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Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited July 20
    I got my laptops back on Friday instead of Thursday. My computer guy had to leave before I or Craig to go to get them on Thursday. So Craig went to pick them up for me today. I am now using the old laptop and will eventually start using the new one, but not yet. All went well with my drive and haircut excursion. She cut my hair a little shorter than usual, but I like it for now. My eating has been good these past few days. I am enjoying cottage cheese, something I enjoyed a lot when on the 17 DD but got away from it. Non fat cottage cheese is zero pts on WW. With zero pts fruit the cottage cheese is a good healthy choice for me and very satisfying. I have a fairly long to do list for Saturday and will be happy if even just some of it is accomplished.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    Glad you got your computers back! It's hard to be without them. And a haircut! Woo hoo!

    I had plans to be outside today, but the smoke from fires has rolled into our area. Not sure I want to be outdoors much. Maybe if I wear a mask, I can water some of my plants.

    My weight hasn't dropped this week, but I haven't been eating enough protein, and I have had some bad snacks. I am ready to get back to being more intentional like I was last month. I haven't given up on going to the gym, so that is good. I will head over later today for a work out. I know that I am getting stronger. I can lift heavier weights each time I go. I am sure that will plateau at some point, but not yet!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    Shari, I didn't realize you could be exposed to more smoke from fires. I hope it dissipates soon so you can enjoy your otherwise good weather. It is good that you are going to the gym. That will pay off in more than one way (not just wt. loss but also strength, energy, etc.). I applaud you for going and working on staying fit.

    I had a very good day today. I seem to have my food choices and hunger under control and am not feeling any temptation to stray the past few days. I hope this momentum continues. I had to call the Prez today with some good news for our group. We get an annual check from our national organization, and this year our group got an additional $500 because of all the good works we did. This is huge for a group as small as ours. The money will go to helping more charitable groups in the coming year. Prez promptly told me the only reason we got the extra $500 is because of everything she did and nothing that the rest of us did. I just ignored the comment but was understandably frustrated. After her comment however, she turned really pleasant again. Oh well....and so it goes.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 330 Member
    Hello! Paula, I don't know how you stay so pleasant and patient with the Prez and I admire you for doing so!! I'm happy to hear that your eating is going well and that you've been feeling well!! Shari, I hope the smoke will clear out soon so you can enjoy your outdoors again!! I have been so tired the past week and have been falling asleep in the chair earlier than I planned-then waking up and going to bed. Yesterday I went to a graduation party with DD in the afternoon and today I went shopping with her-also in the afternoon because I was the liturgist in church today. Tomorrow I have a routine Dr appt but this is the one where she tells me 3 words and I have to remember them and repeat them back to her. I think I also had to draw a clock face the last time and make the hands say whatever time the Dr said... and we'll see what she says about my weight. I'm going to call it a night-I hope you both have a great Monday!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    DW I often fall asleep on our love seat recliner and then get up and go to bed a while later after waking up. I find that evening sleep refreshing, but it doesn't usually interfere with my night's sleep. Hoping all goes well with your doctor's appointment.

    I was lazy today and didn't do much. My friend, who grows veggies, called then came over with more wonderful home grown veggies again (cukes, tomatoes, and peppers). John and I are in for some healthy eating again with these goodies. I did pretty well with my eating today but didn't keep up with tracking my points today, part of being lazy I guess.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    edited July 22
    I have never been a napper. Maybe one day... Some days I think it would be rather nice.

    I had a restful Sunday. I didn't do much, but that was the plan. I am working from home today, and I am hoping to get caught up. I had a big project to do last week, which I got done, but that put me behind on my regular tasks. It will feel good to be all caught up.

    I have difficulty just hearing about your Prez Paula. I don't know how she can't see she can be such a poor leader at times. She could have celebrated the team after hearing about the $500.

