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Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 330 Member
    Hello! I’m happy that today was a better day for you! It was for me, too! I got caught up on some monthly “paperwork “(really computer work) this morning and got to the gym after work this afternoon. DH’s car finally goes to the shop this week so that will be some progress toward having 2 cars again.
    My food choices today weren’t great but I was within my calorie range, so I’ll see how that plays out on the scale. Have an excellent Tuesday!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    Way to go getting to the gym DW with such a busy schedule you always have. I worked hard today with my occupational therapist, but I am sure not the level of what you accomplish at the gym! It is still oppressively hot here with the current heat advisory in effect till Wednesday at 8 pm, about 24 hours from now. We had a very short rain storm a few hours ago which cooled things off a little. We definitely need rain. I got an email today from Panera Bread telling me they were offering free delivery and also a free 1/2 sandwich or 1/2 entree. Well, that is all I needed for an excuse not to cook. The calories were higher than I'd like but the food was delicious! I was careful with all of my other food choices today and enjoyed the Panera treat.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 330 Member
    Hello! That is exciting to have Panera deliver to your home! I really like their sandwiches- anything with avacado in it. Their salads are also delicious and taste so fresh! Many years ago, I could have gone on about their pastries but I haven’t had them in ages- I guess my tastes have changed😂
    We had cooler weather today but gray and rainy with winds picking up tonight. Still much better than predicted!
    My eating today was horrendous and not within my calorie range. I ate junk from start to finish. I was feeling stressed due to trying to cram too much into one day. I have better choices planned for tomorrow. Have a great Thursday!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    I can relate to your rough eating day DW. That is what I experienced a few days ago. Good news is we can bounce back from that kind of day. Today was a very good day for me for staying within my points and not having to battle the hunger monster. How I wish every day could be like today. I think our heat wave is lessening with highs in the mid 80s not the 90s that we had over the past few days. We briefly lost power tonight from thunder storms that I think are bringing in the cooler temps.

    It was a full and busy day for me with OT and then a nice (and heathy) grocery delivery. I cooked a healthy supper including a big salad. I did well with portion control too.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 330 Member
    Hello! It sounds like you had an awesome day yesterday!! Hopefully your electricity has remained on and temps are cooler! My eating today was 50/50-some good and some not so good but still within my calorie range. Work has been a little stressful and time consuming lately and, once again, I didn’t get to the gym today. This weekend I will be at dog events with my older dog so probably won’t have time to get to the gym but will try if I get home early.
    We did have great news about DH’s car- it is finished, he can get it tomorrow, and it’s not expensive!! We are VERY happy about that!! Have a great Friday!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    Sorry to see that your work is stressful. I hope your time with the dog events this weekend will relieve some of the stress for you. I think being with dogs is often a stress reliever. And having your DH's car back could also reduce some stress. Good luck this weekend with your older dog!

    Today was a mediocre day for me. I did well with my OT session in the afternoon and cooked a nice supper of Greek turkey burgers (they come frozen from the grocery store) and salad. John made brownies today (dark chocolate) so I indulged in them. Even the crumbs were good! They put me over my points so I am tapping into my extra points. It is good we are almost at the end of my points week.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    Hola! I have made it back from Guatemala and ready to dive back into my regular life. It was a very good trip and everything went smoothly.

    I have today off from work, so that and the weekend upon us means I can enjoy these few days to catch up on a few things and spend time with DH. I should be ready to go back to work on Monday. The sun is shining and it's warm outside. That makes me happy.

    I am also suddenly inspired to make brownies lol. I believe I have a recipe that uses dates, I will let you know if end up making them.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    Welcome back Shari! Wonderful that you had a good smooth trip. John says he is happy to have inspired your brownie baking. I bet adding dates would be delicious.

    I want to tell you about a free showing this weekend on TBN network (Trinity Broadcast Network) of the musical "David" performed by Sight and Sound. This is the Sight and Sound website: https://sight-sound.com/lancaster. John and I have been to see Sight and Sound performances in person several times. We saw "Jonah," "Moses," "In the Beginning," "Daniel," "Samson," "Joseph," and maybe one or two more. You can watch David for free this weekend by going to the TBN website: tbn.org. You likely have to establish an account, but that is free. The in-person performances are amazing, Broadway quality, and the free showings on TBN are riveting too.

    I had another good day, healthy food choices and reasonable portion sizes. I had a considerable to do list and happily checked off all but one task, even with a visit from a friend who brought us cucumbers from her garden....delicious and helped with the good food choices of my day. I have started my to do list for Saturday but plan to keep it a bit smaller to build in some fun and relaxation too.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    Thank you for the link! I just checked out the website and I will see if DH will watch it with me. I am sure he will.

    I weighed in today and I am up a pound. I was hoping to come back at the same weight that I left at. I have some work to get back to where I was, but I know I can do it. I am just not sure how long it will take. I am back to my typical food plan and it was working before so I have confidence.

    My garden needs some more TLC, the weeds took over while I was away and it never rained either. Not my best garden, but there is always next year. I hope to spend most of the day outside. It's not as hot as it has been, but still quite warm.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    Shari, I hope you are able to access the David performance. John and I plan to watch it tomorrow. We have a TBN account, and I think I didn't have to pay anything to get it. I wouldn't stress about being up a pound as you returned from your trip Shari. You are right to have confidence in yourself. I think you will see a drop after you are back in the groove of your healthy daily routine.

