What are you reading



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    How did you like Hunted, Connie? I got it from KU but haven't started it yet.

    I am reading SHOCK WAVES by Rick Weston, it's a light fantasy that written like a time-line and odd things are happening through history. So far it's a bit confusing, but a friend who read it before me said it was probably her favorite of all of his (his sister actually whose been a friend of mine for about 43 years). I found them on KU as well so can listen to them rather than read the paper version. I finished VENGEANCE IS MINE by him, and it was a Western with an odd twist, not really fantasy, but odd. It has a Christian theme to it as well.

    I'm also reading THE COLLAR AND THE CAVVARACH by Annie Douglass Lima. It's a fantasy world but no strange creatures or anything. A 14 year old boy is a slave and he is sold after trying to get his sister away from her master before she got her collar, making it almost impossible for her to ever be anything but a slave - but they are caught and he is sold, but to someone who will treat him well and a teacher of the martial arts that he is especially good at. So far it's pretty good. I finished HEARTSONG by her and it was very good. Now that one had aliens in it and they communicated often by touch and hearing someone's heart song. Made me think, what if people could feel what is in my heart just by touching me? I hope they hear Jesus, hear love, hear purity!

    I'm also re-reading the sixth book in the elf series.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    edited August 2022
    Kim - I really liked Hunted. Of course, I always enjoy her books. I rated it 4.5*.

    I finished the Winter Deceptions anthology. Some of the novellas were very good and some I really didn't care for ... but probably more within Kim's enjoyment. Vickki Kestell's and Jan Thompson's books were a bit futuristic or out of my comfort zone.

    Also finished:
    A SHELTER OF HOPE by Tracie Peterson (historical) - one of her older books that I found on hoopla and hadn't read any of the series. It is a Harvey House series, and I always enjoy them.
    THE FRAGRANCE OF VIOLETS by Susan K. Beatty (wms fict) -This book was very good, but the first one in the series was better...
    ANDY: MISSION: HARVEST RANCH WEDDING by Lucy McConnell (Black Ops Tag Military Romantic Comedies #1) KU - I really didn't see the humor so much, but it was okay. I may read others in the series, but they won't be priorities.
    SHELTERED BY THE SOLDIER by Lisa Harris (LIS) KU - good.

    HIDDEN IN A WHISPER by Tracie Peterson (historical) - This is the second one in the series. This one is an ebook through Libby. I also have book #3 checked out.

    To start before bed:
    THE RECORD KEEPER by Charles Martin - his newest. I have heard really good things about it and it has been on my holds list for several weeks.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    The Vikki Kestell book sounds like it belongs with her nanomite series, they all started with Stealth... Jan Thompson also has a computer hacker futuristic series as well. I'm on the epilogue of the first story which doesn't seem to have anything to do with the story at all! LOL! Kind of threw me, so I set it aside and will go back to it tonight.

    I started HUNTED, so far it is very good.

    I am also continuing to read SHOCK WAVE.

    I started something else as well, but can't remember it right now.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,370 Member
    edited August 2022
    I am in between reads right now. My husband has been home this week and goes back out Sunday afternoon for another week. I'll probably start something then.

    I dropped my KU subscription last night. My deal was done and it was going to revert to $9.99/month. I'm wondering how long I'll have to wait to subscribe on another deal.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    Connie is usually on top of those deals! Unless they send me an e-mail about it, I have no idea where to find them. Okay, I found this, don't know if it will work though: https://techbargains.com/deals/amazon-kindle-unlimited-membership I just googled: Kindle Unlimited Deals

    My membership is good until June of next year. I don't use it nearly as much as Connie does, but I think I'm using it enough to pay for itself!

    I finished HUNTED by Lisa Phillips. Very good. Lots of twists and turns.

    I'm about 3/4 of the way through with SHOCK WAVE by Rick Weston. It ties in his first book that took place in the Himalayas, which I really liked, and adds to it. It's been hard for me to keep the characters straight, especially the ones that pop up here and there. This one has one of my least favorite things, kind of like happens in old cop movies - the cops make presumptions and then run with them, making what they find fit their presumptions! Grrr! The story spans a lot of years too, so keeping when you are is also not easy for me, but I am really enjoying the book.