    Let us know how your Dr appt goes DW. I need to make an appt soon. I hope to see some weight loss before I have to go. I was down, now I am back up a bit and hoping to get it back down this week. Such a crazy journey to try and lose and keep it lost.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    I had a very productive day today. I tackled 2 major (for me) tasks that I have been avoiding. So happy to check those 2 tasks off of my to do list. My eating was ok, but I had to tap into my "weeklies" for points because I made hamburgers (beef instead of turkey burgers), and beef burgers are high in points. We seldom eat red meat, so I didn't mind using the extra points.

    I talked to another member of our inter church group today, a very sweet, conscientious, and kind woman. We talked about the $500, and I mentioned to her the Prez's comments. I hesitated to do so, but at the same time I felt this member should know as she too does a lot that helps our group get that bonus. She wasn't really surprised but seemed less frustrated than I am with the situation, maybe because she doesn't deal with the Prez as much as I do.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    I ate well yesterday. I stuck to my plan. I hope to do the same for today. I have to keep trying to get in a weight loss phase. I am steady, whereas I had been gaining. But I really want to come back down. I feel like I have less stress and that should make a big difference.

    You are very gracious Paula, just as the other church member is in regards to the Prez. You are not wrong to feel frustrated. I stand by my comments that a good leader knows how to be an encouragement to the team that they lead.

    We had a dip in our pool last night. We have an above ground pool as DH had to buy it when he damaged it on a job he did last year. We decided to set it up and see if it could be repaired. It is repaired, and in this heat has been enjoyable the two times that we went in. It's been hot so DH appreciates being able to cool off.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    A cool dip in a pool sounds great Shari. Will it stay warm/hot in your area for a while now? Do you get much humidity? It has been quite hot and humid here for a few weeks now. Dipping in the pool is another way to burn calories too.

    I am officially discharged from OT as of today . John's OT has been extended for another month. Both of us have made considerable progress. I have essentially reached all of my current OT goals. I am not sure how much longer our PT will continue. I will find out this week I think. I did another big project today that took a little over an hour. I am always relieved when I make such accomplishments. I have one other rather big project on my list for this week. I think I can accomplish it on Thursday and Friday, and then I will come up with a few more items to add to my to do list. I did well with eating again today, back to chicken again!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    Our summer heatwave is about to end. Today is the last day. It's quite dry in Alberta, so not much humidity. We expect rain tomorrow and we need it. My garden will be so happy.

    I hope to have a very good work day and like you Paula, get some projects looked after. I am able to not push so hard at work for the rest of the week which is great. I have been going, going, going!

    I am working on losing one pound to get myself back to my pre-trip weight. Then I am looking forward to tackling the next pound. I believe things are shifting, but slowly.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 330 Member
    Hello! Shari, great job sticking to your plan!! I hope that today went well!! Paula, I hope that your burgers were delicious!! I started this last night and fell asleep again 😂
    My Dr appointment went very well! I am experimenting with stopping one of my 2 bp meds-with the Dr’s approval, of course! My bp was low enough at the appointment that she was happy to try the decrease and I am monitoring it at home with instructions on when to contact her if needed. I’ve been so tired lately and now wonder if it’s because my bp was so low. It wasn’t dangerously low but significantly lower than it has been for years- I guess my training is making a difference!
    Paula , congrats on graduating from OT- that is wonderful! Shari, I hope you get your rain! Have a great Thursday!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    DW, Great news that your doctor appointment went well. Keep us posted on how your BP med plan works out. I take one BP med but also a med for my heart. I have been on the heart pill ever since I I had the PVCs. My BP is typically good as the OT and PT take it every time they are here.

    Shari, I hope your garden gets the rain it needs. I continue to enjoy the wonderful veggies from my friend's garden as well as some wonderful broccoli from my organic delivery that came today.

