What are you reading



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    I started the new Christy Barritt book about the guy who falls off a building and loses a week of his memory, waking up married. Okay, so far I want to put a plug in this gals mouth. She is trying to get this guy on her side but she keeps mocking him and cutting him down - what's up with that??? I hope they let me know soon, cuz she is going to not make this book fun!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I got that Christy Barritt book, too. I want to get through some library books, then get into my kindle books again.

    I must have not hit to post the reply that I did the other day. Anyway, I have been enjoying actual Christian fiction (vs clean fiction). There were just too many in a row with no Christian content.

    ONE FINE DAY by Rachel Hauck & Carrie Padgett - her newest. Very good.
    LOVE IN PLAIN SIGHT by Kathleen Fuller (Amish) - Pretty good, dealt with overweight and unattractive girl that is abused by her "fiance" and runs away. I do hate that she lies through the book about where she is from (for her protection).
    A SPRINKLE IN TIME by Dana Mentink (cozy)

    A STOLEN HEART by Amanda Cabot (Cimarron Creek series) - I got started on this series because I wanted to read the second book for a reading challenge. It is good.

    I somehow got started on books with a fattening theme:
    A STOLEN HEART by Amanda Cabot - candy shop
    ONE FINE DAY by Rachel Hauck & Carrie Padgett - bakery
    A SPRINKLE IN TIME by Dana Mentink - Shake shop.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    It's that sweet tooth rearing its head, Connie! Cookie time!

    I am almost done with the Christy Barritt book, it takes place at Vanishing Ranch, although I am still not quite sure exactly who the female in the story is working for and what exactly she is trying to find answers to. I'm closer now though than I've been! LOL! So far it's very good.

    I started a re-read which I couldn't remember having read, but now that I am reading it it is familiar - FRAYED by Kerry Neitz, a futuristic story about people who are implanted with basically a computer chip and they have access to the "stream" and they are sent out to repair the robots and androids that the Imam and his minions use. Oh, the Imam is the ruler of the world because the Muslims have taken over the world. You don't see a lot of Islamic worship in the story, but the DR's (chip heads) are finding that the god of the Imam isn't the true God.

    I finished RIONA'S PROMISE by Rachel Skatvold, it's part of a 3 author series that involves three friends who all went to school together but are now back in each of their home towns. Riona is related to the king of her country and for a very short time she ends up on the throne, but someone else in the story wants that throne! It was a medieval type story set in a fake land.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    ONE FINE DAY by Rachel Hauck & Carrie Padgett - So good!
    LOVE IN PLAIN SIGHT by Kathleen Fuller (Amish)
    FORGOTTEN SECRETS by Christy Barritt (Vanishing Ranch Book 1) - Kim, I really didn't like the lady in this one, either. I did like the ending.
    A PICTURE PERFECT CHRISTMAS by Candee Fick (Wardrobe Dinner Theater series) This was the last in the series that I hadn't read. I enjoyed them, but are just light and easy books.
    I’LL BE SEEING YOU by Robin Lee Hatcher (split time) OH - so good!
    WHERE THE ROAD BENDS by Rachel Fordham (historical) - This one was really good too!

    UNFAILING LOVE by Janette Oke (historical) This is her newest and I am really enjoying this series. I'm not sure if this will be the last in the series, or not. It is book #3.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    I liked the ending too. I wish that they gave some indication for why she was snarky at the beginning of the story, maybe I would have enjoyed that part more.

    I finished re-reading FRAYED, futuristic sci-fi, and have gone on to FRAUGHT, the second book in the series.

    I started WHERE HE LEADS by Angela Castillo. So far it's pretty good.

    I started TO LOVE IN PEACE by Kathleen Bird, but the writing is not good at all so I probably will not go on with this one.

