What are you reading



  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    BRENTWOOD’S WARD by Michelle Griep (historical) really enjoyed this one.
    THE INNKEEPER'S DAUGHTER by Michelle Griep (historical) this one bogged down to me. I'm not quite sure if or when I will continue the series. I'm not a fan of historical England on the whole, but do make exceptions when nothing else is available.
    HOME by Ginny L Yttrup (wms fict) Now this is my kind of book! Her books are always good and women's fiction is one of my favorite genres.
    DARK THREAT by Kimberly Rose Johnson (suspense) very good.
    DOGGED BY DEATH by Laura Scott (cozy) I was expecting Christian influence since her books are usually under the "Christian fiction" umbrella. It was clean and good, but not Christian.
    PRINCESS IN HIDING by Carol Monaco (royalty) typical for her. I always enjoy her books
    A WEDDING TO CELEBRATE by Evangeline Kelly (romance) another light easy romance.

    I also finished a few more Whispers In Wyoming books. Some of these are good and some are adequate. I'm finding that my favorites are by Lisa Prysock. It's funny that she is one of my favorites on social media, too.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,347 Member
    I have that book, Carole, but never read it! I really like both of those authors though.

    I finished my fantasy re-read, the first three books in the series which has two spin offs that contain the same characters and since I have those books too I will go on with those as well. I think the series is SEEKERS CALL. I also got book five in another series I have and started that after midnight, it's LOST by Anna Travis. This is about a group of teens who find themselves in another world after having what should have been a fatal car wreck. One of the teens is from this world and needs to save this world and as it turns out her friends are key to getting that done. I've re-read the first four books twice. It has a shallow but strong Christian theme.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I am reading #31 in the Whispers In Wyoming series. I had about 20 of them, and had read a few. I decided to just go ahead and try to finish off the series since what I didn't have were available on KU. So far there are 33 of them, so I'm getting close. They are all just light romance and each book is pretty much stand alone, but the different authors books are set in different places in Wyoming and have family/ranch ties in them. It would have probably been better to pick out and author and read all of their books, then another author, etc.

    I am listening to PERILOUS TREASURE by Dan Walsh (split time suspense). This is a long book, but really good. It is dealing with Nazi art, jewelry and gold from WW2 and a current day metal detector.

    Finished: had over-arching story of a "Second Chance Coin"
    Dickens Christmas: 3n1
    12 DAYS AT BLEAKLY MANOR by Michelle Griep
    A TALE OF TWO HEARTS by Michelle Griep
    THE OLD LACE SHOP by Michelle Griep
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    edited March 2022
    Whew - I finished PERILOUS TREASURE by Dan Walsh (split time suspense). The split time portion was early in the book just setting the scene for the rest of the book. It was so good. His books are always good, but it has been a long time since I read one of his suspense books. Now I need to start on his Joe Boyd series, I guess. I think I have some 9n my Kindle.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,347 Member
    Wow, I just went to Amazon to look for that book, Connie, and found I have the whole series on my Kindle - now to remember to go and look for it! Sometimes if I have part of a series I can download one of the books from KU and the whole series will show up at the top of my library list - but I have them all so I am going to have to do a search for them.

    Still working on LOST and enjoying it very much. The main character in the story, well, one of them, is 15 years old so sometimes her attitudes make me cringe, and there is a very mild romance story going on (of which she is oblivious) but then I remember she's 15 and it's way too early for her to be thinking about things like that! She seems less mature in this story than she was in the others.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Yes, Kim - that was the last of the series (I read the others several years ago). I had the first of the next series (Joe Boyd) and started it today. I checked the other two out on KU.

    IF THESE WALLS COULD TALK by Dan Walsh (susp) - This is a split time (going back to Civil Rights marches in the 1960s). Jack Turner (from the other series) finds pieces of wood in a house he just purchased that has a message engraved. I'm about half way through and it's very good, as well.
    THE AMISH BACHELOR’S BABY by Jo Ann Brown (LI) - This is the third book in the series I started earlier in the month. I'm not far into it.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,373 Member
    edited March 2022
    All the talk of the Dan Walsh Jack Turner series made me wonder if I had any of them on my Kindle - and I did! I think I downloaded books 1 and 3 when I renewed my KU subscription. I just downloaded 2 and 4 and I think I'll start in on When Night Comes - book 1 - while I finish up the laundry today. It had been so nice here lately, but it snowed last night and it looks like the next couple of days will be cold. A good time to stay inside with a book.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,347 Member
    I'm still working on LOST, about 3/4 of the way through and I'm reading BRANDON by Christy Barritt as well. I'm going to start on the Dan Walsh series when I finish with Brandon.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    COLD CASE TAKEDOWN by Jessica Patch (LI susp) KU
    IF THESE WALLS COULD TALK by Dan Walsh (Joe Boyd series #1)
    COWBOY COMING HOME by Jessie Gussman (romance) YouTube
    A SPOONFUL OF SPICE by Liwen Y Ho (romance) YouTube - very short
    CAITLYN'S CHRISTMAS by Laura Scott (suspense) Libby

    THE SWEETEST WORDS by Laura Ann (romance) KU
    Also still working on the Amish audiobook.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,347 Member
    Almost done with Brandon, probably tonight.

