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  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Just a taste of cake! LOL Great way to get people to attend!
  • Rdee22
    Rdee22 Posts: 92 Member
    edited June 2021
    Have fun Karen. Don't forget the duct tape. B)
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,933 Member
    Yesterday, I tried a vegetarian day.
    Enjoyed rice, beans, veggies, fruit, oatmeal, almond milk, and my night time tea <3
    Feeling great and ready for some outside cardio

    With our high heat I’m back to my beads, sorting and dreaming up designs for adding my mother-in-laws jeweled pendant

    Yes I stayed out of the cake, see my angel halo o:)
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Thursday: Ended up to be a sunny day and really comfortable!

    Met a friend for lunch and had a blast. Made my day.

    HUGS and have a thrilling Thursday.

    Nola: Good afternoon!

    Karen: I see that shining halo from here! Good job.

    Have a good day, ladies!

  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,933 Member
    Friday morning is looking great with clear skies and fresh air
    Back outside for my 40 minutes walk B)

    Barb so great enjoying time with your friend

    Nola sending my Moon gazing love your way
    Practicing my copy and paste
    :) ..................
    Good Morning Ladies
    Look what I found, on BLC site, saving these links for Emojis
    Open in another tab so you don't leave your MFP page, then copy and paste
    Get emojis here. Copy and paste into your post the emoji you want to use.
    This links work when I'm on my PC in a word document
    •MFP Forums Emojis

    •link to: emojipedia🇦🇺 🇺🇸

  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Friday: Rained yesterday all day. Hoping we ended up w/a dent in the deficit!

    Todays adventure is getting the oil changed in my car. Easy Peasey.

    HUGS and have a great Friday.

    Karen: Thanks for all the emoji links!
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,933 Member
    B) letting in the cool morning air
    my central Oregon 10 day forecast says hazardous high heat so again I'm up at 5 and outside after breakfast.
    The morning cool air is so refreshing.
  • Rdee22
    Rdee22 Posts: 92 Member
    Enjoy your Diner Breakfast Barb.
    Stay cool Karen. Smart move being out in the cool morning air.🥵
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Saturday: Off to the diner for breakfast earlier! Had a great time! So nice to see our friends. Happy Saturday for sure.

    Rained yesterday. BUT hopefully that will put an end to, or a least lessen, the drought.

    Happy Saturday.


    Nola: Yes! Had a wonderful time.

    Karen: Smart to get out there before the heat of the day.
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,933 Member
    Happy Sabbath 🙏🌟🌟🌟😍
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Sunday: Rainy day yesterday. But we need it. Looks like it’s going to be that way all week with rain forecast every day. Not raining @ the moment, though, so that’s good news.

    Have to get the lawn mowed, but grass is still wet. If it doesn’t rain, either later today or tomorrow.

    Chill day. Hurray!

    Blessings and hugs

    Karen: Happy Sabbath.
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,933 Member
    Making arrangement to take two girlfriends out for frozen yogurt
    Both ladies birthdays are on July 4th
    We usually meet the first Friday of each month but with the heat it’s being postponed.
    So instead of birthday cards or balloons it’s bowls of ice cream

  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Monday: Ok, time to mow the lawn today, I hope. Gray and sprinkling rain, though, so . . . . may have to re-evaluate again. At least the drought is coming to an end.

    PT and aquatherapy for Jason today.

    And I’m sure more will fill in the day!


    Karen: Hope you can enjoy the frozen yogurt. Perfect for hot weather!

  • peppikaye
    peppikaye Posts: 4,781 Member
    We are in lock down again for 4 days but I noticed the schools are staying open. I was hoping to start my school holidays early.
  • Rdee22
    Rdee22 Posts: 92 Member
    I wonder how many kids you will have there today Kaye? I would have thought the Premier would have given all schools an early mark.

    Barb is that Jason's first time at Aquatherapy?

    Karen have fun with your friends. Are these the ones you used to zoom with? Enjoy your frozen yogurt.
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Kay: Good luck w/the changes lockdown is causing for you!

    Nola: Jas had aquatherapy (and PT) on Friday, so this was session #2. He likes it. Sees to feel better after the combination. So, onward. Next session on Thursday.

    We could have an aquatherapy session in our back yard w/all the rain! Sheesh. Fortunately, we really have been lucky and not flooded but LOTS of puddles.

    Here's to a terrific Tuesday.

  • Rdee22
    Rdee22 Posts: 92 Member
    Barb I bet Miss Lilly is loving your backyard having fun in the puddles.
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,933 Member
    Peeking in to read posts,
    Shopped all day with train club girlfriends. We also went out for lunch.
    Good Day!!!

    Kay best wishes during lockdown. Is this public school system?

    Barb aquatherapy or at least dog paddling B)

    Nola yes the two July 4th birthday friends Zoomed during covid

    My friends, stay healthy and happy <3
  • Rdee22
    Rdee22 Posts: 92 Member
    Quiet day today. All our appointments this week have been cancelled so we are keeping a low profile at home.
    Karen sounds like a fun day shopping with the trainclub girlfriends. Out for lunch as well. It sounds like things are returning to normal in your State. Do you still have to wear masks?
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,746 Member
    Hi everyone. I am Urbanlotus on My Sparkpeople. I haven't figured out how to add friends yet! How do you do that, Nola?