    There was something else I was reading but I can't find it in my Contents and Devices list, so I have no idea what it was - LOL!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    AARG!!!! I decided to read a set of books by Jessie Newton (aka Liz Isaacson). These are not Christian ficiton, but have been totally clean. They are considered women's fiction and are longer than her other books, too. I started reading the series and thought I was reading book one, THE LIGHTHOUSE. I kept thinking that it seemed like there should have been some back story. When I finished the book, I realized that I had been reading THE SEAFARING GIRLS - book SEVEN! Anyway, I am now reading book 1. I really enjoy women's fiction, so this series seems like it will be right down my alley. I probably won't read all in a row, but try to complete the series.

    ONCE UPON A ROYAL SUMMER by Teri Wilson (Hallmark book) I listened to my first Hallmark book at Christmas and really enjoyed it. There are a bunch of them on hoopla and so far they have been totally clean.
    CHRISTMAS VENDETTA by Valerie Hansen (LI susp)
    FINDING A CHRISTMAS HOME by Lee Tobin McClain (LI)
    DREAMS REKINDLED by Amanda Cabot (historical) - finished up an older series.
    DEAD-END DETECTIVE by Amanda Flower (Hallmark)
    A TIME TO BLOOM by Lauraine Snelling (historical) - Her newest and I am really glad to get away from all of the names that you can't pronounce! This is the second book in the series.
    IN HONOR’S DEFENSE by Karen Witemeyer (historical) - her newest
    RISING STORM by Edie James (MacKenzie Cove #1) good start to a series
    BUNDLE OF JOY by Robin Lee Hatcher (fake marriage) - one of her older books that's now on KU.

    FREE FALL by Nancy Mehl (suspense) - going to start it before bed.
    THE LIGHTHOUSE by Jessie Newton aka Liz Isaacson (women's fict)
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    FREE FALL by Nancy Mehl (suspense) -Really good!
    THE LIGHTHOUSE by Jessie Newton aka Liz Isaacson (women's fict)
    THE RANCHER TAKES A COOK by Misty M. Beller (historical) - This was actually in a boxed set that I bought (A Cowboy To Keep. It has 6 full length novels, both historical and contemporary, by various authors. I had read two of them previously, but checked it out on KU anyway for the 4 that I hadn't read.

    DILLON by Linda Ford (Historical) - another from the anthology. So far, it I am enjoying it.

    Oh - I just now got an email that the boxed set I am reading on KU is free today. I really enjoyed the first book, and the books by Susan May Warren and Liz Isaacson were good, but I had already read them.
    A Cowboy To Keep -
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    I put that one on my free list today, Connie. There are two others as well.

    I just got SHIELD BAND by Tara Grayce and started it. As good, so far, as the other six books in the series. Boohoo, this is the last one.

    I finished MASK by Kerry Neitz, a fantasy/sci-fi, very good.

    I'm reading SARAH'S SMILE by Dawn Kinzer and enjoying it.

    I'm also reading FORESTS OF GRANDEUR AND MALICE by Melanie Cellier, not as good as the first three in the series, having trouble staying interested.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    I finally finished FORESTS OF GRANDEUR AND MALICE by Melanie Cellier. I think this is the first book by her that I've struggled to get into, but overall I enjoyed it.

    I am reading: UNSEELIE CHAINED by Kimberley Rogers, the second book in a series I'd started awhile ago and then forgot about. I'm enjoying it.

    TO LOVE A VIKING by Heather Day Gilbert. I'm totally lost with this one. The names are too similar and I'm not sure which character she is talking about!

    A KINGDOM SUBMERGED by Deborah K White, a mermaid tale, I think a re-telling of The Little Mermaid.

    BEN IN LOVE by Luana Ehrlich. I'd started this one awhile ago and never finished it, but am enjoying it this time.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Right now I am reading MURDER SIMPLY SERVED by Isabella Alan. This is a cozy mystery set in an Amish community. I will be reading the next one for a reading challenge.

    I don't have an ebook going right now, but will be starting something when I finish this audiobook. I need to find something that will fit a challenge, something I want to read but have been putting off. There are so many of them!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    I'm with you, Connie, I keep pushing books down the list and adding others to my Kindle that sound interesting. I go down on that list and am surprised by the books I started and wanted to read but forgot about!

