What are you reading



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    Still working on the same stuff. I did start the second book in the Jan Thompson series, ONCE A HERO. So far so good.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    WHEN THE DAY COMES by Gabrielle Meyer (time travel) - I usually don't read time-travel, but this intrigued me. The cover is really impressive, too. It is about a girl that lives in 1774 and 1914. Her mother from 1774 also lived in the1990s. They spend time equally between the two time periods until their 21st birthday, then they chose when time period where they will permanently live.

    I don't know what I will listen to this evening, but I will find something. I may do the last Jody Hedlund book, To Tame A Cowboy. I think it is the one that I have had the longest from the library. It wouldn't start playing on any of my devices and so I hadn't started it. Today I got the bright idea to delete the download and see if it would just play over wifi and it works doing that. I was going to notify the library, but since I found a work around, I decided to just do it that way.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I think that WHEN THE DAY COMES by Gabrielle Meyer (time travel) is my favorite book so far of the year. It was like two historical novels woven together. I'm pretty sure there will be a sequel and I am looking forward to it. If you have library access to it, I would definitely check it.

    AN UNLIKELY MATCH by Beth Wiseman (Amish). It is pretty good. A movie production team comes to town. There are so many Amish books in the library files and I have been checking more out to keep the audiobooks so I can have books to listen to at bedtime.
    NERVES OF STEELE by Susan Sherman (susp) - book 2 in her new series. I just got started on it, so can't say very much, but I know it will be good.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    Hoopla had WHEN THE DAY COMES, Connie, so I'll be checking it out through them! Woohoo. I checked Hoopla for the Steele books, but they don't have her newest ones. I need to figure out the pin number thing with my library card. They keep asking for a PIN and when I give them any of the ones that I would normally use they say that's not it - huh???

    I went way back in my library and found some books tore-read. I was hoping to come across a couple that I've been thinking about, but so far haven't found them - sigh! I have no idea what the Norman/Saxon one is that I have had on my mind for a couple months now and I can't find it anywhere. I went through the ones that I have from that time period, but nothing. I've looked it up from my library and on Amazon (Norman conquest, 1066, Norman/Saxon) but just the books I have come up - ugh! I even asked on Goodreads, but nothing came back that was even close. Oh well, maybe someday it will pop up somewhere!

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Kim - I think the Susan Sleeman book will eventually come up in KU. It is one of her indie books and she usually puts them wide (which allows library access) and then a couple of months later puts in KU.

    I finished:
    DANCE OVER ME by Candee Fick (Wardrobe Dinner Theater #1)
    HOME FOR CHRISTMAS by Candee Fick (Wardrobe Dinner Theater #5) - These just came up in hoopla audio. Book 4 still isn't there, but they can be read independently. This last one (as well as #2) takes place in Branson. That's fun for me.
    MISSING HER MORE by Karen McQuestion (speculative/clean) - came up in Christian fiction on hoopla and in Amazon, but I found nothing Christian in the book. It did have a little girl in it that had died a few years prior, so I guess it was "ghost" or "spirit" which to me is not Christian. It was good, though.
    OTIS by Liz Isaacson (cowboy romance) KU - Always enjoy her books.
    THE HEART OF HOME by Lynn A Coleman (Georgia Peaches #7)

    nothing... I just finished both books, so need to find something new in ebook and audiobook.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    I finished HUNTED by Margaret Daley. It was good, and easy to read suspense. Just a moment of someone being angry with God (I don't like to read that because God never does anything that we should be angry with Him for).

    I finished a re-read (probably my third or fourth re-read of this series) and I would love to tell you what the title is, but all I can see right now is the picture on the front of the book! LOL!

    Oh, I'm reading an Alton Gansky book I've had forever: 8 MINUTES TO DIGITAL WINTER. Oh my! So far it is quite good. It goes back and forth between different characters who are affected by what is happening so it's not always easy to figure out where the story is, but it goes back to the main characters, one of which is a wheelchair bound savant who is a computer whiz - hmmmm???!!!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I haven't gotten much reading or listening done this month. I did listen to Becky Ward's newest book. it really wasn't my favorite by her, but may be that I was so disjointed in reading it.

    I will catch you up with current books later.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I just read my previous post and it should have read, this week.

