What are you reading



  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Here is the challenge. It was made to be 12, 25, 50 or 75.

    2022 Reading Challenge
    Read a book...
    1. With a verb in the title
    2. With an infant or child on the cover
    3. With a tree on the cover
    4. With a pink cover
    5. Set in the mountains
    6. Set during your favorite season
    7. That includes your favorite holiday
    8. With a building on the cover
    9. Published the month you were born
    10. That has a dual timeline
    11. Recommended by an author you enjoy
    12. With little to no romance
    13. Published in 2022
    14. That is a debut novel
    15. Written in first person POV
    16. By a male author
    17. Written by multiple authors
    18. By an author who writes with a pen name
    19. By an author who has multiple award winning books
    20. That is also a movie or tv series
    21. That you choose because of the cover
    22. Reread a favorite
    23. That makes you laugh
    24. A genre outside your comfort zone
    25. That has been on your tbr list for a long time
    26. A book with multiple POV
    27. Less than 250 pages long
    28. Written before the year 2000.
    29. That has a number in the title
    30. Set in Asia or Africa
    31. Based on a true story or event
    32. That is part of a series
    33. With a title that doesn't include the word "the"
    34. Set during WWII
    35. That is considered fantasy
    36. A novella of a series you enjoyed
    37. With a main character that is a POC
    38. Set somewhere you've been
    39. Over 400 pages long
    40. Featuring a teacher or principle
    41. With a main character over the age of 50
    42. A book that could be considered scary or intimidating
    43. That features a game (chess, tag, board game, etc) or sport
    44. By an indie author
    45. With a title or story element that relates to the ocean
    46. Featuring a coffee shop or cafe
    47. With a musician, singer, or songwriter
    48. With a dystopian or utopian theme or element
    49. That is historical fiction
    50. With a main character that has red hair
    51. With a character that has a mental or physical disability
    52. A feel good book
    53. A beach read
    54. By an author who shares your last initial
    55. Featuring an artist, writer, or photographer
    56. That includes dance
    57. That has your favorite color on the cover
    58. With a rainbow or multicolored cover
    59. Set at a tavern, inn, or hotel
    60. By an author you’ve never read before
    61.That is a graphic novel or has illustrations
    62. A book that involves a fortune or treasure
    63. With a fruit or vegetable on the cover
    64. That involves a family feud
    65. With the enemies to lovers trope
    66. A book that is a best seller
    67. With royal or noble characters
    68. By an author who is no longer writing
    69. That is considered women’s fiction
    70. That is a tearjerker
    71. Featuring a character that is in politics
    72. With a women in a STEM career field
    73. With a sun or moon on the cover
    74. A book with a one word title
    75. Written by a European author
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 265 Member
    I love it, Connie! You're going for all 75, aren't you? Sometimes a challenge can lead me to a gem - a book or an author I wouldn't have normally tried. If I followed that list, I would have to shorten it to around 25. You should post your books when you finish.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Oh dear, right now I am happy to finish one book a week!

    I finished SEEDS OF GLORY AND RUIN by Melanie Cellier. I've started a few others just trying to find something to get into, one of them is a western by Jody Hedlund, A COWBOY FOR KEEPS which is an MOB story.

    I'm also reading a fantasy, well, continuing to read THE MASKED FAE by Shari Tapscott which is quite good.

    I've started and stopped a couple of others, juvenile writing, too worldly, etc...
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    edited January 2022
    Yes - I am doing all 75 and my goal is trying to complete by the end of February (I did last year's by then). Right now, I am on track to possibly do sooner. I have completed 41 at this point.

