What are you reading



  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    REFUGE ON CRESCENT HILL by Melanie Dobson (mystery) - I am beginning to really enjoy her books. This was really good!
    WAYWARD HEARTS by Susan Anne Mason - This is book 2 in the series. I will get around to book 3 soon.

    EVERY STORM by Lori Wick - good. Kind of starts out heartbreaking!

    I don't have an audiobook going right now. I will probably start on Melanie Dobson's latest book, THE WINTER ROSE, sometime today. I believe that it is a duel timeline.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,353 Member
    I'm reading three or four things right now, not really getting into anything new. I tried reading THE THIEF OF BLACKFRIAR again, but it just didn't catch my interest. I'm re-reading some things, but again, nothing is really grabbing me. I still haven't found that story I was looking for - sigh. I hate it when I get something on my mind and then can't remember what it was. Tamara Leigh comes up whenever I look at that time period, and I have several of those stories, but none of them are the one I am looking for.

    Mom should be moving into long term care tomorrow. I sent a note to the memory care place and she responded with, hope it is for rehab! WHAT!!! She was one of the people who recommended the place she is going to as being the only place like that (skilled nursing care) she would send someone she cared about. Sigh! I gave this other place's name to the care coordinator at the hospital, but this other place is the one they were able to place her at. We were praying that wherever the Lord wanting her He would open that door, so we are trusting that this is the direction we should be going in. She may have liver cancer too so I don't think that she is going to be with us for much longer. We aren't even going to find out for sure, the diagnostic tests would probably be too much for her let along dealing with whatever may be happening in her liver. Mom didn't want any kind of heroics in keeping her alive. She's 82 and most days she isn't coherent enough to hold a conversation or respond to questions. Jesus knows when it's time for her to go home and we will make her as comfortable as possible until then. Thanks for your prayers.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,385 Member
    Still praying for both you and your mom.

    I finished Hide and Seek and just downloaded the next two in the Lantern Beach Guardians series by Christy Barritt: Shock and Awe and Safe and Sound. My KU subscription expired when I wasn't looking and I got billed $9.99 for this month. :| I have to cancel before Feb. 9th and decide whether or not I'm going to get another KU subscription.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I have Christy Barritt's newest Fog Lake book checked out, but haven't gotten to it yet.

    WINTER ROSE by Melanie Dobson (split-time) - WW2 France and Oregon. I'm not far into it, so I am not seeing how they will really fit together.
    FREED BY HIS LOVE by Juliette Duncan (Heroes of Eastbrooke suspense) - This is the 4th book in the series. They are pretty short, and fairly good. I used three of them on the reading challenge, so thought I had better get #4 finished.

    I could tell that we didn't do much except stay home during January. I read entirely too many books. I finished my 75 book challenge and read all 50 states (a bunch fit into both challenges).
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,353 Member
    I'm re-reading some fantasies, but having trouble getting into anything right now.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    WINTER ROSE by Melanie Dobson (split-time)
    COTTAGE AT THE BEACH by Lee Tobin McClain - This is a clean read, but I haven't had any issue of morals or language. I will probably finish the entire series.

    TRUTH IS A WHISPER by Mandi Blake (Wolf Creek Ranch #1) - I'm not too far into this one, but I am enjoying it. I have just listened to audiobooks instead of my ebook. I just finished my audiobook, so will work on it this evening.

    I don't know the exact book that I will listen to next, but probably the next Lee Tobin McClain one.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,353 Member
    Still looking for that Medieval story, but haven't found it yet!

    I was working on a re-read last night of a fantasy, but I don't remember which now. Sigh! I was trying to re-read some of the Tamara Leigh books I do have and ended up deleting one of them for a cuss word and stopped reading a couple of others because they started out rather "warm". Oh, I was actually reading an Amish suspense! LOL! One from LI Suspense that takes place around Christmas. A woman who is in the CIA but had been Amish in her youth, is running for her life and goes to her home community where some Amish men are willing to help her, and of course, she falls in love with one of them.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    SECRETS OF SHAME by Christy Barritt (Fog Lake/susp)
    HOME TO THE HARBOR by Lee Tobin McClain - oops, I think I got this one out of order. They are basically stand alone, but there are characters that appear in all of them.

