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Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    So disappointing that the Mexican restaurant wasn't good! Good Mexican food is wonderful but Mexican done poorly can sure be dreadful. It strikes me as strange that you cannot print at work. I hope that issue is resolved for you.

    I was fairly tired all day today. I didn't get enough sleep last night, and I felt it all day. My OT session helped ease some pain I had in my left shoulder today. I also learned that my massage gun can help ease that pain. I wasn't very hungry today, but I did cave to a sweet craving in the evening.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    I messaged the executive that oversees IT and I was met at the door upon my arrival to work. We had a very good discussion and I believe that I will have a resolution soon. I hope today, but I won't hold my breath. I teared up a few times as I pretty upset. I have had such busy days and taking 20-40 minutes to print really impacts my workload. Hopefully things won't be too awkward with the two IT staff. I really only ever see one of them in the building.

    I bought a massage gun, so helpful at times!

    I am holding okay with my weight. It's seems to be coming off, but quite slowly. I can be patient! This is much better than watching the numbers go up as they had been doing.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    Shari, Good for you for handling the printing situation with the executives. I am sure they realize how much you care about the work you do. Sometimes the "higher ups" aren't in touch with the day to day realities of the work place. I pray they resolve the situation in a way that works well for you.

    Today was my "day off" from therapies. I took it easy for most of the day but did do a few therapy exercises. I made good food choices today which pleased me since I have had some struggle-prone days with my food choices lately. I am expecting a relaxing pressure-free weekend as I have no plans and just a few to do items for tomorrow.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 330 Member
    Hello! Shari, I hope that the printer concerns are resolved very quickly! I know how frustrating and time consuming that can be. I'm glad that you got to spend time with your friend even though the food wasn't good. Paula, I hope that your weekend has turned out to be as relaxing as you had planned! Do you get your organic foods from a local place? I've been trying to locate good resources around here. I did try Aldi's today and found limited organic meats and produce but at good prices.
    I had a challenging agenda today and got enough of it completed. I started early walking the dog. Then I went to the car wash and cleaned out my van, then to Planet Fitness for a workout. MY DD worked until noon today and we went to many stores in the afternoon-all to get groceries-we went to Aldi's, Costco, and then Walmart. Costco is in a town about 15 miles away. We were both exhausted by the time we finished. I am giving myself and the dog a break tomorrow and am sleeping in. It is supposed to be in the 90s for the next 8 days, with four of those being considered dangerously hot. We should be fine as long as the air conditioning keeps going.
    Have a blessed Sunday!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    DW, My organic delivery service started out with just organic milk and some other dairy products in 2016. Over the years they have branched out to include an amazing range of healthy delicious organic items including fruit, veggies, meats/poultry, jams, eggs, prepared foods, and more. They are pricey but worth it in my opinion. I order from them usually once or twice a month at most. I have become friends with the owner almost right from the start. Her items are always fresh, mostly coming from within 2 hours of where we live. Some of my friends tell me they find Aldi's organic items to be good. I think the heat wave you expect will arrive here on Monday and last quite a while too. Thank God for air conditioning!

    I had a very restful day. I made a ground turkey taco skillet for supper which turned out to be WW point friendly. My motivation seems to have returned, and I am hoping to keep it going. I haven't weighed in for some time now. I need to be ready to do so soon.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    It was another restful day for me with a surprise visit from a friend early in the afternoon. I was happy to see her, and she stayed just a little while, not too long, which I appreciated. It was nice to catch up with her in person instead of on the phone. I didn't cook much today, just reheated some leftovers. I was quite hungry through the day but made healthy choices, mostly.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    I am back to some my stable routine after a very busy weekend. My food choices were not what I had hoped they would be, but I didn't let loose. We had our grade 12 grad banquet that included family and friends on Friday night, along with an after grad event for just the grads. Yesterday DH and I had 10 guests over for Father's Day and for a visit with our house guests. They leave today. It was wonderful to have them. They were very easy to have around. Youth is basically over for the summer and now I can focus on our mission trip. I can't believe we leave in less than two weeks. Yikes!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    Managing good food choices when out of our normal routines is not easy. Congrats Shari for not letting loose! Nice that your guests are easy to have. That is how I felt when my Texas family visited this past autumn. And wow, entertaining 10 guests on Father's Day....sounds exhausting to me. Good for you for tackling that Shari.

    I did ok today but it could have been better. I tracked by points and made good choices, but got really hungry before supper, so I ate without John. Everything was ready and he just wasn't hungry yet. On some days I get hungrier before he is and if I wait to eat till he is hungry, I tend to overeat. He doesn't mind that I eat without him on those days, as I sit with him of course while he eats supper. But I do enjoy it more when we eat at the same time.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    I sit with DH while he eats. We start at the same time, but he takes so long to his meal ready on his plate and then he eats quite a bit so that takes longer. I find it difficult to sit and wait for him to finish. Some days I don't have the patience so I start the dishes lol!

    I had a fairly god day of eating. I have been tracking and I still find it challenging to eat enough protein, but super easy to eat too much fat. I need to work on that!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    I tracked my points again today and did well. My hunger level was reasonable but once again I ate without John. It was another full day with our therapies and taking care of my to do list which was manageable. I have had to adjust my to do list expectations a bit since 2 hours every afternoon are spent in therapy 4 days a week as I stay present while John has his therapy too. I have been pretty good about not stressing too much on what I want to accomplish and what I actually do. Since I am feeling better as a result of the therapies, when I actually do tackle my chores, I do so better and with less pain, so it does pay off.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    Paula- I am glad that your therapy is having such a positive outcome. Is John also noticing an improvement?