    CHRISTMAS PROTECTION DETAIL by Terri Reed (LI susp) KU- last initial #54
    WYOMING MOUNTAIN ESCAPE by Laura Scott (LI Susp) KU - Mountain #5 - Wyoming
    WHEN IT STORMS by Lisa Prysock (Billionaires & Debutantes #10) KU royalty #67 - I really enjoying this one. It was a bit of a change from all of the LI Suspense that I have been reading.
    ENDURING LOVE by Toni Shiloh (romance) POC #37 / Virginia - This has been in my kindle for a long time and I finally got to it (thanks to the book challenge) very good
    HIGHWIRE HEARTBREAK by Anna Schmidt (time slip) #10 / Florida - Okay, I hated the scribd ebook formatting since it wasn't easy to use text-to-voice (had to manually change pages), but could listen while I was doing some things. I LOVED the book, though. And, wouldn't you know it, within the hour after I finished it, I got a notification that Libby/overdrive had purchased it for me and was available in kindle format.

    WORDS by Ginny L. Yttrup - women’s fiction #69 - I have this pulled up on my kindle, but haven't actually started it. It could be changed, but I doubt it.
    SUNRISE by Susan May Warren - 2022 release #13- It is getting better. I am hoping to get through it soon, since I have others lined up.

    AARG!!!! I finished SUNRISE and it didn't have an ending. Yes, the main plot ended, but there is another plot that it left in mid-scream! Well, I know she will get the next one out someday.....
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited January 2022
    I have been in a reading slump for months. 😕 If I have spare time lately, I've been cleaning out drawers and closets or joining my husband to watch TV. I'm not sure why I just don't feel like reading. I'm supposed to travel quite a bit in February; maybe I'll pick it back up then.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    I haven't had a "slump", but have gotten where I am needing to change up my genres more often. It had gotten to where romantic suspense was not holding my interest like it usually does.

    WORDS by Ginny L. Yttrup - women’s fiction #69 - REALLY good, but sad. It deals with a young girl and both sexual and physical abuse. I will probably finish today. I am listing it under women's fiction, but could also be under the "tearjerker" category. We will see where it winds up.
    HER DARLING MR. DAY by Grace Hitchcock (#2 in series) - This is good, too. The only negative about this series is seems they are a bit long...like they are stretched out just to make them longer.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    THE LINES BETWEEN US by Amy Lynn Green (WW2) - This is very good, about a WAC and conscientious objectors during the war. I am using Scribd for this one. They do have a lot of audiobooks that I haven't found anywhere else. I will use while I can for free, but won't pay for the service.
    THE GIRL WHO COULD SEE by Kara Swanson (dystopian) - This is for the reading challenge. I had enjoyed her Neverland books (Dust and Shadow), so when I saw this, I thought I would try it. It is weird, but pretty good. I am a little over half way through it.

    WORDS by Ginny L. Yttrup (women’s fiction) - by far the best book I have read this year. I have another one ready to read, but I am trying to get some lighter material in first. I will decided on where they fit on the reading challenge after I finish the next one.
    REDEEMING GRACE by Emma Miller (Amish) - This was pretty good. I have read a few of her books and knew that it would fit into the Delaware slot on my reading through the states.
    HER DARLING MR. DAY by Grace Hitchcock - Good. It held my interest through the story, but again I felt like it was stretched out to be longer than necessary. It did have a surprise ending that I didn't see coming at all!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    I'm jumping around between the MOB by Jody Hudlund and a fantasy, well a couple of fantasies. I got the new book, book three, in a series I have really liked by C Laureano (I can't remember her first name). It's been a little difficult getting back into the story but so far most of the characters seem familiar. Between interruption from Mom and my tiredness, getting a book read is taking much longer than it used to.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    The series is probably by Carla Laureano. I saw that she had a new one that came out. I love her contemporary fiction, but you know me and fantasies.

    I haven't picked up THE GIRL WHO COULD SEE today. I will probably read on it after I get off the computer. I hope to finish it tonight or tomorrow.

    I finished MUCH ADO ABOUT A LATTE by Kathleen Fuller (romance). It was pretty good.

