Mission Slimpossible - June 2021 Team Chat



  • davidji82
    davidji82 Posts: 165 Member
    Weigh In Day:Friday
    PW: 233.4
    CW: 232.3

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,152 Member
    @Katmary71 Yes, they are very dangerous. There are *some* good choices in the machines, for instance there are hardboiled eggs, but I am far more likely to get peanut butter pretzels or some other nonsense when I go there hungry! I don't know how our @Jactop does it. She's a saint! I couldn't work around chocolate like that lol. I hope your pain goes away soon. I'm sorry about how your boyfriend talked to you, I'm glad you aren't taking it. I hope whatever the woman at the farmer's market makes you helps. <3

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Well I'm glad I could share it with you then. If you have a food processor, I highly recommend chopping the veggies in it, it cuts down the work a lot! Wow, what a great NSV, you should be super proud! Congrats on getting a blue dot every day! I hope you had fun with Mom time. That is really cute, how your mom shows off her nails. :) Your poor daughter, I hope all goes well.

    @TeresaW1020 That's great that you are liking the DDF. And no snacking, wow, that's great! Control Freak sounds indeed Off the Wall! LOL

    @raleighgirl09 What works for one person might not work for another. The great thing about this group is we learn about new methods to try to find "our own way". I agree with you, nobody in this group pushes their own agenda! That's fantastic.

    @GabiV125 Way to hold strong!

    @leonadixon @davors19 @davidji82 @TeresaW1020 Nice losses! Congrats!

    @TwistedSassette I like what you said, "Hope is not a management method". Indeed, it is not! Your plan to get back on track sounds good. I'm a bit off too. By the way, I got a free 6-month trial of Calm from Samsung and I'm really enjoying it so far! Congrats on your team winning the rugby match! That's terrible that the infected person did that. That IS selfish. I love how you re-evaluate things and adjust as needed. That would wear me down, having company that long, too. Enjoy your long weekend!

    Hi all. Sorry I've been MIA, I've been busy around here. I've been a bit off track as well. I'm not sure what started the off-track, but I'm back on track now.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 374 Member
    New day! New determination! Let's go get it Pals!! <3
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,169 Member
    edited June 2021
    HOOYAH! Had to jump on and excitedly say that I got a 4:15am phone call from my sailor! He chatted with me for 40 minutes :smile: I can't wait until he gets back from deployment! VERY happy Navy Mom right here!
  • gwamajtw91
    gwamajtw91 Posts: 137 Member
    Friday weigh in
    PW: 162.0
    CW: 160.7
  • xrj22
    xrj22 Posts: 197 Member
    Name: xrj22
    PW: 150.4
    CW: 149.2
    change -1.2
    Weigh in day Thursday (this was my weight from Thurs, but I didn't get on the computer yesterday)
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    edited June 2021
    @Katmary71 I so agree with you on how great our team is with respecting each other’s choices. We are all at different places in our weight loss journey and have different plans and different ways of eating, yet I’ve never seen anyone send out a bad vibe to anyone else for their choices. As many times as I switch up what I’m doing, I’m especially grateful. :grin: I’m so sorry that you are dealing with pain and that you and your boyfriend broke up. I got the sense that you liked his cats more than you liked him. I hope he leaves on good terms and doesn’t cause you any drama. <3

    @TwistedSassette You know I think we will see an uptake of the vaccine if cases start rising here too. I have friends and family who refuse to even consider getting the shot and hopefully they won’t catch it…or spread it. ;) It’s good that you reviewed your calories and adjusted to where you think you will start seeing more progress. I did something like that myself today. I get how you feel about your mom is with you. My mom isn’t a problem either, but she is still a presence in the house. So, I’m enjoying my time with hubby as she is down in Florida for the next couple of months. :)

    @trooworld I think when we get busy it makes it so much easier to get off track. We just have to stay really diligent and not let ourselves stray. Right? Glad you are back on track. <3

    @vegan4lyfe2012 I’m so happy for you that your son was able to call you! I can feel your joy through the computer. :)

    Hi Team! Well, I wasn’t too happy with my weight loss this week but at least it was a loss, so I will NOT complain. I did however look at what I’ve been doing and it’s become clear that since March, I’ve only been maintaining my weight by sticking to the same 3 or 4 pounds. I know that I’ve only been doing this new Data Driven Fasting for less than a week, so I need to keep at it to know if it's right for me or not. In other news, I think I will love my new workout program! Along with weights, I will do something called Tabata cardio, which is a form of high-intensity interval training that forces you to work at a very high intensity for short periods of time. It’s supposed to really torch the calories. B)

    Goal Weight Challenge: EYE ON THE PRIZE! B)
    Data Driven Fasting challenge Day 7. I got frustrated today because I got so hungry and my trigger wouldn’t drop to 85 or below. I finally ate a Greek yogurt with walnuts and a Premier Protein at 1:30 pm when it was at a 89. And hour later it went down to 88.
    No snacking or sugar No snacking or sugar
    Workout (includes church cleaning): 9 Week Control Freak-Off The Wall-Day One, back and biceps. Also 15 minute HIIT treadmill walk.

