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Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    We finally got some rain and that was wonderful. I did notice a few yellow leaves on my lawn. That isn't so good! I am not ready to see summer slip away. I will enjoy every free minute that I have outside.

    I would love to see the paintings too DW. I am not an artist, but I do enjoy artwork.

    We had such a fun day yesterday. My family, less my oldest went to a place called Activate. Lots of interactive games. They LOVED it, and I felt so blessed having had the idea and able to play with them. Then we went to Chick-fil-a (not on my menu plan) but the first one just opened in Edmonton. That was enjoyed by everyone too. A successful way to celebrate two birthdays at once.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    Happy you finally got some rain Shari! I'm with you not wanting summer to leave us yet. I am not familiar with Activate but it sure does sound like a lot of fun. Was it your birthday Shari? I think Chick-fil-a has some healthy options around here....grilled chicken comes to mind. I used to frequent the Chick-fil-a drive thru when I was more out and about.

    I had a good day all around....tracked my food, made healthy choices, and stayed well within my points. I realized (again) that it is important for me to eat when I am hungry, even if John isn't ready to eat yet. Otherwise I get too hungry and overeat! I enjoyed the day and did not stress over the to do list, but still managed some progress. No to do list for tomorrow, Sunday!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    It wasn't my birthday, we celebrated our middle son and the youngest's girlfriend's birthday. Aug 14 & 16.

    It is really smokey this morning. I haven't looked online to see where all the fires are, but they must be quite bad. I haven't heard of anymore towns being impacted, but I feel for the animals having to fend for themselves.

    It should be a relaxing Sunday today, but we will need to stay indoors.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    We had a very rainy stormy day today with severe thunderstorms in the afternoon and all night till almost midnight. I cooked earlier than usual just to be prepared in case we lost power, but the power stayed on today, thank goodness. It seems that we got about 4 inches of rain in just those few hours, resulting in road closures and flooding in many places. So glad I am able to stay home, especially on days like today. I made a delicious turkey meatloaf and tried green giant riced cauliflower medley with no sauce. I didn't care for this kind of cauliflower rice. I should have added butter and seasonings or something. John ate it but I are very little of it. Lesson learned.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    That is a lot of rain in a few hours, even over the course of a week. That is crazy Paula! We barely got a 1/4 of an inch. Not much at all.

    I didn't track my food yesterday, so I need to get back on track today. It was mostly because I took Kyle and Claire (the youngest and the girlfriend) to see my parents. My mom made us dinner and it was too hard to try and track.

    I took a day off today so that we could spend it together. We plan to canoe down the river this afternoon so that should be fun. I haven't done that in a couple of years. It will be so good to be in the sun all day.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    I am glad you had the day to spend with your DS and his girlfriend. Family time means a lot and it sounds like you planned it for a good weather day.

    I was sort of out of sorts today but felt better after a nap in the evening. That darn RA fatigue comes through now and then and can pull me down. John and I had our final evaluations with PT today. John did well. I did ok but felt I could have done better. Our PT arrived 90 minutes late today with no notice and really no explanation. I was annoyed but nicely told her she told us she'd be here at 2 pm, not 3:30. She kind of just brushed it off, but it did throw off my plans for the day. On a brighter note, I did very well with my food and tracking today.

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    We had a great day on the river. So peaceful and it was a gorgeous day. I need to do that more often than we have been doing.

    Sorry to hear about the RA fatigue Paula. Let's hope today you feel better. Strange the RT didn't call to say she was running behind or mention anything.

    I head into the office today, my son and girlfriend will drive to High River to visit her parents for the next five days. It's been so nice to have them here.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    Do your DS and his girlfriend live far from you? I cannot remember where your boys live. Wonderful that you got to enjoy time with your DS and his girlfriend and do fun things too.

    I had a very normal day today, with no excessive fatigue and no unusual pain (just the regular pain, lol). I didn't over do my to do list but did manage to get a lot of items checked off. I made a turkey tenderloin for supper along with a salad and some mixed veggies. It was so very filling and satisfying. Tomorrow is another hair cut day for me and John. I have less anxiety than I used to about venturing out. I am hoping all goes well.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    A quick check-in after a long but good day...I drove to our hair cut appointments today and did fine all around, including getting in and out of the van (using the step from Amazon). I also did a few other errands that didn't require me to leave the van (getting gas, dropping off and then picking up my lap tops from my computer guy again, a drive through at an ATM). We got Subway sandwiches so I had a break and didn't have to cook supper. I feel so good about how much and how well I did today. I think I will have confidence to venture out again, although I don't have anything on the calendar requiring me to go out till our next haircut appointments in 5 weeks. But who knows, other things could pop up.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    I think I forgot to post my message from yesterday and then this morning when I refreshed this page, it was gone. I do not recall what I posted.

    My kids- I have one that lives not too far in St. Albert, one lives downtown Edmonton which is a 30 minute drive away and the youngest lives in Vancouver BC.

    Good to hear that you managed your trip out for haircuts Paula. That is a big win! Knowing that you can run an errand if needed is great.

    Just a regular day for me today. I will pop into the gym after work. I had a good day yesterday and was able to stick to my meal plan. I hope to get a few more days under my belt and see if I can nudge the scale in the right direction. It's been pretty stuck the last few weeks. Consistency is going to be key for me.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    I stuck to my eating plan yesterday making two good days in a row. My weight dropped slightly and I am hopeful that I will get to see a new number on the scale soon. I have to keep this in mind over the next couple of days so I can stay motivated to stay on track.

