Mission Slimpossible - June 2021 Team Chat



  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 WOW, I am thrilled for you!! What a great loss you had this week. Keep it up, girl! B)

    @askewcr Good for you for saying no to the cobbler! That is amazing willpower and you should be VERY proud of yourself. :)

    @TwistedSasstte Good for you for walking in place while watching the game! Yeah, all you can do at the training course is make the best choices you can and make up for it later with maybe some extra exercise. Your soup sounds yummy! :)

    @Jypsy1 Nice loss this week! B)

    @trooworld Fingers crossed that the evil >:) machines didn’t snare you today! o:)

    @GabiV125 Holy Moly!!! :o Not touching any desserts while standing in front of them for six hours deserves an award! I have been to many a church picnic so I know how tempting those treats can be. Good for you!! :)

    @Katmary So sorry that you are struggling with your pain. I sure wish and pray that you would get some real help. Hang in there! You are the strongest woman I think I know. <3

    :star: Congrats to us for coming in third place this week!! And to @19shmoo69 for losing 6.0 Lbs. Wayyyy to go!!! B)

    Hi team! It hasn’t been my best day but I feel better this evening both physically and mentally so that is good. I don’t like feeling off my game so when I do I get extra cranky. My poor hubby is so sweet to me in spite of my attitude. <3 I did the grocery shopping and then went to Lowes to buy new toilet seats for the church’s bathrooms. As the cleaning lady of those buildings, I decided this was a needed priority. :grin: I also bought a huge supply of bug spray for the church buildings too. Nothing will live on my watch!!! :p

    Goal Weight Challenge: EYE ON THE PRIZE! B)
    Data Driven Fasting challenge I didn’t have the best day. Didn’t eat until after 2:00 and even then my trigger was only at 88 instead of the 84 it was supposed to be. I tested over a 100 before dinner, which pissed me off so I just ate anyway! I’m calling today a bust and will get my head back in the game tomorrow.
    No snacking or sugar No snacking or sugar
    Workout (includes church cleaning): Day 3 of Control Freak-Tabata cardio

  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 370 Member
    Wow!!! 3rd Place on" Mission Slimpossible" board. I am over the moon just to be on any board. I'm encouraged to keep on keeping on. It's a journey and it is doable. I listened to a preacher some years ago and she made a statement. She said:

    "Somebody else could be winning from the hand you're loosing from."

    Powerful isn't it? That statement has been in my head lately and has lit a fire in me. Not only in my battle with weight, but other areas in my life. Just to get up in the morning is a blessing so I've decided to renew commitments each day. I may miss the mark from time to time but I keep on striving for victories with my name on them.
    Let's go get it people!! :p
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,581 Member
    @askewcr - WOW. Thank you for the inspiration!

    I am delighted to read this and to check in, in general. I am at summer camp helping keep track of 18 scouts this week. The food options are not my usual. I am hoping that all the extra walking and sweating have this average out okay. This is day 2 of 6 and I have been feeling a little sorry for myself. There is minimal internet and no AC. I am now inspired to work at winning with this hand!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,668 Member
    @19shmoo69 @apple852hk @ashewcr Way to go gang! Woot woot!
  • krea4
    krea4 Posts: 1,814 Member
    PW: 69.5kg 153.2lbs
    CW: 68.8kg 151.7lbs
    LTD: 1.60kg

    Sorry it's a day late. Lots going on here at the moment.

    NSV - while in the supermarket yesterday I felt like having some chocolate so I went to the chocolate aisle. I had a good look and then walked back out. Normally I would have bought a few packets.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,015 Member
    @GabiV125 That's a great NSV. Way to go!

    @Katmary71 I hope the treatment helps. I'm sorry you are in so much pain right now. Hugs.

    @19shmoo69 @apple852hk @askewcr Congrats on getting on the leaderboard, people!!! Woot woot!!!

    @TeresaW1020 I don't blame you for buying new seats. I'm glad you are feeling better.