    I'm beta reading an Amish story by Ashley Emma, AMISH IDENTITY. Not doing great on that, but I sent her my fixes for the first two or three chapters. I started reading it on the computer, but for some reason it only downloaded the pages I was looking at, so I think I am going to have to bring my computer out to the living room when I am reading it and put my fixes on my Open Office (hopefully her computer can read it) so I can send them to her!

    I saw in an author's e-mail several months ago a class on editing novels or articles. You can get certified and then charge authors to edit their books for them. Many editors charge as much as a penny a word! I would want to just help our income now that Wade is retired, not make it a living, so I wouldn't charge that much and maybe that would help me get authors to sign on. Just in the looking into phase right now, but it has stuck in my mind. I'm praying for the Lord's will in this.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Kim - Are you looking at editing or proof-reading? I couldn't do either. I know I have forgotten way to much grammar, and the actual editing process - with adding ideas, offering ideas for changes, etc. would scare me to death! There is nothing creative in my make-up.

    Cindy - This is the link I have for subscriptions on KU. This may be for gift subscriptions, but I have had my hubby buy mine for me. I don't think it matters, though.

    I have been reading a bunch of Tracie Peterson back list books from the library.

    Finished audio:
    THE RECORD KEEPER by Charles Martin (drama) Definitely one of my top 5 for the year. Heart rending, though.
    LIAR LIKE HER by D L Wood (susp) - I stayed up until about 2am listening to this one. It was very good.
    STILL WITH YOU by Jessie Gussman (romance) - some slang. The slang wasn't offensive to me, but may be to Kim. This is one of her older series and I have noticed that one of the other book in this series had some slang as well. Her more recent books are free of that issue.

    THE FOSSIL HUNTER by Tea Cooper (split time historical) - I haven't gotten far into it, but it is supposed to be very good. It takes place in Aaustralia and is split time from the leading character's youth (1847) to her 60's (1919)
    DARE TO FALL by Lindzee Armstrong - light and easy.
  • beachmaverick
    beachmaverick Posts: 4 Member
    I just started LAST DAYS SURVIVAL GUIDE by Rick Renner. So far it has definitely captured my attention and I think it will be a good one.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    I started to read a book and the c--- slang came up twice very quickly, I didn't continue reading. To me that and the p--- word are just on the edge of that cursing cliff, just offensive to me. I don't hear it in my day to day life so when I come across it it grates.

    Welcome BEACHMAVERICK, thanks for chiming in. Hope we hear more from you.

    Connie, I bookmarked that page for the KU deals. I still have 10 months on mine. That will have to be a birthday, anniversary, or Christmas present now that Wade is retired. I was able to get into my library account. They wanted a PIN and I had no idea what it was, so when we were there the other day I asked about it and they told me what they use for the PIN, way easy! I did that and have already borrowed some. They don't have a lot of new stuff, but I've recommended a couple I'd like to read. Doesn't usually happen, but we'll see. Hoopla has more things that I like, I just have to find the audio because I like to listen while I play games on my Kindle and I forget to read the e-books when I read at night. Getting old is not easy. Connie, the beta reading I'm doing is mostly just finding inconsistencies. Like when the character refers to his cousin as brother a couple of times, or it seems like they are at the place that they just left to drive over to - huh? In the story a woman has been kidnapped by human trafficers and has been them for awhile, helping them when they bring in more girls. Some of that wasn't clear at the beginning and I got confused. One sentece had "has showed" rather than just "showed" or "has shown". When I read it I know something isn't right. What I would like to do for extra income is like this - problem is, a lot of authors use beta readers for this so don't need to pay anyone to help with that. I could do final editing, making sure words are spelled right (amazing how many books that have been edited have wrong spelling) and the punctuation is correct, and everything makes sense. We'll see, it's just in the dreaming stage right now! LOL.

    I finished SHOCK WAVE by Rick Weston. Very good. I didn't like that a lot of the story was based on a biblical like document though. It was biblical in nature, speaking of leviathan, but it added to it and the story line moved with that document. All fiction, so not bad, just not comfortable for me.

    Please pray for my pastor. He's been sick for several days and is at the doctor trying to figure out exactly what he has. Would appreciate it very much.

