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  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,933 Member
    edited July 2021
    Joan we are still waiting for Sparks to close that will bring more daily posts
    How did your weekly WI go?
    I'm maintaining so that's a good week for me.
    This next week, I'll be concentrating on eating fresh veggies.
    Also adding night time tea.

    Barb thanks for the update on Clara <3
    Sorry for your SIL's fall <3

    Nola any more storms headed up your coast?
    Florida is getting ready.
    In the next 10 days, we are still hot with little hope for a cool down.
    Robert is wanting to go back to Train Mountain but not is 100 degree weather.
  • Hemtech
    Hemtech Posts: 641 Member
    Thanks, so far maintaining!
  • Rdee22
    Rdee22 Posts: 92 Member
    Still having lots of rain and a few storms rolling through. I miss my sunshine, I am not a winter person.
    Karen sad it is too hot for Train Mountain. Hope it gets a bit cooler soon and you and Robert can get away to play with your trains.
    Hemtech what is your name?
  • Hemtech
    Hemtech Posts: 641 Member
    My name is Joan. I think that is where my confusion comes in. Guessing Rdee22 is Nola? Not sure which username is Barb. :)
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,933 Member
    edited July 2021
    Nola LOL No you are NOT a winter person
    Hope the sunshine returns FAST

    Joan I'll post the names I've collect
    Great you are maintaining

    This last week has been a tough one, no motivation lead to many days without exercise or accountability.
    I’m recommitting to calorie counting, prayer, and cardio.

    My stomach is again holding the fat, so I’ll measure my waist and go with lowering that number AND the scales
    Following these steps to measure my waist:

    1. Stand up to get an accurate waist measurement.
    2. Wrap the tape measure around the widest part of your stomach, across your belly button. The tape measure should rest gently on your skin.
    3. Once the tape measure is positioned correctly, breathe in gently and then take the measurement on the exhale.

    Take the measurement three times to make sure you get a consistent result. Holding the tape too tight so that it digs into your flesh or holding it too loosely so that it droops will cause you to get an incorrect result.

  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,933 Member
    ***All For One
    Redee22 -Nola- Australia
    1crazydog -Barb- USA
    Dmbero -Dorothy- USA

    200Karen -Karen- Oregon, USA
    linwinnow -Lin- USA

    calong9 -?-
    Ceilie1 -?-

    Hemtech -Joan- Canada

    georgiak25 -?-
    peppikaye -?-
    LosinSusin -?-
    ItsTime2BMe -?-

  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,933 Member
    Can anyone help fill in above missing names

    Nola was a friend named Susan from Australia in our group?

    I'm going to email friend request and name requests
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Wednesday: Talked w/SIL yesterday. Saw orthopedist and she has a fracture of her left hand (not her wrist) and it’s a clean break. Bad news is that’s her dominant hand. She has the air splint on it till she sees a hand surgeon. Surgery won’t be needed as it’s a clean break, but she needs to have it casted.

    No broken hip, so that’s the good news. Bad news is she has a pelvic fracture. Will need physical therapy. Guiding her to get home health care services so she can at least get the therapy started when it’s appropriate @ home. Also suggested maybe when she sees the ortho next, ask about pool therapy when it’s appropriate. Fortunately at least it seems to be a stable fracture so no surgery needed.

    Rained finally! Cooled off to the 60’s. We’ll see what today brings!

    HUGS and wonderful Wednesday.

    Sally: You’re doing well .. . . learning and practicing step by step.

    Have fun getting the nails done! Enjoy your playroom.


    Nola: I don’t blame you for not being a winter person.

    Hemtech (Joan): I am Barb, 1crazydog.

    Sorry you had a difficult week. But sounds like you have a good plan.

