What are you reading



  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    TERROR IN THE SKIES by Alana Terry (suspense) book 1 in Turbulent Skies series.
    THE BEST OF ME by Nicholas Sparks (secular) It seems to be getting more "secular" as it goes. It probably will be my last of his for a while.

    THE CHRISTMAS HOUSE by Elizabeth Bromke (Christmas) - I have enjoyed some of her books, but this wasn't my favorite. It was okay, but not anything special. It would have probably been better if it had been a little longer and better developed.
    WAY DOWN UPON SUWANEE MURDER by Ane Mulligan (short) - I was expecting more. Basically it was more of a short story.
    A CROSS-COUNTRY CHRISTMAS by Courtney Walsh (Christmas) - pretty good.

    Boy, nothing is great to me right now. I need something great! I have so many books checked out, I need to get to something that really "wows" me.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    THE BEST OF ME by Nicholas Sparks (secular) - There was a little language toward the end of the book. As always with his books, they don't end exactly like you think they will, but it was a very good book.
    Turbulent Skies series:
    ERROR IN THE SKIES by Alana Terry (suspense)
    REFINED BY FIRE by Alana Terry (suspense)
    UNRELIABLE WITNESS by Alana Terry (suspense) I have the rest of the series lined up. These are very short and quick reads and absolutely nothing like I thought they would be. They all take place on an airplane taken over by a hi-jacker. The novellas go back a forth from their past past life to what is happening. I will finish the series, but I am hoping for more outcome in the individuals. There just wasn't "enough".

    DRIFTWOOD DANGER by Christy Barritt (susp) - I guess I missed this one, but it feels a bit familiar. I don't have it listed anywhere as read, though. I found this one on audio through hoopla, but have the next one checked out on KU.
    HER NEW STORYLINE by Laura Bradford (Amish) - This is about a big-time reporter that winds up in Amish country trying to come up with a story. She got in trouble from her employers and this is a type of punishment, and knows that her job in on the line. She is living with a local family in their Daadi Haus.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,347 Member
    I'm like that too, Connie. I haven't found a book in awhile where I get so into it I don't realize the time, look at the clock and it's two or three in the morning!

    Still working on the same stuff.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    ALL THAT SHE SAW by Alana Terry (Book 4 in Turbulent Skies)

    HER NEW STORYLINE by Laura Bradford (Amish) - I really liked this one.
    FAKE ENGAGEMENT MISTAKE by Lisa Renee (romance) Short
    FALSE IDENTITY AT STAKE by Lisa Renee (romcom) Pretty good. Supposed to be romcom, but didn't really see much comedy in it, except she had kind of a funny dog,,,,could have been built on for more fun.

    I haven't started on another audiobook, but I have lots of them checked out, so I will soon.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I wanted to find the actual quote from this book to put in the quotes section, but I couldn't find it. That's what happens when you listen to audiobooks.
    From: FORGIVING PARIS by Karen Kingsbury
    Landon is reminding Ashley of when Jesus was sleeping in the boat and the storm is about to overtake them. They wake Jesus frantically and he calms the storm. The quote speaks of all of the other "little boats" that were affected by the storm, and how Jesus calmed their storm as well. This theme of the other "little boats" is evidently a prominent theme in the book, but the way this was presented was amazing.

    I have read so many of her books, and am not anxious to read her new ones when they are published, but the library always has them, so I always wind up reading them. This one has a lot of good reviews and a lot of bad reviews. We will see how I feel about the book, but so far, the "little boats" is the only thing that strikes me.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,347 Member
    I never thought about that before, there were probably quite a few boats out on that day! Wonder what those sailors thought of the storm suddenly calming.

    I'm the same with quotes, something strikes me but I'm not in a position to write it down then and then I lose it when I remember I had something that really spoke to me!

    I'm working on:
    re-reading LAYNIE PORTLAND, RETIRED SPY. There are two says a spy retires - one, they quit, and two the company they work for tries to kill them. She's experiencing both in this story.
    UNCHARTED DESTINY by Keely Booke Keith. I'd read the first six books in the series then saw the next three the other day so decided to keep going with the series. Bits and pieces of the other books come to mind as I read, but it's hard to get invested in the characters after such a long time span between.
    I finished MIRRORS OF ICE by Celeste Baxendell, a re-tell of Snow White. It was good.
    Still working on LADY'S RANSOM but almost through. This is probably the first Jeff Wheeler book I've struggled to get through. I just think the "religious" aspect of the story bothers me (which is actually in most of his other books) now so I just stumble when I run across those parts.
    I started PRINCE AND THE SEA WITCH by A G Marshall but haven't gone back to it. I'm trying to get through some of the books I'm farther into.