    FIRST CHRISTMAS ON HUCKLEBERRY HILL by Jennifer Beckstrand (Amish) - This series always makes me laugh! This goes back and tells the story how the Grandma and Grandpa got together.
    REUNION AT THE SHORE by Lee Tobin McClain - This one has a bit more alcohol and a gay minor character, but nothing really offensive, just kind of real life. Again, this is not one of her Christian fiction series.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,385 Member
    I finished the last two books in the Lantern Beach Guardians series by Christy Barritt: Shock and Awe and Safe and Sound.

    Not sure what I'll read next... I need to look through my Kindle and see if I downloaded any KU books and read those before my current month expires and I cancel.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,353 Member
    I finished the Amish read COVERT AMISH CHRISTMAS, by Mary Alford, LI Suspense, very good.

    I just got a new one by Melanie Cellier that is the second book in a series, VINES OF PROMISE AND DECEIT, can't wait to start it.

    I downloaded a couple of books through Hoopla and will start those soon, one of them is NEVER LEAVE ME by Jody Hedlund, a time travel story, second in the series. I also downloaded MORTAL SIGHT by Sandra Rhoads.

    Oh, I also started, again, THE GOLD IN THESE HILLS by Joanne Bishof. So far it is okay.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Kim - I am wanting to read that Jody Hedlund book! I have it on hold through libby in audio format and am hoping to get it before long.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,353 Member
    I really liked the first one, this one is about her sister and the guy in the wheelchair! I'm going to start that one this evening.

    I finished VINES OF PROMISE AND DECEIT, very good, can't wait for the third book to come out.

    Feeling bad today, hoping it's just an off day, but a mild sore throat, coughing and very tired. I felt warm to the touch, but my temp was actually lower than normal - strange. Normal for me is 97.5, with the forehead thermometer it was 97.7, but with the mouth thermometer it was below normal. Odd! I actually have felt warm on the outside and cold on the inside today - hmmm??? Driving to see Mom has taken a toll on my knees, back and my thigh muscles, all very sore and it's difficult to walk. We didn't go to see Mom today and it will depend on how I feel as to whether I can go tomorrow. She kept telling us to take her home with us when we were there last time - we don't want to do that to her! She just doesn't understand that she can't come home anymore, we just can't take care of her. Just so hard seeing this vital independent woman like this.

    Hope y'all are having a good weekend, have a blessed day tomorrow as you go to your worship services.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,385 Member
    edited February 2022
    I watched my 5 month old grandson last night and started The Face of the Earth by Deborah Raney while he was napping.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Of course, everyone knows that I am a huge Deborah Raney fan. There are two of her books that I haven't read and I refuse to pay the price for them. She has taken her back-list books, and her self published books to KU, but these two aren't part of that. They are available ebook from Hoopla, but I really don't like reading ebooks from them. I love their audiobooks, though. She will be publishing a new one this spring (part of Camfield Legacy series).

    Currently I am reading FINDING A MEMORY by Chautona Havig (Independence Islands #19). It is pretty good. A lady ran across a diary when going through a box of donated books, and is caught up in its story.

    I am listening to MRS WITHERSPOON GOES TO WAR by Mary Davis (WW2) and it is soooo good that I didn't want to turn it off to sleep. I think I re-set the sleep timer three times and wanted to just keep listening, but I was smart enough to not touch it again, or I probably would not have slept. It is definitely one of those books that the cover doesn't do justice. I probably wouldn't have checked it out if I hadn't heard good things about it.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,353 Member
    Connie, I have 11 Deborah Raney books and it looks like they are loanable. Which ones do you need?

