What are you reading



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    Wow, that should help being able to use two different cards. I was setting up my new computer and trying to get my library on there - they asked for a PIN and all the ones I usually use didn't work, so I'll have to call them when I find a book I really want.

    Working on the same books.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I have used both libraries one time - only 3 books on the second library. But if I use my cards in both libraries and Bill's cards, I could actually do as many as 60 books in a month. That won't happen. I will probably change the main library in my phone to the one that has 20 books after I use up this month's 10. That way I will be using the same amount of books as I usually use in a month.

    SINCE YOU'VE BEEN GONE by Tari Faris (romance) -

    THE WATER KEEPER by Charles Martin (drama - Christy finalist). WOW! Very intense, but amazing. I have the next in the series, but I need something light in between. I think I will read a Christmas Amish anthology that came up from the library.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    I started to read the second book in the Amish series about four cousins, this one is THE COFFEE CORNER. I didn't read book one, but it hasn't really made that much difference in the flow of the stories.

    I tried to get back into a western I started but got about two more pages in and just couldn't get into it. An MOB that goes wrong.

    I finished WATER PRINCESS, FIRE PRINCE by Kendra Ardnek. It was good. For some reason, the first time I read it I gave it only three stars, but I enjoyed it. These are fantasies with a Christian message. I'll go on to the second one LADY DRAGON, TELA DU. The Tela Du is the one that will destroy the Lady Dragon. The first one ended weird. They are in this fantasy world for 25 years, have children but then it's time for them to go home and they have to leave everything and everyone behind, and two of the children are young. Not sure that God would have that happen. When they return home they are the age that they were when they left it, also very weird.
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    Connie, you should do a short video when you read that book aloud. I'm with Kim... we'd love to see you!

    I only get 4 Hoopla reads per month, but I can't imagine needing more. OverDrive back in Georgia wasn't very good, but it's fantastic here. I probably use it more than Hoopla.

    My current read is a Regency-era cozy from the general market, The Body in the Garden. Clean so far and very good.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Carole - I actually read it all in one setting the day I bought the book. It was very short, but kind of cute.

    I have had so many books come available on libby/overdrive this week. I had to push a couple back because I was afraid that I wouldn't have time for them.

    The anthology that I am working on right now is The Librarian's Journey:
    LOVE'S TURNING PAGE by Cynthia Hickey (1935, Ozark Mountains) - This one, I really enjoyed.
    FOR SUCH A TIME by Patty Smith Hall (1936, Pine Mountain, Georgia) - This is the one I am working on right now, and I am having a hard time staying with it. I am going to back it up a little bit before I start on it today and see if that helps. I just skipped trying to read it at all yesterday, and listened to audiobooks instead.

    THE GATHERING TABLE by Kathryn Springer (wms fiction) - I just finished this and it was very good! It was a trade sized Love Inspired, but although it did have a little romance, it dealt a lot into the lives of the two main women.
    SINCE YOU'VE BEEN GONE by Tari Faris (romance)

    I don't know what I will start on audio right now. Since I am reading a historical book, I really need something contemporary. I have a couple of Jennifer Beckstrand's audiobooks and everything else is historical, so may go that route. We will see.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    Worked on a re-read last night. I couldn't get into anything new, so decided to go back to something I know I loved - the STEALTHY nano series by Vikki Kestell. I did skip through part of it to get to the meat of the story though, so am nearly finished with book one.

  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    Connie, I made a note of Kathryn Springer's book. Women's fiction is my favorite genre and I enjoyed a book or two by her several years ago.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Carole - I really liked the Kathryn Springer book. I hope that you do enjoy it. I found it on hoopla audio. I never look at their ebooks because they drive me crazy, since they don't work well with text-to-voice and I am so spoiled to listening while I do life.

    Currently listening to THE AMISH QUILTMAKER'S UNEXPECTED BABY by Jennifer Beckstrand. I am enjoying it.
    I'm reading THE LETTER KEEPER by Charles Martin (drama). I figured with the lighter Amish book that I could get into something intense, again. I am just a few pages into it, but it is already intense.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    I'm on the second book of the Vikki Kestell sci-fi. Enjoying it as much this time as the last time.

    I also read some more in THE CRYPTOGRAPHER'S DILEMMA by Johnnie Alexander. This is a WWII story about a lady who worked as a cryptographer but was snatched up by the FBI to work for them undercover. So far it is very good.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Kim- Maybe we agree on a book. I really liked THE CRYPTOGRAPHER'S DILEMMA by Johnnie Alexander.
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    Just finished a general-marked cozy mystery that was good, but not good enough to make me want to read further in the series. Now I'm reading a light Christmas book - THE CHRISTMAS LAMP by Lori Copeland. I might have read it many years ago, but nothing seems familiar.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    I have several Lori Copeland books but haven't read from her in years.