    So happy to have made it to Friday. Woohoo! I will get lots of steps in tonight as I am going to a youth event. We will walk through the corn maze. I am really looking forward to it.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    Wow Shari, a corn maze!!! They are popular around here. I never did one. I was always afraid I would get lost and never get out....LOL but actually true. I don't have a great sense of direction, but I hear they are quite fun.

    I completely forgot to post yesterday. It was a busy day of sorts for me but nothing too strenuous. I fell asleep in the evening and then got up and went to bed. It was a good eating day for me overall, but I did have a few pieces of chocolate to satisfy a sweet craving. Those delicious bites led me to use some of my weekly extra points again. I have a number of chores planned for today and tomorrow. I am expecting my cousin to visit on Sunday for my 67th birthday so I need to freshen up the house. (My cleaning service won't be here till Tuesday of course!)
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 330 Member
    Hello! Paula, is your birthday on Sunday? I am so happy that your day of errands went well! Shari, I hope the corn maze is fun! I did one with a church youth group years and years ago and I enjoyed it!!
    I’ve been working long hours and not getting to the gym like I should- too tired when I get home plus “starving “ so I eat and then am too full. My weight has been back and forth gaining and losing the same 2 pounds for a few weeks.
    We are thinking of doing a day trip to our hometown on Sunday. It is about 2.5 hours one way. My DH’s brother plays in a band and will be playing Sunday afternoon. DH’s sister and her DH will also be there, so a family reunion of sorts. There should be other people we know there also. I’ve asked our DD to join us and she is thinking about it.
    I should have a quiet day tomorrow and plan to get to the gym. Have a great weekend!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    DW, Yes Sunday is my birthday. Saturday the 24th would have been my mother's 97th birthday, but she passed in January 1990 at age 62. Our birthdays were always extra special because we celebrated the 2 days together, sort of an extended birthday celebration for both of us. I hope you are able to enjoy the trip to your hometown and that your DD goes along. Family is so important and becomes more important, in my mind, as we age.

    My day went well today, but I didn't accomplish as much as I had hoped around the house due to phone call interruptions. I must finish at least the basics tomorrow so the house is freshened up for the visit from my cousin. I was well within my points so that pleased me, especially with my cousin bringing me a birthday cake on Sunday.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    Paula- Your mom passed at an early age. I believe you have shared that in the past, but I hadn't remembered. I imagine your birthday is still so special being a day apart from your mom's. You will have so many special memories to reflect on.

    DW- The trip to your hometown sounds like it would be a lot of fun. I hope your DD is able to join.

    The Corn Maze was a lot of fun. I got my steps in and was pleased about that. I had sat at my desk working all day and it was good to get out.

    My weight jumped back up overnight. I am sure just something off and not fat. Hopefully it falls back off in the next few days. I am experiencing what you are DW.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    Shari, I think you are right...weight fluctuations are normal and don't necessarily mean a gain of fat when the scale pops upward. Of course we would prefer the fluctuations to be in a downward trend, right???

    I had a very full, busy, and productive day. My food choices were right on target with no temptations or straying from plan. I had some delicious organic broccoli that I think I could eat every day it was so good today. I got a lot accomplished in preparation for my cousin's visit. John was a tremendous help to me and does so with such a great attitude. I had 2 phone calls from Texas family today. Both were wonderful of course, but especially the one from my 33 year old Godson who became a father for the 1st time in early May. I just love hearing him talk about his baby son. Of course I remember holding him in my arms when he was the same age as his new son.

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    Happy Birthday Paula! Wishing you a wonderful day to celebrate having been created and such a gift to friends and family.

    We worked hard around the house last night and plan to enjoy today and rest in what we were able to accomplish throughout the day.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    Shari, Happy that today you are enjoying the fruits of your labor..good way to enjoy a Sunday! Thank you for you kind birthday wishes. I had one of my best birthdays ever. My cousin and her husband came to visit and stayed most of the day. They are always very good to me and John. They brought us Chipotle bowls which we enjoyed a lot. They also brought a banana cake...yum! I didn't even think about the points today. My friend who gives me veggies from her garden also stopped by and brought me flowers from a local florist. John also got me flowers from the same florist but a different arrangement. I love getting flowers but don't get them very often so this was very special. I also had phone calls and texts from quite a few family and friends. I can't remember when I've had so much attention on a birthday.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    I am so glad that you had a wonderful birthday Paula. You will enjoy the flowers all week and hopefully longer!

    I had a very nice day yesterday. In the evening, some of the members from our Guatemala team got together. It was such a nice night. We had a meal, lots of laughter and sat around a fire. We have a presentation at our church on Tuesday evening and we prepared a bit for that.

    I am off to a late start this morning, but since I can work from home today, I don't feel stressed. Thankful that I don't have to drive in.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 330 Member
    Hello! Paula, I’m so happy that your birthday was so wonderful! A belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY from me!! Shari, your gathering with your mission team sounds like it was fun and productive!!
    We did go to our hometown and had a nice visit with family at the music venue (outdoor bar area) but DD decided that we would be back too late and didn’t go. We had to leave before it was over to get home. My weight was up a pound this morning. I am also hoping it is temporary!! Have a good Tuesday!!