    I am re-reading a book called BEAST by Chawnda Shroeder (or something like that). It's really good, kind of an allegory. A young girl has a defect and is treated like one of her master's dogs. The only name she has ever known is Beast. Slavers attack her masters home and she is taken and brought to a city where she is to be sold. Another young girl was also taken and she reassures Beast that her father will buy her out of her slavery as well - but that doesn't happen. The man who buys her uses her as prey on a hunt and she does what no other has done, with the help of one of the men who helped capture her (a good man sent to help the other little girl and protect her) she is able to escape. The girl and her father find her, and he is known as Majesty, and he wants to make her his daughter. They try to get her to understand that she is worthy and she isn't a beast but a little girl, but she's been abused all her life and just doesn't feel that she is worth anything, and especially not being Majesty's daughter. As the story goes on she finds she is stronger and more able than she realized. It's just a very interesting story.

    I did start the Jody Hedlund time travel story, and so far so good.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Oh - I never thought about the possibility of a loan. I keep an eye on her books, but have never seen a good price on these two. If all else fails, I will probably check them out of hoopla ebook...I just don't like using the application for ebooks and save my borrows for audio. Of course, I can always use Bill's hoopla account or one of the other libraries if I run out of borrows.
    The two I don't have are part of the Chicory Inn series
    4. Close to Home (2016) by Deborah Raney
    5. Home At Last (2017) be Deborah Raney
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,353 Member
    I have Finally Home, but neither of the two you mentioned. Bummer!

    I've been able to use Hoopla, but my other library sites won't work until I get a PIN for my library card. I was using it earlier in the year, but for some reason they suddenly want a pin, and I don't have one! I need to call the library and find out how to get one, but I haven't wanted a book bad enough to go to that trouble. They don't have much of what I want to read anyway! Hoopla has more than my library has.

    I finished BEAST and am reading another by her, but the title escapes me.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Thanks for checking, Kim. It was a good idea. I will get them someday, someway. I just double checked Libby and they have the first three in the series, but not those last two. I have enough stuff right now to last me for a few days (or years), so nothing I am anxious about.

    UNTIL LEAVES FALL IN PARIS by Sarah Sundin (WW2) - Just a few minutes into it, but will be good.
    An Idaho Christmas: Past and Present -KU
    A CHRISTMAS ANGEL by Robin Lee Hatcher (historical) - I finished this one quickly - very short
    A CLOUD MOUNTAIN CHRISTMAS by Robin Lee Hatcher (contemporary) - Just getting started on this one, but it seems like it will be good.

    MRS WITHERSPOON GOES TO WAR by Mary Davis (WW2) Best book of the year, so far. I was surprised.
    FINDER OF FORGOTTEN THINGS by Sarah Loudin Thomas (historical) - Very good, very different. It was about a water diviner that was a bit of a confidence man.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    There are so many authors offering free audiobooks on YouTube, now. Evidently there is money to be had, especially if they get at least 1000 subscribers. I don't understand it, but I have enjoyed a few. Yesterday I listened to a couple of short ones by Lindzee Armstrong. They were ones that she had taken out of circulation and decided to add. Evidently she has re-written, lengthened and re-named them, but I enjoyed. They both had one light slang word that I noticed.
    TWISTERS AND TEXTBOOKS by Lindzee Armstrong (romance) YouTube
    FIRST LOVE SECOND CHOICE by Lindzee Armstrong (romance) YouTube
    TOGETHER FOR GOOD by Melanie Dobson (family drama) - This one wasn't YouTube, but hoopla. I have really become a fan of her books. This one was very good.

    IN SEARCH OF A PRINCE by Toni Shiloh (royalty) - A bit of a different twist on a royalty book. So far, very good. I always enjoy her books.
    DEADLY RIVER PURSUIT by Heather Woodhaven (LI susp) - I haven't read in it for a while. Yesterday, I just did the audiobooks. I will get to it later.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,353 Member
    Connie, are those books you borrow, or get to put on your device for free? How do we find it?

    Fell asleep early last night so didn't get a whole lot of reading done. I finished THE VAULT BETWEEN SPACES by Chawna Schroeder which is a spiritual battle type story. I didn't like that some of her "angels" exhibited not so nice human emotions or attitudes and that God wasn't viewed as Sovereign in parts of the story. Overall I enjoyed the book, it was just near the end when these other "angels" came into play that it fell off for me.

    I re-started one that I had barely begun earlier and didn't get very far before I fell asleep, I couldn't even tell you what happened in it, but it's an LI suspense with a baby and Christmas.