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Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 330 Member
    Hello! Shari, I am sorry about the destruction from the fires. That is so terrible! Paula, I hope you have continued to feel better throughout the day!
    I have continued to be exhausted and have done several face plants onto my phone while trying to write a note on here the past few nights. It turns out that a face plant erases everything previously written 😂😂😂.
    We are leaving for an extended dog show weekend on Thursday so I am overwhelmed trying to get ready. It should be fun once we get there. I will try to check in again before we leave. Have a great Tuesday!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    DW, I get tired just thinking about the busy schedule you keep!!! More important to rest than stay up to just post here. Take good care of yourself.

    Shari, Sounds like a great afternoon with your parents. Yum on the raspberries. They are my absolute favorite fruit! Pineapple is my 2nd favorite. I had cortisone shots in my knees many years ago but the relief was very short lived, actually just a matter of days before the pain returned. Everyone is different. I hope your mother continues to have some good results. I understand how tough it is to stand and cook. I now cook from the wheelchair which presents its own set of challenges, but at least I am still cooking.

    I had a good day for eating and rested a little more than usual. That helped me feel better. I eased up on my to do list again. John helped me with some tasks too, so the day was somewhat productive. John is enjoying watching the Olympic games. I am watching with him but don't understand all the rules etc. that he knows very well. I read something while we watch the games, and sometimes I fall asleep off and on. I do like learning the things he explains to me.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    Pineapple is probably my most favourite fruit. I buy it a lot. I do love mangos too.

    My dad bought my mom a higher chair so she could sit while she cooks, she does't love the chair he chose so I think she will get a better one, but it does help a lot. Glad you are still able to cook Paula!

    We haven't watched single minute of the Olympics which is so out of character for us. We have been so busy. We have only tried to watch once, and DH couldn't find anything on the television.

    Today is a weightlifting day for me at the gym. The start of my third month. I think I am getting stronger, not sure why it's so hard to tell or to see a change. I guess it happens too gradual. I am going to keep going regardless.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited July 31
    Wow Shari, time sure flies. Hard to believe you are starting your 3rd month at the gym. It is terrific that you and DW are committed and continue to keep up this good and healthy habit.

    I tackled and completed a monumental task that I have avoided for far longer than I should have. I had accumulated a large bag of paper documents like medical bills, other bills, and such, most of which I no longer needed but held on to for heaven knows why. I knew it would require a lot of attention and patience and then shredding (that's John's job). Remarkably I got through the entire bag today. I kept a few documents that I deemed worthy of holding on to for record keeping purposes. I am beyond pleased with myself and inspired to not let this kind of mess accumulate again! I also did well with my meals. We shared a small steak with salad and veggies for supper. I am doing my best to pay attention to portion size, especially with things like red meat and am trying to be extra careful about my carbs, especially later in the day.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    There sure a lot of body types at the gym. I have spied a couple of ladies at the place I would like to end up at. No one really talks to each other there, unless they come with someone. Maybe in time I will work up the courage to try and meet a few people. Lots of faces are becoming familiar.

    Glad you got through your papers Paula! I have a couple of small filing cabinets that I need to go through and do the same thing. Some papers haven't even made it into the filing cabinet. Maybe they won't need to by now lol!

    Weight is still not budging, but I am hopeful!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    Shari, I hope you are able to make acquaintance with some of your gym mates. I hear from some people I know who go to gyms regularly that in most cases they are not making many connections with others there because often they are going at different times and don't see each other consistently. Since some faces are becoming familiar, you have a greater likelihood to get to know others.

    My WW points were up today but not outrageously so. I will have to be a little more careful tomorrow. The day flew by, and I am not sure why. I accomplished some things but nothing especially notable. I needed a nap before supper and felt more energy after the nap. I am still not feeling as good as I think I can, but I am doing my best to feel better.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    The scale still hasn't moved for me. That seems to be very standard lately over the last three weeks. I will keep on developing my habits in hopes that something will click soon and the scale will start to move again. I have been diligent at food tracking and I know that I still struggle with getting enough protein and eating too much fat. I will focus on correcting that and see if it makes a difference.

    I hope you feel better today Paula!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    Thanks Shari, I did feel much better today. My hunger was very much under control and I am well within my daily point range.

    My monthly cleaning service was here today. The cleaner was very nice. It seems like there is a new cleaner every month, probably because there is a lot of employee turnover. Today's gal didn't perform up to the level of some of the past cleaners, but oh well, it is still a better job than I could do these days! I am happy that the cleaning is done!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    I had forgotten that you had a cleaner Paula. I remember now you saying that you clean before the cleaner comes. I would try and do the same thing. I am sure cleaning is more of tidying up to make it easier to clean.

    I plan to do some cleaning today as we have some friends coming over for dinner tonight. I will be making a roast, which is easy. A neighbour gave us some broccoli from his garden which was I can't wait to try.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    Shari, Fresh garden broccoli is the best! A roast sounds yummy too. You are right, my pre-cleaning prep is a matter of tidying up to make it easier for the cleaner to clean. It was fairly easy for me this month. Most of the tidying involves clearing away some of the things I try to keep always within arm's reach due to my mobility challenges. The joke in our house is that within every six feet you will find either a bottle of moisturizer, a pair of reading classes, or a box of tissues. It's a bit of an exaggeration, but isn't too far from the truth. LOL

    I did ok today. I needed to tap into my extra weekly points but I still have some remaining for tomorrow if I need them. I am really looking forward to the next 2 days because the time seems to be all mine with really no demands. I have a few minor to do items but that is it. I want to enjoy more of the Olympics and read a lot this weekend. Next week will be a busier week for me so I want to rest up and prepare.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    We had a lovely dinner last night. The couple brought a bottle of wine with their own fancy label. The text read: I can't drink, but you can. Then in little font it said. Because there is a sweet baby on the way!
    I am so happy for them.
    The broccoli was so good. Knowing it was grown across the highway is very inspirational to me. I will have a beautiful garden one of these years. It won't be until I retire and have the time to pour into it.