    I found to books on sale today: Tessa Afshar's JEWEL OF THE NILE for $1.59. I've liked everything I've read by her so far.
    J'nell Ciesielski's THE ICE SWAN for $1.99.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    FORGIVING PARIS by Karen Kingsbury (drama) okay. Not one of my favorites, except for the quote which spoke to me.
    ANOTHER SHOT by Brooke St. James (Ruth & Boaz retelling) - This was a short, light and clean romance and I really enjoyed it.

    The Heart of Christmas: A Mosaic Christmas Anthology III -I am just on book one. BROKEN NOEL by Brenda S Anderson - It is really sad. It is about a man that lost his wife right at Thanksgiving. He and his 8 year old daughter are really struggling during the Christmas season.

    I'm not quite sure where I will go with audiobooks. I have several suspense checked out, but I also have a couple of historicals that I have been anxiously awaiting.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,347 Member
    I've gone back and started re-reading a series by Anna Travis. The first book is PILLAR OF LIGHT. It's about a group of tweens and young teens who find themselves in a new world and each one will have a role to play in saving that world. God is called The Breather because He is the Breath of Life. The kids are on a mission trip to help a mission hospital put on a new roof but get caught up into this new world instead, and they share the truth they know about Jesus to the people there.

    I quit reading the Lisa Phillips series, just too worldly and very strong slang is used too often. Just not worth it to me. This was going to be my November Challenge read, so now I'll have to try something else. I may try the Ben series by Luana Ehrlich, I haven't read that yet and have at least two of those books.

    I'm also working on UNCHARTED DESTINY, the sixth book in this series.

    Also gave up on the Laynie Portland series. Mercy, I don't remember there being so many "bleeps" in it the first time. I appreciate she uses a bleep instead of a cuss word, but when half of a sentence is bleeps it just gets to be too much.

    I started NEVER MISS by Melissa Koslin. I'm just at the beginning but so far it is good.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    edited November 2021
    A FLICKER OF LIGHT by Katie Powner (contemporary/Alzheimers) okay
    A CHRISTMAS PRAYER by Wanda Brunstetter (historical)
    LOVE ON THE RANGE by Mary Connealy (historical)
    THE CHRISTMAS PORTRAIT by Phyllis Clark Nichols (Christmas) hoopla
    DEADLY TARGET by Elizabeth Goddard (suspense)
    The Heart of Christmas: A Mosaic Christmas Anthology III
    BROKEN NOEL by Brenda S Anderson (Christmas) sad
    NO NIGHT THERE by Elinor Burtin (Christmas) sad
    STAR LIGHT by Sara Davison (Christmas)
    HART OF NOEL by Chautona Havig (Christmas)
    CAUGHT IN THE ACT by Lisa Renee (Christmas)
    CLAUS-TROPHOBIC by Lorna Seilstad (Christmas) - The first three books in the series weren't great, but the last three were good. I think the last one was best. The first 3 were rather sad for Christmas books.

    I know that I am just really being particular. Nothing is standing out as great.

    CROSSHAIRS by Patricia Bradley (suspense)
    BETRAYAL OF GENIUS by Robin Patchen (suspense) - oops, I goofed and got both books in the same genre.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,347 Member
    I'm reading a suspense called NEVER MISS by Melissa ?. So far it's pretty good, a scientist and a woman on the run with a very mysterious background meet at a sale for the contents of a storage unit and trouble ensues right away. I'm enjoying it.

    I finished the Uncharted Land book 7 (can't remember the title) and will start on book 8 tonight, probably.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    edited November 2021
    I finally got past that mediocre book stretch.

    CROSSHAIRS by Patricia Bradley (suspense)
    DEAD FALL by Nancy Mehl (suspense) - both of these were very good.
    UNPACKING CHRISTMAS by Beth K. Vogt (A Thatcher Sisters Christmas Novella) -pretty good.

    WHERE LOVE GROWS by Heidi Chiavaroli (Orchard House Bed & Breakfast #3) - I am really enjoying this story, but it is on the cloud library application and it will just read a chapter at a time on text-to-voice. Usually that doesn't drive me too nuts, but this book has really short chapters. Sometimes, if I don't stop the book when it starts from the beginning, it will keep reading through the chapters, but on this book it didn't do it. I will read while waiting at the doctor's office and see if I can get through some of the book that way.
    AS DAWN BREAKS by Kate Breslin (WW1) - I'm not too far into it, but it is very good.

    Kim - I read NEVER MISS by Melissa Koslin earlier this year. I really enjoyed it.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,347 Member
    Listened more to NEVER MISS (who is really in trouble here???) I'm at the part where he went ot see two of his professor friends and as it turns out one wasn't a friend at all and the bad guys were there to meet him at the other guys house - things just aren't going well right now! I then listened to THE GOLD IN THESE HILLS. I think I am going to have to get the e-book version, I don't like the reader of this - she just has a very slow and sad way of reading the story. When she does the voices it's alright, but most of the first chapter was narration and I couldn't wait to quit listening and get onto something happier! I'll see if Hoopla has the e-book version of it.