    @krea4 Congrats on the loss!

    Hi all. I managed to stay out of the vending machines and I only got hardboiled eggs at the cafe. Yay me!!!

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,019 Member
    @askewcr - LOVE your inspiration today!

    @GabiV125 - Good for you- staying strong! @trooworld - you too girl! @krea4 - you too!

    Congrats to this week's weight loss leaders!

    @TeresaW1020 - toilet seats, bug spray and too much fasting can add up to a lousy day. Hope this one is going better.

    @AustinRuadhain - Went to GS camp with my daughter many moons ago. Did not get organized early enough and by the time we got to the dining hall there was only decaf coffee left. Headache all day....
    made it a very long day..... :/ Stay strong!

    Well, it's Tuesday, (in case you didn't know that already.) I kept things in check pretty well over the weekend and am off to a good start this week. :)B)


  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,715 Member
    @Jypsy1 Nice loss this week!

    @trooworld Well done on your healthy choices while on site at work! That's a great effort!

    @GabiV125 Wow, that's a great effort! I would not have been able to resist the temptation!

    @Katmary71 I hope the pain eases up soon. I thought you were finally getting somewhere with the machine helping!

    @TeresaW1020 Sorry you had such an off day. I hope you can get back on track tomorrow! If the DDF isn't working for you, maybe it's just not the right plan for you. Don't be afraid to stop doing it if it's just not fitting well.

    @askewcr That's a great quote, thanks for sharing. Congrats on hitting the leaderboard!

    @krea4 Congrats on your loss this week, and on the NSV!
    I had the leadership development course yesterday, it was a very long day and I was just drained at the end of it. I did make good food choices throughout the day and finished well under my goal. Luckily, hubby decided to make a beef stroganoff pie for dinner so I didn't even have to cook when I got home! I walked in place for half an hour while we were watching TV in the evening, so overall it was a good, healthy day. Today I'm back in the office and back in routine. I have preplanned & prelogged everything for today, so I'm feeling good about it!
    2021 Word: PEACE
    Goals for June:
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 496 Member
    Weekly weigh in
    Username. laurelfit57
    Weigh in day. Sunday
    PW. 160.8.
    CW. 160.2

    I forgot to put this up on Sunday.
    I’m sorry I haven’t had much time to check in, the weather has been beautiful and I have been doing lots of catching up with people after the past year and a half. I think that tomorrow I will have time to read through some of these posts and catch up a bit :-).
    I am down about half a pound, which seems about typical for me. I am really really really want to get into the 150s!!! Fingers crossed for this Sunday. Lots of communal meals over the last week, many barbeques and picnics catching up with family and friends. When getting together I have tried my best to make sure there are healthy options and for the rest, portion control has been huge.

    I am definitely keeping my eye on the prize and can almost fit into the pants hanging on my bedroom door. They are white, so they can’t fit tight LOL!

    Definitely not getting in as many steps as I want to, my whole hip thing is causing me grief, but Physio is very helpful.

    Goal Weight Challenge: Keep my eye on the prize

    Track & Eat Within Macro Ranges
    No snacking after 8
    No unplanned sugar
    No junk snacks
    Exercise 5 x weekly
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,668 Member
    Hi everyone. I was at the food bank farm for volunteer day this morning (Tues and Sat then I water 3 days a week). I'm meeting a lot of really cool people, I enjoy everyone there plus the whole thing is good for my soul. In response to the questions the micro current does help, it's just normally I get steroids once a month and now it's been a few months plus I'm doing a lot. I went in for the treatment and it helped quite a bit then I crashed again right after, she told me some things to do at home so I'm doing that. My body has a lot of inflammation so it's a challenge. I've been to a few Take a Plant stands this week so I had to go get more potting soil yesterday, I picked up a few melon plants then the daughter of one of the stand owners ] insisted I take another plant when I gave her mom rosemary cuttings so I couldn't refuse that cute face. I was going to take a cactus but I got a thorn as soon as picked it up- I think that's it's way of saying it wanted to stay behind so I put it back. As you can guess I'm getting a lot of time in at the farm then at home plus I'm still doing arm cardio and strength training. I'm still having trouble with my elbow so I'm laying off weights until it doesn't hurt to close my hand around them.