    I did well again today in terms of eating. I craved some sweets but watched how much I ate and counted the points. I worked on my to do list early in the day and then took the rest of the day off. I must say that the cucumbers from my friend's garden are delicious. We have enough for two more days.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    Good Morning. We had a pretty good day getting laundry done, some gardening and house cleaning. We went to church and then we went to see our oldest kid, he has Covid. I delivered some gatorade and some simple snacks. I wore a mask and hand sanitized when I left. I hope I didn't pick it up. Pretty tough to be sick and live alone!

    Today is my rest day. So thankful for one more day before heading back to work.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    Shari, I hope and pray your son has a quick and complete recovery from the Covid virus. Has he had it before or is this his 1st time? You are a good mom taking things to him. Good idea to wear a mask too. I sure hope you didn't pick it up from him.

    John and I watched David and enjoyed it very much. We are considering renting it for $5.99 to see it one more time. We love all of the Sight and Sound shows but think now that David is our favorite. I looked into the paid options and for $89.99 per year for a "season pass" we could have access to all Sight and Sound has to offer. I am not sure though that I want to spend that money now. I am thinking of buying the season pass for John for Christmas or for me for my birthday in August. I had a healthy restful day. I am getting much better about tracking all of my food, which I know makes a big difference and helps keep me in reality.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    This is his second time getting Covid. I am hoping and praying he starts to feel better soon!

    Our day went sideways, we were going to watch David and it fell out of my head once we got home from a walk and dropping off cough medicine. We could easily rent it for $5.99. That seems very reasonable.

    I am back to work after a two week break. I will need to get caught up, but I am hoping that that July won't be too busy for me. It wasn't easy getting up!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 330 Member
    Hello! Welcome back Shari!! I'm happy to hear that your trip went well!! Prayers for your son's speedy recovery from Covid!! Paula, it sounds like you got right back on track after the brownies-good for you!! And your neighbor already has cucumbers to share-fresh veggies are always a plus!!
    I finally made it to the gym last Friday evening and had a good workout. Then I was up early for the dog event-about 30 minutes from my home. My old guy did well and I was pleasantly surprised. He found both hides and received 3rd and 4th place ribbons. The next day he didn't find the 1st one but found the 2nd one and got a 2nd place ribbon. I'm just so happy that his nose is working again (he'd lost his odor detection ability after an infection/a dental surgery) and he still enjoys this game.
    I volunteered and helped at the event and it was so hot! I was exhausted by the time I got home and took a 3 hour nap on Saturday and a 1.5 hour nap on Sunday. We had some rain during the event on Sunday that kept things cool for a while and I was able to head home before the heat became too much. Have a wonderful Tuesday!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited July 16
    DW, Woo hoo for a busy successful weekend. Congrats to your ribbon winner and to you for getting to the gym with everything else you had going on.

    Shari, Hoping you were pleasantly surprised when you got back to work and found not too much accumulated in your absence.

    I had a rough night and rough day on Monday. Out of nowhere early Monday morning I woke up with a lot of pain, mostly in my left leg and in both shoulders. It got a little better as the day went on, but I was exhausted all day. We had a substitute physical therapist today because the one who just took over last week is on vacation this week. The sub today was excellent and very understanding. Sleeping a lot today helped a great deal. I am thinking this is a flare, something I haven't had is quite a while and certainly not to this degree. I will talk about this to my OT on Tuesday. My eating today was not good, and I didn't track anything.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    DW- That is great to have won some ribbons over the weekend! That is impressive and always sounds like so much fun.

    My work day was a full one and I ended up putting in an extra hour. I will have a later start to my day today which is good. I can take some time to meal prep my lunch. For some reason I am up a couple of pounds. I hope they come back down as quickly as they came on.

    Sorry to hear about your flare up Paula. I hope it subsided and today will be a better day for you. Any new advancements with your PT and OT?
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    Glad for your later start today Shari. That would mean a lot to me. I have a good feeling about you dropping those pounds. You are active and busy Shari. That helps a lot.

    Today was a much better day for me. So strange how bad I was on Monday compared to today. My friend whose DH has a form of RA told me that he had a bad day on Monday too. Maybe there was something in the air! I had no eating struggles today, and my pain was minimal. I had a good OT session today. I went to the garage and got in the van with the OT today in preparation for going to get our haircuts tomorrow and making a few other stops. I did very well and then did more OT exercises to complete the session. I think my OT and PT will be ending soon. John will likely continue for about another month. It will be important for me to keep up with my exercises. It won't be as good as when the therapists are here, but I will try to do my best. I don't want to backslide on all of the progress I have made.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    Two days of work done and three more to go until the weekend. Summer is my favourite month and work gets in the way. But I will retire in two years and then I will be able to enjoy every summer day. Its' been so nice out but yesterday a meeting went late and I missed out on some of my evening. Today, I will be able to leave a bit early and I am looking forward to that!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    Shari, I am SOOOO happy to read that you plan to retire in 2 years! My retirement years have been the best years of my life, even with all my medical challenges. I loved my job when I worked but never looked back when I retired and never really missed it, even though it was such a big part of my life for 30+ years.

    I am checking in early today because I am not sure if I will have my laptop for the rest of the day/night. I am taking this laptop and a new one we just purchased to our "computer guy" for him to copy the data from the current laptop to the new laptop. I am not sure when he will have this completed and when I will have both laptops back. I hope to have them tomorrow at the latest.

    My day is off to a good start in terms of food choices and pain levels. As I often say, if every day could be like today I would be in good shape!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement Paula! I am getting to the mindset where I am ready to retire. I might not even make it two more years. But that will be my end goal. Good to hear that you got a new laptop. I am almost at that point too.

    I will work from home today and tomorrow. That is always helpful to keep me on track with my food choices. It's hot and it's wonderful weather! Loving it.