    I started ONCE A THIEF by Jan Thompson. It sounds like it is pretty much over but it's only at 67%, so we'll see.

    I'd started A PERILOUS PLAN by Melanie Dickerson a couple weeks ago, but then it got pushed back and I forgot about it, but found it last night and continued reading in that. Didn't get very far though, too tired.

    I had downloaded a fantasy suggested by a clean writer but I didn't get very far into it and it was just too worldly and suggestive, returned it!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,373 Member
    I'm still working on When Night Comes by Dan Walsh. It's not what I expected, but it's very good.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,373 Member
    I finished When Night Comes by Dan Walsh and started the next book, Remembering Dresden.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,347 Member
    I tried to remember the name of the author, Dan Walsh, last night to get the books I had by him in that series and forgot his name - sigh! Now that I know it I will look again! LOL!

    Re-reading a futuristic story, the NEXUS series. I continued reading A PERILOUS PLAN by Melanie Dickerson, which is pretty good, although I'm struggling to stay involved.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,373 Member
    Finished book 2, Remembering Dresden, by Dan Walsh. Just started Unintended Consequences (same author, book 3). Probably won't read much longer. It's getting late and my eyes are tired.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I am home!

    THE WHIRLWIND RESCUE by Ginny Sterling (romance/SAR) - Disaster City Search and Rescue series. I decided to work through this series by several different authors. They are shorter, novellas I guess. So far they have been pretty good and easy reads.
    SING A NEW SONG by Candee Fick (Wardrobe Dinner Theater #3) It is pretty good, just a light read. Hoopla had two of the series, and showed them out of order, so the next one I listen to will be book 2. That's okay, I'm sure they are stand-alone.

    Men of the Saddle
    THE MAVERICK by Lori Copeland (historical)
    THE PLAINSMAN by Lori Copeland (historical) - These have been pretty good. They are kind of westerns and we listened in the car on the trip, I don't think that Bill really listened, but at least I felt like it was something that he would enjoy and I didn't feel like I needed to use a headset These two were the last of the series.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,347 Member
    I started the first book in the Dan Walsh series, but it was a little scary so it will have to be one that I start with when I go to bed but read something lighter afterwards!

    I got an e-mail from Sarah Blackard and she gave a list of places that you can find clean reads. I subscribed to the 1531 and looked at the My Sweet Romance site which gives you a list of genres that you can choose from to look at then they will give you the clean books in that list. Click on the book and it takes you to Amazon.

    Swoony Awards lists on Goodreads: Since 2014, these ladies have been holding the Swoony Awards to celebrate "excellence in clean secular, wholesome romance." There are so many new authors to me, that I get excited every time I scroll through. (While you're scrolling, please go ahead and vote for Wild about Denali and A Rebel's Promise!) Once you've read through this year's list you can go back to the previous years. Between all the lists there are over 2,600 books!. 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021

    1531 Entertainment - I'm not sure how many of you know about this one, but this company is dedicated to gathering clean fiction. I get their emails of deals everyday.

    My Sweet Romance: This website breaks books into sub-genres for readers. All books here have to be clean to get added.

    I'm re-reading a series I've read two or three times already but really like. I've just needed something light and easy right now.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Currently I am trying to read through the Disaster City Search and Rescue series. I am on the 6th book, THE OIL TYCOON RESCUE by Ginny Sterling. There are 30 of these short books.

    I am listening to A HOUSE DIVIDED by Robert Whitlow (legal). It is a good legal based book - similar to John Grisham.

    I finished TOUGH AS STEELE by Susan Sleeman (susp). This is her newest. I got it through the library, but it is now on KU. It was very good.

    Has anyone seen the new kindle reading challenge? I don't see that they are rewarding people for finishing it this year. They were supposed to last year, but I didn't get my reward. I will work on it, but may not get 100%. We will see.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,373 Member
    Finished book 3, Unintended Consequences, in the Jack Turner Suspense series by Dan Walsh. I've started the last in the series, Perilous Treasure.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    One of the reading challenges on the Kindle challenge is a fantasy book, so I read THE MAGICIAN'S NEPHEW by CS Lewis (fantasy), but at this point it hasn't shown up as being accepted as fitting the challenge. If they don't accept it, I don't think I will participate in that challenge.

    I listened to FOCUS ON LOVE by Candee Fick (Wardrobe Dinner Theater #2). This is a pretty good series, but hoopla only had two of the audiobooks. I am not going to buy the others, so these two will suffice.

    I am still reading through the Disaster City series and will start HIDDEN DANGER by Jerusha Agen (suspense) this evening. I liked the first one in this series, so I expect it to be good.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,347 Member
    Bummer! CS Lewis should definitely be on that list! I haven't seen the challenge though - I haven't done well on past challenges so probably wouldn't do it anyway! LOL!

    I'm still working on the first book in the Dan Walsh series. I'm having trouble staying into it. While I'm reading I enjoy it, but when I see it to go back to I have to try and remember what it was about! LOL!

    Still working on my re-read, on the fourth book in this fantasy series.

    I really like Susan Sleeman, thanks for the head's up on TOUGH AS STEELE, just downloaded it through KU.