    Food is going good, I'm cutting back more and hoping my weight will budge but if not at least I'm eating "clean". I'm still tapering off Cymbalta which should help things but I won't be off it for some time, I'm continuing to log and should be losing a lb a week. The nurse doing my treatments doesn't believe in calories in calories out but I figure it at least gives me some basis to keep track of how I'm eating if I need it plus after 2.5 years it feels weird to NOT log. I take a powdered supplement through them which is the only supplement I've ever felt a difference with and just increased it so it's causing me to detox a little, I feel yucky so I'm about to go lay down, I feel asleep twice reading earlier and the book is finally starting to get better.
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,121 Member
    edited June 2021
    Username: GabiV125
    Check in day: Wednesday
    PW: 129.8lb
    CW: 129.8lb
    Same again. I saw a slightly smaller number this week, but not this morning.
    Today my youngest is 15 yo and we’ll celebrate at her favorite steakhouse. They have the best grilled shrimp and I just can’t make myself order something else , so I should be fine. I think. Next weight will tell 😁.

    Happy Wednesday everyone!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,015 Member
    @TwistedSassette Thank you! A full day of leadership development does sound draining. That was nice for your hubby to make dinner, and it sounds delicious! Well done with the walking in place, I don't know how you did it after a full day! Congrats on 30 lbs down! :D

    @laurelfit57 Congrats on the loss! Good for you for enjoying life again, woo hoo! I am so glad things are returning to normal!

    @GabiV125 Happy birthday to your daughter! Grilled shrimp sounds like a great choice.

    Hi all. I did well again yesterday. We had a fabulous shredded brussels sprouts salad with air-fried boneless skinless chicken breast (not part of the recipe). I used my food processor to shred the brussels sprouts: https://www.loveandlemons.com/shaved-brussels-sprout-salad/

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,015 Member
    @TwistedSassette CONGRATS ON 30 LBS DOWN!

  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member
    PW 5/25:225.3
    Check in weight (6/2/2021): 226.3
    Check in weight 6/9/2021): 225.5
    Check in weight (6/16/2021): 224.0
    Check in weight (6/23/2021):
    Check in weight (6/30/2021):

    I'm afraid to acknowledge it's moving down! Here's to hoping I am finally moving in the right direction. The Healthywage challenge at work starts on Friday. My goal is to lose 15 pounds for this challenge. Wish me luck!

    Have a great Wednesday all!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @askewcr Love the attitude that you got!! Life truly is a blessing. I have a senior lady in church and whenever I ask her how she is doing she will say, “I could be better.” And I will say, “Could you be worse?” And that always gets a smile and an acknowledgment that indeed she could be worse. :)

    @AustinRuadhain Glad you could check in with us! I hope you have a blast with the scouts. Yikes to no AC! Is it very hot where you are now? :)

    @krea4 Yayyy on your loss this week!! And a big yayyy on not buying the chocolate. I often walk down the aisle with the chocolate and just look at it and then I tell myself that maybe next week I will buy a bar. So, far I haven’t bought one but knowing that it’s not forbidden helps me to walk away. ;)

    @Cornanda Today is much better, thank you! I’m glad that you are having a good week. Keep it up! <3

    @TwistedSassette Thanks for your kind words. I have had an attitude adjustment with DDF and I meant to write about that yesterday but something happened to my post. See below. ;) Those types of meetings are always long and grueling. How sweet of your hubby to make dinner. And HUGE congrats on losing 30 lbs.!! That is an amazing accomplishment and you should be so proud of yourself! <3

    @laurelfit57 Nice loss this week! You will get into those pants as long as you keep them in the forefront of your mind when at the different BBQs and picnics. Remember that it’s about YOU spending time with your friends and family. It’s NOT about the food! There will always be food. But right now, those white pants are calling your name. You can do it! <3