    I did very well with eating today and felt satisfied with no cravings or hunger pangs at all. I did have a small glass of wine tonight when I participated in a classmates zoom. Our little group of classmates hasn't zoomed in quite a few months. It was great to catch up with everyone again. There were only 6 of us tonight. Sometimes we have about 8. We are spread out around the east coast mostly. One of our group who lives in NJ now might be in my area in August and might stop by to see me and John. That would be great. We all have been close friends since 6th grade, but he and I were especially close all through these years but haven't gotten together in quite a few years.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    It's always good to have a good dr. appt. And to reduce meds is awesome DW. I take my blood pressure everyday. Mine spiked a few years back, but it came back down. I think it was stress related, but I have monitored it ever since.

    I will work from home today which I am thankful for. It's been too talkative at work and I haven't got as much done as I would like to have. Today I should be able to catch up some. Tomorrow I have my annual review, I am sure it will go fine.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    I, too, am sure you will get a glowing annual review Shari! Your commitment to your position comes through clearly. They are fortunate to have you.

    My to do list was taken care of pretty early in the day....woo hoo! It was another good day for food choices. I had to call a repair man today because the automatic ice maker in my refrigerator stopped working. It is on the door of my side-by-side Frigidaire and now just clangs when I try to get ice. The repair man won't get here till Tuesday. I suspect we can live without ice till then!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    It is a very windy day today! I think it is supposed to subside by the afternoon. It is giving very wintery vibes!

    I hope that I don't have to spend too much time at the office. I plan to leave for home in the early afternoon to finish my shift at home. I get so much more work done at home.

    My weight is bouncing up and down within the same range. I hope I am stuck here for too much longer. It is discouraging.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    Shari, it is challenging to not be discouraged. We all have been there more than once. Keep your healthy habits....eventually good results will return.

    John and I watched the opening ceremonies of the Olympics (recorded and fast forwarding through most of the fluff and commercials). We love seeing the teams and their flags. We will be doing our best to follow the games. I had a fairly good day but had to tap into my weekly points again. So glad tomorrow is Saturday as I am almost out of those extra weekly points.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    I felt a little out of sorts today, not sure why. I think that perhaps it is due to a few little things that are annoying me, little things that I cannot control. Maybe that accounts for my mood. I am not really sick, and my pain is not greater than usual, but I just don't feel good or right. I had a short nap which helped a little. I am not actually tired or fatigued. I wasn't very hungry (woo hoo) so staying on plan was fairly easy today. I didn't do much of anything productive and am ok with that. I will focus on resting again tomorrow too.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    I was out of sorts the other day too. I am glad a I moved past the frustration quickly. I have trouble when there are things that I can't control, but if I could I totally would. I had to pause and ask what was in my control and then be responsible for that.

    I still struggle to get enough protein in my diet, but I have no trouble with overdoing it with fat. I really need to get better at balancing my macros. Once I can do that, I think I will start to see movement on the scale.

    I am going to enjoy my sabbath today. Enjoy God's creation and blessings the best that I can.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    Shari, such good insight to pause and determine what we can control. I think I sort of did that today after reading your post. I do feel much better now and hope this attitude continues into the new week. It was a peaceful restful day for me. I cooked brunch after our online church and then a late dinner this evening. My choices were good and within my WW points. My cravings seem to have subsided, maybe because I am sticking with healthy choices for the most part. We got a notice today that some of the smoke from the fires in Canada and the western USA are coming our way in that the sky was more hazy. I didn't really notice anything today but was indoors all day.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    Yesterday we spent the later afternoon at my parents. My mom wanted me to pick her raspberries, so I did. I got an ice cream bucket full. I can make jam and let them enjoy some of it without the labour on their part. My mom made us dinner which was very kind of her. I know she has trouble standing in the kitchen with her bad knees. She recently had a cortisone shot and hasn't had as much pain.

    We have so many fires, but the smoke in our area hasn't been as bad as last year. It's a bit hazy today. Best to make sure you don't breath in the smoke. It's not good for us at all. Alberta lost part of one of our historic mountain town, Jasper. Very sad. It's a very small town and quite touristy. We can't afford to go there during the summer, but we do love skiing there. Not sure if we will be able to afford it this year if the prices go up due to the fire destruction.