  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member

    I am reading THE JUDGE WHO STOLE CHRISTMAS by Randy Singer. I remember liking it many years ago, but am enjoying it even more this time. Actually, I don't remember a lot about it.

    I'm on this kick of rereading Christmas books that I've enjoyed in the past. Requested five from the library and all but one are in. Hope to pick them up on Friday.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member

    Kim - Did you try speeding up the audiobook on THE GOLD IN THESE HILLS? I always listen at 175%. I don't notice the voice dragging on as much, and it does go a lot quicker. I went back to see if I had checked it out on kindle or audiobook. I did listen to the audiobook and don't remember an issue with not liking the narrator, so that might help. I ranked it at 4.5*, so I did enjoy it quite a lot. That may not mean anything to you, though.....we are just very different. 😀😋😀


    TRACES OF VIRTUE by Robin Patchen (suspense) - I bought this one with Amazon credits. I had read the others in the series and was waiting for this one to come up and it wasn't KU. I thought about waiting for it, but then I decided that I needed to use those credits anyway, so it is mine. I am enjoying it, so it was credits well used.

    AS DAWN BREAKS by Kate Breslin (WW1) - This is long! It is very good and I am not in a huge hurry to get through it, but it is over 14 hours long. I am basically using it for bedtime, early morning and in the car while I am out and about, so it may take a few days to get though it.

    I am not liking the new formatting today! Hopefully I can figure out how not to double space every time I hit enter.

  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member

    I thought I had hit the wrong link when I saw this new formatting, Connie. Double spacing comes naturally to me, so that will be hard to remember. Also didn't think it showed new comments, but I finally saw the tiny "new."

    I've never read a Kate Breslin book, but she is one I hope to try soon.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,347 Member

    On my Kindle it has 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5. I usually listen at 1.5, two is a little too fast for my brain to comprehend what is being said. It's strange, but Mom likes to listen at two - hmmm! I didn't like the last narrated audio book I listened to either. I think I didn't like the emotion that she was interpreting into the story because I didn't feel the same way as the story was going along - does that make sense? Crazy, but I like the flat narration of the computer voice! LOL! That way I can inject my own emotion into it. I didn't like the narrator for THE NATURE OF A WOMAN either. It's me, not the narrators!

    Carole, I have to keep backing myself up because I automatically double space as well! Even though I know it does it automatically, I still double click that enter key!

    Still working on the same books. I am on the third book of my re-read of the YA fantasy series and enjoying it this second time as much as the first time.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member

    It just automatically double spaces. I tried copying and pasting out of a document and it still double spaces.


    LONDON HOUSE by Katherine Reay (split time) 

    GHOST HEART by Lisa Harris and Lynn Gentry (med susp) KU. I have the boxed set of the series checked out. The next one was a finalist for a Carol award. This one is about heart transplants going awry in Africa discrimination against albinos. I'm not quite sure how this is playing out.


    TRACES OF VIRTUE by Robin Patchen (suspense) - I am enjoying this series. I am anxiously awaiting the release of the next one.

    AS DAWN BREAKS by Kate Breslin (WW1) - Very good.  A bit of mystery, a bit of intrigue.  

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,347 Member
    Still working on the same stuff. I guess when you read three or four books at a time it takes awhile! At least for me. Right now I am just reading when I got to bed at night.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    GHOST HEART by Lisa Harris and Lynn Gentry (med susp) - Whew! It was good, but really sad in some ways. It was about heart transplants, and the way albinos were treated in that area of Africa.
    LONDON HOUSE by Katherine Reay (split time) - Very good. It was current day and WW2.

    A CHRISTMAS COURTSHIP by Shelley Shepard Gray (Amish) - pretty good.

    I'm not sure where I am going to go with a new ebook. I want to read the next in the series by Lisa Harris, but it was so intense that I think I need a break in-between them. I have several library books checked out, so need to do one of them.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    A CHRISTMAS COURTSHIP by Shelley Shepard Gray (Amish)
    Church Dogs of Charleston
    LOWCOUNTRY LIFE (Mini Miracles) by Melissa Storm
    LOWCOUNTRY LOVE (Little Loves) by Melissa Storm
    LOWCOUNTRY LEGACY (Dainty Darlings) by Melissa Storm - cute series about dogs born in the manger of the church's nativity.

    AFTER SHE FALLS by Carmen Schober (female fighter) - I heard this was good, but I was very hesitant since a woman fighter didn't appeal to me. It is very good, but there is some slang involved.

    I haven't chosen an audiobook, but will probably listen to The Sunday Potluck Club by Melissa Storm. This is book one of the series, I have already read book 2, and I just had book 3 come up in ebook from the library. I guess I need to listen to it before I go on to book 3.