    I am very slowly losing some weight. It's been a month and I have almost lost three pounds. I wish it was quicker, but things are moving in the right direction now. I have some very good habits and I hope that my body can appreciate my efforts and keep shedding the extra fat I have hanging around. I can do slow weight loss! I have been feeling better emotionally too, at least I think that I have. I am getting stronger at the gym and I am taking advantage the massage chairs once a week.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    Shari, so happy about your 3 pounds. That is fabulous. It is very inspiring to me, especially as my motivation has fluctuated quite a bit lately. Ah, the massage chairs sound delightful.

    John is doing very with the PT and OT. His balance is much improved. His hand strength and his fine motor skills in general also show considerable improvement. He hasn't fallen at all since starting these therapies. He is standing taller and has better posture too. Both he and I are so very pleased with his progress.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 330 Member
    Hello! Shari, congrats on the weight loss!! I have not yet tried any of the "extras" that I get with my black card PF membership, like the massage chairs, but I need to ask staff about them. Paula, I am so happy that both you and John are having such great results from your therapies!!
    We've had a week...due to the heat, my private early time walking with my dog now has many folks out trying to beat the heat so we haven't been getting our walks in the past few days. She just doesn't do well with bikes, or runners, or walkers on the trail and that early, without coffee, I am not up to dealing with her antics. She is typically a very friendly dog but for some reason she goes into protective mode when walking. Last night we had thunderstorms spawned by the heat and then our power went out from about 7:00pm until 4-5:00am. Thankfully the storms had lowered the temperatures and the power was back on before it heated up today. Tonight the same thing started all over but the power stayed on. My dog class was cancelled for tonight and I cancelled my trip to the gym when the thunder started. I hope to make it all up over the weekend. I also hope to re-focus on my eating. I'd been doing so well but apparently my old habit of stress eating isn't gone. I hope you both have a wonderful Friday!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited June 21
    DW, things often seem so much more stressful in the midst of a heat wave. And not getting your regular morning walking in could add more stress, not to mention a power outage lasting as long as yours did. That is a long time to be without electricity and especially air conditioning. Good that the storms brought you some cooler weather. Our current heat wave is expected to continue through Sunday and possibly well into next week. Some thunderstorms are also forecast for the weekend.

    I did well with my food choices today. And yippee, John was hungry when I was today so we ate early together. Tomorrow one of my dearest friends (and former coworker) is coming to visit. She hasn't been here since mid April as her DH has had a host of on-going medical issues. They live about 40 miles from here. I am not sure what we will do about eating, but I am guessing we will get delivery from one of our Italian restaurants.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    Happy Friday!!! I am taking today loosely off. I will be at home but because I have so many banked hours, I will only check my emails a few times. I am so excited to see the sun shining and that I can spend some time out in my neglected garden. Woo hoo! A great way to spend the first day of summer.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    Shari, What a wonderful way for you to enjoy your banked hours! Our heat wave continues, and we are receiving heat advisories and excessive heat watches from the weather service. We are very grateful for our AC. John and I enjoyed the visit from my good friend today. She is very good at using Ancestry.com and helped me with some information I was trying to figure out. I was able to learn more about my paternal grandmother's branch of the family. It is fascinating to see the records from the censuses as well as immigration records. We decided not to get delivery after all as she was going to a barbecue later in the evening. That made it easier for me to make fairly wise food choices for the day. And she brought me lettuce from her garden. The first I have received this year.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    Paula, we have heard about the heatwave in your area. We are not struggling with having high temperatures at all. I am glad that you have AC and don't have to suffer. Ancestary.com is a lot of fun! I can be lost for hours in it. We don't have a lot of historical documentation, it would consume me if I did lol!

    I am sloooooowly losing weight. I have my weekly check in tomorrow where my weight stat is an average of the week. I started off in a not very good place, so my average won't show much of a loss, but that means I have a great starting place for the upcoming week.

    I love that you had fresh lettuce Paula. I ate my first radish and is was so good. Can't wait for more things to grow so we can enjoy them too.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    Shari, slow weight loss is considered to be the healthiest and most enduring way to keep it off. I suppose it teaches us patience, maybe, right? We had a brief rain storm tonight, very welcome as everything is so dry in combination with these oppressive temperatures. The rain cooled things off slightly tonight, and some relief is insight for tomorrow with a high of only 92.

    I did well again today with food choices but struggled with portion control. I guess I like my own cooking too much! The lettuce from my friend's garden was great, and I made a big salad for both of us. We rarely eat red meat, but today I grilled steak on the grill in my Cuisinart toaster oven. It was a real treat for us. It was on sale when I bought it. I will watch for a sale again to treat John as he really enjoyed it.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    This was a very pleasant Sunday for me. I had 2 phone calls from church friends, catching me up on things going on at my church. I so miss being there in person for so many reasons, mostly spiritual but some social too of course. I rested and read a little and stayed on track, much to my surprise as I was hungry in the afternoon but didn't pig out on junk food. I don't make to do lists for Sundays as a rule, but I had a little energy so I took care of some small tasks that needed to be done but weren't really work, so to speak. I am hoping for a good week to come for all of us!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 330 Member
    Hello! Here we are in the last week of June! Shari, I hope your preparations for your trip are going smoothly! Paula, I’m happy that your Sunday was enjoyable!!
    I had a busy day today starting with work this morning. Then, instead of coming home as I usually do on Mondays between routes, I stayed at work and caught up on reports and training that is on the computer. I had a hair appointment at 5:00 so I went to the gym for a quick workout before the appointment…. Big mistake! I was a sweaty mess for my hair appointment and apologized profusely!! Have a great Tuesday!!