    Karen: Sorry! Don’t know any of the people you’ve listed and are unidentified.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,746 Member
    Thanks, Karen. I worked out friend requests 😊 I got your message and replied also.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,746 Member
    Karen, I am Susan from Australia.
  • Rdee22
    Rdee22 Posts: 92 Member
    georgiak25 is Georgia from Queensland Oz
    peppikaye is Kaye from Western Australia
    You are doing a great job Karen sorting everyone out.
  • Hemtech
    Hemtech Posts: 641 Member
    That's a great help, thanks!
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,933 Member
    ***All For One

    Redee22 -Nola- Western, Australia
    1crazydog -Barb- Wisconsin, USA
    Dmbero -Dorothy- USA

    200Karen -Karen- Oregon, USA
    linwinnow -Lin- USA

    calong9 -?-
    Ceilie1 -?-

    Hemtech -Joan- Canada
    georgiak25 -Georgia- Brisbane, Queensland, Oz
    peppikaye -Kaye- Western, Australia
    LosinSusin -Susan- Queensland, Australia

    ItsTime2BMe -?-
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,933 Member
    edited July 2021
    Nola Thanks for your help o:)
    so when you call Australia 'Oz' it's for Aussie/Ozzie fun?
    I love it <3

    Seen that our Eliza from Sparks is on MFP but hasn't joined our group
    Is Lin still posting on Sparks?

    Maybe, just in case their are lost, you could post a link to our new MFP All For One
    (I'm not use if this is the right link)

    Also I guess on the next member update I'll add the USA states to Lin and Dorothy

    Barb great news about SIL's hip, prayers she can handle all the PT

    Susan yes thanks :) I got your email. I'm still moving slow around MFP
    But so enjoy visiting with ladies from Oz and Canada, from all over :) this big world

  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Thursday: Friday EVE! Wow. Weeks seem to go quicker and quicker.

    Jason has therapies again today. He’ll be tired.

    Cooled off! Rain overnight and guess we’re expecting some tonight, too. Well, no complaints!

    Have to call SIL today to see how she’s going .


    Karen: EXCELLENT idea!
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,933 Member
    Barb great Jason is having PT
    Hope you both are resting well

    We just got our neighbor, Larry, home from the hospital and medications filled

    Thursday girl outing was great, lots of laughing and chatting

    Hi to ALL <3

  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Friday: Well, it’s FriYaY! What a fast week.

    Jas had PT yesterday and is now down to once/week for the PT. He’ll continue w/aqua therapy twice/week.

    Cloudy all day yesterday. Sprinkled quite a bit in the afternoon. Looks like we’ll have a risk of rain over the weekend. We still need it, so no complaints.

    SIL has a neon pink fiberglass cast on her hand now. She’s not happy but I don’t blame her. Really very little she can do with the broken hand and the pelvic fracture. It’s so hard.

    Jason cracked a molar yesterday. **SIGH** Probably will need a crown ($$$$). But at least a tooth is fixable. And thankfully the dentist will see him @ 10 am this morning.

    Well, here’s to a non-eventful Friday!


    Karen: Yes, Jason and I were both tired yesterday. He did lots of work in therapy! But making progress.

    Glad your neighbor Larry is home. So good of you to get the meds filled for him. Are you walking his dog Buddy?

    Nola: Have a restful weekend.

    Have a great weekend, fellow ONER's.
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,933 Member
    edited July 2021
    Barb what are you feeding Jason ;)
    so sorry about the dentist trip but getting in today is perfect

    No not me, I'm off Buddy walking duties.

    Nola and Joan <3

    "ALL" have a great weekend

    Today, and NOT to add more stress, but to count it as meditation and cardio, I will go for a long 60 minute walk with 10 minutes of climbing the stairs. this is an old photo when it was overcast and cool something I'll be meditating about o:)
  • Hemtech
    Hemtech Posts: 641 Member
    What a great looking trail! Enjoy your meditation!
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Saturday: Diner day! It will be nice to see our friends again. Makes the weekend great!

    Beautiful day yesterday! Supposed to be nice again today.

    Probably going to take Miss Lilly to the park. She’ll be a happy girl!

    Have a good Saturday.


    Karen: Feeding Jas nuts’n’bolts! LOL Nope, seriously, he cracked his tooth on chicken breast. Obviously the tooth was ready to blow. Glad he got in yesterday. Tooth prep on the 30th and then crown placement in August. IN the meantime, he’s got no pain, so that’s a plus.

    OHhhhh, I guess I remember you saying that once. Glad Buddy has a walker, though!

    Have fun on your hike! Looks challenting!!!!

    Joan: Have a good weekend.

    Nola: Hope you’re not being affected by your vaccination! Take it easy.

    HUGS ladies <3