    ALL IN by Shelley Shepard Gray - I read the first one in this series a long time ago and marked that it wasn't Christian and had some content that I didn't like. I wound up with this one and decided to go ahead and try it. So far it is okay, but I am not really trusting it. I have heard one slang, but to me it wasn't offensive.
    HOLD YOUR BREATH by Amy Martinsen (suspense)

    THE PERFECT SPY by Amy Martinsen (suspense)
    THE VIEW FROM CORAL COVE by Amy Clipston (romance) - her newest book, not Amish.
    THE FAITH IN FLOWERS by Rachael Bloome (Poppy Creek #5) - This was for a monthly challenge I am doing. It was pretty good.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    I am re-reading a couple of series. One of them I've read twice already but this time I see things in it I'm not happy with - like one of the characters is angry with God for messing in his life. I don't remember that from my other readings of it, it was just a nice and easy read, but this time I think I will skip it.

    The other one I'm reading is futuristic by Kerry Nietz, the Dark Trench Saga. It takes place in a time when Muslims have taken over the world and everyone must worship Allah, and event the machines that can interact with humans have to say certain A (Allah) honoring phrases - but, after going into space near the star "Bettlejuice" I know that isn't the spelling, but that is how it sounds - some of the humans and even some of the bots on the craft come back changed and speaking of Not A 3 (which I think means Not Allah but Three in One). They have no idea who this is because none of them has ever read a Bible, but verses come to the main guys mind and now they have gone back to the star in this ship and are trying to find out who this is.

    Still working on 8 Minutes to Digital Winter as well.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    edited May 2022
    CARAMEL PECAN ROLL MURDER by Joanne Fluke (secular cozy) - I always enjoy her books. They are clean, with a tiny bit of liquor.
    LOVESICK COWBOY'S UNFPRGETTABLE.CHRISTMAS by Hannah Hart (romance) some light slang - I am trying to read through this series and this is the first that has had slang that I have noticed.

    LOVESICK COWBOY'S HIDEAWAY BRIDE by Hannah Hart (romance)
    THE NEIGHBORS by Karen Cogan (Christmas)

    Grandma Mandy
    MADE FOR EACH OTHER by Karen Cogan (romance)
    LANDSCAPE OF LOVE by Karen Cogan (romance) - these are pretty good. I will search out more if I can find them

    Bloom Sisters
    HOPING FOR HAWTHORNE by Tara Grace Ericson (romance)
    A DATE FOR DAISY by Tara Grace Ericson (romance) - another pretty good series. I have the next ebook and the rest are available in KU, so I will probably finish the series eventually.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I typed a long post yesterday about a series that I had read and it disappeared. Anyway, I was tired and just let it go. Let's just say, don't read Hannah Hart. A few of the books had light slang, but the last one had an instance of using Jesus' name in vain. I had stopped reading another series by her, and now I know why...

    THE SWEET LIFE by Suzanne Woods Fisher - This is her newest (non-Amish) book. It is about a woman that buys an ice-cream shop while on vacation with her daughter. So far, I am enjoying.

    Working on:
    GLAMOROUS ILLUSIONS by Lisa T Bergen (historical- Grand Tour 1) - CONTINUED
    GRAVE CONSEQUENCES by Lisa T Bergen (historical- Grand Tour 2) just getting ready to start. Have book 3 lined up and ready. These take place in Europe during the 1910's, It is about a girl that finds out that her real father isn't who she was raised to believe. He comes and gets her and wants her to go on the Grand Tour with her real brother and sister that she knew nothing about. I really enjoyed the first one, but you need the next one ready!

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    I started that series by Lisa Bergen but never finished it, I had trouble staying into it.

    I found the book I've been looking for for months. DUTY by ?, of course I can't think of the author right now. I got two stories mixed up though as I was thinking about the book. The story starts out with a Knight who is honored the title of Earl and given the lands of and Earl who was against the new king. He is ordered to marry the daughter and that his men are to marry the widows and single women in the village and bring that town back. He finds a lot of trouble when he gets there and has to fight for his new land. It thought it was a Norman/Saxon story but it takes place in a made-up place. Very good anyway. Rachel Rossano is the author - phew!

    I'm just jumping around a lot lately and not really finishing up much of anything.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I'm listening to the last book in the Lisa Bergren series when I get a chance. I think it was drug too long, but is pretty good on the whole. I'm reading a military based romance series by Jess Mastorakos(?). They are pretty good, but haven't been reading while at Moms.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,370 Member
    I haven't been reading much lately. Too much life going on. I've got a 7 hour flight coming up at the end of the week and I'm planning to load up my Kindle before I leave.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    Hope Mom is doing well, Connie!

    Oh my, 7 hours on a plane. At least you don't have to be in a mask anymore!