    I finished TO LOVE A VIKING by Heather Day Gilbert. I gave it 4*'s because it was confusing at the beginning and it dealt a lot with an abusive husband who had no qualms about taking other women to his bed. No overt sex, just suggestions.

    I finished SHIELD BAND by Tara Grayce, the seventh and last book in this series. Very good if you like fantasy. I forgot to put it on my June list.

    I'm reading the second book in the Realm Walker Series, TWO RENEGADE REALMS by Donita K Paul, a very good fantasy.

    BEN IN LOVE by Luanna Ehrlich. I am going back and forth with this one.

    Probably something else, but I can't remember it right now - heehee.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    DANGEROUS RELATIONS by Anne Perreault (family drama) - This is the book I picked for the challenge. I read book one and it was great, so I knew this one would be as well, but it was long. I just kind of kept pushing it back. Now, I need to read book 3.
    PUT OUT TO PASTURE by Amanda Flower (cozy)
    MISTLETOE IN JUNEAU by Dahlia Rose (Hallmark)
    UNDERCOVER ASSIGNMENT by Dana Mentink (LI susp) - I was excited to see this one on hoopla audio, since it just came out. I really enjoyed it.
    Amish Quilt Shop series
    MURDER SIMPLY SERVED by Isabella Alan (Amish cozy) This is another pen name for Amanda Flower.
    MURDER PLAINLY READ by Isabella Alan (Amish Cozy)

    The Alaska Saga: libby
    A LIGHT IN THE WINDOW by Tracie Peterson (historical)
    Destiny's Road by Tracie Peterson (historical)
    Iditarod dream by Tracie Peterson (historical)
    These are all older novellas written by her and just now packaged in a boxed set. The first one was abut the Diphtheria epidemic in Alaska in the 1800's when they had to do dog sled tag-teams to get the medication into Nome.

    I have about a million books that have come up from holds today (well, maybe not quite that many). I need to get busy reading and listening!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    Oh, I bet you could get that million done in a few weeks! LOL!

    I am re-reading my favorite fantasy. Not sure I'll read all seven books, but it's relaxing to read something that I really like and not have to think about what might pop up.

    I'm enjoying HOOKED by Annette Larson. This is an historical romance but with a Peter Pan feel. So far very good.

    I read one book in an Emma Morgan boxed set NATIVE LOVE IN THE WEST. I like Indian stories. This wasn't a "professional" read, I'm not sure how to say it, it was simply written. It was okay and I will probably try another one.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Whoa - this was a good but, but VERY intense. It is Love Inspired Trade, which is their longer and more complex books.
    HER DARKEST SECRET by Jessica Patch (LI Trade/ thriller). It came up on hoopla and I jumped on it, but like I said, very intense.

    A HAVEN FOR HER HEART by Susan Anne Mason (wms fict) - This is about a Canadian girl that was arrested for getting pregnant without being married during WW2 and is based loosely on a true story. The prison that she is sent to wasn't closed until 1969. So far it is very sad, but I'm not far into it.

    I am getting ready to start something a bit lighter in audio:
    THE ELEMENT OF LOVE by Mary Connealy (historical) - book #1 in the Lumber Baron’s Daughters series, I can't believe that I let one of her book get by me, but I am not finding it on any of my lists. If I have read it, I will probably re-read and then go on to book #2.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    Oh my. I found the audiobook on Hoopla and put it in my favorites, Connie. Sounds "creepy".

    I'm all over the place, starting and stopping and looking for something to grab my attention. I finished my re-read but, for some odd reason, don't really care about reading on in it.

    I got a Shari Tapscott, book two and started it: THE GILDED FAE. I'm not very far into it so can't really say if it is as good as book one.

    I started CONFIGURED a book I was pretty sure I had read, and as it turns out I've read the whole series up to the book that just came out and most of it I can remember, I may or may not continue to re-read this one but jump to book three and then read book four.