    God bless y'all.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Kim - I started listening to a book the other day (on hoopla under Christian romance) and there was a definite curse word used twice within the first two sentences. Needless to say, it went back to the library in a hurry. I can handle some light slang, but I definitely can't tolerate cursing! I listened to an older Jessie Gussman book the other day that had a lot of slang in it, but it wasn't the type of slang that I felt stood for curse words, but was used as expletives. Her new books don't do that, but I noticed it on another book in the same series.

    I am currently listening to LIFEMARK by Chris Fabry/Kendrick Bros (movie dramatization). So far it is very good. It is about a teen that winds up pregnant while living with a boyfriend. She went in for an abortion, but couldn't go through with it. I am thinking that there may be a powerful message in this one...we will see.

    I am reading BURIED EVIDENCE by Kellie VanHorn (LI susp) - so far it is good.

    BLENDED LIVES by Melissa Wardwell (Independence Islands #20) KU 4*
    SWEET RIVALS by Kari Trumbo (Independence Islands #21) KU 4*
    STRANDED ON SPARROW by Rachel Skatvold (Independence Islands #22) 4*
    FROM SHORE TO SHORE by Tabitha Bouldin (Independence Islands #23) KU 4*
    REBUILDING HEARTS by Carolyn Miller (Independence Islands #24) KU 4*

    THE FOSSIL HUNTER by Tea Cooper (split time historical) - This was a first for me by this author. I had heard good things about her, but all-in-all, I thought the book was incredibly average. I had a hard time with the split time and actually didn't totally get it straightened out until I read the back cover blub, then I got the story lines figured out. Hoopla has several of her books, so I may try another later when I am desperate for an audiobook, or to check out the books up to my limit at the end of the month.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    I find that sometimes I get more lost listening to a book than when I read it, especially if there are names that sound similar - but I like to listen to them, so I just give myself time to figure it out. At night I listen and play some games until it's time for lights out, then I read until I'm tired.

    I'm still working on NECESSARY RISK by Christy Barritt. Very good. It has a different feel than a lot of her other stuff, I like it. The first one did too.

    Still Beta Reading AMISH IDENTITY. I try to get two or three chapters in a day. I have to do it at the computer, so it isn't as comfortable.

    I have other reads I've touched on but haven't really gotten into.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I just finished LIFEMARK. It did not disappoint! Probably in my top 5 favorite reads of the year.

    Right now I am just hanging out between books and audiobooks. I may do some YouTube audiobooks for the afternoon.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    I put the audio version of LIFEMARK on my Hoopla favorites list.

    I finished NECESSARY RISK. Very good.

    I finished an LI suspense, A ROYAL MARRIAGE by Rachelle McCalla. I'm reading the second book in the series, THE SECRET PRINCESS. I liked the first book, but so far, I am liking the second book better.

    I tried to re-read a fantasy series that I remember really liking, but it had parts in it that I didn't like this time - very teen-agery! I skipped some of the beginning and read further in and it was a little bit better - we'll see.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I started on Susan May Warren's newest series. I listened to book 1 - OUT OF THE NIGHT. Whew they have been in Paris and Italy and so much trouble! The book did not end. I have the other two books lined up, but I'm not sure that I will start the next one until we are on the way home, Friday. That's pretty good uninterrupted reading time.

    I finished a couple of Amanda Flowers Amish cozy mysteries, too. I haven't picked a book to start, but I have a bunch checked out, so I will find something.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    Re-read BEFORE BEAUTY by Brittany Fichter. I'm now reading the second book in the series which I never finished reading the first time I started it. These are the first books in a fairy tale series, I believe has 11 books in it. I've read many of them.

    I'm also reading MOONSCRIPT by H S J Williams. It says I've read it before, but not much of it is familiar. It has a strong Christian message (compared to most Christian fiction).

    I need to get back into the WINTER DECEPTIONS anthology!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I really enjoyed the Susan May Warren series. They are really one on-going saga, so I wouldn't recommend starting until you know that you can read all three. I listened to one on the way from Mom's to Branson, one on the way home from Branson (finished about 5 miles from home!) and started the last one as soon as I got home. They have a lot of international intrigue, and poor York has to be in a lot of pain with all that has happened to him! All's well that ends well.

