What are you reading



  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    ROYALLY (RE)ARRANGED by Emma St. Clair (rom com) KU - clean, not Christian. A little slang, but pretty good.
    THE TOAD PRINCE by Lacy Williams (Cowboy royalty) short, but kind of cute. I accidently got two royalty books at the same time, not thinking about what I was doing.

    SHOW ME A REUNION by Alexa Verde (Cowboy Crossings)

    I have a few audiobooks checked out, so I will start on one this evening.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    Well, I haven't finished wither of the books I listed the other day. PRETENSE came and I've just been working on it. It's the fifth book in a Tara Grayce fantasy series about three different groups of people (creatures) finding a way to make peace (elves, humans, and trolls). These trolls are green, but they aren't ugly.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    BLOOD FROM A STONE by David James Warren (Susan May Warren, James Rubart, & David Warren) -time travel - WHEW - this series is something else. Every time he goes back, he makes one thing right, but everything else falls apart. I think there is just one more in the series. I'm glad because I want to find out what happens in the end.
    THE BEASTLY PRINCESS by Lacy Williams (Cowboy royalty) - This series is cute, but very short books. I hate to use my hoopla credits for books this short. I may check the rest of them out on KU instead of hoopla audio.
    THE LOST PRINCESS by Lacy Williams (Cowboy royalty)

    FATAL IDENTITY by Jodie Bailey (LI Susp) KU - I have all of my KU credits full again. There are so many Love Inspired on KU right now. I think I have 10-15 more on my wish list.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    Wow, they don't often put the LI on sale or on KU, I'll have to check that out. I'm not reading as much right now with taking care of Mom, but I try to get a bit in each night. I'm almost done with PRETENSE and will go back to the others probably tonight or tomorrow.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    It looks like there are 73 Love Inspired Suspense books on KU. I didn't see any of the regular LI books this time. Here is the link
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    edited December 2021
    I finally finished PRETENSE and started back on FIRE AND ASH (another fantasy). I'm going to go to the link as soon as I am done here! Thanks, Connie.

    Wow, I want to read them all!!! LOL! I downloaded the Christy Barritt one. I have books one and two in that series but haven't read them yet and the way they are setting things up now, getting book three will bring the other two books to the top of my list too! I really like that. I downloaded a baby protection one too by Terry Reed. I have about five or six KU's already downloaded and want to get through those too - sigh - I have less time for reading right now as well, so we'll see what we can get done.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    UNDER SURVEILLANCE by Jodie Bailey (LI Susp) KU - I'm about half way through. Good.
    THE BLACK CLOISTER by Melanie Dobson (mystery) - Kind of different for one of her books, but good. A girl looking for information about her real mother in Germany.

    HUNTED FOR CHRISTMAS by Jill Elizabeth Nelson (LI Susp) KU
    DIVINE REGRETS by Hope Callaghan (cozy) KU
    PIECES OF FOREVER by Valerie Bodden (River Falls #1) KU
    PICTURE PERFECT MURDER by Rachel Dylan (suspense)
    JUNE by Lori Copeland (historical) - This one was definitely a re-read, but I enjoyed it the second time.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    Re-read some in a fantasy series I'd read before. I started a few things but couldn't get into them. I was exhausted but had too much on my mind to fall asleep so I wanted something I didn't have to do a lot of thinking to get through!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    edited December 2021
    Today was the funeral for Bill's ex-wife. Like I have said, she was a very nice lady that raised 2 wonderful ladies. They had been divorced for many years before Bill and I met and she had been re-married for a long time. Anyway, it was rather grueling. It was very nice and it was good to see some of the family, but Bill's memory is getting so bad, and sometimes his filter isn't fully (silently or softly) engaged. I caught him just in time a couple of times... Whew, nothing went wrong.

    Since I am on the book thread, I guess I should put my current reads.

    ROMANCED BY THE HERO by Liwen Y Ho (Heroes of Freedom Ridge) KU - needed light and fun. I read several from this series last year and they came out with new ones this year.
    THE BLACK CLOISTER by Melanie Dobson (mystery) - I didn't get any further into this one. I should when I go to bed tonight. Last night I was almost done with me ebook and just finished it.

    FUGITIVE CHASE by Jenna Night (Rock Solid Bounty Hunters #1 LIS) KU
    CHRISTMAS WITNESS PURSUIT by Lisa Harris (LI susp) - KU
    CHRISTMAS HOMECOMING SECRETS by Lynette Eason (LI susp) - KU

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    Boy, I know what you mean about filters. Praise the Lord Mom hasn't become belligerent or doesn't say bad words as many with dementia do. You definitely have to watch what you say around them though, because they can repeat what you say without a thought as to its appropriateness in that situation (not bad stuff, just private stuff). LOL! I hope that your stepdaughters find comfort and peace at this time.