    Still working on my re-read. I'll listen more in the CRYPTOGRAPHER'S DILEMMA this afternoon.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I read that Lori Copeland book a few years ago. I need to get back into some Christmas reads.

    FRAMED IN DEATH VALLEY by Dana Mentink (LI suspense)

    THE GOLD IN THESE HILLS Joanne Bischof (split time). This was really good. It was about a man who bought a house that was the only building left of a ghost town and about the town in 1902 as it was closing down due a mine failing.

    I don't know what book I will listen to next. A bunch of my holds have come available, so I have lots to choose from. It is funny though, they are all historical.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    I want to read that Joanne Bischof book, it sounds really good.

    Still working on the sci-fi re-read and the CRYPTOGRAPHER'S DILEMMA. I'm more into the sci-fi right now though so am reading a few chapters in the other to break it up.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I was on facebook today and saw a link to Harlequin novels that are in KU. There are a ton of LI suspense. You guys know that I love them. Just in case anyone else in interested:https://tinyurl.com/5b2xbuwt

    NARROW ESCAPE by Virginia Vaughan (suspense) KU - Pretty good novella.

    I'm getting ready to start ROOTS OF WOOD AND STONE stone by Amanda Wen (Christy finalist). I thought this was historical, but I think it is another split time. I usually really enjoy them, so am looking forward to it.
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    We know what you'll be reading in the weeks ahead, Connie. There were a ton of LI Suspense books on that list! I'm not a suspense fan, but I found two regular LI books, plus a couple of others that looked good. Thanks for sharing the list.

    I'll probably be tired of Christmas reads by December, but you got me started on them and I'm having a ball so far. I'm halfway through AN AMISH WIFE FOR CHRISTMAS by Patricia Davids (LI) and it's really good. Much better than similar books of this type. Davids is a very good writer.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Carole - I had room for two of the LI Susp. and put a few more in my wish list, but I had read a lot of them. At first I thought I was going to have read all of them, but I did finally find 10 that I hadn't read. According to the author that posted the link, it changes regularly.

    I finished:
    ROOTS OF WOOD AND STONE stone by Amanda Wen. I really enjoyed this. I can see why it was a finalist.
    THE HEART OF A COWBOY by Jody Hedlund (historical) - Pretty good, but definitely not my favorite of hers.

    FIREFLY DIARIES by CC Warrens (suspense) - kind of spooky, but good. A lady buys a house at an auction to "flip". Come to find out, there had been a family murdered there years ago.
    WAITING ON LOVE by Tracie Peterson (historical) - her newest.

    I need to get back to my "real" book. It is good, I just don't really enjoy them anymore. Adjusting fonts, having it read to me, etc. just make ebooks or audiobooks more enjoyable for me.

    Kim - I have been thinking about buying a 7inch fire. The cheapest one only has 16gb memory. Do you know if that is enough that I can use it for reading, library, facebook and email? I really want it mainly for carrying in my purse when we travel, or for doctor's offices, etc. They are so cheap, and usually cheaper during Black Friday sales, that it just seemed like it might be a good idea.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Wow - I followed another link on the harlequin page and came up with a bunch more. This could be a LOT of reading.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    edited October 2021
    Wow, there are a bunch on there. I downloaded the first in that K-9 series. I think I have some of them as well, but I didn't have the first one, and I like Lisa Phillips as well.

    Worked on CRYPTOGROPHER'S DILEMMA as well as THE INN ON HANGING HILL last night. I started the fourth book in the sci-fi series I am re-reading.

    Connie, I used my 7" for all my reading for awhile. It started to give me some trouble with turning off after I didn't input something into it after the 30 minutes that I set for my time out. For some reason my other Kindle's don't do that, but my 7" did. I had quite a few books downloaded to it so I think it could handle what you would want to use it for, especially since the books you've read are removed from the device when you are done with them (KU and library books). I think that the KU and even the library books aren't downloaded onto the device until you manually do that (if I remember correctly), so you can see them there but they aren't taking up any space yet on the device.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    edited October 2021
    I have the Christy Barritt book checked out and thought about reading it today, but decided that I wanted to read Anne Perrault's newest book (THE GIFT), instead. After the spooky FIREFLY DIARIES by CC Warrens (suspense), I wanted more of a change. I really liked FIREFLY DIARIES, though. I have enjoyed her other books, but to me this is her best.

    I am listening to A DEEP DIVIDE by Kimberley Woodhouse (historical). This is a Harvey House book taking place at the Grand Canyon. Very good.

    Thanks Kim for the info on the fire. My 10in turned itself off after 30 minutes as well, but after an update it quit doing it. I have a gift card that would pretty much cover it, but usually they have some hot deals later in the year. I need to think about it. I kind of liked that 30 minute turn off for listening as going to bed. My phone does that too, but I don't usually keep it on the 30 minutes so I have to change it in settings if I want it to read to me. Otherwise, my battery runs low too easily.