    @Katmary71 Does the food bank farm run year-round or does it shut down in the winter? How long have you volunteered there? They are blessed to have you! I hope you can get the pain you are constantly struggling with under control. Curious, if your nurse doesn’t believe in CICO what does she think is the best way to lose weight? As you know, I have my own disbelief in CICO. ;)

    @GabiV125 Enjoy your dinner with your 15-year-old and that shrimp. Shrimp is one of my favorite foods!! :)

    @trooworld That salad looks sooo good! I’ve never tried Brussel Sprouts raw. I’ve added the recipe to my Brussel Sprout collection and will definitely give it a try! You are doing great this week. Keep it up!! <3

    @leonadixon It is moving down and you need to celebrate!! What is your time frame for the challenge? Are you on a specific diet? I would suggest for the quickest weight loss you focus on lean protein and watch those carbs and fats. And I am wishing you all the luck!! <3

    Hey Team! I am not sure what happened yesterday. I had a whole post and somehow I didn’t manage to hit reply. Fortunately, I keep my post to you all in a Word.doc so I had most of my personals already. :grin: Today has been good. I did a workout, a little housework, cleaned out the home office, and did some laundry. I have church tonight along with a meeting for the VBS crew leaders. Yesterday, I wrote a journal entry in my DDF app that didn’t’ get posted so I will do that today and if you are interested in what’s going with that you can read it.

    Goal Weight Challenge: EYE ON THE PRIZE! B)
    Data Driven Fasting challenge (from yesterday) Day 11 and after the rush of excitement turning into frustration over not hitting my trigger when I’m hungry, I've thankfully had the mental shift that will take me to the end. I had begun this challenge with the understanding that it wasn't like IF, and it's not. But for me, it might end up being even harder than IF has been. With IF, I had gotten lazy because when I “thought” I was truly hungry, I ate. But with DDF there is no room for my thoughts on hunger. The BG will tell me when to eat. And if there is a time when I am extremely hungry, I will simply eat something high protein and move on. Accepting this is going to be much less stressful and hopefully allow me to enjoy this process.
    No snacking or sugar No snacking or sugar
    Workout (includes church cleaning): Day 5 of Control Freak-Full Body Core
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,715 Member
    @laurelfit57 Sounds like you've been doing really well even with all the temptations around! That's so great!

    @Katmary71 You are so busy all the time! And you must meet some wonderful people through the plant stands and farm, it's wonderful. It's strange that the nurse doesn't believe in CICO, I wonder what she does believe causes weight loss :anguished: I mean, there are many different ways to achieve weight loss (keto, IF, paleo, low GI etc.) but at the end of the day, those are tools that help you get into a calorie deficit - you simply can't lose weight if you're consuming more energy than you expend!

    @GabiV125 Aww enjoy the birthday celebrations!

    @trooworld Thanks! That is a whole lotta cheese lol. It's also a whole coyote, apparently! I'm just glad to be back to my pre-pregnancy weight, and looking forward to hitting more goals on my goal ladder!
    I'm not sure I could enjoy a brussels sprouts salad, but the chicken sounds nice!

    @leonadixon Yay! Good to see the scale moving down for you! Best of luck with the challenge - what a great motivator!

    @TeresaW1020 Thank you! I'm glad that you had an "aha" moment regarding DDF, I hope this helps you keep your eye on the prize!
    I did not do well yesterday. I let myself get too hungry before dinner and then binged on chocolate biscuits. I think it's that I'm not feeling full enough from lunch, which I'm not sure is protein-related or volume-related as I'm eating pumpkin soup this week for lunch. Even though I added chick peas and I'm eating snacks like yoghurt and baked beans, my protein is still low at the end of the day so I'm thinking that may be a factor. I was so hungry after work, but I talked myself into not having a snack (yay me, right? maybe not) but by dinner time I was shaky as my blood sugar had dropped too low. I ate my leftovers and didn't give it a chance to settle and see how I felt, instead I reached straight for the Tim Tams and didn't stop. It was bad, but I tracked it all and I'm owning it and reflecting to see what I can do differently. As it turns out, even with the binge I had a calorie deficit of...wait for it...2 calories :lol: So it's really just a maintenance day, and that takes some of the guilt out for me.