    I have also been reading some LI suspense books that were available on KU. Right now I am working through a series by Laura Scott -
    Callaghan Confidential
    THE ONLY WITNESS by Laura Scott (LIS) KU 4.5*
    CHRISTMAS AMNESIA by Laura Scott (LIS) KU - current
    4. Shattered Lullaby (2018) by Laura Scott (LIS) KU
    5. Primary Suspect (2018) by Laura Scott (LIS) KU
    6. Protecting His Secret Son (2019) by Laura Scott (LIS) KU
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    NEVER PURSUE A PRINCE by Regina Scott (1820's England) - not my favorite genre, but was good and held my interest from the beginning.
    RESCUING HARMONY RANCH by Jennie Marts (Hallmark) - These are usually squeaky clean and good. I didn't notice any slang or issues with the book.

    A Country Affair
    A LITTLE BIT COUNTRY by Debbie Macomber (secular romance) it has a little slang. It is rare that I pick up one of her books, but I was out of my regular hoopla borrows. These were flex borrows and so I picked up a few before our trip.
    Country Bride by Debbie Macomber (secular romance)
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I went to hoopla to see what new has been added and found this anthology that I totally loved. It was set in 1881 at a Woolworth's. Such fun. I know I didn't live back then, but have such fun memories from shopping in Woolworth's, and with my 40+ years of retail management, it rang a bell for me.

    Five & Dime Christmas anthology (1881 Woolworth’s) - hoopla
    A MERRY LITTLE CHRISTMAS by Suzanne Dietze
    A HOME FOR CHRISTMAS by Patty Smith Hall
    THE LIGHT OF CHRISTMAS by Christina Lorenzen
    LUNCH WITH MAGGIE by Cynthia Hickey
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    I would love to read that book, Connie! One of my favorite treats growing up was shopping trips to downtown Atlanta with my Mom - which, after shopping at Davison's or Rich's, included stopping by Woolworth's and usually eating at their soda fountain.

    I'm back to where I prefer reading over listening, so I recommended it on Overdrive. It's new this month, so we'll see if they get it.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    I have a Regina Scott anthology but haven't gotten to it yet.

    I finished MOONSCRIPT and it was very good. It has a strong Christian theme in it. I started the second book in the series CROWN OF SAND AND SEA. So far it isn't holding my attention, but I haven't given much time to it yet either. I've been super tired when I got to bed, falling asleep some night before 10, so not getting a lot of reading in - or comprehending much because I'm so sleepy! LOL!

    I got RISKY AMBITION (through KU) book three in the Vanishing Ranch series by Christy Barritt. I want to start that tonight.

    I started AMISH CRADLE CONSPIRACY by Dana Lynn, wow, this one starts out with a bang! So far very good. It's the 13th book in this series so I think some of the characters were in previous books, but it's not awkward. I have the first book in this series, PLAIN TARGET, that I got from Hoopla, but I need to start it! LOL! I also

    I started SHADOWS OF SWANFORD ABBEY by Julie Klassen. I have this through Hoopla and usually I forget about my Hoopla books because I have to open that app and just don't think about it. I also have to read the ones that don't come in audio, so I do that after it's lights out for Wade and then I don't have much time before I'm ready to fall off.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Kim - I just can't enjoy using the hoopla ebooks. I listen so much more than I actually read. I like it where I can read for a while and then listen while I do other things. I think I have just read 2 from hoopla. There are three books that they have that I really want to read and no other library application has, but I just can't make myself check them out when there are so many good audiobooks from them.

    Currently I am listening to an anthology by Grace Greene. I didn't think that I had read anything by her when I checked out the book, but I had previously read all of the books in the anthology (plus a few more in that series). I am enjoying the "re-read" anyway, it has been a long time since the first read.
    Emerald Isle, NC series:
    BEACH RENTAL by Grace Greene (romance) - kind of a marriage of convenience with some sad parts, but very good.
    BEACH WINDS by Grace Greene (romance)
    BEACH WEDDING by Grace Greene (romance)

    I really am not reading anything on my kindle right now.