    I don't know what audiobook I will start. I have a few saved on Scribd and 3 checked out on hoopla, so I have a variety. I also have gotten 3 emails from authors that are starting to put their audiobooks on YouTube to listen free. I may even try that.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    You are correct, it is Carla! I kept thinking Carol and knew that wasn't right!

    Still working on the MOB and the fantasies I mentioned.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Wow, it has been a few days since I listed my books.

    THE GIRL WHO COULD SEE by Kara Swanson (dystopian) KU- This really was pretty good. I knew that I liked her writing, so I took a chance on it.
    HEART'S DELIGHT Potter's House #3/16) by Dora Hiers KU - This was pretty good. She isn't my favorite author, but I needed an over 50 main character and I saw this one come out.
    I LOVE ROCK AND ROLL by Tamie Dearen (rom com) KU - Okay. It was a long book for a romcom, but pretty good. I was going to use it for "humor", but needed one that had a verb in the title and decided to use for that, instead.
    THE SILVER SHADOW by Liz Tolsma (True Colors Crime) - This was very good, and intense. All of these books are based on actual crimes. I needed a book based on a true event and thought one of this series would be a good choice. I will probably pick another one up for a book that is " scary or intimidating".
    ONE PERFECT DAY by Jennifer Youngblood (romance) YouTube (slang) with number in title & Utah
    LIZZY & JANE by Katherine Reay (Wms fic) hoopla - favorite colors on cover. Really good!
    A TEXAS SKY by Lori Wick (historical) Her books are always good. I put this book as chosen for the cover, since its cover was different....I never did really figure it out.
    THE TWELVE HOLIDATES by Emma St. Clair - I had this on bookbub audio and it was a romcom, so I decided it could be my "humor".

    SMALL TOWN GIRL by Ann Gabhart (historical) Scribd - For over 400 pages. This will take a while to get through, but I have enjoyed her other books.
    WITHIN HIS SIGHT by Juliette Duncan (suspense) - by an indie author. This is part of a series and I have enjoyed the other two in it. I have this one and one more. Originally they were not on KU, but she did finally put them there. I think that she is really trying to get away from Amazon as much as possible and direct her customers through her website. I am sure that she makes a lot more when done that way.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    I'm reading a Karen Whitemeyer book, book one in the Hangar's Horsemen series. So far so good.

    I'm trying finish some that I started and then didn't get back to: STEALTH INSURGENCE by Vikki Kestell, this is the fifth book in the series, not as good as the first four, although it does have more of a Christian slant, but I don't agree with all of the theology presented. There was one part though I thought rather good. Zander, one of the main characters, is leading a young adult group in a Bible Study and a black girl is going on and on about equality and reparations, etc... A Chinese girl chimes in with her story of persecution and things her family personally went through as Christians in China - she asked the black girl if she was going to pay her reparations for what she went through. Yeah, it didn't happen in America, but no one in that room was responsible for what happened to either girl. I thought it was a good point.
    I'm also continuing another fantasy, but the title escapes me. I'm more than 80% through with it.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Ohhh - I always get a kick out of Karen Witemeyer. The next Hanger's Horseman book comes out in July and I am looking forward to it.

    NETWORK OF DECEIT by Tom Threadgill. This is really good.
    BETRAYED HEARTS by Susan Anne Mason (Rainbow Falls) - this is my first by her and it's pretty good.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    SHACKLES by Dianne J. Wilson - I was going to use this for the reading challenge for book set in Africa. The books that I have read by her have been humorous, but this one is more suspense and the shackles of sin. It is good, but I had a book to read that was "scary or intimidating" and this fits. I will read another Africa book...I know a few authors to choose from.

    I don't have an audiobook going right now, but I will find one before bedtime. There are several that I can choose from...on hoopla or Scribd.