    I refuse to waste food if I can help it, so I'm still having the soup today, but instead of eating it with toast, I'm going to have some rice cakes with tomato & cheese afterwards. I'm hoping that the extra volume (and a little protein in the cheese) will help. This is really an experiment.

    Today I am having my second covid shot (Astrazeneca) so I'm hoping that I'm not too affected by that in the coming days.
    I'm also wearing my engagement ring all day for the first time in about 3 years, so I'm feeling happy about that! I hope that I can add the wedding bands soon, it's still a little tight for 3 rings to fit so I'm working towards that.
    2021 Word: PEACE
    Goals for June:
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 370 Member
    I had a great talk with my health coach today and we had a talk about the fact that you have to do the work to get the results. This applies to so many areas of life. I receive it and claim it for my life. Let's go get it! :)
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 496 Member
    This is such a great group, always so much activity! Haven’t had time to go through every day, but I am catching up on today’s posts :-) :-).

    @trooworld I have to say, that shredded brussels sprouts salad sounded delicious, I went over to Pinterest and saved it :-). Thanks for that! Glad you had a good day.

    @TwistedSassette huge congrats on the huge loss!! 30 lbs that is truly inspiring!! I’m sorry you had a tough day yesterday, I am right there with you when not having enough to eat before supper, I do not make wise choices🥴. I have started incorporating a Costco protein shake every day, it gives me 30 g of protein, I was the same, falling short on my protein. It has been helpful for me. I actually pour it over ice and add a shot of espresso :-) :-)

    @Katmary71 it is so hard to stay on track when you’re having physical challenges, good for you. Eating clean has got to be so good for your body!

    @TeresaW1020 you are so right, it is definitely about the people, not the food! How is the DDF going? What is the BG? How do you tell when you get to eat? It sounds like you are keeping your eye on the prize :-) :-)

    I had a great day today, went to Physio and he really kicked my butt LOL. I went to see my little grandson at his soccer practice today, cutest thing ever all the three-year-olds running around cute as a buttons❤️

    Goal Weight Challenge: Keep my eye on the prize!

    Track & Eat Within Macro Ranges
    No snacking after 8
    No unplanned sugar
    No junk snacks
    Exercise 5 x weekly

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,668 Member
    @trooworld Congratulations on 30lbs, that's awesome!

    @leonadixon Good luck with the work challenge!

    @TeresaW1020 I have no clue, it's the first year of the food bank farm so I'm not sure what happens in winter yet. I just started a couple months ago but I really enjoy the people and the work. Sounds like you had a great day! I'm not sure exactly what the nurse believes, we were talking about weight holding on with medications and inflammation. Data driven fasting could be frustrating, I haven't seen many posts about it but I find it interesting. The whole time I lost I lost super slow, I don't know the answers yet but have a feeling until I get inflammation lower nothing will happen.

    @TwistedSassette Congratulations on sporting your ring again, way to go!

    @laurelfit57 Your day sounds great! It's impossible not to smile watching little ones play soccer, especially when they're running the wrong way.

    @GabiV125 Enjoy your birthday celebration!

    Hi gang, I watered at the food today and went to Walmart for groceries and Epsom salts. I went in because I didn't plan to buy enough for pickup but of course I went over that in person so it backfired. I ordered a "best cat dad" card for my boyfriend then have pictures of the four cats developed and waiting for pickup, I'm still kind of mad at him but he's great with the cats so I wanted to do something nice. He's not the type to celebrate things so he's not expecting anything at all especially not being a human dad.
This discussion has been closed.