    Still working on the HIDDEN MAGE series by Melanie Cellier. I'm too tired at night to try something I haven't read before.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Jingle Bell Cowgirl is also free! There we just a couple that I didn't have. Thanks!

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Bill was saying how much weight the girls have gained - and I barely got him "turned off" in time! Actually his youngest has probably lost a little, and the oldest hasn't gained anything of significance since her son was born 24 years ago. She is a lot heavier than before though (like between a size 2 and a 16). WHEW! That could have really caused hard feelings. And he kept saying how bad that his ex looked, and I showed him recent pictures and he said, "Well, that is how she looked - but she looked bad."
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    PROPOSING MISCHIEF by Regina Jennings (historical) - I totally LOVED this book. It was funny, had mystery, was set in a familiar area to me (Joplin, MO), and I needed something light - except I also needed sleep and got very little!
    THE BLACK CLOISTER by Melanie Dobson (mystery) - Good. Very different and somewhat sad, involving cult activity.
    Heroes of Freedom Ridge series
    PERSUADED BY THE HERO by Elle E Kay (Romance #11) KU
    ROMANCED BY THE HERO by Liwen Y Ho (romance #12) KU - I have two more of these checked out and will get to them soon -
    An Amish Quilting Bee - Libby
    - PATCHWORK PROMISES by Amy Clipston
    - A COMMON THREAD by Kathleen Fuller
    - STITCHED TOGETHER by Shelley Shepard

    GUARDED BY THE HERO by Mandi Blake (Heroes of Freedom Ridge #7)

    I don't have an audiobook started yet. I have several checked out, but I just can't make up my mind. I will worry about that later today.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    I am still just working on my re-read but I have downloaded several I do want to read. I downloaded a series that I've been wanting for awhile, a Christmas present from my friends!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    HOPE by Lori Copeland (historical) - pretty good, but not as good as some of the others
    GLORY by Lori Copeland (historical) - definitely have read this one, but was good again. I think this was the last one of the series that I read, but I'm not sure since it was read before I started tracking.

    BELIEVING THE HERO by Tara Grace Ericson (Heroes of Freedom Ridge #9) KU

    I don't know if I am going to do another in Lori Copeland's series next or if I will do another book that I have checked out on audio. When I decide to start one, I will make a decision.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    I think that I read that series by Lori Copeland several years ago!

    I am still working on my HIDDEN MAGE series re-read. I'm on book three now. I keep trying to go to something else, but nothing is holding my attention.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    Not getting a lot of reading done lately, although I have progressed to book four in the HIDDEN MAGE series. She has a new series coming out on the 30th, can't wait for that.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I listened to some audiobooks while I should have been sleeping, and while I was driving. I did a couple Debbie Macomber books and enjoyed them (except one had some language). Right now I am reading a book from another old Lori Copeland series. Will get the titles going later. Right now, rest sounds wonderful.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    I have just a couple of pages left in the re-read I am doing then I will go on to the ones I started but haven't finished.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I went ahead and started my new month early. I was so excited to get started on a 75 book challenge, that I just started a few days early.

    Although counting toward January
    A DANCE IN DONEGAL by Jennifer Diebel (historical) - this is supposed to be for a challenge on a book with dance. So far, I am over half way through it and no dance. Since I am not being graded on this challenge, I'm not too worried, at least "dance" is in the title. 1920's Ireland.
    DYING FOR LOVE by Cara Putman (Hidden Justice series) - This is for "a novella that is part of a series you enjoyed:" It worked out great because I had just gotten this for free and had read the rest of the books in the series.

    BODYGUARD FOR CHRISTMAS Carol J. Post (LI susp) Child on cover challenge
    CRIME STRIKES A CHORD by Christy Barritt (susp) - musician challenge
    THE CHRISTMAS BASKET by Debbie Macomber (romance) - I loved the book, but had a tad of language.
    IF YOU LOVE ME by Ciara Knight (romance) - listed as CF, but I would call it clean. I liked it, but little to no Christian influence. Book with a feud challenge.
    THE PEACEMAKER by Lori Copeland (historical) - I had this on my "want" list for hoopla audio for a long time and had just not started on the series. It was good and I will do more in the series after I can check out more. Book I have wanted to read for a long time challenge (and Missouri)
    FINDING LOVE IN TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA by Miralee Farrell (historical) - for Arizona
    LOVE LETTERS by Debbie Macomber (romance) -Set in an inn challenge
    THE FIRST CHRISTMAS by Stephen Mitchell (Christmas story) - I wasn't crazy about this one. It had multiple POVs for challenge (including the donkey's and the ox's). It also had the wise men coming to the stable. If it hadn't been fairly short, I may not have finished.
    LIGHTS OUT by Natalie Walters (suspense) - very good. Building on Cover challenge