    I am 100% sure that I won't keep the Scribd subscription, but if anyone else wants a free 60 days, I can send the link again. I will get another 30 days, but that isn't a big deal. It just doesn't work well on my phone. It does work better on the kindle fire, but keeps kicking itself off on my phone and it drives me nuts. You can read the ebooks through their application, but text-to-voice doesn't work well on it. They have a large assortment of Christian fiction, but I have heard that they do cut you off for a matter of days if you read too many in a genre.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    I don't really read enough to get that offer. I barely use my allotment of KU each month!

    We had a nurse stop by from one of the places we are looking at and she is going to recommend that they make a place for her even though she doesn't need as much nursing care, she does have situations where she will need a nurse to help her. Right now mom isn't carrying her weight. We stand her up from her bed or chair and she isn't helping at all. Wade has to get her up because I or our friend can't lift her weight. Her appetite is also disappearing, which I know isn't a good sign. Please pray for her though, she may have a UTI and that may be what is hurting her mentally as well. Believe it or not, a UTI can exacerbate dementia!

    I am working on three books, the LI Suspense THE BABY'S DEFENDER or something like that. It's very good. I'm also continuing to read the nano stealth book five, not as good as the others, and I started re-reading one that I ran across looking for another book - RED ROPE OF FATE by KM Shea.

    I have been trying to think of the title of this book: The story takes place right after the Norman's take over England. A knight is given a holding and told he must marry the daughter of the man killed in the battle and his men are to marry any woman without a husband. In the background there is a rebel group of Saxon's trying to take back their land and this knight isn't sure that the woman he married isn't involved. There is a similar story in Tamara Leigh's series, but it's not the one I'm trying to find. Any ideas? I put it out there on the Goodreads Christian Fiction Devourers What is the Name of that Book and got one response with a list of non-Christian medieval reads.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Kim - I'm sure that I don't know about a story in England during that time frame. Just not something that I read.

    Well, I will finish my 75 book challenge this evening. WHEW! That is a lot of books in a month, especially considering that some of the books/audiobooks weren't part of the challenge.

    Currently I am reading the last book in my challenge (beach read) SMILE FOR ME by Jan Thompson. I will definitely get it finished tonight, and go ahead through more of this series of vacation reads.

    I don't have an audiobook started right now. I have 3 that I am trying to decide between.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    TRUSTING THE COWBOY by Carolyn Aarsen (LI) - Montana
    A HEART ADRIFT by Laura Frantz (historical)

    TO TREASURE AN HEIRESS by Roseanna M White (historical) - Her new release - not my favorite by her, but still good.
    SEARCH AND DEFEND by Heather Woodhaven (LI susp) - pretty good. It was a rare LI audiobook through hoopla.
    CHASING AMANDA by Robin Patchen - Rhode Island. This was actually a prequel to a series I had already read. It would have been better if read first, but pretty good. It didn't have a great ending because it goes into the series.
    TIDES OF HOPE by Irene Hannon (romance) Libby -Massachusetts

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    I finished a book the other day that needs to be mentioned.
    LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART (The Cooper Family Book 1) by Anne Perreault

    I started reading her books when she wrote a series set in Yellowstone Park. It was good, and I have read several others. I picked this one because it was set in Connecticut for my read through the states. This book really resounded with me. I don't know that it is something that Kim would enjoy, but I just thought I would throw it out there. It is about hidden abuse in a prominent Christian family, horses, and of course a love story. Not a short book (over 400 pgs) and not an easy read, but AJ learns the way to peace.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Oh, wow. We really have been neglecting this thread.

    GOING UP SOUTH by Janet Ferguson - Pretty good book, #2 in the series. "Mississippi"
    FOLLOWING THE TRAIL by Lynette Eason (LI Susp) - Will actually be starting this evening before bed.

    TO DISGUISE THE TRUTH by Jen Turano (historical) Her books always make me smile! Her newest.
    LIFE FLIGHT by Lynette Eason (suspense) So good! This is her newest release, also.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited January 2022
    I started Hide and Seek (Lantern Beach Guardian Books 1) by Christy Barritt last night.