    I'm about 3/4 of the way through a cute read, MR GARDINER AND THE GOVERNESS by Sally Britton. The kids play a big role in the story and it's pretty light and fun. I'm enjoying it. It doesn't feel like a story I've read a bunch of times before.

    I'm also re-reading a fantasy.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Thanks, Kim. It was an exhausting few days. I am worried about Mom living alone, but she is determined, and things seem okay. Her memory is not great, but she knows it and has lists and calendars to keep track of everything. I can't bring her home with me without putting the dog to sleep (she is too feeble to make the trip). I can't force either at this point.

    PROMISES AT PYRAMID ROCK by Jess Mastorakos (military romance) KU - light romances set in Hawaii. I will read book #3 soon.
    EDGEWATER ROAD by Shelley Shepard Gray (romance) - I thought this was part of the non-Christian series that I mistakenly got into. I almost turned it in without reading, but I double checked and found out it is book #1 in a new series.

    A SACRED DUTY by Rhona Weaver (Yellowstone FBI) - I just started this one, but I enjoyed the first book in the series and this one just came out within the last month.

    I LOVE LIBRARIES! I am really blessed to have so many library systems to use in the greater Kansas City area.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    Does your Mom have someone there who can get to her quickly if she needs help? Mom fell so much the last couple of years, and she is so independent, she tried to get up every time, even when her neck was fractured! We were right there so could stop her from doing more damage. It doesn't sound like your Mom is prone to falls though, so that is awesome.

    I am reading the third book in a fantasy re-read: THE SEAHORSE LEGACY. Very good. I couldn't listen to book two, for some reason it wouldn't to the text to voice, but since I've read it a couple times already, I just went ahead and went on to book three.

    I am almost finished with MR. GARDINER AND THE GOVERNESS, a cute story.

    I'm also reading a new author for me: TRUTH IN THE NAME by F D Adkins, very good. It's futuristic. This girl is basically kidnapped by the feds and they are trying to wipe her memories so she will forget God, but people who truly know Jesus don't lose that part of their memories. Oh, and they change their names so they will forget who they were eventually. Interesting.

    There are a couple of freebies today at: https://christianbookfinds.com/ One of them is by Jo Grafford.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    I finished MR GARDINER AND THE GOVERNESS by Sally Britton, very good, just an easy enjoyable Regency read!

    Finished book three in the fantasy series and moving on to book 4.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    A SACRED DUTY by Rhona Weaver (Yellowstone FBI #2) some language - I was surprised at this, but when I checked it didn't actually show as Christian fiction, although I found out about it through Avid Readers of Christian fiction, and the author shows as Christian. There is just one word used, but was used too many times.

    Stryker Security Force
    CRASHING INTO JAKE by Sara Blackard (suspense)
    DISCOVERING RAFE by Sara Blackard (suspense) I think these were books 4 and 5 in the series. I had read the ones before them.

    You’re On The Air
    DIAL T FOR YOU’RE THE ONE by JoAnn Durgin (romance) - I won this one in ebook.
    DIAL W FOR WRANGLER by Chautona Havig (romance) - This is just a fun series that takes place in radio stations. They are all stand alone and by different authors. I think this makes 4 that I have read, and I think there are 7 out so far. The plans are 26 - one for each letter of the alphabet.

    Kailua Marine
    PROMISES AT PYRAMID ROCK by Jess Mastorakos (military romance)
    STRANDED AT THE SANDBAR by Jess Mastorakos (military romance) - These are listed as "Clean". For some reason, I thought they were Christian when I checked out the boxed set. There hasn't been anything offensive, but several times there is light alcohol use involved. I am working through the boxed set slowly, but they are good.

    SOPHIE'S HEART by Lori Wick (romance) I forget how good her books are. The first I read by her, were okay, but weren't really my favorite genre. I didn't know that she actually wrote some contemporary, too. I have been through most of what the library offers, now.
    LOVE ON THE RUN by Lorana Hoopes (suspense) - short
    THE BIRTHDAY PORTRAIT by Phyllis Clark Nichols
    WHEN CALLS THE HEART by Janette Oke (historical)

    HOPE AT LAST by Elizabeth Maddrey (romance)

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    I finished TRUTH IN THE NAME by F D Adkins. I liked it a lot. It's a futuristic story where a president wants to be dictator over the whole earth and devises a plan to take young Christians and wipe their minds and hopefully wipe Jesus out of their minds - but for the true Christians He can't be wiped away. He is taking these young people and is going to repopulate the earth after he sends a poison through the water systems of the world! Sounds weird, but most of the story is of the young Christians going through the steps of their training and figuring out what is going on and trying to find a way to stop it.