    What are your weekend plans? Here is mine! ;)

  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,029 Member
    Friday weigh in
    PW: 179.6
    CW: 178.3


    LTD: 12.8
  • bgame4
    bgame4 Posts: 94 Member
    Weigh In Day:Friday
    PW: 139
    CW: 139
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,744 Member
    @davors19 @davidji82 @lulu_jo @gwamajtw91 @xrj22 @Cornanda Nice losses!

    @TeresaW1020 Woohoo great loss! Sounds like your DDF and new workout routine might be a good combo.

    @trooworld I'm glad you're back on track now too. We got this!
    Ugh, the maltesers got me last night. MIL gave us late (very late) Easter gifts and mine was a huge box of maltesers. I'd been doing ok only having a few at a time. But I got snackish after dinner - d'oh! I still ended up with a deficit for the day thanks to a long cardio session but I'm not happy about it.

    The toddler has come down with ANOTHER cold. I'm trying my hardest not to get it!
    2021 Word: PEACE
    Goals for June:
  • RYcare
    RYcare Posts: 78 Member
    Weigh In Day:Saturday
    PW: 231.2
    CW: 234.4 😣😖

    I knew I won’t lose any weight but wasn’t expecting this much gain so I am hoping it is just water retention. I had a very busy week after a restless weekend. Busy with all great swimming competition events and dance recital.
    My daughter got her 2nd vaccine shot yesterday and has not been feeling well which is expected. The high fever is what makes me nervous, with Tylenol it goes down to 100f, without it skies up to 103.2 - so far a it has been 24 hours so I am hoping to see her get better during the day

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,152 Member
    @Lulu_jo @gwamajtw91 @xrj22 @Cornanda @Firefly743 Congrats on the losses!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 That's awesome. When does he get back?

    @TeresaW1020 It definitely does and I've been busy and preoccupied with the art exhibit. Thanks! I'm sorry you were disappointed by your loss. Hopefully, next week will be better. Enjoy the new workout!

    @TwistedSassette We do! I had to look up what maltesers are. They look yummy. That's great you still ended up with a decifit. Oh the poor little guy! I hope he's better soon. <3

    HI all. I am doing pretty well. I had a loss this week, a small one, despite not tracking for most of the week. I'm excited because tonight is my art opening. I am getting semi-dressed up for it. I don't think there will be food but I bet there will be wine. I will have a glass or two.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,152 Member
    Username: Trooworld
    Weigh-in day: Saturday
    PW: 217.2
    CW: 216.6
    LTD: 31.4
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @TwistedSassette I had to go Google Maltesers and they are almost like our Whoppers, so I can totally see why you would have a problem with them. Whoppers are one of my favorite candies! Ugghh on the little guy getting cold. I hope you and hubby don’t come down with this one! <3

    @RYcare I’m sure some of the weight gain is water weight and will come back off this week. What can you do differently this week to avoid the gain? Sorry that your daughter isn’t feeling well. The second shot kicked our butts for a day too. :/

    @trooworld Yayyy on the weight loss!! I can’t wait to hear how the art opening goes tonight! Have a blast and enjoy that wine. Is your hubby going with you? :)

    @askewcr Woot on your 3 lb. loss! That is awesome considering that you ate out two times. Just shows that making better choices and getting in your walks will pay off. I used to do a lot of blackberry picking when I was a kid living in Oregon. My mom made the best cobbler! :)

    Hey Team! Today was a good day just hanging out at the house. I did a little housework, finished next week’s dinner menu, and played with my puzzle. The scale dropped a little more this morning so that made me happy. I have a Zoom meeting at 7:30 pm with my Data Driven Fasting group. I started this adventure one week ago. Not sure if it's working or not but I’m giving it my best effort for the entire month.

    Goal Weight Challenge: EYE ON THE PRIZE! B)
    Data Driven Fasting challenge One week down! Today was good, but I’m still testing higher on my BG before lunch than I want to. Because of IF, I can totally push off eating if I need to but that isn’t the point of Data Driven Fasting so I hope it will all sort itself out.
    No snacking or sugar No snacking or sugar
    Workout (includes church cleaning): 9 Week Control Freak-Off The Wall-Day Two, chest and triceps. Also 20 minute cardio treadmill walk.
This discussion has been closed.