    I was down a pound this morning, but after the dessert I ate and some glasses of wine, I think this loss could be short lived. I know I can do this weight loss thing, but I have to remember not to throw in the towel at special meals. I need to be very consistent.

    Enjoy the last of the Olympics!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    Shari, The wine bottle pregnancy announcement is so cute. I haven't ever heard of doing that. Congrats to your friends on their blessed news!

    I spent a lot of time today setting up our new laptop, customizing it with our bookmarks, etc. to match the way the previous laptop was set up. All the data was already transferred by my computer guy over 2 weeks ago but I didn't start using the new laptop till today and it needed to be customized to my preferences. I like it very much. My food choices were good again. I craved something salty in the afternoon and satisfied myself with low sodium cottage cheese and some pineapple. I took an early evening nap for about 30 minutes and felt refreshed afterwards.

    A blessed Sunday to all!

  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 330 Member
    Hello! I started a note last night and fell asleep in the middle again. Very sorry!! Shari, the bottle of wine announcement is so clever! Congrats on the loss!! Paula, congrats on all of your super food choices!
    So far this weekend has been exhausting with no love from the judges for my girl. On the bright side, I’ve seen lots of folks that I am happy to see and my club had a successful dinner, raffle and auction fund raising event tonight. One more show tomorrow and then we head home. I hope to be there by mid afternoon! Have a wonderful Sunday!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    DW- I can relate to not being able to stay awake. I was soooo tired yesterday that I could have gone to bed at 7pm. I managed to make it to 10:30 watching the Olympics. The real first session we have had to watch.

    Planning to enjoy the day with a lot of rest and good food!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    DW, Huge congrats on the success of your club's dinner, auction, and raffle!! And how nice to catch up with your friends at the show. Sounds like a fun weekend.

    Shari, We continue to enjoy the Olympics, but I must admit I often fall asleep while we watch it. I think there is a natural tranquilizer in our family room reclining love seat. It is soooo easy for me to doze off while sitting there.

    I grazed all day long and never really felt quite satisfied. Every now and then I have a day like this. I am sure it will pass, and I will be back on track tomorrow. I did more today than I planned to do. I was looking for a special cleanser that I keep in the cabinet under my kitchen sink. Because it was way in the back of this rather deep cabinet I ended up cleaning out the cabinet and reorganizing it. I don't usually do this kind of thing on a Sunday, but I made an exception because I became obsessed with finding the cleanser. It didn't take too long to do, and now the sink cabinet looks great. Woo hoo!

  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    I got right back on track today, thank goodness! My day started out slowly (not usual for me), but as the day went on I became increasingly productive and am so very pleased now with all I accomplished around the house. Tomorrow my friend (the retired nurse practitioner) is coming to accompany me to have the van inspected and get the oil changed. I still feel like I need someone to go with me to help me get the walker in and out of the van. John could do it, but we can't leave Buster alone, and it would be odd to take Buster with us to the car place. PA requires annual vehicle inspections. I have been going to the same repair place since 2010. I expect the van will pass inspection, but well, you never know!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    I had a good day yesterday. The weather wasn't the greatest so I most of it indoors. I started cleaning out a room that became a catchall during our renovations to the laundry room. We still aren't done the renovation but it's getting closer. I can't wait to be done so the stray items can find a permanent home once again.

    We only need to get a vehicle inspected when it comes into Canada. It makes sense that they should get checked out to make sure they are in good repair. I wonder if the accident rate is lower as result of the inspections.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    Happy to report that the van passed inspection and is in good condition. I drove only 600 miles in the last year, not surprising. And some of those miles were Craig driving the van for various reasons (grocery pick ups, etc.). I had a good long talk with the man who owns the repair shop, talking to him about whether I should keep the van or look for a car that is easier for me to get in to, among various similar concerns. For now, I think I will hold on to the van since it is in such good condition and since I am driving so little and managing ok to get in the van with some assistance.

    My eating pattern was off a bit today but overall I did ok. I was super hungry after my friend left, but I managed to make healthy choices and then wasn't very hungry for the rest of the day. We are enjoying more tomatoes (cherry tomatoes and roma tomatoes) from my other friend and cukes again too. The cherry tomatoes are like candy they are so good.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    Glad all worked out with the van Paula. Purchasing new vehicles is so expensive right now in Canada. I am thankful that we don't need to purchase one yet. So nice to have the fresh veggies to enjoy. The flavours from home grown are so good!

    I am still trying to get some consistency with my foods and macros. I haven't been hungry on my plan but I still struggle to eat enough protein and too much fat. I feel like the balance is coming, just at such a slow pace.

    I am off to the office today, that typically means that I won't get much work done. I did well yesterday, so I won't feel too frustrated by the distractions of the day. I get to hang out with a friend after work, so that is something to look forward to.

  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 330 Member
    Hello! Just a quick note tonight because I am very tired. Today was DH’s birthday….. his cake was a store bought cheesecake and I managed to get all the candles in it and all burning at the same time! We went out to dinner and I ate about half and brought the rest home for another day.
    Paula, I’m glad that your van is doing well!! Shari, I hope your day at the office went well!! Have a blessed Thursday!!