    I finished the Annette Larson book one in the TALES OF WINBERG series, the Peter Pan re-tell, and have the next two books in the series so will start on those tonight.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    THE DEPUTY’S DUTY by Terri Reed (LI Susp) - pretty good,
    INVENTIONS OF THE HEART by Mary Connealy (historical) - I haven't gotten to far into it, but I really liked the first book

    A HAVEN FOR HER HEART by Susan Anne Mason (wms fict)
    TO FIND HER PLACE by Susan Anne Mason (wms fict) - These were really good! The first was opening a home for unwed mothers during WW2 in Canada and the second was the Toronto's Children's Aide society. They both have a bit of romance, but the story is the key.
    THE ELEMENT OF LOVE by Mary Connealy (historical) - This is a good series, but I didn't find the humor that I usually find in her books. Maybe it is me and I am just not catching it.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    AMONG THE INNOCENT by Mary Alford (suspense/Amish) Fairly intense. About an Amish family that was murdered, except for one teen. Now the murders are starting again - and the girl is now a police officer.
    THE VINEYARD MOTHERS by Grace Palmer (wms fic) - This series shows on Christian fiction in libby, but shows as clean on Amazon. This is book 2 and I enjoyed book 1.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    I started a book by a friend's brother last night, it's called ROAD KILL by Rick Weston. So far it is really good. It's about a section of highway in NC that some very odd occurrences are happening on, occurrences that the police can't find an answer for. Accidents are happening, deaths are happening, and someone is strewing the highway with debris from chewed up road signs causing vehicles to get flat tires and run off the road. I'm about halfway through so I have no idea what is going on, and I think that is one of Rick's gifts, you have no idea what the answer could be other than aliens or some strange creature but when you finally find out it's within the realm of possibility.

    Also working on a fantasy/sci-fi called THE DRAGON WARRIOR AND THE PRINCESS. I finished it last night. It was one of those freebies on a list of books. The writing isn't great and there were spelling mistakes salted throughout, but overall I enjoyed the tale.

    I'm reading another one, but can't remember right now.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    CRITICAL ALLIANCE by Elizabeth Goddard (suspense) - It is very good.
    THE SUMMER SAND PACT by Jessie Newton/Liz Isaacson (wms fict) - I'm not far into it, but it is good.

    THE VINEYARD MOTHERS by Grace Palmer (wms fic) - I am enjoying the series
    THE MANGER HOUSE by Elizabeth Bromke - pretty good. Her books are usually love/hate. This was right in the middle. It was about a lady that had twins and the family/friends that rallied around her. And yes, the title is typed correctly.
    AMONG THE INNOCENT by Mary Alford (suspense) intense, twists and turns, and very good. Definitely not your typical Amish type books.
    BEYOND THE DESERT SANDS by Tracie Peterson (historical) - her newest, and very good.

    This is another month of really good books. There have been so many new releases by authors that I always enjoy that it makes it hard to keep up with all of them.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I finished THE SUMMER SAND PACT by Jessie Newton/Liz Isaacson (wms fict) - This is not considered Christian Fiction, but women's fiction. There was one thing in the book that bothered me. I have the rest checked out on KU, but I don't think I am going to read them. There are just so many good books that don't bother me that I don't need to read ones that may.

    Also finished the following. I don't usually show where I got the book, unless KU and don't put the ratings until the monthly list, but these were really good.
    HEIRLOOMS by Sandra Byrd (split time) hoopla 5*
    EDGE OF DUSK by Colleen Coble (suspense) hoopla 5*
    THE ITALIAN BALLERINA by Kristy Cambron (historical) hoopla 5*

    Also good, but not as great:
    JADE'S MATCH by Hallee Bridgeman (romance)
    ALWAYS WITH YOU by Jessie Gussman (romance)
    FOREVER WITH YOU by Jessie Gussman (romance)
    NO FAKE DATING FOR THE COWBOY by Alexa Verde (Escape To Cowboy Crossing)
    A REBEL'S BEACON by Sara Blackard (SAR)

    FOREVER ON THE BAY by Lee Tobin McClain (harlequin)