Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Whew, DW, You are the energizer bunny these days! Yay for you getting so much done. I wouldn't worry about going to a hair appointment all sweaty....you get your hair washed there anyway. I admire you for going to the gym, especially on a busy day.

    I had a pretty good day today, but I was a little more tired than usual and slacked off on my to do list. I will have to step up tomorrow to get somewhat caught up. I am looking forward to my organic delivery on Wednesday as for the first time this season they are offering heirloom tomatoes, which are my favorites.`I hope they don't run out before I get mine!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    Hello! I have been out of routine with a cold. So tired. I am thankful I have some time to recover before we fly. Much better than getting sick while away (as long as I can get over the worst of it).

    I think we are ready for our trip. I just need to pack my personal stuff now. My plan is to set everything out today and then add what is missing over the next couple of days. It seems so surreal to be leaving on Saturday.

    How are the workouts going DW? I have been enjoying my time at the gym. I feel more comfortable now than I did my first few visits. I feel like the weightlifting is really helping me lose weight and I hope my body shape will shift soon too.

    Paula- do you think you will be able to make it back to church at some point now that you can drive? Or will it be too much walking? I can imagine it would be exhausting and then hard to engage in the service if you are tired. So thankful you can watch online.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    edited June 26
    Shari, Hoping and praying that you are resting and feeling better. I always preach the importance of rest when faced with colds and the flu. I am excited for your trip and looking forward to learning about it upon your return. Working with weights builds muscles and muscles burn fat so you are right on Shari! I doubt that I will return to church anytime soon. The building is small and quite crowded (good for the church, but not for my situation). I am sure I wouldn't be very comfortable sitting in the pews/seats available. Yes, the walking involved would likely be too much for me. My endurance is rather low. I am grateful for the livestreams available but still do miss being physically in church. I have thought about an evening service sometime as they tend to be less crowded, but I am not really ready for that yet either.

    I did well with my eating and my OT today. In the evening I was exhausted again and slept for over an hour. I tell myself I needed it as I couldn't even fight off the sleep when I tried.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    edited June 27
    A quick check-in from me tonight as we are in the midst of intermittent power failures due to severe thunderstorms with high winds. Our power has been going off and coming on so I am taking advantage of having electricity at the moment. It seems the storms have brought us some cooler weather, at least temporarily. I got a news flash on my phone saying 48,000 people in our area were without electricity. So glad ours came back on for now.

    I did well today with food choices as I wasn't very hungry. I was fairly busy doing a bunch of little things I had been ignoring, the kind of things that need to be done but are mostly unnoticed except by me. It pleases me to get the little things taken care of even if they don't make it to my "to do" list.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 828 Member
    Hi! I have been sick and out of my routine. Sleeping in and then still trying to get my work hours in. I wanted to get so many things done. I am feeling better today and I hope that I can get some things looked after as we leave tomorrow. We need to be at the airport at 3am!!! This will be my only check in until I get back on July 10. I will better once I am packed. Anything else that I get done will be a bonus.

    I am down one pound from last week. That makes a total of four pounds. I think I can keep this going once I get back from this trip. It isn't too hard and I find that gym is helping me get stronger physically and emotionally. I had to miss on Tuesday as I was feeling so tired.

    I won't have much access to internet while away. That will be very weird!!! I may try to get an e-sim card. If I do, I will try and do a check in. I will miss you both.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 308 Member
    Hello! Shari, congrats on your weight loss!! Prayers for safe travels and that you continue to feel better!! Paula, I hope your weather has been better and that you’ve had electricity!! I’m very happy that the weekend is here! I am showing my younger dog on Saturday and Sunday at a show that is about an hour away. I am also planning to get to the gym on Saturday after the show. I do feel a tad stronger now! I am also feeling exhausted at the end of the work week but need to muster enough energy to prep for tomorrow. Shari, have a great trip! Paula, I will check in tomorrow! Have a great weekend!!