our newest tradition. Any Manifest fans? Tonight is the the double episode season finale, so we'll have to figure out something else to watch next week. It's adorable how much she loves my visits. She makes sure all her friends in her apartment complex see her nails the next day (she's 78 years old).

    If any of you are prayer warriors, please keep my daughter, Hunter, in them. She's torn her ACL twice. It's been 3 years since her second surgery and she's been having a LOT of pain the past two weeks. Waiting for her to get a doctor's appt with her surgeon. Lord, please let it be something pulled and not torn!

    I hope everyone else is having a fantastic day! I appreciate each and every one of you!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @TwistedSassette That is great that your dad passed his test! Do tell him that it’s not a quick walk but a slow and steady walk that he needs to do if he is ever feeling hyper. That is awful that your area was exposed to Covid by someone not following the rules. The good news is that your hubby is much more protected now that he has had the first shot and hopefully nothing will happen to him. Are lots of people in your area getting the vaccine? I love that I don’t need to worry anymore and can go wherever I want with confidence. I mean, of course, something new can happen but I’m not going to worry about that until I need to. ;)

    @askewcr That is great that your friend noticed how much faster you are walking. My knees improved so much with weight loss and exercise. :)

    @Cornanda How we feel and what our attitude really does matter when we are trying to lose weight. I’m hoping you get the results you want this week! <3

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Congrats on getting all your blue dots! I remember trying to challenge myself to get them when I was doing WW. I was watching Manifest and really liked it. Not sure why we stopped watching it. That is so sweet that you and your mom have a special time planned for each other. I will be praying for Hunter and that the doctor’s report is the one you are all praying for! <3

    Hi Team! Sorry that I didn’t post yesterday, but the day got away from me and then I was at the church last evening working on the vacation Bible school decorations. Today, was my normal Thursday staff meeting and church cleaning. I had to take hubby to the eye doctor because they dilated his eyes. Now, I’m waiting for my blood sugar to drop enough so I can go make some dinner! :grin: Tomorrow, I’m starting a new Beachbody workout called Control Freak, Off the Wall. It’s with my favorite trainer Autumn, so I'm super excited! There will be lots of weights and Tabata Cardio for 9 weeks. I’m hoping the new program helps me continue to build muscle while torching those calories. B)

    Goal Weight Challenge: EYE ON THE PRIZE! B)
    Data Driven Fasting challenge Day 6 and doing great! I need to work on eating farther below my trigger so it will drop.
    No snacking or sugar Uggghhhh I caved and had three little Snicker bite-size bars that were left in the church…where I could see them!! :s
    Workout (includes church cleaning): Cleaned both buildings today
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,758 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 I'm glad you loved The Conjuring, I want to see it! A friend sent me a list of all the Conjuring movies total and I've seen about half. Prayers for your daughter!

    @TwistedSassette That's horrible that this person was so selfish, what the heck is wrong with people?

    @Cornanda I agree with you, feeling better makes a world of difference. For me it's mostly about getting enough sleep and rest.

    @TeresaW1020 Sounds like an exciting workout program!

    I also wanted to comment how I love how everyone respects each other's choices here, different things work for different people. I've tried just about every diet in my life and have been all over the place with weight, especially after being injured. I could never moderate before and I can now (yet I gained a lot!). Anyhow, kudos on what a supportive, respectful group this is!

    I'm struggling with pain right now but I should be better in a few days (hormone-related, my body is laughing about continuous bcps). My boyfriend and I broke up and I told him he has until the end of the month to leave. I'd prefer if he'd just go but I don't hate him, I just don't forgive the way he talks to me when he's mad and don't want him in my life anymore. I wish I could keep his cats, I adore them!

    On a better note the valve at the food bank farm is fixed so one less trip on my watering days. I'm headed to the farmer's market, a woman I bought Tumeric tea from last week wanted to make something special for me for pain so now I feel like I have to go and buy it. I'm going to visit the plant stand to get a squash too.

  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,744 Member
    @askewcr It's so great when we notice our bodies becoming stronger, fitter, more able. Well done!

    @leonadixon Thank you for the link, I will check it out!

    @Cornanda You're so right, it's very much about the mindset. Reminds me of a saying: "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right"!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 I love your "Mani & Mani with Mother" date! It's so lovely that you make the time to spend with her doing something you both enjoy. Manifest is a great show :smile:
    Thinking of your daughter and hoping for a good outcome for her!

    @TeresaW1020 I will make sure to let him know about the walking speed, thank you.
    There has been a fair bit of vaccine hesitancy here, I think mostly because we have been so isolated from the problems that other countries have faced. We're really very lucky, with only 30,000 cases since the beginning and less than 1000 deaths overall (and only 54 deaths in my state). Most of our cases are from returned travellers from overseas, who were in quarantine so the spread has been limited. Occasionally there are incidents where the virus has been able to spread to workers in the hotels where quarantine is happening, which then causes it to spread to the community, and that's what's happened in the latest outbreak. The vaccine uptake has been rising since this outbreak, so I think people are realising that there is still a threat there after all.
    Your new Beachbody program sounds great :smile:

    @Katmary71 Sending you big hugs, it must be tough having broken up with your boyfriend but still having him around for a while. I am proud of you for not accepting his behaviour. You deserve better than that!
    Yesterday I was reviewing my data as I'm starting to get frustrated with the scale. Of course I know the scale is not to blame, my portions have been creeping up and I am snacking too much in the afternoons.
    I realised that I probably didn't set myself a low enough target for my daily calorie intake, so the days that I'm over are mitigating all the days that I'm under. It's not a good result! So I did some calculations and decided to set a calorie deficit that targets a loss of 0.75 kg (about 1.6 lbs) per week (I think I was targeting about a pound a week before). I feel like 2 lbs a week is too aggressive for me and I will have trouble sticking to the lower calories allowed, but clearly aiming for 1 lb a week is not working for me, so somewhere in the middle feels like a good solution. I decided on this about halfway through the day, which meant I had to work hard to burn enough calories to hit the target for the day, but I managed it!

    I spent some good quality time with hubby and the toddler before my Mum got home from work. I hope her temp job finishes soon, she has been staying with us a long time now. Not that she's any issue, we get along really well, it's just not the same as having our house to ourselves. I think she started the job in March so it's been a long time, but they keep finding more work for her to do (she's doing scanning & archiving for a government department, the other day she thought she was almost done as she was down to the last couple of boxes, then they opened a shed and found another 50 boxes!). We love having her visit, but it is wearing us down a bit!

    After the toddler went to bed, I rode my bike for half an hour, played some Beat Saber, and relaxed for a while on my acupressure mat as I had a headache that wouldn't go away. It felt a bit better afterwards.

    Today, I have prelogged my foods so I have a good plan to stick to for the day. I've been doing a few minutes of strength exercises throughout the day, so my legs are feeling a bit jelly today, but I will keep doing them. I'm glad it's Friday (even though I only worked two days this week), and this weekend is a long weekend here.
    2021 Word: PEACE
    Goals for June:
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,744 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday
    SW: 138.5kg
    PW: 125.7kg
    CW: 126.4kg
    LTD: 12.1kg
    LTW: +0.7 kg
This discussion has been closed.